• National Citizens' Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice
    The COVID-19 crisis has revealed that swift emergency action and systemic change in the long-term public interest is both necessary and possible. The United Nations has reported that the destruction of nature is the root cause of present and future global pandemics, and the Government of Canada acknowledges that the climate and ecological emergency will contribute to worsening public health crises, including the further spread of infectious diseases. Climate change is rapidly outpacing scientific predictions, and the world is fast approaching tipping points that threaten abrupt and irreversible heating and biodiversity loss. Biodiversity loss and species extinction threaten human food systems. The climate crisis is predicted to lead to catastrophic economic losses and worsening political instability, affecting the most marginalized communities first and foremost. The people of Canada should be able to directly participate in the environmental, economic, social and political decisions which affect their lives and those of future generations. Citizens’ assemblies are representative, democratic instruments well-suited to overcoming political deadlock and addressing complex problems. Citizens’ assemblies produce evidence-based public judgment, and are not equivalent to other forms of public consultation, such as town halls or referendums, which rely solely on the collection of public opinion. Other G7 countries, such as France and the United Kingdom, have created national citizens’ assemblies on climate policy. So has the state of Washington. Since there exists a pre-qualified vendor of record with the Government of Canada, with expertise in the design and delivery of citizens’ assemblies (MASS LBP, masslbp.com), there is no reason for Canada not to do the same.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Fryer
  • Homeless people in brantford we need a shelter
    I hate seeing people getting judge because they are homless and there nothing in our town to help them. I dont like seeing people sleeping outside in the cold. The students are so scared thinking they want to hurt them and steal there stuff. The police have other important jobs to be doing but they have to deal with the homeless people its so important to me because this is were i grew up and i love my home town. I want to make it safe and fun place to be like when i grew up u could leave your door open and not worry about people walking in. I want to help
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Becca Murchie
  • Cancel taxpayer subsidies to all industries that emit Greenhouse gases
    Climate change is catastrophic, we have to work together to save our planet. There is no planet b. Every industry that does more harm than good, specifically the animal industry and fossil fuel industry, should not be subsidized by taxpayers.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Viral DL
  • Move the Don Valley Layover Facility
    The Toronto ravine system is a distinctive feature of Canada's largest city that should be protected and celebrated. It has taken decades of political advocacy, community devotion, and legal protections to undo industrial pollution in the ravines. Any development that takes place in this fragile ecosystem has to be done with the utmost caution and care. Spending the money to do it correctly now will save money on restoration efforts later.
    2,712 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Goodman
  • Tree Conservation By-Law
    Huron County already has a tree-cutting by-law; we should be following their foot-steps. Lambton Shores specifically as well as various areas in Lambton County consist of areas of important natural lands that should be valued highly for its biodiversity, animal habitat, and our own enjoyment/health. We still see farmers trimming away at their native treed woodlots 5 - 10 acres at a time. We understand that farmers feed us, but farmers also need the aid of naturally protected lands and waters to maintain proper biodiversity and pollination to maintain a healthy crop. We all need to look at the bigger picture and work together for the health of ourselves and our lands. A tree-cutting bylaw similar in scope to Huron County should be our goal here in Lambton County and Lambton Shores.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brett Kelch
  • National Post: It's Time To Retire Rex Murphy
    On February 18th, columnist Rex Murphy published an article about the deadly ice storms plaguing Texas. It would be too polite to say that the column is full of lies, because lies contain an implicit admission that there is a different, hidden truth. Rather, Murphy's column is simply a regurgitated spew of false information that Murphy clearly believes to be true. A few examples: - Murphy alleges that the storm in Texas actually *disproves* climate science because, and I quote, "I thought we were not having winter anymore". - He claims that the real reason the grid failed is too much reliance on wind power - in Texas. Experts with actual meaningful information have determined that much of the grid failed, including gas, coal, and even nuclear power plants, and the blackouts were made worse by Texas being disconnected from the national grid (a move that was made to avoid federal safety regulations). - He closes the article by alleging once again that "winter" disproves all of climate science. With the climate crisis raging, Murphy's obvious misinformation is not just frustrating and off target - it's deadly. If Rex Murphy can't be bothered to learn the truth, then he can't be trusted with a public platform. It's time for the National Post to retire Rex Murphy.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Ellis Picture
  • Doug Ford! Stop the Build of Ontario Superhighway Through Greenbelt Lands
    The 407 is already underused and overpriced, due to previous Conservative government. One idea is to divert trucks from the 401 to the 407 and subsidize those independent truckers and trucking companies with the money planned to build a new and unnecessary highway. It will increase safety on the 401, lessen congestion and save our environment and billions of dollars. Our kids are depending on us to do the right thing for the environment and their future.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Walton
  • Protect heritage workmans cottages from development
    Workmans cottages should have a blanket protection in the City of Toronto as very few remain. Developers have taken advantage of too many loopholes provided by the city to destroy these historic homes. This would be a similar blanket protection that Montreal imposed for their "Shoebox homes" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/shoebox-bylaw-referendum-1.5076513 . The essence of the workman's cottage was to provide affordable housing, with land, to the lower working class which is still relevant and needed today, allowing three stories to be built from a one-story defeats the whole purpose of what these homes represented over a century ago, and is a strong historic icon that needs to be protect.
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Renee Degen
    Many people including public health experts, healthcare workers on the front line, workers who have worked non-stop throughout this entire pandemic, labour organizations, and more have been calling on paid sick leave since the start of the pandemic (and before), but it is not yet widely spread that a bill was put forward to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in early December 2020 to legislate paid sick leave. This bill, Bill 239, was put forward by MPP Peggy Sattler, and went through a first reading on December 8, 2020. The bill needs attention to ensure Ontario mandates paid sick leave for all workers. We cannot miss this opportunity to ensure this passes. The bill has to go through more readings by other Ontario MPPs, committee members, and be discussed before being moved forward into legislation (or failing). The public can provide further input in this process, like how the bill should be altered in any way to make it more protective of any person in Ontario providing any sort of labour to an employer in Ontario, including undocumented and temporary workers. You can email or call your local MPP and provide them with any important changes they should discuss in the process, and urge them to ensure that paid sick leave is passed into legislation. Paid sick leave should be mandatory, and in 2018 Premier Doug Ford removed the few protections that existed. This moment is of course especially urgent given the ongoing and escalating COVID-19 situation as we go into the end of the year and a provincial "lockdown". Numerous outbreaks are taking place at workplaces such as warehouses, and many of them are not included in the lockdown. Many nurses, physicians, and other healthcare workers are continually exposed to COVID-19, and are working between hospitals and Long-Term Care homes, are under-staffed and over-worked, and need to be ensured that they will have paid sick leave for their own protection, patients' protection, their loved ones, and for everyone else. This also applies for people working in grocery stores, pharmacies, schools, and all other labour and services that have just been symbolically applauded but absolutely not sufficiently compensated or protected. These government failures are allowing for growing hazardous working environments, and the failure to reinstate mandatory sick days already negates the purpose of a coherent public health response. People need to be able to stay home for their health, the health of others, and should not have to choose between income and health. The Ontario Financial Accountability Officer also confirmed this month that the Ontario government has $12 billion in contingency funds for COVID-19 spending. Paid sick leave is completely feasible by large employers, and can be supported by the government for small businesses. Paid sick leave is one of many steps that are necessary to respond to this pandemic, alongside an eviction ban, emergency income support, hospital surge funding, expanded testing and vaccination capacity, and more. https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-42/session-1/bill-239 https://www.peggysattler.ca/paidsickdays
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rohini Patel
  • Let Keystone Go, Mr. Trudeau! M. Trudeau, laissez tomber Keystone!
    Millions of Canadians support incoming President Biden’s rejection of Keystone XL. Please let Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson know that you are among them. Joe Biden wants to see immediate and strong action on the climate emergency. He has promised to bring the US back into the Paris Agreement and, as a decisive first step, cancel the Keystone XL pipeline project. That pipeline would enable a huge expansion of Canada’s fossil fuel industry, carrying 300 million barrels of tar sands oil annually. We read that the Canadian government is preparing to lobby the president-elect to break this promise. This, despite a throne speech commitment to take immediate action on the “extreme risk” posed by climate change and the warnings of climate scientists. As the IPCC has made clear, there are less than ten years to cut global emissions in half if we are to avoid climate catastrophe. It is time for Canada to be a leader in addressing the climate emergency and to encourage the world’s biggest oil producer and second biggest producer of greenhouse gases to do the same. It is time for climate leadership in both countries. Des millions de Canadien·ne·s appuient le rejet de Keystone XL tel que le propose M. Joseph Biden. Par cette pétition, nous souhaitons informer le premier ministre, M. Justin Trudeau et le ministre de l’Environnement, M. Jonathan Wilkinson que ces Canadien·ne·s ne veulent pas de ce pipeline et exigent que leur gouvernement laisse enfin tomber Keystone XL. M. Biden dit espérer des actions immédiates et fortes en faveur de l’urgence climatique. Il a promis de ramener les États-Unis dans l’Accord de Paris et, comme première étape décisive en ce sens, il a promis d’annuler le projet de pipeline Keystone XL. Ce pipeline, s’il est construit, permettrait une expansion considérable de l’industrie canadienne des combustibles fossiles, transportant chaque année quelque 300 millions de barils de pétrole extrait des sables bitumineux. Or, nous apprenions récemment que le gouvernement canadien s’apprête à faire pression sur le président élu états-unien pour qu’il rompe cette promesse, et ce, malgré les engagements du discours du trône en faveur de mesures immédiates contre le « risque extrême » posé par la crise climatique et malgré les avertissements des climatologues. Comme le GIEC l’a clairement indiqué, nous avons moins de dix ans pour réduire de moitié les émissions mondiales si nous espérons éviter une catastrophe climatique. Il est plus que temps pour le Canada d’être un chef de file dans la lutte contre les crises climatiques et d’encourager les plus grands producteurs de pétrole et de gaz à effet de serre à faire de même. Il est plus que temps de faire preuve de leadership en matière de climat dans les deux pays.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by La Pêche Coalition for a Green New Deal
  • Stop Massive Landfill Expansion at Hartland
    The CRD, the province and the federal government have all publicly acknowledged that we are in a climate emergency and the need to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. As a society, we need to move towards zero waste and the creation of a circular economy. Expanding the landfill during a climate emergency is not the solution or direction that will help us achieve a cleaner, more sustainable future. Other cleaner alternative waste management solutions do exist and are already in use in continents that include Europe and Asia involving waste to energy solutions and bolder incentives to reduce, reuse, recycle and recover. We want the CRD to take another look at what is happening in other jurisdictions including Nanaimo’s Solid Waste Management Plan which will divert 90% of its municipal waste from the landfill through bolder recycling initiatives. Why is this important now? Waste management and garbage generation is a shared responsibility by all of us whether you live in James Bay, Sooke, Saanich or the southern Gulf Islands. We all generate garbage that ends up in the landfill. It's time to think and act collectively by changing our own behaviors and consumption patterns that produce waste, and by demanding more progressive thinking and leadership on the proposed Solid Waste Management Plan by our elected CRD representatives when we know that better solutions exist. Landfill Revenues The CRD's continued reliance on tipping fees as a revenue source, along with projected revenue from the sale of renewable natural gas (RNG) to FortisBC, relies on the status quo approach of continuing to expand a landfill that releases methane gases into the environment. Tree Preservation The CRD's current plan to destroy 73 acres of forest and sensitive eco-systems in the Mount Work area is unacceptable. This forest stores 180 tonnes of carbon a year - an offset equivalent to taking 195 cars off the road every year. Over the 50 year extension of the proposed Hartland landfill, carbon emissions would be increased by 9000 tonnes. This amount is inconsistent with the CRD's overall goal of making the region carbon neutral by 2050. Forests have many life sustaining values such as controlling rainfall runoff, cleansing water and air, providing habitat for wildlife and birds, and storing carbon. The BC Conservation Data Centre iMap shows that the surrounding forest habitat of Mount Work and Durrance Lake Regional Park are home to 16 species at risk including the rare Western Screech Owl. Let the Minister of Environment and the CRD Board know that you don't support their current plans to expand the Hartland Landfill when they could adopt alternative waste management practices that will put us on the road to embracing zero waste practices, a circular economy and a sustainable future. Have questions? Need further information? Check out the MountWorkCoalition.org website and look for our Call to Action! https://www.mountworkcoalition.org/be-informed/call-to-action-public-feedback-needed-now-on-crd-draft-solid-waste-management-plan
    594 of 600 Signatures
    Created by E Klimke
  • Save Ontario's Protected Lands from Developers!
    - We need to protect this land for future generations living in Ontario - We must protect our environment. We cannot live if our air, water and land is polluted - These lands are home to Endangered Species only found in Ontario - The Conservation Authorities work to ensure significant lands are protected - These lands prevent flooding and other natural disasters - By developing this significant lands, we are increasing our carbon footprint when we are in a Climate Change crisis - Greenspace directly impacts pandemics (dense areas with less greenspace cause illness and viruses to spread faster)
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laina Don