• More Open Educational Resources at UFV
    The UFV Student Union Society has started this campaign to showcase student support for Open Educational Resources at UFV. Sign this petition if you have been impacted by the high cost of textbooks and would like to see more Open Educational Resources at UFV!
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by UFV Student Union Society
  • Reallocate Hockey Funds for Sexual Assault Centres
    For far too long, sexual harassment and sexual violence has been covered up and dismissed in a sport that you proudly sponsored. For far too long, survivors have been disbelieved, especially when speaking out against the culture of professional hockey. For far too long, gender-based violence has been a pervasive reality in Canada. The level of violence that women and girls experience in Canada has barely changed over the past two decades. Recent statistics show that more than 4 in 10 women has experienced some form of intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. Indigenous, Black, immigrant and refugee, racialized, and low-income women, young girls, and gender-diverse people face the highest rates of compounding violence. Last year, 173 women and girls were violently killed in Canada. Ending gender-based violence is a pressing priority. Yet, support services, such as sexual assault centres, gender-based violence organizations, transition homes, and VAW shelters, are grossly underfunded and under-resourced. Canada’s ambitious declaration of “a Canada free of gender-based violence” and the first-ever National Action Plan on Violence Against Women and Girls has no actual timeline for implementation. We urgently need a universal, coordinated, and integrated system of anti-violence programs and support services that are adequately funded and offered across all geographic locations, and accessible to all women and gender-diverse people who have experienced any form of gender-based violence in Canada.
    1,278 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Battered Women's Support Services Picture
  • Women cashiers and merchandisers made to clean men's toilets
    Low wage workers should not be subjected to employment scams by powerful and rich employers.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by aemun syed
  • Protest Vail Resorts Decision to replace Whistler Blackcomb’s Fitzsimmons Chair with 8 person lift
    If you want Vail Resorts to go back to the drawing board with a better thought out plan for Whistler Blackcomb, join me in telling them to reverse this decision. Or be prepared for the fallout in the 23/24 season
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Bell
  • Stop banning books in Winkler mb
    Books, are resources. A local school trustee, and prospective politician amongst six people made it their mission to remove three books from the South Central Regional Libraries (WinklerLibraries) https://www.facebook.com/100063668588322/posts/pfbid0dzTMwbQReZ6zfppKbknM3C3VVE4MDsh8LTkCmySWhN1E5gpSKUdmzkoUPDPaKz61l/. They claim the books are pornographic and are against the law, when however the books are there for families and children to read together, and cover a wide range of sexual education and health information. Parents might use these resources to know how to talk to their children about sex, sex organs, identities, and sex terminology. Learning these things in part help keep children safe, knowing how to properly label their sex organs, parents might want to teach their children these things because it helps teach them what their privates are, and that they aren't bad words and that if someone is violating them they can properly identify the parts, as cute names for sexual parts can be misinterpreted, a vagina is a vagina and a penis is a penis, and can't be confused with a cookie or any other terminology that makes adults feel more comfortable. Two of these three books that are titled It's perfectly normal by Robie H. Harris and Sex is a funny word by Corey Silverberg. These books are more informative but sex is a funny word has a blend of a story infused in it, book exerpts can be found on these links provided: https://sexedrescue.com/its-perfectly-normal/ And https://youtu.be/h_si_7xB_3k The third book being called to be banned is called All boys aren't blue by George M. Johnson, It is written by a queer black author, he says his book is not pornographic in nature, age appropriate and helps children to identify sexual abuse and see themselves represented within literature as the novel is about growing up queer. More can be read at this link regarding this teenage novel: https://time.com/6120915/george-m-johnson-all-boys-arent-blue-book-bans/ These books are optional, they're offered as reading for both education and enjoyment. Not everyone has the same view points, and that's but speaking for diverse families, speaking for diverse readers is a problem, especially when these politicians claim to say less government involvement, and more freedom to make choices for yourself and your family or when they come from a veiwpoint that isn't based in current information and claim otherwise. They're making a choice on behalf of many without providing information as to why many of the reasons they have provided caters to the feelings they have about the particular books in question. These books deserve a proper fight, to be protected, because it's not the books that are being let down, it's children, families and people. Please sign this to keep these books an option for many and offer a wake up call to school trustees and politicians alike.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristy Anderson
    Because passenger vehicles account for such a large percentage of air pollution in Canada, just a small reduction in average emissions from vehicles can have a very positive impact on our environment! This is also a time and cost effective solution that could be rolled out quickly. And it is a problem that will never go away. If we were all driving Electric Vehicles today, they still require properly inflated tires to preform efficiently. Let's get those tires inflated!! "Cars, pick-up trucks, minivans and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) are all types of passenger vehicles used for personal transportation in Canada. Given that there are approximately 18 million passenger vehicles on Canadian roads, they are a major contributor to air pollution, particularly in urban areas. Air pollution has major adverse impacts on the environment and the health of Canadians. While emissions of some pollutants from passenger vehicles have declined over the past two decades, air pollution continues to be one of Canada's highest environmental priorities and challenges. Passenger vehicles emit various air pollutants including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO) and sulphur oxides (SOx). Both nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds(VOCs) are involved in a series of complex reactions that result in the formation of ground-level ozone, which is a respiratory irritant and one of the major components of smog. The Criteria Air Contaminants Summary presents the emission estimates of these pollutants from transportation sources in Canada. Passenger vehicles account for a considerable proportion of the total national transportation emissions including: approximately 21 per cent of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions approximately 51 per cent of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions approximately 4 per cent of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) emissions" Copied from: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/air-pollution/sources/transportation/cars-trucks-vans-suvs.html
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phil Hawken Picture
  • Canada needs a National Public Inquiry On The State of Newspaper and Broadcast Journalism
    National Public Inquiries or Royal Commissions have an essential role in examining complex social or political issues, providing detailed, research-based information on Inquiry topics and typically giving the government a menu of policy means to address any serious social concerns the Inquiry discovers in carrying out its mandate. The Federal Government established a Royal Commission on the Concentration of Ownership in the Newspaper Industry. It's time to examine closely what is going on with Canada's newspaper and broadcast journalism to see if it is reflective of what has happened elsewhere and what steps can be taken so that their reporting meets Canadians' expectations.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Pratt
    STROKE survivors of all ages are being left behind in Canada and are prevented from recovering and re-entering society again. At present approximately 5,000 young adult stroke survivors in Ontario are denied more services because of age.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim McEwen
  • Greater Victoria Urgently Needs Homes for All
    It takes a lot of people to counter the prevailing pressures that have gotten us to this place. Thankfully, so many people in this region are joining the call to prioritise affordable and non-profit housing. If we stay silent and fail to act urgently and boldly now, we will continue to see a loss of families and diversity in our communities. We will continue to see increasing hardship in our streets and parks. We are a wealthy province and country. Working together with purpose and courage, we can build communities that provide homes for all.
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Greater Victoria Acting Together
  • Support Status for All
    There are over 500,000 people, including families, living in Canada without any valid immigration permits and this number is increasing. In addition, 1.2 million people are on work, study or refugee claimant permits, most of whom have no opportunity to remain permanently in Canada. Permanent resident status is the mechanism through which all other rights are accessed. Undocumented people, migrant workers and refugees are being exploited in substandard working conditions, because regressive immigration and labour laws restrict their agency and leave them open to abuse. Lack of permanent resident status makes it difficult, and often impossible, for migrants to speak up for their rights or access services, including those they may be eligible for, because of a well-founded fear of reprisals, termination, eviction and deportation. Migrants experience insecure housing, abuse at work, poverty and fear. The uncertainty about the future, constant stress of making ends meet and risk of detention and deportation negatively impacts their health. Canada, like most of North ​​America and Europe, has not seen a real inclusive regularization program for undocumented people in decades. Moreover, migrants on work and study permits in low-waged industries, like care workers, farmworkers and gig-workers, have only a few tiny and difficult-to-access immigration programs to get permanent residency. The vast majority of undocumented and temporary status migrants living and working in the country are excluded from permanent residence. Together, we can change that. Together, we can win equal rights for 1.7 million people. Together we can ensure permanent resident status for all now and in the future.
    3,573 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Migrant Rights Network
  • Children Suffering from Seizures Demand Access to Life Saving Rescue Medication
    Children suffering from seizures require access to life saving rescue medication in the event that the seizure becomes a medical emergency. Legislation needs to be enacted to protect educators from liability in the event that these medications need to be administered to ensure the health and welfare of these children is of the highest priority in our school systems.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bailey Murphy
  • Seniors on Government Pension Deep Under Poverty Line
    Seniors are suffering much stress to catch up with their monthly bills and payments for their necessities. They are deep under the poverty line in Canada.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bahman Shirazi