• Say NO to Ford: Education Cuts Hurt Kids!
    As a result of these cuts, several teachers across the board will lose their jobs. This will create a bigger discrepancy in the student to teacher ratio and fewer classes overall. Students in Mississauga have already noticed fewer course options and electives being cut (Chen). Thus, the courses students are interested in will be eliminated, preventing them from exploring a variety of interests. This will make it harder for them to gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. Furthermore, Diane Dewing, the president of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation, is worried about how school boards will explain certain courses moving forward (Chen). “We fear that art classes, which often have small numbers of students, will disappear because there simply won’t be the funding to have that teacher”(Dewing). Forcing teachers to take on a huge number of students whether in the classroom or via e-learning will also decrease the quality of education students are receiving. Not only does it reduce individual support for students, but also reduces the engagement of students in their classes. At a time where mental health issues are skyrocketing among young people and being acknowledged, these cuts will make it even more difficult to support these students (Durkacz). As a student myself with a post-secondary pathway in mind to eventually work in education. Being able to find a job is now a huge concern. Since it presents me with an uncertainty of whether or not I'll be able to find a stable job. This isn't only a problem that applies to me but is a problem for many young well-qualified teachers. So many educators have been waiting after many years of occasional work to get a permanent job, "only to see their hope turn to despair" (Durkacz). The purpose of improvements to the education system should be to improve the well-being and learning of Ontarians instead of doing the opposite, hurting them. If you care about the education for the youth of today, tomorrow, and the future. What are you waiting for? Sign our petition now!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Lam
  • Petition Regarding Air Pollution Generated by Airplanes Near Major Canadian Cities
    Considering that : • Air pollution generated by air traffic has increased significantly above major Canadian cities ; • The quality of life and health of citizens are greatly impaired by low-level flying aircrafts; • Scientific evidence shows that air pollution generated by aircrafts brings serious health concerns and has effects notably on the pulmonary and cardiac functions of humans; • Inaction of Canadian airport authorities and their refusal to implement concrete solutions to minimize the nuisance caused by aircraft flyovers is obvious.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pierre Lachapelle
  • Pétition concernant la pollution de l’air générée par les avions près des grandes villes canadiennes
    Attendu que : • La pollution de l’air causée par le trafic aérien a considérablement augmenté au-dessus des grandes agglomérations canadiennes ; • La qualité de vie et la santé des citoyens sont grandement affectées par le passage des avions à basse altitude ; • Les données scientifiques démontrent que la pollution de l’air générée par les avions représente des atteintes et des risques sérieux aux fonctions cardiovasculaires et pulmonaires des humains ; • L’inaction des autorités aéroportuaires canadiennes et leur refus de mettre en œuvre des solutions concrètes pour réduire les nuisances causées par les aéronefs.
    514 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Pierre Lachapelle
  • Petition Regarding Noise Pollution Generated by Airplanes Near Major Canadian Cities
    • Noise pollution generated by air traffic has increased significantly above major Canadian cities ; • The quality of life and health of citizens are greatly impaired by low-level flying aircrafts; • Scientific evidence shows that noise pollution generated by aircrafts brings serious health concerns and has effects notably on heart health; • The inaction of Canadian airport authorities and their refusal to implement concrete solutions to minimize the nuisance caused by aircraft flyovers is obvious.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pierre Lachapelle
  • Develop a youth political party for next election
    Quite simply, the issues faced that are at a crisis point have been overlooked and ignored by the mainstream, corporate juggernaut; need the people without cynicism and broken,disillusioned hope that what we say is what we'll do...they are ready; look around the world, Quebec, Friday protests, use of social media...it needs to happen now
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryce Wilson
  • Green New Deal In Burlington
    So we can have life on planet earth
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Carter
  • Start The Venus Project in Canada.
    Why is this important? The Project Promotes The Following Benefits to Our Society: + Green Technology. + Jobs. + Clean Environment and ecologically clean world. + Fair Economy. + Strong Democracy.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaak Sazonov Picture
  • Add climate change warning stickers to gas pumps
    North Vancouver became the first municipality to mandate that all gas pumps must display stickers to warn consumers that burning fossil fuels causes climate change. Now that Premier Ford is mandating anti-carbon tax stickers across Ontario without including information about the costly effects of climate change, municipalities must step up to ensure consumers are aware of the negative environment effects and economic consequences of climate change. For more on North Vancouver's campaign, see: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/north-vancouver-climate-change-stickers-gas-pumps-1.3323621?fbclid=IwAR2MS_mGrfz2SYtB60OLZZrkKXSOqZ-CxF0FpHiXbBndMWufyO0z_4y4yOk
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evan Vipond Picture
  • Say NO to Ford's misleading carbon tax stickers
    The newly proposed anti-carbon tax stickers that Premier Ford is requiring all gas stations to display at the pump is a waste of tax payers' money. Ford campaigned on a clear mandate to save Ontarians money and this demonstrates he is not keeping his promises. Furthermore, the stickers are clearly being used as a marketing ploy for conservatives as they fail to mention the Federal government's rebate, which is expected to exceed the amount that a majority of households will spend on the carbon tax. It also fails to mention the environmental and economic consequences of climate change. In forcing businesses to display partisan information, this is a clear overreach of government power.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evan Vipond Picture
  • Please Stop The Closing Of Pain Care Clinics in Ontario !!!!
    Just from my own experience I felt like I was going to die from my brain being so used to taking 2 pills every 4 hours along with 1 diazepam every 6 hours for panic attacks and sleeping medication at night so the pain would not wake me up every four hours from the back pain that I suffer from.Then he had his prescribing privilege taken away and I was forced by Him to quit taking all my pain and nerve medications cold turkey and I speak from experience Your brain does get used to taking these medications and if and when your suddenly forced to stop taking these prescriptions all of a sudden people will get deathly sick some having strokes and heart attacks through no fault of their own but from the Ford Conservative Provincial Party closing or limiting the amount of times that Pain Patients can access this Strictly Monitored Pain Care Clinic in St.Catharines ,Ontario. So if these Pain Care Clinics. are closed there will be some patients forced to buy these drugs or stronger ones (morphine) ( heroine) (fenthenayl) on the Street which will lead to many more people overdosing on illegal street drugs and not from their own fault but from the closing of the Pain Care Clinics where the Physicians closely monitor Their Patients all the time .This will ultimately cost the Ford Government more money to treat the overdoses that do not perish. So for the treatment of Patients Pain these clinic have become a last resort for the safe treatment of their Pain. I know it has been for me!!!
    687 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Don Smith
  • OSAP Changes
    Although we understand that the previous model of OSAP may have been unsustainable in terms of funding, we ask that you consider some changes to the new model released, specifically Under the calculator currently on your website, low income students are receiving almost half of what they would have received in the previous model. These are families who need this funding in order to make post-secondary education a reality for them. Making even the smallest increases to these values can make their lives easier. Education is a fundamental human right, and individuals should not be denied it based on their income. For new graduates, any grace period means the opportunity to break into the workforce and gain experience without loans looming over their heads. In today's society, work experience is essential, and any grace period would make those opportunities feasible.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Dee
  • Keep our license plates “Yours to Discover”
    News just broke that Ford’s planning on changing Ontario license plate. (Right now it’s "Ontario: Yours to Discover”). But he isn’t just planning on changing it -- he’s planning on changing it to his own personal political advertisement: “Ontario: Open for Business”. This was Ford’s slogan during the 2018 election campaign, and it’s the one his government still uses. Ford's trying to turn our cars and trucks into his own personal ad campaign. This kind of tin-pot dictator move to inflate his ego is ridiculous, costly, and unethical. Ford’s presenting his plan to cabinet sometime this week. If enough of us sign the petition we might be able to convince him to leave the licence plate unchanged, or look like a colossal fool. Sources: Global News, https://globalnews.ca/news/5112402/ontario-licence-plate-redesign/
    6,066 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Molly Smith