• Rápido Proceso de Inmigración
    Es importante para el país porque se podría regularizar el tipo de vida de esas personas que no cuentan con un SIN y un seguro médico en este país, una vez las personas ya regularizadas podrían trabajar y pagar impuestos en este país ya que necesita mucho trabajo y necesita mucho apoyo cuando todo esto de COVID-19 acabe, por favor ayúdenos somos muchos y necesitamos estar estables en un país tan grande y de tantas oportunidades.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Manuel Martinez Acevedo
  • Open Streets for People
    As nicer weather is approaching many people in our city do not have adequate space near their homes to be outside safely. Many other cities around the world have taken the step of limiting car traffic to make more space for pedestrians and cyclists. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said in a statement. “Closing roads means opening up our city. It gives our residents the opportunity to get outside and walk, bicycle, or run through their neighbourhoods and get around in a safer way.” Many of us in Toronto are having to walk in active car lanes in order to stay 6 feet apart from others. Cycling is an excellent way of staying physically distant but more safe spaces are needed for cyclists, especially children. Getting daily exercise shouldn't mean taking your life in your hands, even during a pandemic.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Green
  • Fare-Free Public Transit for Safety and Economic Relief
    Fare-free transit is critical to providing a safe work environment for bus drivers during the Covid-19 pandemic: it allows back door boarding to allow physical distancing between drivers and passengers. As the economic recovery occurs post-pandemic, maintaining fare-free transit will allow all community members to access transportation as people get back on their feet.
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Gibbs
  • Vehicle Emissions Standards
    Canada is still far behind reaching its own environmental standards, and following reduced vehicle emissions standards will only make it harder to do so. Let’s not kick our earth home while it is already down!
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Fitton
  • Seniors Pension
    It’s important because we need to be counted also. If the liberal government can increase their wages anytime they want - why is it so hard to do for people who have paid in all of their lives? And are not receiving as much as they should be entitled to?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Dufort
  • Les véhicules électriques ne sont pas sûrs pour la forêt tropicale
    Les polluants dans les émissions des véhicules sont connus pour endommager les tissus pulmonaires et peuvent entraîner et aggraver des maladies respiratoires telles que l'asthme. La pollution des véhicules à moteur contribue également à la formation de pluies acides et ajoute aux gaz à effet de serre qui provoquent le changement climatique. Les polluants émis directement par les véhicules ne sont pas la seule source de préoccupation. Par temps chaud et ensoleillé, les hydrocarbures réagissent avec les oxydes d'azote pour créer un polluant secondaire, l'ozone. Dans de nombreuses zones urbaines, les véhicules à moteur sont le principal contributeur à l'ozone troposphérique, qui est une composante courante du smog. L'ozone provoque la toux, une respiration sifflante et un essoufflement et peut provoquer des lésions pulmonaires permanentes, ce qui en fait une cause de problèmes de santé publique cruciaux. Les véhicules zéro émission comprennent les véhicules électriques à batterie, les véhicules électriques hybrides rechargeables et les véhicules électriques à pile à combustible à hydrogène. Ces technologies peuvent être utilisées dans les voitures particulières, les camions et les bus de transport en commun.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Digriz Digriz
  • Let's respond to Coronavirus
    We need to be smart about how we respond to the pandemic. And consider the costs. Our short-term costs may turn out resulting in the greatest benefits long term. At the very least, we need to buy ourselves time to come up with an effective longer term plan.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francesca Cogorno
  • Put Advanced First Aiders/Responders to work to assist frontline staff with COVID-19
    Our Doctors and nurses deserve our support and they are not only going to be dealing with Covid-19 but also with regular health problems (injuries and illnesses). People with EMR, OFA3, or 80AWFA should be asked to do some emergency basic training ASAP. In the sector of Adventure Tourism; mountain guides, ski patrollers, marine guides, river guides etc., certainly have essential training and skills to offer if/when/where the system is ready for this untapped and poised resource. Also, it's worth mentioning that many people in Adventure Tourism also have Class 4, 3, or 2 Drivers licences and might be wanted for emergency transport.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Førstved
  • If Covid-19 doesn't get your attention, nothing will.
    Climate change isn't a mysterious force, it's a whole bunch of known forces happening all at once, more and more with no chance to recover. Literally death from a thousand cuts with billions of lives. Entire sectors are being wiped out, and what we need to realize is that there is no "after Corona Virus", there will be something else, and then something else on and on. When we say climate emergency, we mean act now. Acting now means rapidly shifting our economy. We don't have time to nickel and dime who gets helped and who doesn't. The super rich got us into this mess, and it's their turn to bail everyone else out for a change. Every Canadian deserves to not have to panic about money while the government makes the rapid changes necessary to shore up our health care and social services infrastructure, and shift our economy away from fossil fuels immediately without leaving anyone behind. We can see what terrible damage slashing social services and ignoring the warnings of experts can bring, and now we know that no one is safe from the consequences.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saryn Caister
  • Le meilleur moyen d'utiliser des voitures intelligentes face au climat
    Si nous pensons que les voitures intelligentes face au climat sont un objectif que nous ne voulons pas abandonner, alors nous devons nous demander comment nous pouvons le mieux atteindre cet objectif. Avec des interdictions et des restrictions ou avec des mesures là où elles sont nécessaires pour que le développement d'une flotte de véhicules sans fossiles se déplace plus rapidement. Les carottes sont bonnes et saines. Pouvez-vous conduire des voitures avec des carottes? Oui, c'est possible après qu'un groupe de vaches ait mâché les friandises dorées dans le sol. Mais alors bien sûr, il n'est pas interdit de brûler des biocarburants dans un moteur… L'interdiction doit exister Nous ne pouvons pas vivre dans une société sans interdiction ni punition. S'il n'y avait pas d'interdiction de circuler, il aurait été très difficile d'utiliser un véhicule, peu importe ce qu'il conduit. Mais en matière d'innovation et de nouvelles solutions, l'interdiction peut être un joug qui entrave le développement. En se concentrant sur ce que vous ne pourrez pas faire dans dix ans, la possibilité de routes et de solutions complètement nouvelles est entravée. Si le gouvernement actuel veut que tout soit réglé avec des véhicules électriques, cela peut être pour le moins difficile. L'électricité doit également être produite d'une manière respectueuse du climat, et jusqu'à présent, il n'est pas possible de dire que les véhicules électriques fournissent la puissance et l'élan souhaités par les particuliers et les entreprises. Les récompenses valent mieux que les punitions Tous ceux qui ont des enfants savent que les carottes fonctionnent. Vous pouvez faire la plupart des choses car cela se traduit par de plus gros fonds de poche, une glace ou une excursion. Avec la punition comme force motrice, cela peut parfois être inquiétant. Les jeunes sont heureux de contourner les règles, pour ne pas dire tricher, afin d'éviter la punition mais sans avoir à rajouter de conneries. C'est apparemment le cas avec nous, les adultes également. Donc, interdire les voitures sans lesquelles nous ne voulons pas vivre peut être problématique, et cela peut entraîner de nouveaux problèmes à la suite de tricheries et de mensonges.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Digriz Digriz
  • Stop the Canada Pension Plan investing our money in Fossil Fuels
    “Money Is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming Burns”(1) The government of Canada has committed itself with other nations in the Paris climate talks to reducing annual emissions of carbon into the atmosphere by 30% less than 2005 by 2030 and net zero by 2050. The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and other government bodies should actively pursue the same objectives. The CPP controls $392 billion, money that we collectively saved, with a little help from the Feds, during our working days. Those billions are invested with the intention of providing our Canada Pensions, with some inflation, as long as we live to collect them.(2) We count on the investment board of the CPP to do a prudent job of growing the fund. For the most part they have been successful: our pensions have been secure so far. But climate change is a new threat to our pensions. The CPP has some $4 billion invested in fossil fuels! At the same time as the second largest pension fund in Canada, Quebec's CDPQ, has announced plans to reduce their carbon footprint and increase investments in the low carbon economy.(3) In the financial world today there are strong warnings against depending on the future value of investments in fossil fuels. The carbon pollution they produce is making a direct contribution to the weather chaos we are now experiencing and which science assures us will become worse in the future if we fail to cut carbon emissions. In short, an investment in fossil fuels is not only morally questionable but also fiscally unsound. Any money bet on carbon may prove to be worthless in the future. Many voices including those of important bankers, Mark Carney and others, warn that the carbon footprint of investments should be regularly reported by pension funds.(4) Sign the petition at: https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/stop-the-canada-pension-plan-investing-our-money-in-fossil-fuels-4 Please sign this petition asking that: The CPP publish a plan to reduce the carbon footprint of the CPP to net zero by 2050, and publishaaa annual reports of the carbon footprint of the CPP investments. We expect the CPP plan to meet or exceed Canada’s updated commitments under the Paris Climate Accord as these are announced.(5) The State of California has legislated that public pension plans must report their own carbon footprint6. We should expect no less transparency from the people managing our public pension assets. Most fossil fuel companies have no plan for a net zero economy – so cannot be kept in a responsible investment plan – but it is possible for a company to plan for the necessary transition. As members of the CPP, and other pension plans, for middle class Canadians, our largest carbon footprint is in our pensions and investments. (7) Sign the petition at: https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/stop-the-canada-pension-plan-investing-our-money-in-fossil-fuels-4 Below you will find current links that describe why this is a wise and timely recommendation. 1. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/money-is-the- oxygen-on-which-the-fire-of-global-warming-burns This observation from captures the central role of finance in supporting the increase C02 levels. 2. https://foecanada.org/climate-change-and-energy/abcs-of-cpp/ For every pay period, a deduction is made that is invested on your behalf by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB). This primer is written by Friends of the Earth to help you learn about how your money is invested. 3. https://www.corporateknights.com/channels/climate-and- carbon/pension-fund-gets-deadly-serious-climate-crisis- 15759068/ Canada’s second largest pension gets deadly serious about climate crisis by increasing investments in low-carbon assets. 4. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/dec/30/firms-must-justify- investment-in-fossil-fuels-warns-mark-carney Investments make a difference to collectively facing the climate crisis 5. https://pm.gc.ca/en/mandate-letters/minister-environment-and-climate- change-mandate-letter Implement the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, while strengthening existing and introducing new greenhouse gas reducing measures to exceed Canada’s 2030 emissions reduction goal and beginning work so that Canada can achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. 6. https://www.pionline.com/article/20140925/ONLINE/140929924/calpers- pledges-to-disclose-carbon-footprint-in-investment-portfolio The new law in California will require Calpers (the California Public Employees’ Retirement System), which oversees $360bn in assets, and Calstrs (the $228bn California State Teachers’ Retirement System) to report publicly on the climate- related financial risk of their public market portfolios. 7. https://blog.copower.me/news/your-portfolios-dirty-secret/ The high Carbon Footprint of Investments. Relevant to both individual investment and institutional investments such as Pension Funds and Endowments. Sign the petition at: https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/stop-the-canada-pension-plan-investing-our-money-in-fossil-fuels-4
    531 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Shirtliff
    It is important because climate change is a human crisis and we need humanity to combat this third world war of the climate on this earth for a safe and better environment for the next generation.Climate change will alter the Earth. But it could destroy humanity 'What we’re doing to the Earth has no parallel in 66 million years, scientists say'
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Osman Felix Cole