• No Biosolids in Juan de Fuca Electoral Area
    The land-based disposal of biosolids has known implications for wildlife, watersheds, and human health. We want to keep our water, air, and soil clean and healthy for future generations. 
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kira Decyk
  • I Invest in Housing
    Neither governments nor the private sector have been able to address the housing affordability crisis. We need to move away from the Financialization of Housing towards the Communitization of Housing.   An article in the Globe & Mail stated that: “We simply don’t have enough money to solve Canada’s housing crisis.”  I disagree for if we take this on as a community we do have enough money. Canadians have +$4 Trillion in RRSP and other savings instruments. If one percent those funds were put into five and ten year community bonds secured against land and property we would have the largest affordable housing fund in the world. Imagine transforming our cities and towns that are presently unaffordable to the ‘most affordable’ cities in North America. Please join us in helping us start ‘Building Solutions to the Housing Crisis’.  
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph MacLean
  • Demand that Indwell Provide Safe Housing
    Indwell Community Homes is a Christian charity that provides affordable, supportive housing. They have 28 buildings in operation in Southern Ontario, with buildings in Hamilton, Mississauga, London, the Region of Waterloo, Haldimand-Norfolk, St. Thomas, Oxford County, and Chatham-Kent. They have 9 more buildings in the pre-development or development stages. Indwell houses over 1200 tenants.    Indwell repeatedly fails to provide safe housing. Many tenants have complained about an absurd level of violence, including verbal and physical assaults by other Indwell tenants. In a March 2024 survey with 46 Indwell tenants, when asked if they feel safe living at Indwell, 67% replied: sometimes, rarely or never. Indwell keeps saying their buildings are safe and it is just a few disgruntled tenants. Thus they fail to address the safety issues in their buildings.    Life at Indwell includes murders, assaults, bodies left to decompose for days and rampant drug use. For instance, in 2018, at Indwell’s Parkdale Landing in Hamilton, a long-term “guest” strangled and hog-tied his roommate. In January 2024, at the Oaks in Hamilton, one Indwell tenant violently assaulted another tenant. The man was left crippled with brain injuries and he died shortly afterwards. Other tenants are saying this was a drug deal gone bad. Also in January 2024, at their St. Thomas building, there was a compressed gas explosion. The man was charged with arson and possession of a firearm or ammunition contrary to his probation order. It was not reported if the man was an Indwell tenant or a long-term “guest”. When Indwell tenants complain to Indwell that they do not feel safe, Indwell fails to take action.   Tenants should not live in fear. If housing is a human right, then safe housing should be a tenant right.   For more information contact: [email protected]
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Allin
  • Delegate doesn't mean Discriminate
      This is important because: Children should not be discriminated against because of their disability Children should not be denied an education because of their disability Families should not be forced to deviate from medical plans so their child can receive an education.  Families should be able to choose what they feed their child   A Canadian study about Home blending meals: https://www.sickkids.ca/en/news/archive/2018/sickkids-led-study-shows-success-with-a-blenderized-diet-for-children-with-g-tubes-/    
    1,410 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Delegate doesn't mean Discriminate
  • Save the former Alberta Provincial Museum
    Rather than spending millions of taxpayer dollars to demolish the former Royal Alberta Museum, why not invest in revitalizing this cherished heritage site? The building, a significant part of Alberta’s history, has strong support from the public and advocates like former senator Paula Simons and Marlene Wyman (former Edmonton historian laureate and RAM archivist), who believe it should be preserved.  Its unique stone façade, featuring Indigenous petroglyph carvings, makes it an architectural gem. In 2016, the National Trust of Canada even recognized it as an endangered heritage site. Beyond its historical significance and hosting of artifacts, the building has been and could continue to be a vibrant hub for the community, regularly hosting arts, cultural events, and gatherings. Repurposing this space would honour its legacy and continue to serve both residents and visitors. The UCP party and Danielle Smith have released a survey to the public to share their thoughts on the former RAM, but this survey gives no option to suggest the reuse of the building.  We the undersigned believe that the interests of Edmontonians and Albertans are being swept aside by the provincial government. It is time to raise our voices to let Danielle Smith and the UCP know that we want to save the former Alberta Provincial Museum as a cultural heritage site. 
    898 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Max Vandersteen
  • Ethical Canada means decolonizing, decriminalizing, and democratizing the present state of Canada.
    • Ethical Canadians who have awakened to the criminal nature of the state of Canada, are growing in numbers through the TRR. They want a reset for Canda, and they're charging  mainstream press with historic fraud.  • The government needs to open itself to public scrutiny, and enforce transparency and all records to be reviewed without exclusion.  • A team of forensic accountants should be assigned to estimate the numbers of child victims, and their fates today. • According to Stats Canada, there about 3,500 Canadian veterans of foreign wars sleeping in Canadian streets every night. • 250,000 native child were abducted and forced to defend their native faith and tribal ways, and be forced to convert to Christianity was in fact forced to become a child soldier and fight in Macdonald's religious war for indigenous lands and resources.  In this child nightmare, about 6,000 child warriors were killed.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Staniek
  • West Vancouver, Lower the Voting Age to 16
    Although the youth are only 20% of our country today, they are 100% of our future. Keeping the voting age at 18 leaves out a vital demographic of young individuals who are ready, eager, and informed to vote NOW!  Youth in our society are often disheartened by global news and deeply desire to make a difference. However, they are frequently dismissed and lack the means to bring about meaningful change. Having the vote allows their issues to be pushed to the forefront of political discussion, and help the youth understand that they are important, their issues do matter, and they can make the difference they wish to see in the world.  By lowering the voting age, we can elevate young peoples' voices and foster a generation of engaged citizens who are confident participants in their democracy. It's time for West Vancouver to recognize the potential of its younger citizens and lower the voting age to 16.  We urge this amazing, vibrant, and diverse community of Vancouver to push this forward. Please sign this petition to Vancouver City Mayor and Council to West lower the Voting Age to 16. 
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jerry and Jason Song
  • Call for CFIB-FCEI to break up with Scotiabank
    Scotiabank is already under pressure to divest itself of Elbit shares; however to date they have not shown any interest in doing so.   We therefore need to use all avenues available to us to increase this pressure.  As the CFIB-FCEI is Canada's largest advocacy group of over 97,000 small businesses, we can make our voice heard, that supporting genocide is not acceptable to us as Canadians, and as Canadian small businesses.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean-Paul Thuot
  • Save our National Medical System
    Working together we can save this wonderful medical system that was once described as the crown jewel of medical systems. If we do nothing our medical system will slip away and become either a two tiered system or a system owned by the private sector. If we want to preserve our system we must act to preserve it
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garry Jollymore
  • Support striking workers – stop Doug Ford from selling off the LCBO!
    Doug Ford is trying to privatize the LCBO – destroying good jobs and starving our public services of funding.  Just last year, profits from the LCBO – an Ontario Crown Corporation – provided $2.58 billion dollars of funding for education, healthcare and other public services.  But if Ford’s plan for privatizing alcohol sales goes through – those profits will go straight to the pockets of billionaires of big box stores like Galen Weston.  Striking LCBO workers are hitting the picket lines to fight back against Doug Ford’s plan – which would erode the good union jobs LCBO provides and deals a hefty blow to public services funding.  We can’t let Doug Ford get away with this. Together, let’s keep the LCBO public. Add your name to show support for the striking LCBO workers and demand Ford back off his plan for privatization. One of the best ways to support striking workers is to visit a picket line: ​​https://opseu.org/news/support-striking-lcbo-workers-find-a-picket-location-near-you/237391/
    9,713 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Romy Baur
  • Regulate the water and energy use of cryptocurrency and AI data centers
    Tech operations like crypto currency centers in Canada are guzzling millions of liters water. Digital operations like cryptocurrency and AI rely heavily on large data centers – which use large amounts of electricity, and also water to cool down computers (also known as “servers”).  The latest estimate, from three years ago, is that 127 billion liters of water is used for cryptocurrency operations per year– enough to supply a million Canadian homes. But assessing the true impact is almost impossible because cryptocurrency and data centers in Canada aren’t required to register or restrict how much water or electricity they use.  Already this summer we’ve seen effects of water shortages – like in Alberta – which could regularly become a new normal as the effects of runaway climate change intensify. It’s high time we reckon with the environmental and resource-intensive impact of Big Tech.
    6,150 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Virginia Bowden
  • Support our wildland firefighters on the frontlines of the climate crisis
    As a wildland firefighter, I work at the frontlines of the climate crisis to help protect people and homes from ever-intensifying wildfires that devastate our communities. We risk our lives to fight these deadly fires. But it’s a hard job. Low wages and benefits, and extreme working conditions have created a staffing crisis amongst our ranks, putting a heavy burden on wildland firefighters right as climate change is making wildfires more extreme. A simple change to how the federal government classifies our jobs from ‘forestry’ to ‘public safety’ – like our colleagues who work in municipal fire departments — could help improve our working conditions and benefits and ensure our ranks don’t dwindle right as our communities need us most.  A cross-party group of MPs are already calling for this change, we just need to get the federal government on board too. As the climate crisis deepens, we need to invest in good jobs that help protect our communities in the face of wildfires, heatwaves, and flooding. Will you support better working conditions for wildland firefighters like me and add your name to my petition now?
    5,508 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Graeme