• Pétition concernant la pollution de l’air générée par les avions près des grandes villes canadiennes
    Attendu que : • La pollution de l’air causée par le trafic aérien a considérablement augmenté au-dessus des grandes agglomérations canadiennes ; • La qualité de vie et la santé des citoyens sont grandement affectées par le passage des avions à basse altitude ; • Les données scientifiques démontrent que la pollution de l’air générée par les avions représente des atteintes et des risques sérieux aux fonctions cardiovasculaires et pulmonaires des humains ; • L’inaction des autorités aéroportuaires canadiennes et leur refus de mettre en œuvre des solutions concrètes pour réduire les nuisances causées par les aéronefs.
    514 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Pierre Lachapelle
  • Petition Regarding Noise Pollution Generated by Airplanes Near Major Canadian Cities
    • Noise pollution generated by air traffic has increased significantly above major Canadian cities ; • The quality of life and health of citizens are greatly impaired by low-level flying aircrafts; • Scientific evidence shows that noise pollution generated by aircrafts brings serious health concerns and has effects notably on heart health; • The inaction of Canadian airport authorities and their refusal to implement concrete solutions to minimize the nuisance caused by aircraft flyovers is obvious.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pierre Lachapelle
  • Develop a youth political party for next election
    Quite simply, the issues faced that are at a crisis point have been overlooked and ignored by the mainstream, corporate juggernaut; need the people without cynicism and broken,disillusioned hope that what we say is what we'll do...they are ready; look around the world, Quebec, Friday protests, use of social media...it needs to happen now
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryce Wilson
  • Return lands, waters and resources to First Nations, and address outstanding treaty obligations
    "The water crisis was created by Canada and has been maintained by Canada for decades, with devastating but predictable outcomes. This form of racism has real-life consequences for First Nations. It’s time to make all those land acknowledgements mean something. It’s time to start living by the spirit of the treaties: mutual respect, mutual protection and mutual benefit. It’s time to show a real sign of good faith and end the water crisis on reserves now. It’s a matter of life and death for First Nations." Source: https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/february-2019/first-nations-water-problems-crisis-canadas-making/ (Note: this petition was created by Yvonne Aburrow, quoting Pamela Palmater, Mi'kmaq lawyer, professor, activist and politician from Mi'kma'ki, New Brunswick, Canada.) Photo credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lake-huron-ipperwash-beach.jpg#/media/File:Lake-huron-ipperwash-beach.jpg
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Aburrow
  • Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump
    Ontario Power Generation plans to bury and abandon radioactive nuclear waste approximately 400 metres below the bottom level of Lake Huron. The Great Lakes are the largest freshwater source in the world providing fresh drinking water for 40 million people. There are 3 deep geological repositories on the entire planet and all have leaked - a 100% failure rate. Would you bury poison beside your well?
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregg Mason
  • Green New Deal In Burlington
    So we can have life on planet earth
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Carter
  • Start The Venus Project in Canada.
    Why is this important? The Project Promotes The Following Benefits to Our Society: + Green Technology. + Jobs. + Clean Environment and ecologically clean world. + Fair Economy. + Strong Democracy.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaak Sazonov Picture
  • Tell Toronto City Council - Declare a Climate Emergency
    Climate change has been a crisis for decades. From the minute that oil companies discovered the impact their industry was having on the climate - and chose to bury the evidence and hide the results - the planet has been facing a major threat. Now, after decades of lies, pollution, and despair, we know that the clock is ticking and the point of no return is looming large. Recent reports from the UN tell us that we have just twelve years to make massive changes to our entire economy or we face critical climate chaos. What we are facing is not in the distant future. Climate change is here - and it is an urgent emergency. It's time we treat it as such. Cities across Canada have declared a climate emergency, factoring climate change into city planning at every level and in some cases unlocking funding for climate mitigation efforts. In just the last week, Ottawa and London joined cities like Vancouver, Kingston, and Halifax that had already declared. It's time that Canada's largest city, the cornerstone of our economy, join those efforts. Toronto is home to millions of people and almost a fifth of Canada's entire economy. If Toronto declares a climate emergency, it mobilizes an incredible base of support for climate action in Canada and takes its in global climate leadership. The clock is ticking. Tell the Mayor and Toronto City Council to declare a climate emergency today.
    242 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Ellis Picture
  • Add climate change warning stickers to gas pumps
    North Vancouver became the first municipality to mandate that all gas pumps must display stickers to warn consumers that burning fossil fuels causes climate change. Now that Premier Ford is mandating anti-carbon tax stickers across Ontario without including information about the costly effects of climate change, municipalities must step up to ensure consumers are aware of the negative environment effects and economic consequences of climate change. For more on North Vancouver's campaign, see: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/north-vancouver-climate-change-stickers-gas-pumps-1.3323621?fbclid=IwAR2MS_mGrfz2SYtB60OLZZrkKXSOqZ-CxF0FpHiXbBndMWufyO0z_4y4yOk
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evan Vipond Picture
  • Say NO to Ford's misleading carbon tax stickers
    The newly proposed anti-carbon tax stickers that Premier Ford is requiring all gas stations to display at the pump is a waste of tax payers' money. Ford campaigned on a clear mandate to save Ontarians money and this demonstrates he is not keeping his promises. Furthermore, the stickers are clearly being used as a marketing ploy for conservatives as they fail to mention the Federal government's rebate, which is expected to exceed the amount that a majority of households will spend on the carbon tax. It also fails to mention the environmental and economic consequences of climate change. In forcing businesses to display partisan information, this is a clear overreach of government power.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evan Vipond Picture
  • PM: Deliver immediate mercury justice for Grassy Narrows people
    In the 1960s an upstream paper mill dumped 9 tonnes of mercury into the Wabigoon River, poisoning the fish and the people of Grassy Narrows. Three generations later the people continue to suffer from intense health impacts and a loss of their way of life and economy. Shockingly, the government of PM Trudeau has done almost nothing to improve the lives of Grassy Narrows people. In November of 2017, then Minister Philpott committed to build a home and treatment center for mercury survivors in Grassy Narrows so that sick loved ones can be cared for with dignity. Almost 500 days later, not one brick has been laid and only 1% of the cost has been provided. The Federal government is clearly stalling. With the federal elections on the horizon, this could become yet another broken promise on reconciliation. The people of Grassy Narrows are an inspiration throughout the world for their perseverance, their resilience, and their strength. The survivors of this ongoing disaster deserve Canada’s respect and the best possible care. See FreeGrassy.net for more ways to support the community.
    21,453 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by FreeGrassy .
  • Stop Killing Rare and Endangered Species on MK Delta Lands in Delta.
    Our disappearing peatlands (less than 3% of the earth is covered with them) and Burns Bog is part of that 3%. Like other peatlands it is home to many rare and endangered species. These include red and blue-listed butterflies, dragonflies, Sandhill cranes, Trowbridge's Shrew, Barn Owls and Green herons. When they are gone they are gone forever. The Federal Government used S.A.R.A. to save the Chorus frog in Quebec. The Federal government needs to do the same for the plants, insects, birds and animals on MK Delta's and Pineland Peat's land in Delta, BC
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eliza Olson