To: All readers of local papers

Ethical Canada means decolonizing, decriminalizing, and democratizing the present state of Canada.

Time for healthy change... Social, political, military, and environmental problems are being orchestrated to keep everyone fearful and anxious, and popping pills and pushing buttons, anything except sitting down and meditating to a state of calm reason. As we see in Palestine and the Ukraine hot spots, colonial terrorism  is destroying thousands of lives for  their lands. Lands drenched with blood spilled in covetous hate become cursed with dark energy and unholy.
Canada's lands were taken with traditional colonial terrorism, defined by its students as: "The use of violence and threats of violence to gain political control over indigenous people and their land wealth." Colonial communities who claim to hold heritage properties are like the Nazis who hold Jewish paintings taken from Jews during WWII. There is no legitimate heritage in colonial communities in the Americas. 

Why is this important?

  • Ethical Canadians who have awakened to the criminal nature of the state of Canada, are growing in numbers through the TRR. They want a reset for Canda, and they're charging  mainstream press with historic fraud. 
  • The government needs to open itself to public scrutiny, and enforce transparency and all records to be reviewed without exclusion. 
  • A team of forensic accountants should be assigned to estimate the numbers of child victims, and their fates today.
  • According to Stats Canada, there about 3,500 Canadian veterans of foreign wars sleeping in Canadian streets every night.
  • 250,000 native child were abducted and forced to defend their native faith and tribal ways, and be forced to convert to Christianity was in fact forced to become a child soldier and fight in Macdonald's religious war for indigenous lands and resources.  In this child nightmare, about 6,000 child warriors were killed.