• Ban Hydraulic Fracturing in Newfoundland and Labrador
    An independent panel has been appointed by the Minister of Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to conduct a public review and advise the Minister on the socio-economic and environmental implications of the hydraulic fracturing process. However, the Minister of Natural Resources and his department focuses clearly on natural resource development and supporting regulations and not health, safety and the environment. Three of the Hydraulic Fracturing Review Panel members prior to their appointment have stated publically that they supported approval of hydraulic fracturing with appropriate regulations. These three members constitute a majority and are clearly not independent. They believe fracking can be done safely. The drillers' dreams of fracking New York succumbed to the growing mountain of proof that this dangerous process causes birth defects and respiratory illness, while polluting the air and drinking water with carcinogens like benzene and formaldehyde. Why did Minister Dalley appoint a biased panel to conduct an "independent review" when jurisdictions like New York, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have already studied the issue and determined Hydraulic Fracturing to be unsafe? Newfoundland and Labrador has placed a moratorium on all hydraulic fracturing applications pending this review. The review panel is flawed. Here is a link to a list of jurisdictions worldwide that have banned hydraulic fracturing. http://keeptapwatersafe.org/global-bans-on-fracking/ The citizens of Newfoundland and Labrador deserve the same respect and leadership from their elected representatives as do the citizens residing in the communities on the fracking ban list. This issue is a moral issue. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33182065 These companies poison water without remorse - Please Share http://youtu.be/j5kn8qL5G-w #fracking #environment #ClimateChange
    1,242 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Wiseman Picture
  • No more spills. Protect Vancouver from oil spills
    The Harper government allowed this relatively small spill to become a serious tragedy by closing the Kitsilano Coast Guard station, and they’re inviting even worse tragedies if they allow expanded tanker traffic on the B.C. coast. Kinder Morgan is proposing a pipeline and tanker that would bring hundreds of huge tarsands oil tankers through Vancouver’s harbour each year -- putting us at risk of a catastrophic oil spill when we weren’t even prepared for a spill that would be considered small by industry standards. In the wake of the Vancouver oil spill, thousands of people are looking for answers. If we raise our voices together now, we can expose how the Harper Government’s negligence turned this spill into a tragedy. With an election coming up, Conservative MPs in the Lower Mainland will be under tremendous pressure to give us a real plan to protect the B.C. coast. Sources: [1] Fuel oil spill from freighter in Vancouver harbour triggers cleanup. http://www.surreyleader.com/news/299210961.html [2] Now-closed Kisilano Coast Guard Base would have responded to oil spill instantly (Vancity Buzz). http://www.vancitybuzz.com/2015/04/now-closed-kitsilano-coast-guard-base-responded-oil-spill-instantly/
    16,106 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Jolan Bailey
  • Reach for the Unbleached
    Because as David Suzuki has explained to the public, the earth is dying of a thousand cuts. To think globally and then act locally, I plan to warehouse the above non-bleached products and sell it to friends and neighbours at cost. Eventually, the movement will grow, until our whole town of Amherstburg, Ontario knows where to obtain unbleached paper products. -- Susan Monaghan, Amherstburg, Ontario
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Monaghan
  • Demand the City of Brampton to stop the implementation of community mailboxes
    Taxpayers must know the costs around the installation of community mailboxes. The city of Hamilton just put out a report on the costs. It's going to cost taxpayers $522./site and an overall cost of 2.1 million that the taxpayers of Hamilton will have to pay. When community mailboxes are installed near a home owner, studies have shown it decreases property values. The city of Brampton shouldn't have to be burdened with additional costs and decreased service.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Jones
  • Demand the City of Mississauga to stop the implementation of community mailboxes.
    Taxpayers must know the costs around the installation of community mailboxes. The city of Hamilton just put out a report on the costs. It's going to cost taxpayers $522/site and an overall cost of 2.1 million that the taxpayers of Hamilton will have to pay. When community mailboxes are installed near a homeowner, studies have shown it decreases property values. The City of Mississauga shouldn't have to be burdened with additional costs and decreased service.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Jones
  • Save Old Orchard Public School Now!
    Over the past year at least 400 childcare spaces have been lost in the Davenport area. The Old Orchard building houses both the West End Parents' Daycare and The Orchard Montessori School, which collectively provide childcare for nearly 200 kids. Without these crucial services, Davenport parents will face a genuine daycare crisis. It's crucial that the province act immediately with the City of Toronto and other stakeholders to ensure this childcare resource and its surrounding greenspace is not lost.
    1,281 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Weaver
  • Make Saving Door To Door Mail Delivery a 2015 Federal Election Promise
    Canada Post and the Harper Conservatives plan to eliminate door to door mail delivery over the next 4 years. We feel these service cuts are unnecessary and specifically targets people with mobility issues and seniors. Canada Post has profited 17/18 years and in 2014 3 Quarter profits of 63 million. Canada Post is a traditional and valuable service to Canadians and we must maintain door to door service. Community mail boxes devalue properties, attract litter, theft, graffiti and are never properly maintained in the winter.
    300 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Derek Richmond Picture
  • Launch a review of current piping inspection procedures at Saskatchewan refineries
    Currently in the province of Saskatchewan no requirements exist for refineries to have a formal inspection plan or any requirement to submit regular inspection plans to a Provincial Government regulator.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Tzupa
  • Demand the City of Toronto to stop the implimentation of Community Mail Boxes
    Taxpayers must know the costs around the installation of Community Mail Boxes. The City of Hamilton just put out a report on the costs. Its going to cost taxpayers $522/Site and a overall cost of 2.1 Million that the Taxpayers of Hamilton will have to pay. When Community Mail Boxes are installed near a Home Owner, studies have shown it decreases property values. The City of Toronto shouldn't have to be burdened with additional costs and decreased service.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Derek Richmond Picture
  • Save Door-to-door Mail Delivery In London, Ontario
    This is an important issue to all Canadians. Losing door to door mail delivery is going to affect everyone in different ways. Seniors and people with disabilities are going to face injuries and hardship by walking through snow and the rain to get their own mail. Municipals taxes will be raised to all citizens due to costs of maintaining them like snow removal, proper lighting, signage and theft. These boxes are going to cause environmental issues as well; litter and idling vehicles. The people of Canada were never consulted with about losing their door to door mail delivery service. We must speak up as Canadians and say, "no"!
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Londoners4door2door *
  • Rejetons la « police secrète » de Harper pour défendre nos libertés civiles
    Le Comité éditorial du Globe and Mail, qui a appuyé les conservateurs de Stephen Harper lors des dernières élections fédérales, l’accuse maintenant d’utiliser sa loi sur l’espionnage pour créer une nouvelle « force policière secrète » au Canada.[1] Cette nouvelle loi donnerait des pouvoirs sans précédent aux agences d’espionnage et à la police, incluant le pouvoir de détenir des gens n’ayant commis aucun crime[2] et ce, avec un minimum de supervision ou de responsabilité démocratique. Pourtant, peu de politiciens ont démontré assez de courage pour s’opposer à la campagne de peur de Harper. Il y a peu de doute que plusieurs députés, incluant bien des conservateurs, sont inquiets de ces pouvoirs et de ce manque de supervision mais, ils ne pourront le démontrer ouvertement que s’ils savent que la population canadienne est derrière eux et s’y opposera elle aussi. Voulons-nous vraiment remettre notre liberté dans les mains de marchands de peur ou préférons-nous défendre notre démocratie? Rejetez la peur. Signez la pétition pour arrêter le projet de loi de « police secrète » de Harper et demandez aux députés de recommencer avec réel droit de regard et des barêmes de sécurité. FAQ: Qu’est-ce que ces lois impliquent? -- Elles permetent une intrusion approfondie dans le quotidien des citoyens. Les lois permettraient aussi aux corps policiers de détenir des gens sur simple suspicion, incluant des citoyens n’ayant commis aucun crime[2]. En prenant de telles mesures, ce projet ne fait que dire au SCRS qu’il ne peut tuer ou blesser quiconque, ni « violer l’intégrité sexuelle d’un individu. » [3] Cela signifie-t-il que le reste est acceptable? -- L’an passé, le Comité chargé de la surveillance des activités du SCRS, le Comité de surveillance des activités de renseignement de sécurité, a non seulement fait face à des délais de réception d’information, mais a également suggéré que l’agence les a « sérieusement trompés » et « n’a pas divulgué proactivement de très importantes informations. » [4] Le Canada est le seul pays occidental à ne pas avoir de corps législatif de surveillance de haut niveau[5]. Notre modèle de supervision ne fonctionne pas, et cette loi ne ferait qu’empirer les choses. -- Ces lois risquent de criminaliser la parole, en rendant illégal de « préconiser ou fomenter » le terrorisme. Cette question n’est toutefois pas résolue : comment va-t-on interpréter cela de façon pratique?[6] Est-ce que cette loi sera utilisée pour détenir les enfants, comme le cas récent en France?[7] Et qu’en serait-il d’un groupe de protestataires mère-et-père, que les députés pourraient étiqueter « d’éco-terroristes? » Qui aura le droit de décider et, pouvons-nous avoir confiance en ces gens qui prendraient ces décisions sans supervision? L’an dernier, la pression publique a forcé les conservateurs à enlever les pires parties de « la loi électorale injuste. » Nous pouvons le faire à nouveau. Élevons nos voix pour dire aux députés de faire face à leur peur, d’arrêter ce projet de loi de « police secrète » et demandons-leurs plutôt de recommencer à neuf. Vous joindrez-vous à nous? [1] Parliament must reject Harper’s secret policeman bill. (Globe and Mail) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/editorials/parliament-must-reject-harpers-secret-policeman-bill/article22729037/ [2] C-51: plus de muscle, moins d’intelligence. (Le Journal de Montréal) http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2015/02/04/c-51--plus-de-muscle-moins-dintelligence [3] Place aux espions surpuissants. (Le Devoir) http://m.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/430548/loi-antiterroriste-place-aux-espions-surpuissants [4] Un arsenal de sécurité toujours plus musclé. (L’actualité) http://www.lactualite.com/actualites/politique/un-arsenal-securitaire-toujours-plus-muscle/ [5] Une surveillance déficiente. (La Presse) http://www.lapresse.ca/debats/editoriaux/andre-pratte/201502/03/01-4841037-une-surveillance-deficiente.php [6] L’année de toutes les violences. (Le Journal de Montréal) http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2015/02/16/lannee-de-toutes-les-violences [7] Apologie du terrorisme: un enfant de 8 ans entendu par la police pour des propos radicaux. (Le Huffington Post) http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/jeremie-breaud/lettre-ouverte-a-ahmed-8-ans-police-charlie-hebdo-attentats-parents-commissariat_b_6590222.html ----- Link to the petition in English: http://you.leadnow.ca/p/reject-fear
    108,830 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Stefan Avlijas Picture
  • No, to Eve Adams. Yes, to a local, progressive Liberal for Eglinton-Lawrence.
    We need to defeat the Harper Conservatives, and the battle for Finance Minister Joe Oliver’s riding in Toronto will be one of the most important in the country. But why would we welcome Eve Adams? Let’s remember that Ms. Adams fought tooth and nail to run for the Conservatives in 2015 - and she’s only leaving the party after the Conservative leadership told her she wouldn't be allowed to run under their colours in the coming election. How does that qualify her to hold the Liberal banner or represent the people of Eglinton-Lawrence? Our riding deserves better. Let’s say no to Eve Adams. Yes, to a local, progressive Liberal for Eglinton-Lawrence.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Nanoff