Canada should apply for full member status in the European UnionWhereas: • Throughout Canada’s history the United States has always proven to be an unreliable and unpredictable ally and trade partner; • The United States has shown in recent years a greatly diminished commitment to democracy and the rule of law, civil and human rights, and a reduced commitment to honouring trade and defence agreements it has negotiated and signed; • The United States has historically and recently made threats against Canadian sovereignty; • The nations of Europe have consistently been Canada’s friends and allies since the end of World War II and in some cases much longer than that; • The European Union has shown an ever-stronger commitment to free markets, workers rights, a strong social safety net, a rules based international order, democracy, the rule of law, equality, civil and human rights including indigenous rights; • Membership in the European Union offers strength, stability and security for Canada’s economy, geographic territory and its citizens individually in a constantly changing and more hostile world without threatening Canada's unique identity and culture or status as a sovereign country; We the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, urge the Government of Canada, its provinces, territories and Indigenous peoples to enter into open and transparent negotiations with our allies in the European Union about the possibility of Canada becoming a member state of the European Union.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Justin Beach
REMOVE THE THREAT OF ANTIQUATED ENVIRONMENT & MINERAL LEGISLATIONPremier Kinew stated, “The way that we have a successful critical minerals strategy in our province is by saying we can bring these minerals to market in our province with higher environmental standards, higher respect for human rights, higher labour standards than any other jurisdiction in the world.”[1] Standards required for this success can only be achieved through meaningful law and policy reform that ensures real and enforceable protections. For decades, Commissions have provided recommendations to bring about these standards however they have been ignored by governments at our peril.[2][3] True reform is “in the best interests of Manitobans”. We cannot develop critical minerals “in a good way” until the commitments to reform are honoured.[4] It’s time to Draw a Line in the Sand On Antiquated Environment & Mineral Legislation Please sign our Petition. Sources: [1] Premier Kinew Feb 16, 2024, license decision announcement on silica sand extraction proposal (29:47) https://news.gov.mb.ca/news/index.html?item=62000&posted=2024-02-16&fbclid=IwY2xjawJC1X5leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHWS_oZdnp8de9Vj_M4U3QwmF2in5iqfTFV__ZJ3NPnRUDd_XWs1WmNLyzQ_aem_DzE_hUrbW-6iUjnegokc9g [2] Manitoba Clean Environment Commission Reports Archive [3] Manitoba Law Reform Commission Report on “Manitoba’s Environmental Assessment and Licensing Regime under The Environment Act” 2015 [4] Manitoba Hansard, Environment and Climate Change Minister, April 5, 2024 (p.1059) https://www.gov.mb.ca/legislature/hansard/43rd_1st/hansardpdf/38.pdf#page=23 For more information, please see: https://ourlineinthesandmanitoba.ca/ https://www.facebook.com/ourlineinthesandmanitoba133 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Trevor Broesky
Protect the Slocan Park Elk CorridorIn Slocan Park, BC, there's an incredible old growth Ponderosa Pine forest with a local herd of 30 elk that use this area as their overwintering habitat. The trees tower above and there's no understory, making it a magical place to walk through as you can just see gigantic trees above and below you on the steep slope. This forest is also home to owls, bats, and is alive with songbirds. This forest also houses the 27th largest Ponderosa Pine in BC. Below in the valley is a community that this forest is protecting from forest fires. Because there is virtually no understory, and there is evidence of a past fire on the bark of the old trees, the bark is rock hard and less susceptible to fire. The bad news is that this area is slated to be auctioned off for logging in November 2025 through BCTS. Our community is writing this petition in the hopes that we can turn this area into some sort of protected area for the elk instead, and protect our homes from future forest fires. Please help us protect this amazing area. You can also help by contacting the local MLA Steve Morissette: [email protected] Phone: (250) 304-2783 and by contacting BC Timber Sales - Arrow Field Team Nakusp Field Office: Phone (250) 265-0355 Fax: (250) 265-3067 E-mail: [email protected] To address your concerns. Thank you for helping us save this amazing place. Below is the official petition you are signing: The petition of the undersigned states that: WHEREAS a biodiverse and rare 7-kilometer-long stretch of mature mixed forest, with many majestic ponderosa pines, Douglas firs and other tree species is located above Slocan Park in the Slocan River Valley of the West Kootenays; AND WHEREAS this forest provides prime winter habitat for our local elk herd, as there is minimal undergrowth and lots of grasses for forage and the elk show an obvious preference for the mature forest versus adjacent 10 year old tree farms; AND WHEREAS this forest also serves as an essential buffer and natural fire break, due to the spacing and height of trees and the relatively scarcity of undergrowth, protecting the adjacent community and private properties from the threat of fast-moving wildfires commonly associated with tree plantations; AND WHEREAS this forest includes the 27th largest Ponderosa pine in the province and numerous old-growth trees that have survived wildfires and other past disturbances; AND WHEREAS despite the aforementioned values and ecological significance of the Slocan Park Stands, the BC Timber Sales division of the Ministry of Forests (“BCTS”) is proposing to auction the stands for harvesting; Your petitioners respectfully request that the Honourable House adopt a resolution calling on the Government of British Columbia to: 1. direct the BC Timber Sales division of the Ministry of Forests to cancel the proposed auction of Timber Sale Licence TA2325; and 2. protect the vital Slocan Park Elk Corridor in perpetuity in a provincial park, an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area, or an equivalent protected area. Dated this 30th day of January, 2025.1,231 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Danica Giesbrecht
Tell the Canada Pension Plan to stop investing in fossil fuel expansionThe Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is one of the largest investment funds in the world and manages nearly $650 billion in retirement savings on behalf of over 22 million hard-working Canadians. But rather than using that enormous financial power to lead the transition away from fossil fuels that scientists and world leaders agree is essential – CPPIB continues to invest in fossil fuel expansion. The science is clear that avoiding catastrophic climate outcomes requires an immediate end to fossil fuel expansion and rapid-phase out of oil, gas and coal. That’s why in 2022 CPPIB committed to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. But CPPIB is continuing to invest our retirement dollars in oil and gas infrastructure and the companies fueling the climate crisis – in October 2024, CPPIB disclosed it holds $23 billion in fossil fuel production assets, while in 2024, CPPIB made six new investments in fossil fuels. For more information read Shift’s CPPIB Watch here. CPPIB’s board of directors also has a potential conflict of interest problem: three of the 11 members of CPPIB’s Board of Directors are also executives or directors of fossil fuel companies. The Canada Pension Plan is our money. CPPIB owes all of us a duty to maximize our returns without undue risk of loss. Fossil fuel expansion simply cannot be a responsible investment, with the high risk of assets becoming stranded as the global economy moves away from fossil fuels. Expanding and prolonging the use of oil, gas and coal locks in more carbon pollution for decades to come, increasing the risk of catastrophic climate outcomes that destabilize our communities, economies and ecosystems. Take action now.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cheryl Randall
A new terminal planned at Montréal-Trudeau: say NO with Les Pollués de Montréal-TrudeauAs things currently stand, thousands of people are affected by hundreds of low-altitude aircraft passages. Every day. Day and night. Each plane passage disturbs the airport's neighbors and the people who live under the air corridors. Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) allows air movements between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., which harms the sleep of thousands of people. The World Health Organization (WHO) has scientifically established that this nighttime aerial activity causes illness in the people who undergo it. A new terminal and its 10 boarding gates mean a greater number of planes in Montreal's skies. That mean more noises and more nuisance. Without forgetting air pollution, which has also been documented by Montreal scientists.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pierre Lachapelle
Nouvelle aérogare à Montréal-Trudeau: les Pollués disent STOPDans l'état actuel des choses des milliers de personnes sont touchées par les centaines de passages d' avions à basse altitude. Tous les jours. Chaque passage d'avion gêne les voisins de l'aéroport et les personnes qui vivent sous les corridors aériens. Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) permet les mouvements aériens entre 23h et 7h, ce qui nuit au sommeil de milliers de personnes. L' Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a bien établi scientifiquement, que cette activité aérienne de nuit entraine des maladies chez les personnes qui la subissent. Une nouvelle aérogare et ses 10 portes d'embarquement signifient un plus grand nombre d'avions dans le ciel de Montréal. Plus de bruits. Plus de nuisances. Sans oublier la pollution de l'air, qui a aussi été documentée par des scientfiques de Montréal.486 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Pierre Lachapelle
Say No to Creating Largest Garbage Incinerator in Canada in the GTAA recent proposal brought to Brampton city council by Emerald Energy From Waste Inc., would see a massive expansion to the Emerald incinerator, one of the largest garbage incinerators in Canada. The proposal seeks to quadruple the incinerator's emissions from 182,000 tonnes annually to over 900,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. We urge you to reject this expansion proposal for the following reasons: 1) Burning garbage produces more greenhouse emissions than burning coal or gas. We can make actual green energy sources much more cheaply than giving this private company $3 million of provincial money. 2) The toxic gas that Emerald company acknowledges leaves its plant, makes people nearby more likely to have chronic lung disease. 3) Studies done on incinerators demonstrate that over half of what is burned could be recycled or composted. It takes a lot of energy to burn wet compostable material and generally that means they are required to burn highly polluting plastics or other fuels, like gas, to get to high enough temperatures. I and other concerned Ontario residents urge you to NOT approve this expansion and allow for an environmental assessment and community consultation.406 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Liz Garrison
Stop gambling the Canada Pension Plan on fossil fuelsCPPIB is one of the largest investment funds in the world, managing nearly $650 billion in retirement savings on behalf of over 22 million working and retired Canadians. • CPPIB committed to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. In recent years CPPIB has dramatically increased its investments in climate solutions. • But at the same time, CPPIB is continuing to invest our retirement dollars in fossil fuel infrastructure and the companies fueling the climate crisis – Shift estimates nearly $64 billion in fossil fuel investments as of September 2023. In 2024 alone, CPPIB made five new investments in fossil fuels, including marking Earth Day with a $405 million investment in fracking expansion in Ohio and buying 16,000 kms of oil and gas pipeline in the US Midwest. In September, a CPPIB-owned company extended the piping of fracked gas from the Peruvian Amazon for another ten years until at least 2044. • CPPIB’s board of directors also has a potential conflict of interest problem: three of the 11 current members of CPPIB’s Board of Directors are also executives or corporate directors of fossil fuel companies. The Canada Pension Plan is our money. CPPIB owes all of us a duty to maximize our returns over the long-term without undue risk of loss. Fossil fuel expansion simply cannot be a responsible investment, with the high risk of assets becoming stranded as the global economy moves away from fossil fuels. Over the next few weeks, we have the opportunity to take part in public meetings across Canada being arranged by CPPIB in all provinces and territories except for Quebec – and we can ask CPPIB leadership hard-hitting questions on their role in fueling the climate crisis and protecting our retirement security in a healthy, livable future. Demand answers: Send questions to CPPIB today – and demand that they stop investing our money in fossil fuel expansion and instead use the national retirement savings of Canadians to invest in climate solutions. Show up and be heard: You can register to attend the meetings here. Show up and ask the tough questions. For more information on CPPIB’s approach to climate change and risky investments in fossil fuels, and ideas to ask CPPIB executives about climate change and fossil fuels, read Shift’s CPPIB climate action briefing and sample questions. You can also reach out to Shift at [email protected].7,538 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Cheryl Randall
Regulate the water and energy use of cryptocurrency and AI data centersTech operations like crypto currency centers in Canada are guzzling millions of liters water. Digital operations like cryptocurrency and AI rely heavily on large data centers – which use large amounts of electricity, and also water to cool down computers (also known as “servers”). The latest estimate, from three years ago, is that 127 billion liters of water is used for cryptocurrency operations per year– enough to supply a million Canadian homes. But assessing the true impact is almost impossible because cryptocurrency and data centers in Canada aren’t required to register or restrict how much water or electricity they use. Already this summer we’ve seen effects of water shortages – like in Alberta – which could regularly become a new normal as the effects of runaway climate change intensify. It’s high time we reckon with the environmental and resource-intensive impact of Big Tech.6,181 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Virginia Bowden
Protecting Old-Growth ecosystems in the NahmintThe Nahmint watershed, an area on Vancouver Island between the road to Uclulet-Tofino and Alberni Inlet, is home to old-growth forests and vast plant, fish, bird and mammal biodiversity. However, BC Timber Sales has 4 cutblocks full of old-growth in the area on its auction list for 2024. There is currently no engagement plan to consult with local first nations, scientists or stakeholders to protect these areas. Since the Nahmint is a sensitive fisheries watershed it must be managed with the health and integrity of the salmon habitat as a priority. Any planned logging must demonstrate that it will not result in any further negative effect to this sensitive watershed. Anything less is read as wilful disregard of standard professional planning processes. We are poised to make a formal complaint to the Forest Professionals BC body that abides by the FPBC's Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct: Sections 22 and 57, " all registrants are responsible to hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and the protection of the environment. In this time of climate disruption and loss of biodiversity, we need to protect BC's 2% remaining old-growth forest ecosystems that help stabilize air humidity, air temperatures, mountain terrains, produce rain clouds and oxygen, habitat for many species at risk and absorb carbon dioxide. These forests perform many interrelated environmental services that are worth more standing and are under relentless attack from a faceless corporate logging industry.2,674 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Eartha Muirhead
traffic roundabout at portage and main Winnipeg ManitobaThis will eliminate the need for traffic lights and speed things up. The overhead walkway can ignore the traffic below and possibly be a tourist attraction2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Keith Bradley
Les mensonges de l’industrie pétrolière coûtent des vies – Soutenez le projet de loi C-372La combustion de combustibles fossiles contribue aux changements climatiques et fait monter en flèche les niveaux de pollution à un degré mortel. En effet, la pollution due aux combustibles fossiles est directement liée à 34 000 décès prématurés par an au Canada et à plus de 8 millions de décès dans le monde. Par ailleurs, les entreprises pétrolières et gazières induisent sciemment le public en erreur en ayant recours à des pratiques d’écoblanchiment. Par exemple, elles affirment faussement que le pétrole est un produit « à zéro émission nette » ou « carboneutre », ce qui empêche les consommateur(trice)s de prendre des décisions éclairées et retarde la transition vers des sources d’énergie plus sûres et plus propres. Les entreprises qui fabriquent des produits nocifs menaçant la santé publique ne devraient pas être autorisées à faire de la publicité. C’est dans cette optique que l’Association canadienne des médecins pour l’environnement a initié un appel à l'interdiction de la publicité pour l’industrie des combustibles fossiles, soutenu par plus de trois quarts de millions de professionnel(le)s de la santé. Le projet de loi C-372 représente une opportunité tangible de mettre en œuvre cette interdiction. Le projet de loi pourrait faire l’objet d’une deuxième lecture très prochainement et une grande vague de soutien en faveur de la pétition pourrait faire renverser la vapeur et mener à son adoption. Nous devons montrer aux parlementaires que de très nombreuses personnes en ont assez de la désinformation et des mensonges véhiculés par l’industrie pétrolière et gazière, et qu’elles n’arrêteront pas de se battre pour cette cause tant que le projet de loi C-372 n’aura pas été adopté. Signez la pétition dès maintenant pour soutenir cet important projet de loi et faire en sorte qu’il soit adopté rapidement.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Erin Baird