• Respect the moratorium: No mining on Indigenous land without consent
    It is unacceptable to allow mining on Indigenous land without the free, prior and informed consent of the First Nation whose land it is. In Ontario, the “free entry” system has resulted in an inundation of mining claims submitted to First Nations. Mining companies are allowed to stake claims online, without ever setting foot on the land they hope to mine, and without gaining the consent of the Indigenous people who live there. This bureaucracy has consistently acted to deny Indigenous people control over their land. The sheer volume of claims is nearly impossible to keep up with. In fact, the Chiefs of Ontario are calling for a one-year moratorium on staking mining claims to give communities time to assess the massive number of claims and develop a meaningful process. For mining claims issued on Grassy Narrows’ Territory, there is no question that the community does not consent. Their land has already been violated by mercury, clearcut logging, and hydro dams. And in 2018, Grassy Narrows enacted a Land Declaration, enshrining into their law a ban on all mineral staking, exploration, mining, and logging in their territory. The Ontario government, which claims to be committed to reconciliation, must respect Grassy Narrows, respect their moratorium, and withdraw all mining claims that do not have their consent.
    4,144 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by FreeGrassy .
  • Stop blocking a safe future for our kids
    From letting ultra-rich oil companies off the hook for hundreds of millions in oil well clean up fees, to spreading misinformation on clean electricity and blocking new renewable energy projects — it seems every time we turn on the news, Smith is doing something else to prop up the oil and gas industry and block any shot we have at a livable, thriving, Alberta. Our children deserve to live in a province that is safe. They deserve to grow up without the threat of increasingly destructive wildfires hanging over their heads, without fear of what the future will bring. Despite what our Premier says, Albertans, not oil and gas companies, will build the future of our province. As parents, we won’t sit by quietly while Premier Smith gambles with our childrens’ future. If thousands of Albertans speak up now, it could shine a spotlight on Smith’s shady, unjustifiable actions, and send a powerful message that the safety of our families is non-negotiable, and she won’t get her way without a fight. Join us in calling on Premier Smith to stop shilling for billion dollar oil corporations, and work to build and protect a thriving, climate-safe future for our kids. Add your name to the open letter now. Sources [1] https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/02/10/Danielle-Smith-Gift-Oil-Companies/ [2] https://www.reddeeradvocate.com/news/rural-municipalities-call-for-end-to-oil-industry-tax-break-7298673 [3] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-marketing-campaign-kenneth-wong-danielle-smith-1.6982839 [4] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-albertas-new-tell-the-feds-ads-are-a-naked-ploy-to-unyieldingly-serve/ [5] https://www.theenergymix.com/alberta-renewables-moratorium-hits-118-projects-worth-33b-affects-24000-jobs [6] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/danielle-smith-oil-gas-emissions-cap-reaction-unconstitutional-analysis-1.7052731
    973 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by For Our Kids Alberta Picture
  • Support the OEB - Tell Doug Ford we want affordable clean heating in Ontario
    Since this ruling, Doug Ford’s government has said they will legislate to overthrow the OEB’s decision in favour of Enbridge and devleopers, who are furious right now. [2] The OEB’s landmark decision could encourage developers to install more affordable and energy efficient heating systems - facilitating the transition from heating Ontario’s buildings with fossil gas to green solutions such as geo-thermal and heat pumps, while also reducing energy bills for homeowners and tenants. Doug Ford’s government is standing in the way. If thousands of Ontarians show support for the recent OEB ruling, and for measures that will protect homeowners and renters and incentivize clean energy options, we can discourage the Ford government from intervening with legislation. Tell Doug Ford and Energy Minister Todd Smith - Hands off the OEB, Ontarians want affordable, green heating. Sources: [1] The Narwal: https://thenarwhal.ca/ontario-energy-board-enbridge-gas/#:~:text=In%20December%202023%2C%20the%20Ontario,fuel%20use%20is%20winding%20down.&text=Days%20before%20Christmas%2C%20Ontario's%20energy,decision%20and%20a%20fiery%20response. [2] CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-energy-board-overruled-todd-smith-1.7068120
    5,038 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Freeman
  • Environmental and advocacy organizations: Stop using unethical Facebook/Meta
    Given concerns relating to misinformation, negative impacts on our society and democracy, impact on mental health, privacy, etc. it is imperative for us to move away from Facebook. And, progressive advocacy, environmental and humanitarian organizations such as Leadnow, CARE Canada, Oxfam, David Suzuki Foundation, Nature Conservancy, Nature Canada, etc. should lead the charge. They can do this by exploring ethical alternatives to Facebook and increasing their presence on these platforms. This could slowly draw people to more ethical platforms.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rolly Montpellier
  • Emissions Cap Must Mean Good Green Jobs!
    We need a climate plan that puts people first and maximizes environmental health. Our transition to renewable energy must help make life better and more secure for everyone.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fridays For Future Manitoba Picture
  • Powell River - Mayor Ron Woznow & City Councillors: Join the National Call For a Ceasefire
    One way we can do that is to get more prominent politicians into the fray. Already, some municipal politicians have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the more pressure there will be on the federal government. Add your name to call on your local Mayor and council to come out in support of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rowan Ferrie
  • Clean Air Now: Prioritize Our Kids in the Clean Air Movement
    Join Our Urgent Cause: Every signature brings us closer to ensuring our youngest and most vulnerable have a safe and healthy learning environment. Sign now for immediate action in our schools and daycares, paving the way for cleaner air in all public buildings.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clean Air For All Picture
  • The Cruel Reality of the Biomass industry
    Clear cutting of Primary Old Growth Forests in BC is being accelerated in the name of green energy production - somehow even shipping our pelletized forests to be burned in the UK as a means to green wash their country's largest coal fired power plant. This large scale fraud not only expedites the destruction of what remains of Canada's old growth forests. It also works against the reduction of carbon emissions while stating the contrary. This is a massive scam that cannot be allowed to continue.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by patrick ellard
  • Recycling is not free: Packagers must pay
    Plastic bottles end up in the waste stream and littering the landscape. Estimates suggest less than a third of plastic drink bottles get recycled in the U.S. As many as 34 billion plastic bottles end up in the oceans each year. But this is a solvable problem as companies like Coca Cola actually produce refillable containers in some markets. We should mandate that for Canada. https://www.fastcompany.com/90721672/refillable-soda-bottles-coca-cola https://oceana.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/3.2.2020_just_one_word-refillables.pdf Another obvious example is food packaging -- is it necessary to package tomatoes in single-use plastic? This case is more nuanced in some cases due to food spoilage concerns. But certainly sometimes I can buy tomatoes in bulk. If the packaging cost is borne by the producer, the bulk tomatoes would have the advantage and over time waste is reduced. https://foodpolicyforcanada.info.yorku.ca/plastic/
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Robbins
  • Support Improving Air Quality Standards for Schools & Childcare Centres - Bill 140
    Without the backing of our Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs), Bill 140 faces the risk of being shelved, depriving our schools, students and education workers of the chance for a healthier learning and working environment. Clean indoor is important: Health and Safety: Poor air quality can lead to a range of health issues, including respiratory problems, allergies, and the spread of infectious diseases. Ensuring that the air quality in schools meets current standards is a fundamental step in protecting the well-being of those who spend significant amounts of time in educational settings. Educational Outcomes: There is a well-documented link between air quality and cognitive function. Cleaner air can improve concentration, productivity, and overall academic performance. Transparency and Accountability: By mandating the public reporting of CO2 levels, this bill promotes transparency, allowing parents and the wider community to be informed about the air quality in schools and childcare centers. This information is critical for ensuring accountability and pushing for necessary improvements. Proactive Health Measures: The requirement for an Air Quality Action Plan ensures that there are predefined steps to take when air quality drops, potentially preventing health issues before they arise and ensuring a quick response to any air quality concerns. Economic Sense: Investing in better air quality has economic benefits. By reducing the number of sick days for both students and staff, there is less disruption to learning and work, which has a positive impact on productivity and educational outcomes. Additionally, the long-term healthcare savings from preventing air quality-related illnesses can be substantial. Setting Standards: Ontario currently lacks clear regulations for indoor air quality in schools, putting students and staff at a disadvantage. Implementing such standards would not only protect them but also position Ontario as a leader in educational health and safety standards. Global Competitiveness: Other regions that have adopted similar measures have seen positive outcomes. Supporting this bill would allow Ontario to keep pace with global best practices in educational and childcare environments, making it a more attractive place to live, work, and learn. Long-Term Benefits: The investment in air quality monitoring and improvement is not just a short-term fix; it's an investment in the future health and cognitive abilities of the community’s children. Healthy students are more likely to grow into healthy adults, contributing positively to society. With the support of Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs), we can implement vital measures like Bill 140 to ensure our schools have clean air, thereby securing a safer, healthier, and more academically conducive future for our students and education workers.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ontario School Safety Picture
  • Require foods to be labelled clearly as containing or not containing animal products
    According to Statista, "In 2020, almost 40 percent of consumers in a survey in Canada stated that they were willing to reduce their meat consumption, whilst around 9 percent were fully intending on doing so." When we don't provide clear labelling for this information, it doesn't only affect Canadians with existing dietary restrictions, it also poses an unnecessary challenge for those of us who are interested in reducing meat and dairy consumption but haven't quite gotten there yet. In 2018, nearly 10% of Canadians were either vegetarian or vegan. That number has since grown. Why would we make life harder for 1 in 10 Canadians instead of simply updating labelling requirements to provide information which is already accessible to producers? If India can do it, so can we.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Thompson
  • Energy justice for those most in need
    More than 4.5 million Canadians — often those who need it most — are left out of Canada’s federal energy efficiency programs. The federal government has strong public support for expanding low-income energy efficiency. According to polling conducted by Abacus Data for Efficiency Canada, 72% of Canadians either strongly support or support government funding toward energy efficiency for low-income housing. This support spans across rural and urban populations, owners and renters, all income groups, voters for all political parties and in all regions [1]. Canada will not meet its net-zero emissions goal without upgrading the buildings where low-income Canadians live. Without a national federal energy efficiency solution, low-income Canadians are vulnerable to rising energy costs due to inflation and carbon taxes. As Canada moves to net-zero emissions, higher income Canadians will be able to escape fossil fuels, leaving lower income Canadians with the burden of paying higher costs for fossil fuel distribution networks [2]. We have a chance to achieve this in the 2024 federal budget – but we must act quickly. Budget negotiations are happening right now. [1] https://www.efficiencycanada.org/polling-canadians-support-low-income-energy-efficiency/ [2] Efficiency Canada, Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the Upcoming Federal Budget, Sept 2022, https://www.efficiencycanada.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Efficiency-Canada-submission-to-Budget-2023-consultations.pdf
    6,673 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Emilie Grenier