100 signatures reached
To: Andrea Khanjin, Minister of the Environment, Conservation & Parks, Ontario
Say No to Creating Largest Garbage Incinerator in Canada in the GTA

Say no to Emerald's massive incinerator expansion plans in Brampton
Why is this important?
A recent proposal brought to Brampton city council by Emerald Energy From Waste Inc., would see a massive expansion to the Emerald incinerator, one of the largest garbage incinerators in Canada.
The proposal seeks to quadruple the incinerator's emissions from 182,000 tonnes annually to over 900,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
We urge you to reject this expansion proposal for the following reasons:
1) Burning garbage produces more greenhouse emissions than burning coal or gas. We can make actual green energy sources much more cheaply than giving this private company $3 million of provincial money.
2) The toxic gas that Emerald company acknowledges leaves its plant, makes people nearby more likely to have chronic lung disease.
3) Studies done on incinerators demonstrate that over half of what is burned could be recycled or composted. It takes a lot of energy to burn wet compostable material and generally that means they are required to burn highly polluting plastics or other fuels, like gas, to get to high enough temperatures.
I and other concerned Ontario residents urge you to NOT approve this expansion and allow for an environmental assessment and community consultation.