Stop the Baldwin East "Aerodrome"Despite being built on provincially significant wetlands, a groundwater recharge area, and highly-vulnerable aquifers and woodlands, the aerodrome has been designed to specifically avoid a required assessment by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada; The principles of the Baldwin East aerodrome have been involved in the waste management industry and have been cited by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment for dumping contaminated fill; The proponents plan to dump 1.2 million cubic metres of fill (120,000 truck loads) on to the site without limitation or testing; and There have been numerous instances of corporations using the pretense of building an aerodrome under federal jurisdiction to lucratively dump fill without scrutiny by municipal and provincial authorities; 97% of respondents who participated in the consultation process – including the Town of Georgina, York Region, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, objected to the proposal; This is nothing more than a pretense by a waste disposal company to lucratively dump fill without scrutiny by municipal and provincial authorities.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leon Sebek
The Canadian Clean Energy Corridor: Electric FederalismOver 80% of the GHGs driving dangerous climate change are caused by the burning of fossil fuels. We need to replace fossil fuels with clean energy. Electrification is the best option to replace fossil energy. We need to expand our grid capacity and remove barriers to clean renewable generation. Without expanded interprovincial electricity transmission, provinces like Saskatchewan will not develop its world class solar and wind resources. The federal government can remove the barriers to clean energy by strengthening interprovincial transmissions by building the Clean Energy Corridor from coast to coast. This is a national project akin to building the railroad: Electric Federalism provides the path to a Net-Zero future!18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Glenn Wright
Stop plans to change YVR jet flight paths to fly directly over Coquitlam and Port MoodyIf these planned changes occur, commercial aircraft will fly directly over our homes at 6,000 feet or less. This will occur 24 hours per day based on their plans. This website explains the imperative: https://nooverflights.com/3,406 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Ken Bell
Stop Bill 23: Protect the Greenbelt and Build Real Affordable HousingDoug Ford lied. Last month he tabled a piece of legislation — Bill 23 — to eviscerate our pristine Greenbelt, breaking his promise to leave it alone. [1] This bill is an attack on the environment and democracy — all under the guise of expanding housing. [2] Bill 23 would allow Ford to take 7,400 acres of farmland and natural areas and strip environmental protections that protect wildlife, keep our drinking water safe, guard wetlands, and ensure flood protection. [3] To pave over our Greenbelt, Ford is undermining the planning power of municipalities, forgoing requirements for public meetings and overriding the ability of communities to appeal decisions. [4] And housing experts and advocates have been clear: with a focus on making money, the bill will actually limit the ability to build new affordable rental housing and jeopardize the affordable housing that exists. [5,6] All the while, corporate land developers are set to profit big from this plan. [7] Public outrage is growing — and there’s still time to stop this Bill from going through. Will you sign this petition to help show mass public support and demand Bill 23 is stopped? Sources: [1] https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2022/11/04/ontario-backtracks-on-greenbelt-pledge-with-plan-to-allow-housing-on-7400-acres.html [2] https://ontarionature.org/bill-23-what-you-need-to-know-blog/ [3] https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/11/10/opinion/sacrificing-ontario-scarce-green-space-sprawl-giant-mistake [4] see 2 [5] https://acorncanada.org/take_action/doug-fords-bill-23-destroys-existing-affordable-housing-builds-more-luxury-condos-scrap-it-now/ [6] https://uwaterloo.ca/news/media/q-and-experts-more-homes-built-faster-act-or-bill-23 [7] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/gta-developers-own-greenbelt-land-swap-1.664827323,038 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Leadnow Canada
Stop Poisoning Nova Scotia for ProfitThe locations for these "developments" have been chosen solely based on the, suddenly reduced, assessed price of the land and no other considerations. Deals are being made without due diligence behind closed doors. All efforts to question these decisions are met with silence from the government and developers. Thousands of Nova Scotians are protesting these maneuvers, yet no explanation of the method behind this madness has been offered.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Payzant
Kick Polluters out of the Canada Pavilion at COP27Industries aligned with climate action are welcomed in event programming, and there are many of these companies present at COP27. However, oil and gas companies, like those active within the Pathways Alliance, have been the biggest obstacle to climate action — both at COP and back in Canada, and for decades now have made their fortunes while millions around the world suffer the tragedies of climate impacts. Oil and gas companies are touting themselves as climate leaders, while in fact their activities continue to erode the rights and negatively impact the health and culture of Indigenous communities, notably through trillions of liters of toxic waste stored in tailings “ponds.” Companies keep pointing to carbon capture and storage — despite the technology’s decades-long track record of underperformance and failure. And even if the technology did work, carbon capture would do nothing about the environmental harm caused to Indigenous nations at the frontlines of oil and gas extraction. Carbon capture cannot address the 80%-90% of emissions that are emitted when the oil and gas they pump out of the ground gets burned. The industry isn’t interested in carbon capture to reduce emissions — it’s about greenwashing its plans to continue producing fossil fuels for decades to come.5,861 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Coalition of Canadian Organizations
UNDER-INFLATED TIRES CAUSE EMISSIONS! FREE FILLING STATIONS NOW!Because passenger vehicles account for such a large percentage of air pollution in Canada, just a small reduction in average emissions from vehicles can have a very positive impact on our environment! This is also a time and cost effective solution that could be rolled out quickly. And it is a problem that will never go away. If we were all driving Electric Vehicles today, they still require properly inflated tires to preform efficiently. Let's get those tires inflated!! "Cars, pick-up trucks, minivans and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) are all types of passenger vehicles used for personal transportation in Canada. Given that there are approximately 18 million passenger vehicles on Canadian roads, they are a major contributor to air pollution, particularly in urban areas. Air pollution has major adverse impacts on the environment and the health of Canadians. While emissions of some pollutants from passenger vehicles have declined over the past two decades, air pollution continues to be one of Canada's highest environmental priorities and challenges. Passenger vehicles emit various air pollutants including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO) and sulphur oxides (SOx). Both nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds(VOCs) are involved in a series of complex reactions that result in the formation of ground-level ozone, which is a respiratory irritant and one of the major components of smog. The Criteria Air Contaminants Summary presents the emission estimates of these pollutants from transportation sources in Canada. Passenger vehicles account for a considerable proportion of the total national transportation emissions including: approximately 21 per cent of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions approximately 51 per cent of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions approximately 4 per cent of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) emissions" Copied from: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/air-pollution/sources/transportation/cars-trucks-vans-suvs.html14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Phil Hawken
GAC - Employee's Left Behind!Our children's life is in danger!! The Taliban is the most misogynist regime on the planet today, committing large-scale human rights violations, establishing a system of total gender apartheid, and specifically targeting those they see as promoting “western” values. As Canadians, we must now hold our government accountable for the harmful consequences of their actions internationally and call on PM Trudeau, Minister Fraser, and IRCC to fulfill a moral obligation to save as many lives as possible.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mohammad Hassan Azizi
If Unnecessary Bradford Bypass Build - ESSENTIAL ENVRIONMENTAL PROTECTION REQUIREMENTIf Ontario government cannot be stopped from building the unnecessary Bradford bypass, which many Ontarians strongly oppose because of its irreparable harm to the huge Holland River/Marsh natural drainage, then the environmental damage must be mitigated by building it to best available technology (BAT) and therefore MUST USE ONLY THE LATEST LONG BRIDGE TECHNOLOGY DESIGNED BY STANTEC AND NOW EMPLOYED BY U.S. ARMY ENGINEERS FOR BRIDGING WETLAND SLOUGHS IN THE FLORIDA EVERGLADES. (See photo). We demand latest long-bridge tech as an environmental minimum for any Bradford Bypass project we otherwise continue to reject. WE ALSO SUPPORT THE EXTRA COST OF THIS ESSENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFIT, if the project is ever built. SEE: Shark River Slough: Bridges Help Bring Water Into Thirsty Everglades Park | WUSF Public Media26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by reginald taylor
BC NDP Leadership Climate First PledgeWe look to the next Premier to lead us to climate solutions so we can inspire others, and create resilient communities across BC. As members of the BC NDP, we call on all candidates to sign this pledge, to commit to real climate action and to stand by this commitment as Premier of B.C. How this works: Leadership candidates who sign this pledge commit to enact these commitments once sworn in as Premier. NDP Members commit to only vote for a leadership candidate who signs this pledge before November 30th, 2022. If you’re not a member yet, sign up before September 4th, 2022 so that you can have a voice in this election and help choose the next Premier: http://bcndp.ca/join Email us at [email protected] with the heading “climate pledge” to sign up for the climate first voting bloc and stay informed. Note: Ashley Zarbatany is the chair of the BC NDP's Standing Committee on the Environment and Economy (SCOEE). The action items were prioritized and revised democratically as a committee with input from broader membership as well.30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ashley Zarbatany
Hold the Government of Ontario accountable to a livable climate futureIf you live in Ontario, this may be one of the most important petitions you sign this year... Only massive urgent transformational change can solve the climate emergency we are in. This will not happen on its own. It will take every one of us working together to push for critical change … but it can be done! The steep price of oil and gas has driven up the cost of transportation, food and other essentials, making life unaffordable. These same fossil fuels also worsen the climate emergency causing tornadoes, floods, extreme heat, droughts and wildfires. And they produce deadly air pollution which already kills 6600 Ontarians prematurely every year [1]. The clear and cheapest solution is green renewable energy. Unbelievably, the Ontario government instead is planning a massive increase in gas-fired electricity, burning even more fossil fuels [2] - an unacceptable move that will threaten all our futures. While Ontarians are struggling to put food on the table and find affordable housing, this government has been in lock-step with mega land-developers making multi-million dollar profits while they consume our dwindling precious farmland, green spaces and wetlands, ignoring protective regulations in some areas, to promote harmful unnecessary highways [3,4] and urban sprawl [5]. The result: fewer, oversized, expensive, and more isolated car-dependent homes consuming more fossil fuels and land for the few who can afford, while further deepening the climate crisis, fatal air pollution, housing shortages and food insecurity. It doesn’t have to be this way! The solutions for the healthy thriving future we all deserve already exist. If our government chooses to ignore solutions, it’s up to every Ontarian to pay attention, to stand up for ourselves and our loved ones urgently, and demand the Government of Ontario take urgent climate action while we still have time to secure a livable future: 1) Sign this petition to demand government accountability for an urgent climate action plan 2) Sign on to the Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC) at: https://www.ontarioclimateemergency.ca/individual-pledge and share widely — join over 250 diverse groups and individuals representing over 850,000 Ontarians to increase your impact in calling for positive urgent change to protect your future 3) Use your vote - every single election! And get others to vote for pro-environmental candidates in every future election. With the lowest voter turnout in history for the June 2022 Ontario provincial election, the current majority government actually represents only 18% of all eligible voters [6]. Local level decisions have a huge impact. Voting at every level of government matters to our everyday lives like never before - add your voice because your future is truly at stake and your vote can make the difference! Connect with the Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign on social media! https://twitter.com/ocecampaign https://www.instagram.com/onclimateemergencycampaign/ https://www.facebook.com/ONClimateEmergencyCampaign Sources: [1] https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/2021-health-effects-indoor-air-pollution.html [2] https://www.theenergymix.com/2022/01/10/ontario-grid-faces-375-emissions-increase-as-ford-government-embraces-new-gas-plants/ [3] https://cal.streetsblog.org/2015/11/18/caltrans-admits-building-roads-induces-congestion-but-admitting-a-problem-is-just-the-first-step/ [4] https://www.thestar.com/life/2021/12/06/highway-disease-doctors-prescribe-saying-no-to-highway-413-development.html?rf [5] https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/chief-public-health-officer-reports-state-public-health-canada/2017-designing-healthy-living.html [6] https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/2022/06/03/18-of-ontario-voters-handed-doug-ford-a-majority-government-whether-thats-a-bad-thing-depends-who-you-ask.html879 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Mili Roy
Ban Private Jets in CanadaTransport Minister Omar Alghabra: — ban private jets to protect our climate. In the last six weeks, Drake’s personal jet has taken three flights between Toronto and Hamilton — creating as many polluting gas emissions as the average person does each year [1]. If the federal government is serious about tackling climate change, Canada’s Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra must ban the super-rich from using private jets. Private jets emit more than the entire country of Denmark and are approximately 50 times more polluting than if Drake were to hop on a train instead [2,3]. The super-rich need to make massive shifts in their lifestyle if we’re to address climate change. 1% of the world’s population is responsible for half of the emissions associated with flying [4]. The ones responsible for making the mess should also make the biggest changes to fix it. Experts say we need to “stop bringing buckets of water when only fire engines will do” [5] [1] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/29/drake-defends-short-private-jet-flights [2] See [1] [3] See [1] [4] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/nov/17/people-cause-global-aviation-emissions-study-covid-19 [5]https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/18/heatwave-extreme-weather-uk-climate-crisis11,548 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Dan Mossip-Balkwill