• Remove GST/HST on the production from solar panels
    It's a public give a consideration even if at this time they don't have solar panels but may consider have solar panels install at a later date. 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raymond Allard
  • Un-invite David Frum as Keynote Speaker at Democratic Engagement Exchange Event at TMU
    It is important for others to join in signing this petition to demonstrate to President Lachemi, Professor Beebe, and Dean Peng the significant opposition to the Islamophobic and anti-Palestine views held by David Frum because those views are not representative of the TMU community, but even more importantly, they are harmful and incite violence.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqui Gingras
  • Funding needed for Rousseau Public School
    Students have been reporting they avoid going to the washroom during the day because they do not feel that it is a safe space for them – their privacy is not guaranteed. The cleanliness of the washrooms is also of concern, with the need for more dedicated caretaking time spent on ensuring these spaces meet the hygiene standards required to prevent the spread of infections (to which over the past two years, Rousseau has fell victim). The experience of going to the washroom in their current state creates feelings of insecurity, anxiousness, uncertainty, and overall poor hygiene. These reports from students run contrary to the Hamilton-Wentworth School Board’s Facilities policy which indicates: “Hamilton‐Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) believes in maintaining equitable, efficient and sustainable schools and other board facilities that provide safe and high-quality learning and working environments for students, staff and the community.” You can appreciate that students who avoid using the washroom for an entire school day is a true reflection that the environment being provided for them is not safe nor a high-quality learning environment. The parent community at Rousseau Public school are imploring the school board to allocate funds to improve the washroom facilities at the school so that students feel comfortable and safe using these necessary spaces. We recognize that the school board is in a tough position as the intention to rebuild the school building is strong, however after many years of unsuccessful applications for funding, it is time to recognize that the Board now needs to direct money towards the upkeep of the building in order to improve the facilities that students need to use daily. The health and wellbeing of our children depend on it. Sincerely, The Rousseau School community
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Wellman-Earl
  • Schools
    Right now schools in downtown Toronto are way over capacity, there are is some schools 37 kids in the class, some of schools are driving school children 3-4 km away.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aleksandar Janicijevic
  • Recall Alberta Premier Danielle Smith
    If premier Danielle Smith continues this path Alberta will become a state where health care and ordinary living expenses will become unaffordable for the even the average Albertan. My final straw came when, in conversation with a worker at our local food bank I learned they were accepting 12 new families a month, this in addition to the families they were already serving, not to mention my rising energy bill consisting of administraive costs often higher than the actual energy cost.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Albers
  • Double Social Assistance Rates in Ontario.
    To establish justice and fairness in our province.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Muma
  • Canada - stop the genocide in Gaza!
    Israel is not complying with the orders of the International Court of Justice to stop engaging in genocidal acts - so Canada must take action. Please sign our petition to government leaders to put pressure on Israel to stop the killing, to join a ceasefire, and to permit aid to flow freely into Gaza. The killing, and death by starvation, needs to stop.
    235 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lyn Adamson
  • End Corporate Food Waste
    It's the moment to act and put an end to corporate food waste! Coming up on Tuesday, March 19, the Manitoba NDP will propose a private members bill aimed at decreasing corporate food waste. Show your backing for this bill to minimize opposition. Send a message to your local MLA Now!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer MacRae
  • Demand a Better Traffic Plan
    As the Condo executive we have the ability to push back against unilateral decision-making Greywood is now trying to back peddle as they turned over the property to the Condo Executive in 2015 without completing their obligations. Instead of working with residents to find a solution to maintain the Emergency Services turnaround and informal respite point for Uber, UPS, and Canada Post they hold the sidewalk completion in the hinges and make threats to further disrupt our way of living.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Campaign Organizer
  • Two-term Limit for Politicians: Urgent Reform Needed!
    The implementation of term limits is a prudent and forward-thinking measure that can positively transform our political landscape. By fostering innovation and curbing the concentration of power, we can create a more responsive and accountable system.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pamela Brohm
  • call on parliament to impose sanctions on the settler state of israel
    Don't let MPs gloat about Canada finally calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, this is not enough. More than 20 000 Palestinian lives have now been lost due to Israeli bombing. We must hold our elected officials accountable for making us complicit in the genocide of Palestinians.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Hare
  • Permanent ceasefire in Gaza
    When I go to bed at night, I don't have to worry about being blown to bits or whether I can have food, water, medical treatment or even be able to turn on the lights. These things we all take for granted but people in other places in the world such as Gaza and Ukraine(and too many more) can't and that is a tragedy. Calling for a permanent ceasefire means both sides must lay down their weapons. Israel believes that it can militarily destroy Hamas and they have clearly stated that belief. This conflict ,in my opinion will never be solved with guns and bombs because it is like adding gasoline to a fire.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Walton