• Save the Vancouver Island Corridor with a continuous multi-use trail
    The Island Corridor is an irreplaceable public asset. Unless a continuous transportation use is found for it, it could be broken up. Many people thought rail service was needed to keep the corridor intact but all over the world unused rail corridors like this one are being saved for public use by converting them to highly successful active transportation routes as multi use trails. Now that rail service has stopped on the Island Corridor for 11 years for safety reasons there is an opportunity to do a rail trail here as a safe local alternative transportation option and a world class low impact tourism attraction. Let's make it happen!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alastair Craighead
  • Lobby the federal government to mobilize Canada for the climate emergency
    We are in deeply uncertain times. Climate change disasters, including forest fires, flooding and drought, are touching the lives of virtually everyone. Canadians can ensure the federal government acts as though climate change is an existential threat, by using its constitutional powers to take charge. A new world cannot be born while the needed changes to our cultural and economic systems seem politically impossible. Quoting from Klein's A Good War: "Most of us know the battle for our lives must soon get underway, and most of our leaders are now talking tough on climate. But we're not quite sure how to begin in earnest." The time has come for those of us who are aware of the risks to study this book, raise awareness, and lobby the government on its duty to act, no matter the cost. As CD Howe, who established 28 Crown corporations and did detailed economic planning to ensure WWII production was where it needed to be, famously said, “If we lose the war, nothing will matter.” It's even more true now: nothing will matter if we don't beat climate change and biodiversity loss.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edelweiss D'Andrea
  • No Mining On Anishinaabe Territory
    This system allows companies and individuals to stake mining claims on First Nations lands from the comfort of their offices, without gaining the consent of the Indigenous people who live there. You have stated that we need to “listen to Indigenous voices and ensure they are heard loudly and clearly.” Your government’s refusal to respect Grassy Narrows’ Indigenous Protected Area completely contradicts your own words. This is not in the spirit of reconciliation that your government espouses to care about. Grassy Narrows has been fighting for justice for over 50 years, it is time to make things right. Grassy Narrows is demanding that Ontario respect their Indigenous Protected Area and end all logging and mining activity on the area. Will you commit to that now? We must respect Grassy Narrows' decisions for their territory. Never again should harmful decisions be imposed on Grassy Narrows people and the territory that they depend on. This is an issue of high concern to me and I will be watching closely to see that justice comes at long last to Grassy Narrows.
    6,763 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by FreeGrassy .
  • Ask our politicians to stop fossil fuel subsidies
    We need to recapture our politicians from the undue influence of fossil fuel companies who are even helping to write our government’s climate policies. Recently, for example, the government of Alberta granted 4.3 billion to fossil fuel companies at a time when people are unable to find a family doctor in this province, and at a time when at least two large companies stream-lined their operations by laying off workers. Meanwhile forest fires raged out of control all across the country, affecting peoples lives in several negative ways.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mildred Thill
  • Mandate condos to offer composting
    It’s a step backwards in our society to build housing that does not promote environmental living practices. Just because it may be more convenient certainly doesn’t make it acceptable. We must act locally to make the changes necessary in every realm of living to address the real threats of pollution and climate change.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Haggerty
  • Ban wood campfires permanently in BC.
    We all need to work together to help reduce wildfires and pollution and banning wood campfires permanently is one way to do this. It doesn't mean we have to give up having campfires, as propane fire pits are readily available, and can provide the same warmth and ambiance of a wood fire without the associated environmental and health problems.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Marie Goodfellow
  • Funding needed for Rousseau Public School
    Students have been reporting they avoid going to the washroom during the day because they do not feel that it is a safe space for them – their privacy is not guaranteed. The cleanliness of the washrooms is also of concern, with the need for more dedicated caretaking time spent on ensuring these spaces meet the hygiene standards required to prevent the spread of infections (to which over the past two years, Rousseau has fell victim). The experience of going to the washroom in their current state creates feelings of insecurity, anxiousness, uncertainty, and overall poor hygiene. These reports from students run contrary to the Hamilton-Wentworth School Board’s Facilities policy which indicates: “Hamilton‐Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) believes in maintaining equitable, efficient and sustainable schools and other board facilities that provide safe and high-quality learning and working environments for students, staff and the community.” You can appreciate that students who avoid using the washroom for an entire school day is a true reflection that the environment being provided for them is not safe nor a high-quality learning environment. The parent community at Rousseau Public school are imploring the school board to allocate funds to improve the washroom facilities at the school so that students feel comfortable and safe using these necessary spaces. We recognize that the school board is in a tough position as the intention to rebuild the school building is strong, however after many years of unsuccessful applications for funding, it is time to recognize that the Board now needs to direct money towards the upkeep of the building in order to improve the facilities that students need to use daily. The health and wellbeing of our children depend on it. Sincerely, The Rousseau School community
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Wellman-Earl
  • Schools
    Right now schools in downtown Toronto are way over capacity, there are is some schools 37 kids in the class, some of schools are driving school children 3-4 km away.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aleksandar Janicijevic
  • Demand Climate Action in Oakville's 2024 Municipal Budget
    Oakville Council has delayed climate action for too long. Although they declared a climate emergency in 2019 council has yet to implement any true actions to help reduce emissions for our Town and its citizens. Our Town has a responsibility to put in place programs to help support its residents to reduce emissions and adapt to our changing climate. This summer’s wildfires were a wake-up call to all residents that we must act now. Please use our letter-writing tool to demand climate action from Mayor Rob Burton and our Oakville Council in the 2024 Oakville Budget.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Tervit
  • Tell the Stefanson government: the Vivian Sand Extraction Project is not worthy of a License.
    June 23, 2023, Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein released the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission Report on the Sio Silica Corp proposed extraction project. The Commission did not recommend licensing of the project - far more research is required. Sio Silica’s Environment Act Proposal is severely deficient of critical data, studies and reports - Sio Silica has not done its due diligence. Sio Silica’s Proposal should never have passed the initial Department of Environment and Climate screening - too many fundamentally important questions were not addressed. Our community’s groundwater and environment are far too precious to proceed with a project with associated risks that are not fully understood and cannot be appropriately mitigated to protect our health and quality of life. Please write to the Honourable Kevin Klein urging the minister to be consistent with his commitment to take the Commission’s report “very seriously” and categorically reject Sio Silica Corp’s licensing proposal application on the grounds that they have failed to demonstrate the potential environmental effects of the project are fully understood or will be sufficiently addressed and mitigated. Given the importance of our groundwater and environment and the significance of the potential risks, this project must be rejected. For more information, please see: http://www.cecmanitoba.ca/hearings/silica-sand-extraction-project/index.html https://mbeconetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Letter-to-Minister-Klein_CEC_follow-up_July-19-2023.pdf https://ourlineinthesandmanitoba.ca/ and https://www.facebook.com/ourlineinthesandmanitoba/ The Narwhal https://thenarwhal.ca/manitoba-sio-silica-sand-environment-commission/ Winnipeg Free Press July 10, 2023 Editorial - Economics versus environment – Winnipeg Free Press
    684 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Broesky
  • Make solar panels mandatory
    We all know the effects of climate change, and we also know that something has to be done about it before it is too late. Not just for our own wellbeing, but for the security of our children and grandchildren. We all know that increasingly violent and deadly storms, floods, fires and droughts are becoming daily items on the news. We must take action. Something as simple as amending the city's building code is one step towards greening the environment, and doesn't even require a lot of individual sacrifice.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Taft
  • Reduce Canadian oil production as we move toward net zero
    Canada cannot continue to produce more oil as the world moves toward net zero. Unfortunately, the oil industry is actively lobbying for more production. This will lead to a collapse of the oil industry, leaving the taxpayers to clean the pollution they created. Please sign the petition at: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4225
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gilles Fecteau