1,000 signatures reached
To: Premier David Eby and Minister of Forests Ravi Parmar
Protect the Slocan Park Elk Corridor

- direct the BC Timber Sales division of the Ministry of Forests to cancel the proposed auction of Timber Sale Licence TA2325; and
- protect the vital Slocan Park Elk Corridor in perpetuity in a provincial park, an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area, or an equivalent protected area.
Why is this important?
In Slocan Park, BC, there's an incredible old growth Ponderosa Pine forest with a local herd of 30 elk that use this area as their overwintering habitat. The trees tower above and there's no understory, making it a magical place to walk through as you can just see gigantic trees above and below you on the steep slope. This forest is also home to owls, bats, and is alive with songbirds. This forest also houses the 27th largest Ponderosa Pine in BC.
Below in the valley is a community that this forest is protecting from forest fires. Because there is virtually no understory, and there is evidence of a past fire on the bark of the old trees, the bark is rock hard and less susceptible to fire.
The bad news is that this area is slated to be auctioned off for logging in November 2025 through BCTS. Our community is writing this petition in the hopes that we can turn this area into some sort of protected area for the elk instead, and protect our homes from future forest fires.
Please help us protect this amazing area. You can also help by contacting the local MLA Steve Morissette:
[email protected]
Below in the valley is a community that this forest is protecting from forest fires. Because there is virtually no understory, and there is evidence of a past fire on the bark of the old trees, the bark is rock hard and less susceptible to fire.
The bad news is that this area is slated to be auctioned off for logging in November 2025 through BCTS. Our community is writing this petition in the hopes that we can turn this area into some sort of protected area for the elk instead, and protect our homes from future forest fires.
Please help us protect this amazing area. You can also help by contacting the local MLA Steve Morissette:
[email protected]
Phone: (250) 304-2783
and by contacting BC Timber Sales - Arrow Field Team
and by contacting BC Timber Sales - Arrow Field Team
Nakusp Field Office: Phone (250) 265-0355
Fax: (250) 265-3067
E-mail: [email protected]
To address your concerns. Thank you for helping us save this amazing place.
Below is the official petition you are signing:
To address your concerns. Thank you for helping us save this amazing place.
Below is the official petition you are signing:
The petition of the undersigned states that:
WHEREAS a biodiverse and rare 7-kilometer-long stretch of mature mixed forest, with many majestic ponderosa pines, Douglas firs and other tree species is located above Slocan Park in the Slocan River Valley of the West Kootenays;
AND WHEREAS this forest provides prime winter habitat for our local elk herd, as there is minimal undergrowth and lots of grasses for forage and the elk show an obvious preference for the mature forest versus adjacent 10 year old tree farms;
AND WHEREAS this forest also serves as an essential buffer and natural fire break, due to the spacing and height of trees and the relatively scarcity of undergrowth, protecting the adjacent community and private properties from the threat of fast-moving wildfires commonly associated with tree plantations;
AND WHEREAS this forest includes the 27th largest Ponderosa pine in the province and numerous old-growth trees that have survived wildfires and other past disturbances;
AND WHEREAS despite the aforementioned values and ecological significance of the Slocan Park Stands, the BC Timber Sales division of the Ministry of Forests (“BCTS”) is proposing to auction the stands for harvesting;
Your petitioners respectfully request that the Honourable House adopt a resolution calling on the Government of British Columbia to:
- direct the BC Timber Sales division of the Ministry of Forests to cancel the proposed auction of Timber Sale Licence TA2325; and
- protect the vital Slocan Park Elk Corridor in perpetuity in a provincial park, an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area, or an equivalent protected area.
Dated this 30th day of January, 2025.