• Green New Deal In Burlington
    So we can have life on planet earth
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Carter
  • Start The Venus Project in Canada.
    Why is this important? The Project Promotes The Following Benefits to Our Society: + Green Technology. + Jobs. + Clean Environment and ecologically clean world. + Fair Economy. + Strong Democracy.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaak Sazonov Picture
  • Add climate change warning stickers to gas pumps
    North Vancouver became the first municipality to mandate that all gas pumps must display stickers to warn consumers that burning fossil fuels causes climate change. Now that Premier Ford is mandating anti-carbon tax stickers across Ontario without including information about the costly effects of climate change, municipalities must step up to ensure consumers are aware of the negative environment effects and economic consequences of climate change. For more on North Vancouver's campaign, see: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/north-vancouver-climate-change-stickers-gas-pumps-1.3323621?fbclid=IwAR2MS_mGrfz2SYtB60OLZZrkKXSOqZ-CxF0FpHiXbBndMWufyO0z_4y4yOk
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evan Vipond Picture
  • Say NO to Ford's misleading carbon tax stickers
    The newly proposed anti-carbon tax stickers that Premier Ford is requiring all gas stations to display at the pump is a waste of tax payers' money. Ford campaigned on a clear mandate to save Ontarians money and this demonstrates he is not keeping his promises. Furthermore, the stickers are clearly being used as a marketing ploy for conservatives as they fail to mention the Federal government's rebate, which is expected to exceed the amount that a majority of households will spend on the carbon tax. It also fails to mention the environmental and economic consequences of climate change. In forcing businesses to display partisan information, this is a clear overreach of government power.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evan Vipond Picture
  • Please Stop The Closing Of Pain Care Clinics in Ontario !!!!
    Just from my own experience I felt like I was going to die from my brain being so used to taking 2 pills every 4 hours along with 1 diazepam every 6 hours for panic attacks and sleeping medication at night so the pain would not wake me up every four hours from the back pain that I suffer from.Then he had his prescribing privilege taken away and I was forced by Him to quit taking all my pain and nerve medications cold turkey and I speak from experience Your brain does get used to taking these medications and if and when your suddenly forced to stop taking these prescriptions all of a sudden people will get deathly sick some having strokes and heart attacks through no fault of their own but from the Ford Conservative Provincial Party closing or limiting the amount of times that Pain Patients can access this Strictly Monitored Pain Care Clinic in St.Catharines ,Ontario. So if these Pain Care Clinics. are closed there will be some patients forced to buy these drugs or stronger ones (morphine) ( heroine) (fenthenayl) on the Street which will lead to many more people overdosing on illegal street drugs and not from their own fault but from the closing of the Pain Care Clinics where the Physicians closely monitor Their Patients all the time .This will ultimately cost the Ford Government more money to treat the overdoses that do not perish. So for the treatment of Patients Pain these clinic have become a last resort for the safe treatment of their Pain. I know it has been for me!!!
    691 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Don Smith
  • OSAP Changes
    Although we understand that the previous model of OSAP may have been unsustainable in terms of funding, we ask that you consider some changes to the new model released, specifically Under the calculator currently on your website, low income students are receiving almost half of what they would have received in the previous model. These are families who need this funding in order to make post-secondary education a reality for them. Making even the smallest increases to these values can make their lives easier. Education is a fundamental human right, and individuals should not be denied it based on their income. For new graduates, any grace period means the opportunity to break into the workforce and gain experience without loans looming over their heads. In today's society, work experience is essential, and any grace period would make those opportunities feasible.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Dee
  • Keep our license plates “Yours to Discover”
    News just broke that Ford’s planning on changing Ontario license plate. (Right now it’s "Ontario: Yours to Discover”). But he isn’t just planning on changing it -- he’s planning on changing it to his own personal political advertisement: “Ontario: Open for Business”. This was Ford’s slogan during the 2018 election campaign, and it’s the one his government still uses. Ford's trying to turn our cars and trucks into his own personal ad campaign. This kind of tin-pot dictator move to inflate his ego is ridiculous, costly, and unethical. Ford’s presenting his plan to cabinet sometime this week. If enough of us sign the petition we might be able to convince him to leave the licence plate unchanged, or look like a colossal fool. Sources: Global News, https://globalnews.ca/news/5112402/ontario-licence-plate-redesign/
    6,066 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Molly Smith
  • Stop the cuts to Education in Ontario!!
    The Ford government, and Lisa Thompson, the Ontario Minister of Education, have proposed to change the funding formula from the current 22:1 to 28:1. This is a MASSIVE CUT of 20%. This will mean that 20% of all high school courses will be cut- meaning ALL elective courses will no longer be offered- courses such as physics, music, computer science, physical education, visual art, drama, business, or technology will all be CANCELLED. Students will have only their compulsory courses, and each of those will have classes in excess of 40 students. Consider a school of approximately 1000 students with 58 teaching staff. These cuts would potentially mean the loss of 14 teaching positions, meaning 84 sections of courses at this school are now CANCELLED. Since compulsory courses must be offered, that means EIGHTY-FOUR elective classes will be gone in that school!! The TDSB trustees just voted to remove all GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR, STUDENT SUCCESS, and LIBRARY positions from high schools. Teenagers are the MOST in need of guidance counsellors as they are going through the most emotionally/turbulent times in their lives. Help stop these cuts! Doug Ford and Lisa Thompson need to hear that we will not accept massive cuts to our education system. Tell them they should be INVESTING in education, not cutting!! What can you do? 1) Email: - Doug Ford - [email protected] - Lisa Thompson - [email protected] - Sam Oosterhoff - [email protected] - plus your local MP & MPP 2) Call: - Doug Ford - (416) 325-1941 - Lisa Thompson - 1-800-668-9320 - Sam Oosterhoff - 905-563-1755 - plus your local MP & MPP 3) Tweet: - Doug Ford - @FordNation - Lisa Thompson - @LisaThompsonMPP - Sam Oosterhoff - @samoosterhoff - plus your local MP & MPP 4) Facebook - message the above via Facebook & share the incredibly helpful infographics made by ETFO or Ontario Families for Public Education... concise, factual & accurate. 5) Support education workers... on days you see them wearing certain colours, dress the same in solidarity. Educate those who are not aware of what is going on. Create your own parent group & picket or write letters. Join a parent advocacy group on Facebook like Ontario Families for Public Education. AND .... If (heaven forbid) ... education workers go on strike, picket with us, honk for us and understand we are fighting for ALL children to equally have an excellent education.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sue Brown
  • Readable Insurance Pink Slips
    Self evident. These are legal documents that must be displayed when asked by police.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Lowry
  • Don't shut down the support centre for local planning appeals
    URGENT:  Citizen rights are being abused and the Legislature is being bypassed as Ontario’s Attorney General decides to abruptly close the Local Planning Appeal Support Centre.   Add your support to three citizen and community advocacy groups based in Ottawa that are determined to hold the Attorney General accountable to the Legislature, which passed the Local Planning Appeal Support Centre Act in 2017.   On Feb. 21, barely nine months after the Support Centre began offering professional advice to citizens and citizen groups, the Attorney General has acted in a unilateral and possibly illegal way to shut down its operations.   Paul Johanis, chair of the Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital, called the Attorney General’s move “outrageous” because of the impact the decision will have on citizens' groups fighting municipal planning decisions, because of how the decision was handed down to staff of the Centre, and because the announcement has bypassed elected representatives in the Ontario Legislature. Ecology Ottawa and the Federation of Citizens’ Associations of Ottawa are also demanding accountability from the Attorney General.   “What we as citizen advocates know is that on Feb. 21 somebody from the Attorney-General’s office told Mary Lee, executive director of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Support Centre, that she and her staff were no longer needed,” said Johanis. “This action dealt a blow to citizens across the province who may not be able to exercise their rights effectively without the advice Lee and her team of professionals were set up to provide.” According to Johanis, creation of the LPASC was one of the bright spots of the previous government's land use planning reforms. “After only nine months in operation, the government cannot rationally justify a move to close this centre.  As far as we can tell, the Act that created the Centre has not been repealed, which makes us wonder if the closure is even legal.” Send the Attorney General a clear message by signing our prepared message or by writing one of your own.
    271 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Erwin Dreessen
  • Change the National Voting System to "Rank Choice Voting"
    To have a stronger democracy which represents a more majority of the people!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clinton Power
  • Bill 66 Removes our Workers protections
    This is extremely important because workers would have no choice but to work the 48+ hours or fear risking their jobs. It is an extremely unfair bill that throws away the rights of the workers. It would cause mental health issues from overworking and create a toxic environment that limits our ability to have a work week that allows us to live our lives. It seems as if Doug Ford is limiting the knowledge of our rights by preventing them from being seen at the workplace. It seems as if hes actively trying to make things intentionally worse for the worling class.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by troy Nemeth