• The Future is Now: What about our Kids?
    Our young people are looking at a planet that will be severely compromised without us acting now. I am sick about the me-oriented policies of the Ford government.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Walton
  • Don't Burn Rail Ties For Energy!
    Let's make sure that the Clean Energy Act only lets BC Hydro burn clean wood, which is not creosote-soaked rail ties.
    538 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Rail Ties Be Wise Rail Ties Be Wise
  • Coldwater Couple vs. Kinder Morgan
    This is important because if this dilbit pipeline/tanker project is allowed to proceed it will inevitably ruin B.C.'s environment and economy in the event of another catastrophic oil spill similar to the Exxon Valdez in Alaska, Kalamazoo River in Michigan, RedDeer River in Alberta, North Saskatchewan River, and many more across the globe. The photographs of crude oil-covered sea birds and mammals should be enough to make anyone want to do something to stop this madness.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia Smith
  • Demande d’audiences publiques pour le projet Authier à La Motte
    Le projet Authier est un projet de mine de lithium à ciel ouvert développé par la compagnie australienne Sayona Mining à La Motte, en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. La fosse prévue par le projet, qui ferait plus d’un kilomètre de longueur, serait située à moins de 500 mètres de l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry, source d’une eau potable d’une pureté à la réputation internationale. De par sa proximité avec l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry, le projet développé par la minière Sayona soulève des inquiétudes dans la région. Compte tenu de la décision de Sayona Mining de n’exploiter que 1900 tonnes et non 2000 par jour, ce qui la soustrait à l’obligation de se soumettre à la procédure d’évaluation et d’examen des impacts sur l’environnement, nous désirons nous assurer que les citoyens puissent juger du projet au terme d’un processus transparent et indépendant. Nous demandons ainsi à ce que le projet Authier soit soumis à une enquête et des audiences publiques du Bureau d’Audience Publique sur l’Environnement. De plus, nous demandons à ce que des études indépendantes sur le projet Authier soient réalisées dans les plus brefs délais. *** Le Comité Citoyen de Protection de l’Esker a été fondé au printemps 2018 par des citoyen-ne-s de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue préoccupées par le projet de mine de lithium Authier à La Motte, de la compagnie australienne Sayona Mining, dont la fosse serait située à 500 mètres de l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry.
    32,070 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Comité citoyen de protection de l'esker Picture
  • Stop the sale Of AECON to the Chinese government
    With the huge trade, we already do with the Chinese government we simply back their repressive regime, provide funds for them to become a world leader and create even more environmental damage.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Jackson
  • Samsung destroyed their water wells - then sued them!
    Samsing, operators of the North Kent Wind Farm, continue pile driving into the bedrock of Chatham Kent, knowing that it has destroyed the water wells of dozens of families. Ontario regulators are doing nothing to protect these families, who have relied on well water for generations. The pile driving sends toxic sediment into the water that ruins water pumps. The sediment could eventually settle, but the vibrations from the turbines prevent this. Ultimately, the pile driving has resulted in dozens of families and their farms being cut off from their water supply. A few farmers tried to blockade the site to prevent further damage and Samsung sued them for the cost of delays. Tell Samsung to clean up its act! Boycott their phones, TVs and appliances and demand your pension funds divest from them now.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annette Demers
  • TD Bank: My money is not for DAPL
    TD Bank should be transparent in what it does with the money of its customers. I have deposited my hard earned money at TD Bank for many years and only recently discovered that TD Bank is using my money to support DAPL
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Hill
  • 1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jolan Bailey