• Vancouver - Mayor Ken Sim and Council Call for a Ceasefire
    Over the past days and weeks, I have watched with profound grief as the civilian death toll in Gaza has mounted. After a promised pause, the Israeli military has resumed attacks on the people of Gaza. It is more clear now than ever before that what we really need is a permanent ceasefire. One way we can do that is to get more prominent politicians into the fray. Already, some municipal politicians have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the more pressure there will be on the federal government. Already Adriane Carr and Christine Boyle have called for a ceasefire, it's time for the rest of to join. Add your name to call on Mayor Ken Sim and Vancouver City Councillors to come out in support of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now.
    2,948 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Nishat (Nish) Thaver
  • City of Kitchener - Mayor Berry Vrbanovic and Council Call for a Ceasefire
    One way we can do that is to get more prominent politicians into the fray. Already, some municipal politicians have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the more pressure there will be on the federal government. Add your name to call on City of Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic and Council Call to come out in support of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now.
    487 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Telfer
  • City of Airdrie Alberta - Mayor Peter Brown and Council Call for a Ceasefire
    One way we can do that is to get more prominent politicians into the fray. Already, some municipal politicians have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the more pressure there will be on the federal government. Add your name to call on City of Airdrie Mayor Peter Brown and Council to come out in support of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasmeet Singh Pawar
  • City of Calgary - Mayor Jyoti Gondek and Council Call for a Ceasefire
    One way we can do that is to get more prominent politicians into the fray. Already, some municipal politicians have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the more pressure there will be on the federal government. Add your name to call on City of Calgary - Mayor Jyoti Gondek and Council to come out in support of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now.
    431 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Emily Drzymala
  • Guaranteed Livable Income For All
    When people are given money, they use it to meet their basic needs like transportation, food and clothes. They secure housing and get jobs – often better more stable than before. Guaranteed livable income benefits Canadians, their families and their communities. As we get ready for an election in the next year or two: tell Canada’s political parties that a guaranteed livable income is the solution Canadian families need. Join our petition to call for a Canada where everyone can thrive.
    262 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Emdash Agency
  • Clean Air Now: Prioritize Our Kids in the Clean Air Movement
    Join Our Urgent Cause: Every signature brings us closer to ensuring our youngest and most vulnerable have a safe and healthy learning environment. Sign now for immediate action in our schools and daycares, paving the way for cleaner air in all public buildings.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clean Air For All Picture
  • The Cruel Reality of the Biomass industry
    Clear cutting of Primary Old Growth Forests in BC is being accelerated in the name of green energy production - somehow even shipping our pelletized forests to be burned in the UK as a means to green wash their country's largest coal fired power plant. This large scale fraud not only expedites the destruction of what remains of Canada's old growth forests. It also works against the reduction of carbon emissions while stating the contrary. This is a massive scam that cannot be allowed to continue.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by patrick ellard
  • No more political football with Canadian lives!
    This issue is a national crisis. We will soon have lost more citizens to toxic drugs than were lost in World War Two. Losing otherwise healthy young people is affecting our economy (those affected by drugs are missing from the workforce, but so are their bereaved or overstressed parents and extended family members), our security (who are you going to call up if there's a war?), and is doing deep, lasting damage to our families and society. It is making our cities unsafe.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grace Golightly
  • World Wide Emissions
    Climate Change needs to be fought on a Global Scale , not just on a National Level. The worst emissions like coal need to be eliminated before we worry about the lessor issues.
    3 of 100 Signatures
  • Recycling is not free: Packagers must pay
    Plastic bottles end up in the waste stream and littering the landscape. Estimates suggest less than a third of plastic drink bottles get recycled in the U.S. As many as 34 billion plastic bottles end up in the oceans each year. But this is a solvable problem as companies like Coca Cola actually produce refillable containers in some markets. We should mandate that for Canada. https://www.fastcompany.com/90721672/refillable-soda-bottles-coca-cola https://oceana.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/3.2.2020_just_one_word-refillables.pdf Another obvious example is food packaging -- is it necessary to package tomatoes in single-use plastic? This case is more nuanced in some cases due to food spoilage concerns. But certainly sometimes I can buy tomatoes in bulk. If the packaging cost is borne by the producer, the bulk tomatoes would have the advantage and over time waste is reduced. https://foodpolicyforcanada.info.yorku.ca/plastic/
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Robbins
  • Reverse your disastrous healthcare plan
    On Wednesday, Premier Danielle Smith unveiled her plans for Alberta’s healthcare system which - if enacted - could be a slippery slope to the end of public healthcare in Alberta. Her plans would dismantle Alberta Health, replacing it with a new set of organizations which will be under her government’s direct control - giving her the power to do whatever she wants. Leaked documents indicate it could put the jobs of 250,000 healthcare workers at risk. At a time where the public healthcare system is already crumbling in crisis and suffering from understaffing - this is unacceptable. Smith has yet to directly address how many jobs will be affected by these new plans, or how much it will cost. If thousands of us sign a petition calling on her to reverse these plans, we can show Smith that her proposal is deeply unpopular, and get her to go back to the drawing board and build a healthcare plan that really addresses the needs of all Albertans. Image credit: Alberta Newsroom
    3,354 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Support Improving Air Quality Standards for Schools & Childcare Centres - Bill 140
    Without the backing of our Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs), Bill 140 faces the risk of being shelved, depriving our schools, students and education workers of the chance for a healthier learning and working environment. Clean indoor is important: Health and Safety: Poor air quality can lead to a range of health issues, including respiratory problems, allergies, and the spread of infectious diseases. Ensuring that the air quality in schools meets current standards is a fundamental step in protecting the well-being of those who spend significant amounts of time in educational settings. Educational Outcomes: There is a well-documented link between air quality and cognitive function. Cleaner air can improve concentration, productivity, and overall academic performance. Transparency and Accountability: By mandating the public reporting of CO2 levels, this bill promotes transparency, allowing parents and the wider community to be informed about the air quality in schools and childcare centers. This information is critical for ensuring accountability and pushing for necessary improvements. Proactive Health Measures: The requirement for an Air Quality Action Plan ensures that there are predefined steps to take when air quality drops, potentially preventing health issues before they arise and ensuring a quick response to any air quality concerns. Economic Sense: Investing in better air quality has economic benefits. By reducing the number of sick days for both students and staff, there is less disruption to learning and work, which has a positive impact on productivity and educational outcomes. Additionally, the long-term healthcare savings from preventing air quality-related illnesses can be substantial. Setting Standards: Ontario currently lacks clear regulations for indoor air quality in schools, putting students and staff at a disadvantage. Implementing such standards would not only protect them but also position Ontario as a leader in educational health and safety standards. Global Competitiveness: Other regions that have adopted similar measures have seen positive outcomes. Supporting this bill would allow Ontario to keep pace with global best practices in educational and childcare environments, making it a more attractive place to live, work, and learn. Long-Term Benefits: The investment in air quality monitoring and improvement is not just a short-term fix; it's an investment in the future health and cognitive abilities of the community’s children. Healthy students are more likely to grow into healthy adults, contributing positively to society. With the support of Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs), we can implement vital measures like Bill 140 to ensure our schools have clean air, thereby securing a safer, healthier, and more academically conducive future for our students and education workers.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ontario School Safety Picture