Immediately Vaccinate Frontline Educators!Dear Minister Lecce and Premier Ford, we demand the immediate vaccination of all Ontario educators against the Coronavirus to safely continue their frontline work in schools, particularly in the province's hotspot regions. Over 160 thousand public teachers in Ontario need to be recognized as "essential, frontline workers," who face the daily risk of exposure to a life-threatening virus in their workplace. UNESCO, the United Nations agency for education, called on governments to give teachers priority access to COVID-19 vaccines. Currently, there are over 13,000 Covid-19 cases reported in Ontario schools. That's over 25 % of schools, not including asymptomatic students uncounted for because of insufficient testing. The political narrative that continues to claim that "children are incapable of spreading the virus," is now old science. In fact, it is probable that the majority of Covid cases in schools are potentially spreading between asymptomatic student carriers to their homes. Studies from Canada and around the world have shown that schools are significant vectors for the transmission of COVID-19, particularly with the more contagious and deadly variants that are now the predominant infections. A study conducted by Dr. Simona Bignami of the Université de Montréal and Dr. John F. Sandberg of George Washington University, found that it was Montreal children who infected their parents last fall, not the other way around, transforming Canada’s second largest city into a COVID-19 epicentre. Educators are well-aware that safety measures such as "cohorting," mask enforcement and social distancing look good on paper, but despite educators best efforts, these essential measures are impossible to systematically apply and enforce consistently with children. They are all the more ineffective in schools that are overcrowded and poorly ventilated. According to government data, more than 30,000 Ontario students and school staff have been infected with COVID-19. The frightening truth is this: asymptomatic outbreaks are probable throughout schools, particularly those in hotspot regions. Without adequate asymptomatic testing, the government can continue the narrative that schools are safe, that children's mental health is more important than their physical safety - and ultimately justify the political agenda to keep the economy open. Indeed, our economy is important, but how can the economic agenda take precedence over protecting lives? Teachers and students are expected to return to school during the current provinces lazy-lockdown, to bravely "step up," and face the increasing risk of contracting the new and more deadly Covid variants. The government has repeatedly defended the safety of our schools remaining open, using rhetoric that downplays increasing virus case-counts inside schools as simply a reflection of the increased numbers in the community. Wouldn't that indicate schools are also unsafe? There's this rationalized myth that schools are magically exempt from the spread and dangers of this virus, because "children can't spread the virus," that, hand sanitizer and safety screening will make up for overcrowded and poorly ventilated classrooms, that the exponential spread of more contagious and deadly variants, and our overwhelmed hospital ICU's that are at a breaking point, are factors scary enough to lockdown the entire province for another month - but schools are somehow safe? The fact is, schools are not safe! I ask you Minister Lecce and Premier Ford, how can you honestly and ethically justify sending teachers and students back into a clearly unsafe environment without the existing protection of vaccines? Is it not your responsibility to ensure the safety of your citizens, their families and ultimately our children? Our healthcare heroes, our vulnerable seniors, and those who are medically at risk, clearly take vaccination precedence - but our teachers also need to be prioritized in the line-up for vaccinations. They actually need you to "step up, Premier Ford," and do your part - either vaccinate educators - or move all schools to virtual learning! Sincerely, Lisa Porter and the included signatories958 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by L P
Stop CRA From Demanding Self-Employed Pay Back CERBAs a self-employed business owner, I was out of work due to the lockdown for Covid-19 and I followed the rules for applying for CERB in order to not only survive, but to keep my business afloat because my landlord didn’t bother with the rent subsidy. I realize that there were many who may have accidentally applied, but we self-employed had no other option and now are being told we were not eligible all because the word “net” was inferred and not actually stated on the website or the automated recordings when filing by phone. This is going to further destroy many small businesses and their owners more than this pandemic already has. To reduce us below eligibility for net profits after our deductions is beyond unfair and seems as though the rules are being changed to benefit CRA and the economy.88 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jim Watts
Disabled Workers in Canada Seek Section 7 Charter ProtectionThe purpose of the inquiry we request is to determine the extent of harms put upon injured, ill and/or disabled Canadians in provincial and territorial jurisdictions nationally. We raise these concerns to ensure as well our own full and fair redress in the form of workers compensation benefits as we are entitled to receive and rightly, legitimately deserve. We believe that only with a National investigation of provincial law, policy and regulations that govern provincial/territorial occupational health and safety can troubling issues be properly rectified. Those agencies and agents so empowered by law, policy and regulations have not responded to our direct engagement to address these issues with integrity. As these issues are of long-standing national concern, we assert that the concerns receive the attention that these matters require as it is in the National interests of all Canadians to do so.436 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Darren Gregory
Stop All Work at the Site C Dam NowThe B.C. government must stop throwing good money after bad into the unneeded Site C dam. In July, BC Hydro belatedly admitted that serious geotechnical issues had materialized at Site C and that the fix was unclear. Before any more work continues, and any more of our billions are potentially wasted, the Premier must call for an independent expert review with full public transparency. BC taxpayers and Hydro ratepayers deserve to know what they are paying for. If the independent expert panel finds that this project can't be fixed or that attempted fixes will cost billions more, cancellation of the project must be on the table. These billions can be put to much better use helping families, businesses and all British Columbians to weather the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information on the Site C dam, see https://stopsitec.today/site-c-faq/6,839 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Lindsay Brown
Tell Hootsuite: cancel your contract with ICEForced sterilization of migrants. Separating refugee children from their families. Actively refusing to protect detainees from COVID. ICE is committing human rights atrocities. Full stop. The catastrophically evil record of ICE is not news. These atrocities are well documented - there is literally an ICE atrocities database. [1] Ongoing human rights atrocities were explicitly cited by Union Pacific, the latest corporation to cut ties with Trump's enforcement thugs. [2] And yet Vancouver-based Hootsuite, a certified B Company that is chartered explicitly "meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance", just signed a three-year contract with ICE. This is complicity with Trump's neofascist human rights abuses - for profit. People in Canada are mortified by the Trump regime. We may not be able to vote in their election, but we certainly will not sit idly by and allow a Canadian corporation to profit from atrocity. We are demanding that Hootsuite join the many corporations who have cut ties with ICE, and cancel the new contract immediately. Sources: [1] https://www.aclu.org/issues/immigrants-rights/ice-and-border-patrol-abuses [2] https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/union-pacific-railroad-police-cuts-ties-ice847 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Timothy Ellis
BC NDP: Respect and uphold the Equity Mandate.Annita McPhee is a progressive Indigenous woman wanting to become the BC NDP candidate for Stikine riding. Annita announced her intention to seek the nomination once it was announced that Doug Donaldson would not seek re-election. However, the Party is trying to make exceptions to the policy to parachute in a Party-picked candidate. She needs your support to ensure the BC NDP doesn’t break its rules. She needs your help to support opportunities for progressive Indigenous women to run for the BC NDP.224 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Khelsilem .
Legislate EV-charger Permission in Condominium MURBSCity people need clean, healthy air to support good health. The country needs clean air to reduce the frequency of forrest fires, windstorms and torrential downpours which flood many parts of our land. The costs related to saving lives and repairing the damage affects everyone by increasing their insurance rates.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony (Tony) Francis
Cancel the $19 billion fighter jet purchase - use the funds for the Green New DealWe need to challenge the power of the military-industrial complex Do you know that the largest lobby group for the fighter jets is a charity - the Global Affairs Institute? We need the $19 billion for housing, child care, the green new deal, and for education, long-term care, etc. Quote: "More for COVID-19 latest hurdle in Canada's long road to buying new fighter jets" Fighter jets are a major polluter, and they are mainly used for air shows.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Walsh
No Federal Election in 20202020 is not the year that Canadians need to hold a Federal Election! The Bloc Quebequois leader has vowed to trigger a federal election in the fall if the PM and Finance Minister fail to resign over the WE scandal. Is now really the best time to hold a federal election, diverting attention and resources from the critical fight against Covid-19. Disrupting current programs and policies which have proven mostly effective in controlling a global pandemic for partisan political posturing seems like the last thing Canadians need at this time of strife.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Glenn Corcoran
Save the Van Dusen pedestrian bridge- No public notification, information, or consultation about the closure, duration or reopening - Impacts (reduced routes) to cyclists, pedestrians, and families during this time of social distancing / pandemic - Impacts to kids (increased distance / increased risk on high traffic routes) walking to local public schools including Norseman, Our Lady of Sorrows, Bishop Allen, and ECI - Impacts to traffic to local businesses on Bloor street673 of 800 SignaturesCreated by A Fraser & A Mak
Support Hong Kong Residents Fleeing China's CrackdownThe Communist Party of China (CPC) just passed a devastating new law that punishes anybody in Hong Kong who speaks out against the authoritarian regime. Left unchecked, CPC’s rampant trampling of rights in Hong Kong could destroy the city once declared the most ‘free’ in the world. Already, people and governments around the world have condemned China’s brutal new law that violates Hong Kong’s autonomy. Last week, the United Kingdom announced special visas to welcome Hong Kong citizens fleeing the region for fear of persecution and loss of freedom. The special accommodations include 5-year work and study visas, after which HK citizens can apply for citizenship. Some MPs are already in support of amending immigration rules to make it easier for Hong Kong citizens to find a path to permanent residency. Hong Kong citizens need our help. Will you sign the petition urging the federal government to provide special visas and a citizenship pathway to residents fleeing Hong Kong?12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cherry T.
Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act,WHO IS AT RISK? More than 3 million girls are estimated to be at risk for FGM annually. More than 200 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and west where FGM is concentrated. The practice is most common in the Western, Eastern, and North-Eastern regions of Africa, in some countries the Middle East and west as well as among migrants from these areas. FGM is therefore a global concern. FGM is recognized Marsabit County as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. It reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. It is nearly always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children. Types of female genital mutilation Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. In 1997, WHO classified female genital mutilation into four different types? Since then, experience with using this classification revealed the need to subdivide these categories, to capture the varieties of FGM in more detail. Severity (which here corresponds to the amount of tissue damaged) and health risk are closely related to the type of FGM performed as well as the amount of tissue that is cut. The four major types of FGM, and their subtypes, are: Type I. Partial or total removal of the clitoral glans (the external and visible part of the clitoris, which is a sensitive part of the female genitals, with the function of providing sexual pleasure to the woman), and/or the prepuce/clitoral hood (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoral glans). When it is important to distinguish between the major variations of Type I FGM, the following subdivisions are used: Type Ia. Removal of the prepuce/clitoral hood only. Type Ib. Removal of the clitoral glans with the prepuce/clitoral hood. Type II. Partial or total removal of the clitoral glans and the labia minora (the inner folds of the vulva), with or without removal of the labia majora (the outer folds of skin of the vulva). When it is important to distinguish between the major variations of Type II FGM, the following subdivisions are used: Type IIa. Removal of the labia minora only. Type IIb. Partial or total removal of the clitoral glans and the labia minora (prepuce/clitoral hood may be affected). Type IIc. Partial or total removal of the clitoral glans, the labia minora and the labia majora (prepuce/clitoral hood may be affected). Type III. (Often referred to as infibulation). Narrowing of the vaginal opening with the creation of a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and repositioning the labia minora, or labia majora. The covering of the vaginal opening is done with or without removal of the clitoral prepuce/clitoral hood and glans (Type I FGM). When it is important to distinguish between variations of Type III FGM, the following subdivisions are used: Type IIIa. Removal and repositioning of the labia minora. Type IIIb. Removal and repositioning of the labia majora. Type IV. All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, for example pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterization. Deinfibulation refers to the practice of cutting open the sealed vaginal opening of a woman who has been infibulated (Type III). This is often done to allow sexual intercourse or to facilitate childbirth, and is often necessary for improving the woman’s health and well-being. Despite the health risks, some women undergo a narrowing of their vaginal opening again after being deinfibulated, at the time of childbirth – meaning that they may undergo a series of repeated infibulations and deinfibulations throughout the life-course.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rukia farah