• Stop P3/ Deferred cost to the future
    P3 school is like buying a big purchase which you can not pay off and you make minimum payments!! Interest will cost the government more in the future. Check out other provinces which had to buy back the P3 ! a lack of accountability of private companies to the people, leading to cost overruns that impose a burden on future generations. When building P3 School , it did not work other provinces, why would it work in Manitoba
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cupe 737 Cupe 737
  • Basic vet support for service animals and guide dogs
    I have a service animal and fear everyday if something were to happen i couldn't afford it. My disability relays on service animal and i wouldn't function without one. Having help financially with veterinary would help me.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kurtis Gray
  • Palestinian struggle
    Anyone concerned with human rights should want to end the cruel occupation of the West Bank by the Israeli authorities. This is needed if we are to be truly believed when we express concern for human rights anywhere in the world.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Moller
  • Regain Public Ownership of The Grid
    This action would help to save the planet, recognize billions in savings to households and businesses over the next decade and ensure of a more reliable means of powering our futures
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Piotti
  • Type 2 diabetes is a real disease
    Type 2 diabetics' lives are placed at risk without access to needed tools, supplies and insulin every day because it is not covered by OHIP.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glenn Corcoran
  • ADHD Meds for All | Saskatchewan
    Disparities in the diagnostic criteria for ADHD place undo burdens on an already vulnerable population. Saskatchewan’s refusal to include Vyvanse in its prescription drug program is an outdated policy that sets back the treatment plans of those that studies have already demonstrated as being left behind. Immediate action is required to ensure treatment is not delayed any further.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Courtney Hrynuik
  • Reduce Canadian oil production as we move toward net zero
    Canada cannot continue to produce more oil as the world moves toward net zero. Unfortunately, the oil industry is actively lobbying for more production. This will lead to a collapse of the oil industry, leaving the taxpayers to clean the pollution they created. Please sign the petition at: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4225
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gilles Fecteau
  • Corporate Capture of Pharmacare
    Medicine has lost its way and medicine is now controlled by shareholder values. There are no medical sleuths searching for the root cause of disease. Shareholders are not interested in cures, new antibiotics or vaccines. The paradigm of modern medicine is to palliate with treatments that provide life-time annuities to shareholders. How about some cures? Canadians not only want lower drug prices but also want to see that the public good is being protected and medicine is being directed by science, not dogma and industry lobbyists. Reforms are needed within PHAC which is presently headed by two infectious disease doctors [not public health] who have cozy ties with with private medical societies and the insurance industry.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Murray
  • Stop the Baldwin East "Aerodrome"
    Despite being built on provincially significant wetlands, a groundwater recharge area, and highly-vulnerable aquifers and woodlands, the aerodrome has been designed to specifically avoid a required assessment by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada; The principles of the Baldwin East aerodrome have been involved in the waste management industry and have been cited by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment for dumping contaminated fill; The proponents plan to dump 1.2 million cubic metres of fill (120,000 truck loads) on to the site without limitation or testing; and There have been numerous instances of corporations using the pretense of building an aerodrome under federal jurisdiction to lucratively dump fill without scrutiny by municipal and provincial authorities; 97% of respondents who participated in the consultation process – including the Town of Georgina, York Region, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, objected to the proposal; This is nothing more than a pretense by a waste disposal company to lucratively dump fill without scrutiny by municipal and provincial authorities.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leon Sebek
  • Help victims of the Turkish-Syrian Earthquake
    Northwest Syria is a home for over 4.5 million people, most of whom have been displaced multiple times due to the relentless bombing campaign led by the Syrian Assad regime backed by Russian air forces. The infrastructure there was already weak, with 47% of health facilities out of service, and now, after the earthquake the situation is dire. Even The Syrians refugees in Turkey were affected by the quake and left with nothing, no shelters, no jobs, no income of any resource. Their children are out of schools and left alone in the middle of foggy and uncertainty about their future. I need your votes to support the Syrian people request that the Canadian Government take the following actions: - Resettle as much as possible number of Syrians who are currently struggling in northwest Syria or the refugees in Turkey and ensure fast processing of their applications. Your support will save lives, and every minute counts. I am counting on you, good hearts, to show the Syrian people that they are not alone and not let down and that the whole Canadians stand for them.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rufaida Alkhabbaz
  • Stop the Demolition of Rent-controlled Building at 55 Brownlow Avenue
    Your support will allow hundreds of families, low income individuals, and elderly people to remain housed in the middle of an affordability crisis in Toronto. One older resident explained: "I do not currently have the monthly income to pay the average rent of $2500 for a 1 bedroom. I am nearing retirement and will have even less income when that happens. There is no where to go in the city that is affordable." Help the tenants at 55 Brownlow keep the rent-controlled, affordable units that they currently call home by signing our petition.
    569 of 600 Signatures
    Created by 55 Brownlow Tenant Association Picture
  • The Canadian Clean Energy Corridor: Electric Federalism
    Over 80% of the GHGs driving dangerous climate change are caused by the burning of fossil fuels. We need to replace fossil fuels with clean energy. Electrification is the best option to replace fossil energy. We need to expand our grid capacity and remove barriers to clean renewable generation. Without expanded interprovincial electricity transmission, provinces like Saskatchewan will not develop its world class solar and wind resources. The federal government can remove the barriers to clean energy by strengthening interprovincial transmissions by building the Clean Energy Corridor from coast to coast. This is a national project akin to building the railroad: Electric Federalism provides the path to a Net-Zero future!
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glenn Wright