• traffic roundabout at portage and main Winnipeg Manitoba
    This will eliminate the need for traffic lights and speed things up. The overhead walkway can ignore the traffic below and possibly be a tourist attraction
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Bradley
  • Les mensonges de l’industrie pétrolière coûtent des vies – Soutenez le projet de loi C-372
    La combustion de combustibles fossiles contribue aux changements climatiques et fait monter en flèche les niveaux de pollution à un degré mortel. En effet, la pollution due aux combustibles fossiles est directement liée à 34 000 décès prématurés par an au Canada et à plus de 8 millions de décès dans le monde. Par ailleurs, les entreprises pétrolières et gazières induisent sciemment le public en erreur en ayant recours à des pratiques d’écoblanchiment. Par exemple, elles affirment faussement que le pétrole est un produit « à zéro émission nette » ou « carboneutre », ce qui empêche les consommateur(trice)s de prendre des décisions éclairées et retarde la transition vers des sources d’énergie plus sûres et plus propres. Les entreprises qui fabriquent des produits nocifs menaçant la santé publique ne devraient pas être autorisées à faire de la publicité. C’est dans cette optique que l’Association canadienne des médecins pour l’environnement a initié un appel à l'interdiction de la publicité pour l’industrie des combustibles fossiles, soutenu par plus de trois quarts de millions de professionnel(le)s de la santé. Le projet de loi C-372 représente une opportunité tangible de mettre en œuvre cette interdiction. Le projet de loi pourrait faire l’objet d’une deuxième lecture très prochainement et une grande vague de soutien en faveur de la pétition pourrait faire renverser la vapeur et mener à son adoption. Nous devons montrer aux parlementaires que de très nombreuses personnes en ont assez de la désinformation et des mensonges véhiculés par l’industrie pétrolière et gazière, et qu’elles n’arrêteront pas de se battre pour cette cause tant que le projet de loi C-372 n’aura pas été adopté. Signez la pétition dès maintenant pour soutenir cet important projet de loi et faire en sorte qu’il soit adopté rapidement.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Erin Baird
  • Our carbon price is helping with inflation and the climate but is under attack. Show your support!
    The Canadian carbon price is good for the climate and for most families! Now, more than ever, it needs our support. Please show you support by signing this petition! References: [i] https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/ca/news/catastrophe/canadas-2023-severe-weather-losses-fourth-costliest-on-record--ibc-472080.aspx [ii] https://globalnews.ca/news/10141857/canada-wildfires-side-effects/#:~:text=Wildfires%20burned%2018.5M%20hectares,Globalnews.ca&text=Wildfires%20burned%2018.5M%20hectares%20of%20land%20in%202023.,-What%20will%20happen [iii] https://www.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/whats_new-quoi_de_neuf/2023/research_story-histoire_de_recherche__harvey-eng.aspx [iv] https://www.cdnfirefighter.com/revisiting-canadas-historic-2023-wildfire-season/#:~:text=2023%2C%20over%2018.5%20million%20hectares,in%20the%20line%20of%20duty. [v] https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/faq/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change/ [vi] https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/science/causes-effects-climate-change [vii] https://www.queensu.ca/gazette/stories/canada-faces-huge-physical-costs-climate-change-making-net-zero-great- [viii] https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/about/frequently-asked-questions/keyfaq2/#:~:text=Current%20projections%20imply%20that%20at,know%20of%20will%20be%20threatened. [ix] https://climateatlas.ca/climate-change-basics [x] https://globalnews.ca/news/10038427/extreme-weather-climate-change-canada-poll/ [xi] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/carbon-tax-rebates-climate-1.7159209 [xii] https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/december-2023/carbon-price-affordability/ [xiii] https://ecofiscal.ca/2024/03/26/open-letter-carbon-pricing/ [xiv] https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/december-2023/carbon-price-affordability/ [xv] https://thenarwhal.ca/carbon-tax-inflation-politicians/ [xvi] https://440megatonnes.ca/insight/industrial-carbon-pricing-systems-driver-emissions-reductions/
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Larry Dobson
  • Big Oil’s Lies Cost Lives – Support Bill C-372
    Fossil fuels are driving climate change and causing skyrocketing levels of deadly pollution – Fossil-fuel pollution is directly linked to up to 34 000 premature deaths in Canada per year and over 8 million globally. Meanwhile, greenwashing by oil and gas companies knowingly misleads the public with false claims of “net zero” and “carbon neutral” oil impeding informed consumer decision-making and delaying the transition to safer, cleaner energy sources. Companies that create harmful products that threaten public health should not be allowed to advertise. For this reason, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment have been leading calls for a fossil fuel advertising ban, and three quarters of a million health professionals support such a ban. Now, with Bill C-372, we have the chance to make this a reality. The bill could come to second reading very soon and a giant wave of support and signatures on this petition could be critical in tipping the scales and getting this bill passed. We need to show Parliamentarians that there is a massive collective of people who are tired of the lies and disinformation from the oil and gas industry and who won’t stop until Bill C-372 is passed. Sign the petition now to support this important legislation and ensure its speedy passage into law.
    11,082 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Erin Baird
  • Inuit know who Inuit are.
    This is Nunatsiavut, Our Beautiful Land—the place where our roots run deep. This is about our land, our people, our history, our self-determination, and our rights. Labrador Inuit have lived on this land for millennia. As its original inhabitants, our footprints are everywhere. We have lived here in harmony with the land, ice and sea – where wildlife, fish and birds thrive. Canada knows there is only one Inuit collective in Labrador. We are not just protecting our physical boundaries, but also our way of life and our identity. Recognizing members of the NCC as Inuit is harmful and disrespectful. This is not reconciliation. Tell Canada to follow our lead. Listen to the unified voice of Inuit in Canada and reject the claims from the Nunatukavut Community Council that threaten our way of life.
    509 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nunatsiavut Government
  • Bring Westgrove Family Medicine Clinic to Etobicoke!
    With nearly 1 in 4 Ontarians lacking a family doctor [2], where will you and your loved ones seek medical care in the years ahead, if not within our own community? HELP US BRING WESTGROVE MEDICAL TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING THIS PETITION. In addition, letters of support for Dr Laura Thomas & Dr Laura Quigley and Westgrove Family Medicine clinic may be sent to: Etobicoke Committee of Adjustment: [email protected] Please include the property address in your email: 4740 Dundas St West Councillor Stephen Holyday: [email protected]  Councillor & Deputy Mayor Amber Morley: [email protected] Mayor Olivia Chow: [email protected] Member of Provincial Parliament Kinga Surma: [email protected] Minister of Health Sylvia Jones: [email protected] Premier Doug Ford: [email protected] Sources: [1] Half a million people in Toronto don't have a family doctor, college says https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/half-a-million-people-in-toronto-don-t-have-a-family-doctor-college-says-1.6795222 [2] ‘Sounding the alarm’: 1 in 4 Ontarians could be without family doctor by 2026, groups say https://globalnews.ca/news/10257253/ontarians-family-doctors-2026/
    2,445 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Thomas
  • I support Bus Lanes on McKenzie to UVic NOW!
    Saanich’s Quadra McKenzie Study process is an opportunity that must not be wasted. Pressure from UVic could get bus lanes created this year, and get climate pollution from transportation trending down.  Saanich has good policy on climate action and prioritizing public transit riders over car drivers. But when it comes down to allocating road space, in the past transit riders got studies and cars got priority. It is no wonder that many people choose to drive to campus, even when parking is a major pain.  Saanich’s Quadra McKenzie Study presentation includes illustrations of continuous bus lanes on a reconstructed McKenzie with many tall new buildings, but as of right now this study is in the draft planning stages and will take decades to be realized. Bus lanes can and should be created now on the existing roadway, rather than waiting for redevelopment and major road reconstruction. An example of how long these kinds of projects often take is that the Shelbourne Valley Action Plan started with an open house in 2010, and bike and roll lane completion is still years away. Victoria’s plans for transit lanes on Douglas through downtown have taken even longer, with successive plans gathering dust for half a century. As The Martlet reported, last year Climate Justice Victoria, the University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS), and other student groups endorsed the BC Climate Emergency Campaign’s open letter on transportation. The letter calls for reallocating “road space from private automobiles to transit lanes, protected bike & roll lanes, pedestrian priority spaces, and space for trees.” It also asserts that road space “reallocation to trigger traffic evaporation will be essential for meeting the ambitious CleanBC” target of reducing traffic (vehicle kilometers traveled - VKT) 25% by 2030. As a provincial institution, UVic is ethically obligated to help meet this ambitious provincial VKT reduction target. According to UVic’s Sustainability Action Plan, the University has set a goal of increasing the use of transit, cycling and carpooling to 70% of the modal split.  We call on Saanich to paint in 24/7 bus lanes on all four-lane and wider sections of McKenzie this year, and for the UVic administration to actively and publicly lobby for this.
    511 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Climate Justice Victoria Picture
  • Dixon Grove JMS needs a New Child Care Centre now
    Access to affordable child care is essential for families across Etobicoke. It not only supports parents in the workforce but also ensures that children have access to enriching early learning experiences, setting them up for success in their educational journey. By investing in a new Child Care Centre at Dixon Grove JMS, we can alleviate the child care burden on families, promote early childhood development, and contribute to a stronger, more inclusive community.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nazlene Hamid
  • Respect the moratorium: No mining on Indigenous land without consent
    It is unacceptable to allow mining on Indigenous land without the free, prior and informed consent of the First Nation whose land it is. In Ontario, the “free entry” system has resulted in an inundation of mining claims submitted to First Nations. Mining companies are allowed to stake claims online, without ever setting foot on the land they hope to mine, and without gaining the consent of the Indigenous people who live there. This bureaucracy has consistently acted to deny Indigenous people control over their land. The sheer volume of claims is nearly impossible to keep up with. In fact, the Chiefs of Ontario are calling for a one-year moratorium on staking mining claims to give communities time to assess the massive number of claims and develop a meaningful process. For mining claims issued on Grassy Narrows’ Territory, there is no question that the community does not consent. Their land has already been violated by mercury, clearcut logging, and hydro dams. And in 2018, Grassy Narrows enacted a Land Declaration, enshrining into their law a ban on all mineral staking, exploration, mining, and logging in their territory. The Ontario government, which claims to be committed to reconciliation, must respect Grassy Narrows, respect their moratorium, and withdraw all mining claims that do not have their consent.
    4,020 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by FreeGrassy .
  • Stop Arming Israel - Restore funding to UNRWA
    Our government is not acting in alignment with our responsibilities under international law. We need to restore funding for UNRWA as it is essential to lives of Palestinians in Gaza, and we need to stop sending weapons which are used to kill and injure civilians.
    352 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lyn Adamson
  • Regina, SK - Mayor Sandra Masters and Council Call for a Ceasefire
    Over the past days and weeks, I have watched with profound grief as the civilian death toll in Gaza has mounted. After a promised pause, the Israeli military resumed attacks on the people of Gaza. Even after the International Court of Justice has called for a ceasefire, representatives from Israel's government have said they will not abide. It is more clear now than ever before that what we really need is a permanent ceasefire. One way we can do that is to get more prominent politicians into the fray. Already, some municipal politicians have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the more pressure there will be on the federal government. Saskatchewan politicians have been distressingly silent for the duration of this event - it's time for things to change and for us to join the international calls for justice. Add your name to call on Mayor Sandra Masters and Regina City Councillors to come out in support of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tanner Vogelgesang
  • Reform the Common Law Rules for PWD
    The current rules surrounding common law partnerships involving PWD also create an environment of inequity and instability. It is highly unjust to impose a tax-like burden on the common-law spouses of disabled individuals, leading to resentment, strained marriages, and increased suffering for all parties involved. PWD are effectively forced to choose between preserving their independence or placing unfair and discriminatory burdens upon partners who earn above a modest incomes. This dynamic also perpetuates outdated and sexist paradigms, particularly in heterosexual partnerships, where women often become solely dependent on men due to financial constraints. Furthermore, the current rules for common law partnerships involving PWD reinforce discrimination towards the poor and the disabled, discouraging PWD from pursuing stable marriages and stripping them of the limited independence they have been granted. We must strive for a society that supports and enables PWD to build stable relationships, fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities for all.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R. T.