To: Jagmeet Singh Leader of the Federal NDP party of Canada

Save our National Medical System

Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash
Our medical system is in disarray. It is threatened with privatisation its creators warned about this happening. 

We have a narrow window of opportunity to save our medical system before it fails and to save it we must take it out of the hands of government. The universal access medical system needs to be put into the hands of people who care rather than the government which has brought it to this crisis.

The Medical system needs to be transferred from the government to the same kind of management that has replaced crown corporations. The template to accomplish this is available it is in the way Ports and Airports are managed in Canada. They are managed by a BOARD with no shareholders, a board only concerned with the success of the service and obliged to turn profits back into operations

They have been transformed into successful, modern, thriving organizations after shedding government management. It can work for our medical system as well

The first question is how to finance this it is simply a case of reintroducing the hospital tax and collapsing the GST/HST


Why is this important?

Working together we can save this wonderful medical system that was once described as the crown jewel of medical systems.

If we do nothing our medical system will slip away and become either a two tiered system or a system owned by the private sector. If we want to preserve our system we must act to preserve it