• Call on Oakville Council to support a Permanent Ceasefire
    We need to put pressure on those in power to demand a permanent ceasefire so that this humanitarian crisis will end. I want those affected by this conflict to know that people in Canada are supporting them. We are devastated by what happened on October 7th, and continue to be devastated with the civilians lives being sacrificed in order to remove Hamas permanently.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bronwen Bruch
  • Tofino for Ceasefire Now
    Since October 7, the loss of innocent lives has reached alarming numbers. We continue to watch with profound grief as the death toll steadily climbs: over 18,000 lives have been claimed to date in Gaza, over 1,200 lives have been claimed to date in Israel, and over 260 lives have been claimed to date in the West Bank. Within our own country, we have witnessed an upsurge in hate crimes and violent attacks targeting Jewish and Muslim individuals. Neither a humanitarian pause nor a 4-day truce is enough to stop more innocent loss of life. It is unequivocally clear that an immediate and permanent ceasefire is needed. Canada has demonstrated efforts towards acknowledging past injustices, seeking truth, and fostering reconciliation through its recognition of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In a similar vein, our advocacy for a ceasefire in Gaza exemplifies our commitment to justice, peace, and the protection of innocent lives, irrespective of geopolitical boundaries. The Canadian federal government has not supported the international call for a ceasefire. It falls upon Canadian municipalities, both large and small, to add their voices to this critical matter. Already, some municipalities have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the greater the pressure on the federal government. Tofino is a renowned tourist destination that attracts over 600,000 visitors annually from across Canada and the world. As such, Tofino holds significant recognition both domestically and internationally. Our voice as a municipality carries weight in shaping public opinion and can encourage other municipalities and representatives to follow suit in urging the federal government to take decisive action.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sully Rogalski
    We must uphold the lasting values and traditions of Canada being a peace keeping country. Palestinians face daily human rights abuses such as apartheid systems, poverty, food and water shortages, arrests and detention of children who are brought before military courts. Gaza is currently the most dangerous place in the world to be a child, with bombardments increasing daily on civilian homes and infrastructures. We must stop this increasing humanitarian crisis and protect the lives of innocent civilians, namely children.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracey Meneely
  • Changing Sport Canada's Funding Model
    These restrictions limit the capacity of organisations that are focused on using sport for development from accessing needed funds to operate and deliver programming for communities in Canada. By making the funding framework and definition of sport more open to allowing other sport organisations access to funds, we can refocus the sport system in Canada away from it's sole focus on medals to one focused on social, economic and environmental benefits in communities across Canada.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sports For Social Impact
  • Get the International Day for Sport for Development and Peace as a recognized day in Canada
    Given the need to raise more awareness of the importance of sport for development and how it interacts with Canada's sporting goals, it is essential that we raise this topic more and more. By instituting this day as an officially observed day in Canada, we can help push the needle towards a more purposeful sport system. One that values sustainability, social progress, community involvement over medals and performance.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sports For Social Impact
  • Canada Needs to Declare the Iranian Regime a Terrorist Organization Now!
    Stand up for freedom, democracy, and human rights now and urge Justin Trudeau and Melonie Joly to declare the Iranian regime a terrorist organization immediately. Please see the recent Global news special on this issue at https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/10076891/iran-dissidents-threats-canada/amp/.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanne Clarke
  • No more noise
    As Squamish grows, noise levels experienced by citizens of all ages increase.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Manuel
  • Demand Climate Action in Oakville's 2024 Municipal Budget
    Oakville Council has delayed climate action for too long. Although they declared a climate emergency in 2019 council has yet to implement any true actions to help reduce emissions for our Town and its citizens. Our Town has a responsibility to put in place programs to help support its residents to reduce emissions and adapt to our changing climate. This summer’s wildfires were a wake-up call to all residents that we must act now. Please use our letter-writing tool to demand climate action from Mayor Rob Burton and our Oakville Council in the 2024 Oakville Budget.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Tervit
  • Federal Leaders: Declare a State of Emergency for Indigenous Housing
    The Federal Government needs to act now by declaring a State of Emergency and transferring adequate funding to Indigenous communities and Indigenous housing and service providers to address the housing crisis.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Saskatchewan Teachers Fight Back
    The Sask Party has eroded public education for years and now they are attacking the rights of some of our most vulnerable students. Collectively, as members of the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation, we need to stand together in solidarity to protect the fundamental rights and protections of the 2SLGBTQ+ community
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Show Up For Saskatchewan Trans Youth
  • Boycott Saudi Arabia and Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud
    Upholding Moral and Ethical Standards: Engaging in or supporting entities that blatantly use sports to overshadow systemic human rights violations is an indirect endorsement of those malpractices. It's essential to uphold ethical standards, ensuring that international engagements, collaborations, and platforms are not used to legitimize or sanitize the reputations of oppressive regimes. Solidarity with the Oppressed: By taking a stance, we express our solidarity with activists, journalists, and citizens who are oppressed, marginalized, or persecuted. Our collective voice may serve as a beacon of hope and support for those suffering under unjust conditions, showing them that the international community has not turned a blind eye to their plight. Preserving the Integrity of Sports: Sports have traditionally been a source of joy, unity, and shared humanity. It’s vital to protect this global institution from being manipulated as a tool for political gain or a cover for reprehensible actions. Athletes, fans, and organizations should prioritize the ethical integrity of sports, ensuring that they are not utilized as vehicles to propel propaganda or shield misconduct. Asserting the Primacy of Human Rights: The safeguarding of human rights should always supersede any economic, political, or entertainment interests. Demonstrating that gross violations of human rights will not be overlooked or forgotten, even amidst glittering sporting events or investments, sends a strong message to all nations and entities regarding international priorities and values. Building a Just and Accountable Global Community: It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the global community does not prioritize financial gains, strategic alliances, or entertaining diversions over the fundamental rights and wellbeing of individuals. Building a world where nations and leaders are held accountable for their actions, and where the wellbeing of citizens is prioritized, is pivotal for crafting a future that is just, equitable, and humane. Why Join This Campaign: Empowering Collective Action: Your signature, voice, and engagement can empower collective efforts, making the campaign more influential and capable of instigating change. Promoting Universal Values: Joining the campaign aligns you with universal values of justice, humanity, and ethical governance, contributing toward the establishment of a global standard that respects and honors human dignity. Creating a Ripple Effect: Your involvement could inspire others to participate, creating a ripple effect that amplifies the call for justice, human rights, and transparency on a global scale. Preserving Human Dignity: By actively resisting sportswashing, you contribute to the efforts to preserve the dignity of oppressed individuals, ensuring that their suffering is not masked by international spectacles. Shaping Future Narratives: Your participation aids in shaping the narratives of future international engagements, encouraging entities worldwide to prioritize ethical, humane, and just practices. Let us unify our voices, acting as stewards for justice, human rights, and ethical global engagement, ensuring that sports remain a pure, unadulterated celebration of human potential, devoid of manipulative political undertones.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nazih Hajj Picture
  • Reject Hindu Supremacist "Hinduphobia" Petition in Canada
    This is a critical time. India’s autocratic government seemingly murdered a Canadian Sikh leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in Canada [1]. This same Hindu nationalist government is violently attacking Muslims, Sikhs, caste-oppressed people, Indigenous people, Christians, and occupied Kashmiris on a daily basis [2]. Hindu nationalists also have an extensive network in Canada [3]. One of the ways these right-wing Hindu nationalist (Hindutva) forces stifle any criticism of the Indian government and Hindu supremacist ideology is to label such criticism as “Hinduphobic.” They have launched a seemingly virtuous petition to ask the House of Common to specifically recognize “Hinduphobia'' as a form of discrimination. But, “Hinduphobia” is a devious political tool designed to hoodwink people of goodwill and make them complicit in advancing a Hindu nationalist and supremacist agenda in Canada. Anti-racism and anti-discrimination measures should hold systems of power to account. But the “Hinduphobia” petition does no such thing [4]. It weakens accountability for Hindu nationalists, a clear and present danger for all in Canada. Any parliamentary recognition of “Hinduphobia” will have a chilling effect on the rights of religious minorities and caste-oppressed South Asian Canadians, as well as all academics, artists, and human rights defenders in Canada [5]. Sign this petition now and resist the reproduction of Hindu supremacist politics in Canada. [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sikh-nijjar-india-canada-trudeau-modi-1.6974607 [2] https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/south-asia/india/report-india/ [3] https://www.nccm.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RSS-Report-2023.pdf; https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7z947/how-far-right-hindu-supremacy-went-global [4] https://www.baaznews.org/p/hinduphobia-hindu-nationalist-rhetoric [5] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d41KjHGfrnJlbM0fLLMJlGADOku4sOu_/view?usp=sharing
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by CERAS & SADAN