• Our Health Care is Starving for Funding
    Our health care needs funding, it's that simple. More doctors, nurses, assistants, office, cleaning and maintenance staff. Our government under Doug Ford is continuing to let us down. It took months for my wife to see a specialist and she is dead now.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Durnford
  • Eliminate the ‘no pets’ clause in the Residential Tenancy Act
    I grew up with dogs my whole life, and when I moved to BC I couldn’t wait to get my own. The only thing stopping me is that I haven’t been able to find an affordable place to live that was dog friendly — and this is because BC landlords are legally allowed to refuse and/or evict tenants for having pets. According to the BCSPCA, about 25% of people who surrender their pets do it because they cannot find housing that they can afford that also allows for pets. [1] That means over 1,000 pets are surrendered every year because BC landlords are legally allowed to discriminate against pet-owners. [2] The two and a half years of the pandemic have been an incredibly lonely and isolating time for all of us, and many adopted companion animals to support their mental health during this time. But now, anyone who wants to move or get a pet can’t do it because they cannot find affordable housing that’s pet-friendly. This is an issue that particularly impacts people with disabilities in the province. [3] Renting in BC, especially cities like Vancouver, is already incredibly expensive and difficult and having or wanting a pet makes it even hard. Even Vancouver City Council passed a motion in 2020 to allow tenants to have pets— but here’s the catch: Rental agreements are set out by the Province. [4] This means we need to get David Eby, to eliminate that clause in the Residential Tenancy Act. Landlords have claimed they put this clause in rental agreements because they want to protect their property value, but there is no evidence that pets cause more damage in an apartment than non-pet owners. [5] We know that it doesn’t have to be this way. Several years ago, Ontario made it illegal for landlords to refuse tenancy or evict people because of pets (except in condominiums). [6] Renting in BC, especially cities like Vancouver, is already incredibly expensive and difficult and having or wanting a pet makes it even hard. BC Landlords shouldn’t be able to discriminate against pet-owning tenants. If you agree, will you sign this petition calling on Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing, David Eby, to eliminate the ‘no pets’ clause in the Residential Tenancy Act? David Eby, how would you feel if you got evicted because of having a pet? [1] https://spca.bc.ca/ways-to-help/take-action/animals-in-the-home/pet-friendly-housing/ [2] See 1 [3] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/housing-pets-struggles-1.6096109 [4] https://globalnews.ca/news/7399404/vancouver-council-supports-call-to-end-no-pets-rental-units/ [5] See 1 [6] https://www.canlii.org/en/on/laws/stat/so-2006-c-17/latest/so-2006-c-17.html?autocompleteStr=residential%20tenancies%20&autocompletePos=1
    367 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Adriana Laurent
  • Help save the lives of Afghans who worked for Canada
    As Canadians, we can be proud of the reputation Canada has earned for providing safety to persecuted people from across the globe. We can't now tarnish that reputation by turning our backs on Afghans who are at risk precisely because they worked with us to advance values which we as Canadians share -- those of democracy, human rights, and gender equality. The Taliban is the most misogynist regime on the planet today, committing large scale human rights violations, establishing a system of total gender aparthied and specifically targeting those they see as promoting “western” values. As Canadians, we must now hold our government accountable for the harmful consequences of their actions internationally, and call on PM Trudeau, Minister Fraser and IRCC to fulfill a moral obligation to save as many lives as possible.
    1,250 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan Picture
  • Extreme housing prices
    Everyone needs to band together to make a change in housing costs so everyone can live affordadably and with dignity eothout the fear of becoming homeless especially the elderly and the disabled
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sue waterfall
    Climate Change is occurring. Our drinking water and water that is used for agricultural purposes is under threat. Water must be protected now and into the future. The land on top of the aquifer is subject to chemicals, sewage and other pollutants that in turn will filter down into the aquifer poisoning it forever. Water is life...please remember this!
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by June Ross
  • Say NO to More Gas
    If the FortisBC Okanagan Upgrade gas pipeline is built it will take us further in the wrong direction, locking in decades of emissions and indoor air pollution. The $271 million that Fortis budgeted in 2020 for this project would be better spent developing green, clean, renewable electric energy. Learn more about WHY the project is bad. https://www.firstthingsfirstokanagan.com/fortis-capacity-upgrade
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lori Goldman
  • Restore Universal Masking in High Risk Settings: Michelle Thompson
    COVID remains extremely dangerous to many, despite vaccination. Immune compromised people are exposed to great risk each time the virus is present around them. It is also estimated that as many as 1 in 5 people who suffer a COVID infection will experience Long COVID, nerve damage, heart damage, or other permanent disabilities. And COVID exposure in the womb can cause miscarriage or neurological disorders in children. In addition, the advent of increasingly infectious variants is directly due to the decision to let COVID spread uncontrolled in a highly vaccinated population, selecting for more evasive mutations. Universal masking has been demonstrated to greatly reduce the risk of COVID exposure. This is why the Ontario science advisory table chair and the Ontario Hospital Association are all recommending that mask requirements be extended for high-risk, essential locations. With BA.5 on the rise and the pandemic entering what may be its most prolific phase yet, it's long past time to make decisions based on science rather than politics. The Minister of Health must implement a mask mandate at essential locations such as medical facilities, grocery stores, and on transit, to restore accessibility to immune-compromised and pregnant and people and to finally begin confronting the scourge of COVID with real mitigations.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by COVID Reality Project Picture
  • Restore Universal Masking in High Risk Settings: Bruce Fitch
    COVID remains extremely dangerous to many, despite vaccination. Immune compromised people are exposed to great risk each time the virus is present around them. It is also estimated that as many as 1 in 5 people who suffer a COVID infection will experience Long COVID, nerve damage, heart damage, or other permanent disabilities. And COVID exposure in the womb can cause miscarriage or neurological disorders in children. In addition, the advent of increasingly infectious variants is directly due to the decision to let COVID spread uncontrolled in a highly vaccinated population, selecting for more evasive mutations. Universal masking has been demonstrated to greatly reduce the risk of COVID exposure. This is why the Ontario science advisory table chair and the Ontario Hospital Association are all recommending that mask requirements be extended for high-risk, essential locations. With BA.5 on the rise and the pandemic entering what may be its most prolific phase yet, it's long past time to make decisions based on science rather than politics. The Minister of Health must implement a mask mandate at essential locations such as medical facilities, grocery stores, and on transit, to restore accessibility to immune-compromised and pregnant and people and to finally begin confronting the scourge of COVID with real mitigations.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by COVID Reality Project Picture
  • Restore Universal Masking in High Risk Settings: Adrian Dix
    COVID remains extremely dangerous to many, despite vaccination. Immune compromised people are exposed to great risk each time the virus is present around them. It is also estimated that as many as 1 in 5 people who suffer a COVID infection will experience Long COVID, nerve damage, heart damage, or other permanent disabilities. And COVID exposure in the womb can cause miscarriage or neurological disorders in children. In addition, the advent of increasingly infectious variants is directly due to the decision to let COVID spread uncontrolled in a highly vaccinated population, selecting for more evasive mutations. Universal masking has been demonstrated to greatly reduce the risk of COVID exposure. This is why the Ontario science advisory table chair and the Ontario Hospital Association are all recommending that mask requirements be extended for high-risk, essential locations. With BA.5 on the rise and the pandemic entering what may be its most prolific phase yet, it's long past time to make decisions based on science rather than politics. The Minister of Health must implement a mask mandate at essential locations such as medical facilities, grocery stores, and on transit, to restore accessibility to immune-compromised and pregnant and people and to finally begin confronting the scourge of COVID with real mitigations.
    904 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by COVID Reality Project Picture
  • Restore Universal Masking in High Risk Settings: Jason Copping
    COVID remains extremely dangerous to many, despite vaccination. Immune compromised people are exposed to great risk each time the virus is present around them. It is also estimated that as many as 1 in 5 people who suffer a COVID infection will experience Long COVID, nerve damage, heart damage, or other permanent disabilities. And COVID exposure in the womb can cause miscarriage or neurological disorders in children. In addition, the advent of increasingly infectious variants is directly due to the decision to let COVID spread uncontrolled in a highly vaccinated population, selecting for more evasive mutations. Universal masking has been demonstrated to greatly reduce the risk of COVID exposure. This is why the Ontario science advisory table chair and the Ontario Hospital Association are all recommending that mask requirements be extended for high-risk, essential locations. With BA.5 on the rise and the pandemic entering what may be its most prolific phase yet, it's long past time to make decisions based on science rather than politics. The Minister of Health must implement a mask mandate at essential locations such as medical facilities, grocery stores, and on transit, to restore accessibility to immune-compromised and pregnant and people and to finally begin confronting the scourge of COVID with real mitigations.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by COVID Reality Project Picture
  • Restore Universal Masking in High Risk Settings: Tom Osborne
    COVID remains extremely dangerous to many, despite vaccination. Immune compromised people are exposed to great risk each time the virus is present around them. It is also estimated that as many as 1 in 5 people who suffer a COVID infection will experience Long COVID, nerve damage, heart damage, or other permanent disabilities. And COVID exposure in the womb can cause miscarriage or neurological disorders in children. In addition, the advent of increasingly infectious variants is directly due to the decision to let COVID spread uncontrolled in a highly vaccinated population, selecting for more evasive mutations. Universal masking has been demonstrated to greatly reduce the risk of COVID exposure. This is why the Ontario science advisory table chair and the Ontario Hospital Association are all recommending that mask requirements be extended for high-risk, essential locations. With BA.5 on the rise and the pandemic entering what may be its most prolific phase yet, it's long past time to make decisions based on science rather than politics. The Minister of Health must implement a mask mandate at essential locations such as medical facilities, grocery stores, and on transit, to restore accessibility to immune-compromised and pregnant and people and to finally begin confronting the scourge of COVID with real mitigations.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by COVID Reality Project Picture
  • Restore Universal Masking in High Risk Settings: Ernie Hudson
    COVID remains extremely dangerous to many, despite vaccination. Immune compromised people are exposed to great risk each time the virus is present around them. It is also estimated that as many as 1 in 5 people who suffer a COVID infection will experience Long COVID, nerve damage, heart damage, or other permanent disabilities. And COVID exposure in the womb can cause miscarriage or neurological disorders in children. In addition, the advent of increasingly infectious variants is directly due to the decision to let COVID spread uncontrolled in a highly vaccinated population, selecting for more evasive mutations. Universal masking has been demonstrated to greatly reduce the risk of COVID exposure. This is why the Ontario science advisory table chair and the Ontario Hospital Association are all recommending that mask requirements be extended for high-risk, essential locations. With BA.5 on the rise and the pandemic entering what may be its most prolific phase yet, it's long past time to make decisions based on science rather than politics. The Minister of Health must implement a mask mandate at essential locations such as medical facilities, grocery stores, and on transit, to restore accessibility to immune-compromised and pregnant and people and to finally begin confronting the scourge of COVID with real mitigations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by COVID Reality Project Picture