• Stop Killing Rare and Endangered Species on MK Delta Lands in Delta.
    Our disappearing peatlands (less than 3% of the earth is covered with them) and Burns Bog is part of that 3%. Like other peatlands it is home to many rare and endangered species. These include red and blue-listed butterflies, dragonflies, Sandhill cranes, Trowbridge's Shrew, Barn Owls and Green herons. When they are gone they are gone forever. The Federal Government used S.A.R.A. to save the Chorus frog in Quebec. The Federal government needs to do the same for the plants, insects, birds and animals on MK Delta's and Pineland Peat's land in Delta, BC
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eliza Olson
  • Pour la création d’une zone dédiée au transport actif dans le Vieux-Montréal et le Vieux-Port
    Parce qu'à l'instar de plusieurs métropoles et villes de taille moyenne du monde, il est plus que temps pour une ville aussi "active" que Montréal d'emboîter le pas en ramenant une partie de la ville à l'échelle humaine. Il est grand temps de redonner le Vieux-Montréal aux résident·e·s et visiteur·euse·s en y privilégiant le transport actif.
    1,291 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Association pour la Mobilité Active de Ville-Marie (AMAVM) Picture
  • Support the Carbon Tax
    Scientist and economist all agree that Climate change is real and costing all of us. Our future generation will have to live with the legacy of our inaction. We need to do our best to protect the earth for our kids.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Hart
  • Free access to Public Transportation
    This would allow people to better their own lives. The poor and students and seniors - low income or not - would be able to go to libraries and YMCA programmes, and wherever else there are programs and food banks .. to be able to travel to the edge of our Great Lakes to walk or picnic or just think about life .. to go to free concerts, and just generally be exposed to the wonders of our beautiful province. It would lift their spirits and raise their hopes and dreams. The increased use of public transportation would help reduce traffic issues and lower green house gasses. Obviously this is important. This would have all sorts of positive social aspects as well. More people using public transportation means safer friendlier communities. I see this as enabling people to improve their own lives. When students can get to school without the stress of high expense they will do better. When seniors can get to places freely they will go and enjoy their lives. When the poor can access all that our province has to offer, they will improve their ow lives. Joyfully.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Sutcliffe
  • Readable Insurance Pink Slips
    Self evident. These are legal documents that must be displayed when asked by police.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Lowry
  • Stop the Industrial Wind Turbines in North Stormont Ontario
    The Township of North Stormont, except for greedy land owners, has said no. Wynne’s government drove it through anyway. We must protect our water and our wildlife.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kim Riddell
  • Don't shut down the support centre for local planning appeals
    URGENT:  Citizen rights are being abused and the Legislature is being bypassed as Ontario’s Attorney General decides to abruptly close the Local Planning Appeal Support Centre.   Add your support to three citizen and community advocacy groups based in Ottawa that are determined to hold the Attorney General accountable to the Legislature, which passed the Local Planning Appeal Support Centre Act in 2017.   On Feb. 21, barely nine months after the Support Centre began offering professional advice to citizens and citizen groups, the Attorney General has acted in a unilateral and possibly illegal way to shut down its operations.   Paul Johanis, chair of the Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital, called the Attorney General’s move “outrageous” because of the impact the decision will have on citizens' groups fighting municipal planning decisions, because of how the decision was handed down to staff of the Centre, and because the announcement has bypassed elected representatives in the Ontario Legislature. Ecology Ottawa and the Federation of Citizens’ Associations of Ottawa are also demanding accountability from the Attorney General.   “What we as citizen advocates know is that on Feb. 21 somebody from the Attorney-General’s office told Mary Lee, executive director of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Support Centre, that she and her staff were no longer needed,” said Johanis. “This action dealt a blow to citizens across the province who may not be able to exercise their rights effectively without the advice Lee and her team of professionals were set up to provide.” According to Johanis, creation of the LPASC was one of the bright spots of the previous government's land use planning reforms. “After only nine months in operation, the government cannot rationally justify a move to close this centre.  As far as we can tell, the Act that created the Centre has not been repealed, which makes us wonder if the closure is even legal.” Send the Attorney General a clear message by signing our prepared message or by writing one of your own.
    271 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Erwin Dreessen
  • Stop Spending Taxpayer Dollars on Wasteful Calendars
    Our tax dollars should be used to better serve Canadians. These calendars serve no purpose but to promote MPs at the taxpayer's expense and they create a ton of unnecessary waste. MPs need to know that we expect them to spend our tax dollars as wisely as they would spend their own funds, even when it comes to something as seemingly inconsequential as millions of paper calendars that will end up in landfills and recycling bins.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Gray
  • Include Clean Up of Toronto's Ravines in the City's 2019 budget
    Toronto's ravines provide a unique wildlife habitat and green space that is visited by hundreds of thousands of people and admired all over the world. The ravines provide home to many wildlife including foxes, deer, beavers, mink, owls, salmon and more. The Don Valley is enjoyed by paddlers, hikers, bikers, runners, wildlife watchers, or people who just want to get away from busy city life. Unfortunately our ravines are under serious threat, due to increased amounts of garbage and toxic waste filling up the land and the rivers. We find anything from plastic bags, diapers, food containers to car batteries, shopping carts, mattresses and even entire filled garbage bags. The City needs to devise a plan to clean up the polluted areas and prevent the garbage dumping from happening in the first place. We have an opportunity to do so with Councillor Layton's and Councillor Carroll’s budget proposal that would start a pilot project to pick up litter in the city’s ravines at a cost of $655,400 by increasing property taxes 0.022 per cent. Is it not worth your while to raise property taxes for less than $1 per homeowner to save the most beautiful parts of our City from being covered by garbage? ABOUT THE MOTION: https://bit.ly/2GKQaQu ABOUT THE RAVINES: https://bit.ly/2EHz8lk
    429 of 500 Signatures
    Created by irene Vandertop
  • Bannir le GLYPHOSATE (RoundUp) l'herbicide de Monsanto
    Regardez l'émission Enquête du 21 février 2019 à Radio Canada. Voir les employés de Monsanto duper les agences de réglementation de tous les pays et aussi l'Agence de réglementation ARLA du Ministère de la Santé du Canada. Le glyphosate est l'herbicide le plus vendu au monde, au Canada on épand 20 fois plus de RoundUp qu'en 1980 et le nombre de personnes atteintes du cancer ne fait qu'augmenter.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James McInnes
  • Ouverture de la piste multifonctionnelle du pont Jacques-Cartier à l’année
    La solution: Selon le rapport sur le projet pilote d’entretien divulgué le 9 octobre 2018, le déneigement conventionnel de la piste multifonctionnelle est tout à fait envisageable, bien qu’elle entraîne une gestion des opérations accrue et une communication constante avec le public par PJCCI. Nous exigeons donc l’entretien et l’ouverture de la piste multifonctionnelle du Pont Jacques-Cartier à l’année dès maintenant. Envoyons un message clair à la société Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain Incorporée qui a tout en son pouvoir pour valoriser le transport actif, favoriser de saines habitudes de vie et s’attaquer aux émissions des gaz à effet de serres. The Solution: According to the October 9, 2018 report on the snow cleaning pilot project, conventional snow cleaning of the bride path is feasible even though it would entail more attention to snow cleaning operations and communications with the public by SPJCCI. We therefore request year-round opening of the multi-functional path across the Jacques Cartier Bridge.  We want to send a clear message to Les Pont Jacques Cartier et Champlain Incorporée which has in its power the ability to promote active transportation, favor healthy life-styles and reduce green-house gas emissions.
    1,549 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by L'Association des piétons et cyclistes Du Pont Jacques-Cartier Picture
  • To Request a "Green" environmentally focused lottery.
    It is an expensive venture to fund sustainable energy projects, however, the climate change situation has reached a point where a proactive approach is crucially necessary. The raising of funds through an OLG "Green" lottery would support these initiatives without having to use tax payer's money..
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Stafford