• Regulate the water and energy use of cryptocurrency and AI data centers
    Tech operations like crypto currency centers in Canada are guzzling millions of liters water. Digital operations like cryptocurrency and AI rely heavily on large data centers – which use large amounts of electricity, and also water to cool down computers (also known as “servers”).  The latest estimate, from three years ago, is that 127 billion liters of water is used for cryptocurrency operations per year– enough to supply a million Canadian homes. But assessing the true impact is almost impossible because cryptocurrency and data centers in Canada aren’t required to register or restrict how much water or electricity they use.  Already this summer we’ve seen effects of water shortages – like in Alberta – which could regularly become a new normal as the effects of runaway climate change intensify. It’s high time we reckon with the environmental and resource-intensive impact of Big Tech.
    451 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Virginia Bowden
  • Protecting Old-Growth ecosystems in the Nahmint
    The Nahmint watershed is home to old-growth forests and vast plant, fish, bird and mammal biodiversity.  However, BC Timber Sales has 4 cutblocks full of old-growth in the area on its auction list for 2024. There is currently no engagement plan to consult with local first nations, scientists or stakeholders to protect these areas.  Since the Nahmint is a sensitive fisheries watershed it must be managed with the health and integrity of the salmon habitat as a priority. Any planned logging must demonstrate that it will not result in any further negative effect to this sensitive watershed.  Anything less is read as wilful disregard of standard professional planning processes. We are poised to make a formal complaint to the Forest Professionals BC body that abides by the FPBC's Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct: Sections 22 and 57, " all registrants are responsible to hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and the protection of the environment. In this time of climate disruption and loss of biodiversity, we need to protect BC's 2% remaining old-growth forest ecosystems that help stabilize air humidity, air temperatures, mountain terrains, produce rain clouds and oxygen, habitat for many species at risk and absorb carbon dioxide. These forests perform many interrelated environmental services that are worth more standing and are under relentless attack from a faceless corporate logging industry.
    2,514 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Eartha Muirhead
  • traffic roundabout at portage and main Winnipeg Manitoba
    This will eliminate the need for traffic lights and speed things up. The overhead walkway can ignore the traffic below and possibly be a tourist attraction
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Bradley
  • Les mensonges de l’industrie pétrolière coûtent des vies – Soutenez le projet de loi C-372
    La combustion de combustibles fossiles contribue aux changements climatiques et fait monter en flèche les niveaux de pollution à un degré mortel. En effet, la pollution due aux combustibles fossiles est directement liée à 34 000 décès prématurés par an au Canada et à plus de 8 millions de décès dans le monde. Par ailleurs, les entreprises pétrolières et gazières induisent sciemment le public en erreur en ayant recours à des pratiques d’écoblanchiment. Par exemple, elles affirment faussement que le pétrole est un produit « à zéro émission nette » ou « carboneutre », ce qui empêche les consommateur(trice)s de prendre des décisions éclairées et retarde la transition vers des sources d’énergie plus sûres et plus propres. Les entreprises qui fabriquent des produits nocifs menaçant la santé publique ne devraient pas être autorisées à faire de la publicité. C’est dans cette optique que l’Association canadienne des médecins pour l’environnement a initié un appel à l'interdiction de la publicité pour l’industrie des combustibles fossiles, soutenu par plus de trois quarts de millions de professionnel(le)s de la santé. Le projet de loi C-372 représente une opportunité tangible de mettre en œuvre cette interdiction. Le projet de loi pourrait faire l’objet d’une deuxième lecture très prochainement et une grande vague de soutien en faveur de la pétition pourrait faire renverser la vapeur et mener à son adoption. Nous devons montrer aux parlementaires que de très nombreuses personnes en ont assez de la désinformation et des mensonges véhiculés par l’industrie pétrolière et gazière, et qu’elles n’arrêteront pas de se battre pour cette cause tant que le projet de loi C-372 n’aura pas été adopté. Signez la pétition dès maintenant pour soutenir cet important projet de loi et faire en sorte qu’il soit adopté rapidement.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Erin Baird
  • Our carbon price is helping with inflation and the climate but is under attack. Show your support!
    The Canadian carbon price is good for the climate and for most families! Now, more than ever, it needs our support. Please show you support by signing this petition! References: [i] https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/ca/news/catastrophe/canadas-2023-severe-weather-losses-fourth-costliest-on-record--ibc-472080.aspx [ii] https://globalnews.ca/news/10141857/canada-wildfires-side-effects/#:~:text=Wildfires%20burned%2018.5M%20hectares,Globalnews.ca&text=Wildfires%20burned%2018.5M%20hectares%20of%20land%20in%202023.,-What%20will%20happen [iii] https://www.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/whats_new-quoi_de_neuf/2023/research_story-histoire_de_recherche__harvey-eng.aspx [iv] https://www.cdnfirefighter.com/revisiting-canadas-historic-2023-wildfire-season/#:~:text=2023%2C%20over%2018.5%20million%20hectares,in%20the%20line%20of%20duty. [v] https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/faq/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change/ [vi] https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/science/causes-effects-climate-change [vii] https://www.queensu.ca/gazette/stories/canada-faces-huge-physical-costs-climate-change-making-net-zero-great- [viii] https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/about/frequently-asked-questions/keyfaq2/#:~:text=Current%20projections%20imply%20that%20at,know%20of%20will%20be%20threatened. [ix] https://climateatlas.ca/climate-change-basics [x] https://globalnews.ca/news/10038427/extreme-weather-climate-change-canada-poll/ [xi] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/carbon-tax-rebates-climate-1.7159209 [xii] https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/december-2023/carbon-price-affordability/ [xiii] https://ecofiscal.ca/2024/03/26/open-letter-carbon-pricing/ [xiv] https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/december-2023/carbon-price-affordability/ [xv] https://thenarwhal.ca/carbon-tax-inflation-politicians/ [xvi] https://440megatonnes.ca/insight/industrial-carbon-pricing-systems-driver-emissions-reductions/
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Larry Dobson
  • Big Oil’s Lies Cost Lives – Support Bill C-372
    Fossil fuels are driving climate change and causing skyrocketing levels of deadly pollution – Fossil-fuel pollution is directly linked to up to 34 000 premature deaths in Canada per year and over 8 million globally. Meanwhile, greenwashing by oil and gas companies knowingly misleads the public with false claims of “net zero” and “carbon neutral” oil impeding informed consumer decision-making and delaying the transition to safer, cleaner energy sources. Companies that create harmful products that threaten public health should not be allowed to advertise. For this reason, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment have been leading calls for a fossil fuel advertising ban, and three quarters of a million health professionals support such a ban. Now, with Bill C-372, we have the chance to make this a reality. The bill could come to second reading very soon and a giant wave of support and signatures on this petition could be critical in tipping the scales and getting this bill passed. We need to show Parliamentarians that there is a massive collective of people who are tired of the lies and disinformation from the oil and gas industry and who won’t stop until Bill C-372 is passed. Sign the petition now to support this important legislation and ensure its speedy passage into law.
    10,658 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Erin Baird
  • I support Bus Lanes on McKenzie to UVic NOW!
    This is one of the most effective things we can do to combat the climate crisis and make life better for UVic students!
    281 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Climate Justice Victoria Picture
  • Respect the moratorium: No mining on Indigenous land without consent
    It is unacceptable to allow mining on Indigenous land without the free, prior and informed consent of the First Nation whose land it is. In Ontario, the “free entry” system has resulted in an inundation of mining claims submitted to First Nations. Mining companies are allowed to stake claims online, without ever setting foot on the land they hope to mine, and without gaining the consent of the Indigenous people who live there. This bureaucracy has consistently acted to deny Indigenous people control over their land. The sheer volume of claims is nearly impossible to keep up with. In fact, the Chiefs of Ontario are calling for a one-year moratorium on staking mining claims to give communities time to assess the massive number of claims and develop a meaningful process. For mining claims issued on Grassy Narrows’ Territory, there is no question that the community does not consent. Their land has already been violated by mercury, clearcut logging, and hydro dams. And in 2018, Grassy Narrows enacted a Land Declaration, enshrining into their law a ban on all mineral staking, exploration, mining, and logging in their territory. The Ontario government, which claims to be committed to reconciliation, must respect Grassy Narrows, respect their moratorium, and withdraw all mining claims that do not have their consent.
    4,001 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by FreeGrassy .
  • Stop blocking a safe future for our kids
    From letting ultra-rich oil companies off the hook for hundreds of millions in oil well clean up fees, to spreading misinformation on clean electricity and blocking new renewable energy projects — it seems every time we turn on the news, Smith is doing something else to prop up the oil and gas industry and block any shot we have at a livable, thriving, Alberta. Our children deserve to live in a province that is safe. They deserve to grow up without the threat of increasingly destructive wildfires hanging over their heads, without fear of what the future will bring. Despite what our Premier says, Albertans, not oil and gas companies, will build the future of our province. As parents, we won’t sit by quietly while Premier Smith gambles with our childrens’ future. If thousands of Albertans speak up now, it could shine a spotlight on Smith’s shady, unjustifiable actions, and send a powerful message that the safety of our families is non-negotiable, and she won’t get her way without a fight. Join us in calling on Premier Smith to stop shilling for billion dollar oil corporations, and work to build and protect a thriving, climate-safe future for our kids. Add your name to the open letter now. Sources [1] https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/02/10/Danielle-Smith-Gift-Oil-Companies/ [2] https://www.reddeeradvocate.com/news/rural-municipalities-call-for-end-to-oil-industry-tax-break-7298673 [3] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-marketing-campaign-kenneth-wong-danielle-smith-1.6982839 [4] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-albertas-new-tell-the-feds-ads-are-a-naked-ploy-to-unyieldingly-serve/ [5] https://www.theenergymix.com/alberta-renewables-moratorium-hits-118-projects-worth-33b-affects-24000-jobs [6] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/danielle-smith-oil-gas-emissions-cap-reaction-unconstitutional-analysis-1.7052731
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by For Our Kids Alberta Picture
  • Support the OEB - Tell Doug Ford we want affordable clean heating in Ontario
    Since this ruling, Doug Ford’s government has said they will legislate to overthrow the OEB’s decision in favour of Enbridge and devleopers, who are furious right now. [2] The OEB’s landmark decision could encourage developers to install more affordable and energy efficient heating systems - facilitating the transition from heating Ontario’s buildings with fossil gas to green solutions such as geo-thermal and heat pumps, while also reducing energy bills for homeowners and tenants. Doug Ford’s government is standing in the way. If thousands of Ontarians show support for the recent OEB ruling, and for measures that will protect homeowners and renters and incentivize clean energy options, we can discourage the Ford government from intervening with legislation. Tell Doug Ford and Energy Minister Todd Smith - Hands off the OEB, Ontarians want affordable, green heating. Sources: [1] The Narwal: https://thenarwhal.ca/ontario-energy-board-enbridge-gas/#:~:text=In%20December%202023%2C%20the%20Ontario,fuel%20use%20is%20winding%20down.&text=Days%20before%20Christmas%2C%20Ontario's%20energy,decision%20and%20a%20fiery%20response. [2] CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-energy-board-overruled-todd-smith-1.7068120
    5,031 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Freeman
  • Environmental and advocacy organizations: Stop using unethical Facebook/Meta
    Given concerns relating to misinformation, negative impacts on our society and democracy, impact on mental health, privacy, etc. it is imperative for us to move away from Facebook. And, progressive advocacy, environmental and humanitarian organizations such as Leadnow, CARE Canada, Oxfam, David Suzuki Foundation, Nature Conservancy, Nature Canada, etc. should lead the charge. They can do this by exploring ethical alternatives to Facebook and increasing their presence on these platforms. This could slowly draw people to more ethical platforms.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rolly Montpellier
  • Emissions Cap Must Mean Good Green Jobs!
    We need a climate plan that puts people first and maximizes environmental health. Our transition to renewable energy must help make life better and more secure for everyone.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fridays For Future Manitoba Picture