Stop cow moose and calf culling.The provincial government should not be making decisions over regions/lands and approving cow moose and calf culling. We need the moose population back for local residents and for future generations.76 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gina Patrick-Louis
WHAT'S IN A NAME: Streets and Monuments Global ReclamationAn overhaul in education and accurate historical representation are essential to demonstrate a commitment to dismantling systems of white supremacy and colonization. May this step facilitate healing and be the first step of many we take to actively begin creating a more just and peaceful future for ALL.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karla Ramirez
Let's Rename the City of VaughanIn his time as a Member of Parliament, Benjamin Vaughan tried to persuade other MPs to continue the practice of slavery which is based on the ideology of domination and superiority over another race- at a time when others were actively abolishing it. It is shameful that we uphold these people as heroes in our communities by naming cities after them and declaring civic holidays in honour of them. Language, names and declarations of honourable historical figures matter! The community is speaking out and we'd like to organize with a petition. We need to stand up against people like Benjamin Vaughan who have made decisions as politicians and everyday humans that have caused trauma, violence and even death for Black, Indigenous and people of colour. A small step in the right direction, a potential answer to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's many Calls to Action from our First Nations, Métis and Inuit people across the country, and a drop in the vast ocean of work left to do in creating an anti-racist city of "Vaughan".981 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Lindsay Michelle
Changez le nom de l’avenue Christophe-Colomb / Change the name of Avenue Christophe-ColombWe must decolonise our societies in order to increase equality and reduce systemic oppression. Having such a major street on unceded indigenous land is a slap in the face and is a tacit approval of genocide, racism and colonialism.139 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Arié Moyal
Pesticide Free Powell RiverThere is no greater time to protect our HEALTH and IMMUNITY by protecting our surrounding ecosystem! Our watersheds will be directly affected by pesticides residues and reduction of forest undergrowth. Their stated "safety practices" are anything but when you look at the bigger picture. We need to protect out forest, water and health! We won't get a second chance.1,293 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Marie Bhattacharya
Don't let the Rockies turn into Coal MinesThe ban was created in 1976 to protect the most vulnerable zones of the Rockies. The government is blatantly green-washing by passing the ban as outdated and insisting that other measures that are in place will protect the environment. However, no consultation was taken and experts on climate don't buy the lies. The region in question ALREADY has more activity than was planned and there is a great concerns for local wildlife, but also all our lives as the climate crisis becomes more and more present in our reality.448 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Naomi Pastrana
City of Kingston - No Forced Evictions at Belle ParkEveryone deserves to have a say in their future, dignity, and a safe place to live. These are homeless people whose housing needs remain unmet by the city’s current shelter arrangements, which present high barriers for many people, including those who use alcohol or drugs, suffer from mental illness, or cannot manage the required two-week lockdown. The city needs to work with them so that they can live safely - forced evictions will not provide a real solution, but more displacement, harm, and turmoil in our community.975 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Mutual Aid Katarokwi-Kingston
Citizens applaud Canadian leadership in COVID timesThe past couple of months have clearly shown how our safety and well-being depend on leadership that is willing and able to take hold of complex, expert advice and turn it quickly into well-conceived national strategy - built and delivered with supportive collaboration at all levels of government. COVID-19 related policies and programs have been rolled out in mere days and weeks. A pause in partisan thinking is timely -- to ensure we identify, appreciate and commit to memory the kind of leadership we will need as we move forward. Having banged our pots in tribute to the courage and dedication of Canadian health care providers and other essential workers, it is now time to beat drums in appreciation for the leadership Canada has had during the COVID-19 pandemic. We applaud Prime Minister Trudeau, his colleagues and advisors, and the provincial leaders, for a daunting job well done. Specifically, we praise and congratulate the Prime Minister and the Government of Canada for: • encouraging speedy development of health policies necessary to safeguard our health as soon as the dangers of the virus were recognized; • appreciating and responding to wide-ranging economic issues resulting from mitigating actions taken; • holding daily briefings that provide us with the information and the hope we need, with strategies for staying safe, and with announcements of programs that deliver relief to the many sectors of our society. • working on a global response with international bodies and heads of state, and for building collaborations with provincial, territorial and municipal leaders, who have played critical roles in local delivery of a coherent national response to the crisis. • listening to the voice of citizens and swiftly modifying programs to be more inclusive and effective. Our safety has depended on these components of strong leadership and on Prime Minister Trudeau’s ability to keep us marching together toward a shared goal of containing an enormous national threat. We feel privileged to be weathering the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. Citizens of many countries have been far less fortunate and we thank Prime Minister Trudeau for his leadership in a time of national crisis.452 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Corin Greenberg
What?? Paramedics in BC are not considered essential service!?Paramedics in BC are not considered essential service. This is an outrage. Today PM Trudeau announced a wage increase. Please help our paramedics receive the support they deserve as they put their lives and loved ones on the line to perform daily an unrecognized essential service.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maia Seven
Rápido Proceso de InmigraciónEs importante para el país porque se podría regularizar el tipo de vida de esas personas que no cuentan con un SIN y un seguro médico en este país, una vez las personas ya regularizadas podrían trabajar y pagar impuestos en este país ya que necesita mucho trabajo y necesita mucho apoyo cuando todo esto de COVID-19 acabe, por favor ayúdenos somos muchos y necesitamos estar estables en un país tan grande y de tantas oportunidades.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jose Manuel Martinez Acevedo
COVID Grant for new and unemployed Permanent ResidentsThis vulnerable group moved from their foreign countries, most through the Federal Skilled Workers program, and have been surviving on finite savings to pay rent, buy food, afford transportation, medication, and other needs. Most were in the process of applying for jobs and attending job interviews when the pandemic occurred, and are now unable to find employment due to hiring freezes. They are unable to even return to their home countries consequent of border closures. The government to date has extended the CERB to include many, most recently 9Billion for students whose employment prospects have worsened.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Beharry
Stop Banks from Profiteering from the Covid-19 PandemicI would suggest this affects millions of Canadians. In a time where money is getting very tight for consumers and food is more important than making a loan payment the banks should be prevented from profiting from the disaster.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Floyd Smith