• Petition Toronto City Council to Lower Prices
    We are a group of community members in Toronto’s west end who are feeling the effects of high inflation and soaring cost of living. High prices are making it difficult for working people to pay for housing, food and fuel. We are worried about the impact this is having on people throughout our community, and we are organizing to do something about it! We want to see action from all levels of government – municipal, provincial and federal– to roll back and control prices for basic necessities. These include rent and mortgage payments, gasoline and heating fuel, groceries and transit fares. Governments in Canada have used price controls on several occasions, to help maintain an affordable cost of living for working people. They need to do it again now! We are committed to fighting for our community through petition campaigns, meetings with local politicians, networking with like-minded community groups, public events and more. We are prepared to do whatever it takes to win lower prices! If you’re interested in fighting for an affordable cost of living, please connect with People for Lower Prices at [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/peopleforlowerprices/
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by People for Lower Prices (PLP) Picture
  • O Canada: it’s time to change the national anthem
    Over 50% of Canada’s lands and waters belong to Nations who have never signed a treaty or surrendered their territory. 89% of Canadian lands known as “Crown Lands” exist on territory that Indigenous Peoples have never ceded or surrendered. In signing historic treaties, Indigenous Nations did not give up land ownership. Signatories to the numbered treaties understood that the land would be shared. Despite that, land set aside for Indigenous Nations makes up just 0.2% of land in Canada. It would be alienating and colonial to sing “God Save the Queen” today — though that is what people sang in Canada until 1980. It is just as colonial, now, to erase Indigenous jurisdiction over ancestral lands by using the phrase “our home and native land”. The times they are a-changing — and so should our national anthem.
    9,363 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Palframan
  • Tell your hospital CEO: Protect Public Healthcare: David Graham
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Beth Bromley
  • Tell your hospital CEO: Protect Public Healthcare: Mark Walton
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    720 of 800 Signatures
  • Tell your hospital CEO: Protect Public Healthcare: Jackie Schleifer Taylor
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    733 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Wert
  • Tell your hospital CEO: Protect Public Healthcare: Kevin Smith
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    3,269 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Dan Mossip-Balkwill
  • Tell your hospital CEO: Protect Public Healthcare: Cameron Love
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    1,224 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Janet Westall
  • Tell your hospital CEO: Protect Public Healthcare: Lynn Mikula
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    444 of 500 Signatures
  • BC Nursing Support Services - Families need SUPPORT, now!
    Our families need equitable, flexible, and reliable support in caring for our medically complex children.
    1,294 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Laesa Kim
  • Clean Indoor Air for Nova Scotia
    Good Indoor Air Quality is essential for the health and safety of all Nova Scotians. It will reduce the spread of airborne viruses and chemicals, which will allow Nova Scotians to live healthier and longer lives. It will also lower concentrations of CO2, which will improve cognition, memory, and mood.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shira Lurie
  • Make solar panels mandatory
    We all know the effects of climate change, and we also know that something has to be done about it before it is too late. Not just for our own wellbeing, but for the security of our children and grandchildren. We all know that increasingly violent and deadly storms, floods, fires and droughts are becoming daily items on the news. We must take action. Something as simple as amending the city's building code is one step towards greening the environment, and doesn't even require a lot of individual sacrifice.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Taft
  • Surely We Can Build a Better Economy?
    People can join existing co-operatives and social enterprises. They can take their money out banks who are funding the oil industry and put it in Credit Unions. They can lobby any politician they can trust. They can be part of the solution, part of the building a better economy. They can demand community health centres where they have a say. They can support family and local business and seldom use Amazon or Walmart.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Webb