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To: Prime Minister Mark Carney

Canada should apply for full member status in the European Union

The Government of Canada should begin talks with the European Union, the Premiers of Canada’s provinces, the leaders of its territories, and Indigenous representatives—including those from First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities—regarding the feasibility and implications of Canada’s potential membership in the European Union. 

Why is this important?


  • Throughout Canada’s history the United States has always proven to be an unreliable and unpredictable ally and trade partner;
  • The United States has shown in recent years a greatly diminished commitment to democracy and the rule of law, civil and human rights, and a reduced commitment to honouring trade and defence agreements it has negotiated and signed;
  • The United States has historically and recently made threats against Canadian sovereignty;
  • The nations of Europe have consistently been Canada’s friends and allies since the end of World War II and in some cases much longer than that;
  • The European Union has shown an ever-stronger commitment to free markets, workers rights, a strong social safety net, a rules based international order, democracy, the rule of law, equality, civil and human rights including indigenous rights;
  • Membership in the European Union offers strength, stability and security for Canada’s economy, geographic territory and its citizens individually in a constantly changing and more hostile world without threatening Canada's unique identity and culture or status as a sovereign country;

We the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, urge the Government of Canada, its provinces, territories and Indigenous peoples to enter into open and transparent negotiations with our allies in the European Union about the possibility of Canada becoming a member state of the European Union.


2025-03-28 10:28:40 -0400

25 signatures reached

2025-03-26 02:43:34 -0400

10 signatures reached