Ban all temp agencies and their labour exploitationWork in Canada is precarious and extremely unstable, particularly for young people. The rise and prominence of employment agencies in the 21st century has played a major role in this precariousness and degradation of work, wages and benefits. Temp agencies profit from the labour of workers by being unnecessary middlemen. Temp agencies are far too prominent in the labour market and were not needed in the past, and are not needed now or in the future. Employers need to hire workers directly and allow employees the full benefits and wages for their labour.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by R Pereira
Change the way WSIB treats injuries WorkersIf you ask any injuried worker in Ontario you will rarely find any positive experience when dealing with the body that is seemingly I acted to protect the rights of any and all injuried worker. Accounts of extreme such as suicide after a claiment is unable to return to work which is threaten with the heartless decision to "cut off" despite the injury is life long or life threatening. This is an institution that is essential to protecting our sons' and daughters', the family bread winner who has the responsibility to house, feed and cloth their children, yet it's an institution that has enclosed a wall of protectionism that has left many injuried workers out in the cold6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jim Rollo
Referendum on the SenateThere is no place in a Democracy for non-elected rule. We rightly protest all countries where Democracies don’t have the final say over enacting laws and governance. How is our Senate any different? To be a model Democracy and Country we must be able to prove the people are capable of choosing who speaks for them.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Guest
Labelling on food products that contain GMO'sGMO's have caused poor and even nehative health impacts in some lab animals. Not enough is known about the real effects on human health. People should be able to make that decision for themselves.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marc Boulerice
No Short Term Rentals beside my houseShort Term Rentals (STR's) will bring down my property values, interfere with my right to a peaceful and quiet life that I paid a premium to acquire here. Had I wanted to live next door to a motel I would have chosen so, instead I chose to live in a residential area, not a commercial one. I do not want you to change my zoning nor approved usage of property within that residential zone.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Al Pastars
Ban the Grizzly HuntIt's time to put an end to this barbaric and destructive so-called sport. It's time to stop killing these majestic wild creatures for blood-lust recreation. A very large majority of Canadians do not agree with killing of Grizzly Bears for amusement and would be happy to see this horrible wasteful killing activity ended. It is only a lobby by wealthy visiting hunters who keep this very unpopular "sport" legal. Listen to the Canadian People. They want Grizzly hunting to end. Now.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by byron moore
Give People with Sleep Apnea the right to breathe for FREE(A basic human right!)This is important because it affects everyone.Costs to the healthcare system alone and the amount of reported illnesses caused from lack of treatment,awareness and the right to breathe properly are staggering!Some of the results are sudden death,increased blood pressure and cholesterol,people falling asleep while driving,working etc.This is an issue that has plagued our health care system for years and no government has done anything about it!10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leila Keith
Modern pharmacare for a rejuvenated healthcare systemToo many people in their old age are suffering, or unable to manage the expenses for prescription medications. If they want medication covered they must go on ODSP, but then they cant work, but although they are old, they must keep working because they are unable to retire, as its not financially viable for them. Many seniors as well as younger people these days are taking medications long term and unable to get the coverage for it. Having ODSP is no a viable option for those who must work to pay bills, mortgages etc.It doesnt make sense that we have health care, but the most important part of this, the medication is not included and its costs are through the roof Thanks10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dimitri F
Clean up the mercury that's poisoning Grassy Narrows' waterScientists tell us that Grassy Narrows’ river, their lifeblood, can be made safe again. We should seize this momentous opportunity. Get the facts / sign up to get alerts / take action / join the River Run www.freegrassy.net The provincial and federal governments are talking of forging a new relationship with aboriginal peoples. This requires righting outstanding wrongs, something that is an urgent imperative in Grassy Narrows. Ontario and Canada must take decisive action to resolve the ongoing legacy of mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows, and all other outstanding issues. This includes apologizing, cleaning the river, providing state of the art care for mercury survivors, adequate compensation for all who have been impacted, and establishing a Grassy Narrows run environmental health monitoring station. To ensure that this never happens again we must respect Grassy Narrows' decisions for their territory. Never again should harmful decisions be imposed on Grassy Narrows people and the territory that they depend on.20,387 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by FreeGrassy .
Safe, timely health care for transgender peopleRight now hundreds of transgender people in BC are on wait lists for gender affirming health care. That's because these services, including timely access to experienced surgeons, are extremely limited and under resourced in BC - and in Canada. A recent arson at a Montreal clinic has shed light on this situation. The clinic is the only location in the country that offers gender affirming lower body surgeries. It will not be fully operational for a lengthy period of time due to damages from the arson. [1] Some progress is being made in BC - the new Trans Care BC program is designed to improve health care options for transgender people. Trans Care BC will be submitting a business case to the Ministry of Health to create a provincial gender affirming surgical program. [2] But this process will take time and right now access to gender affirming care in BC remains very limited and wait lists continue to grow. We, the undersigned, ask that until timely access to gender affirming health care is available in BC and Canada, the Ministry of Health a) increase access to MSP funding for out-of-province and/or out-of-country surgeries beyond the program at the Montreal clinic, and b) expedite plans to create a BC surgical program for trans care. Trans people in BC need access to care now. Please sign and share. Sources: [1] http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/genital-reassignment-clinic-postpones-surgeries-after-fire-1.3571262 [2] http://www.phsa.ca/transgender/Documents/Gender-Affirming%20Surgery.pdf This petition is supported by the Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre451 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Adam Lynes-Ford
Easier/Cheaper access to organic foods.Food is life. You are what you eat. People need vitamins and minerals that are increasingly hard to maintain through diet with over-farming and conventional farming practices. Not to mention the pesticides act as estrogen and are also making the current generation sterile. Why does "organic" labelling cost so much? I can understand minor price increases based on season and availability, but most of the cost is to cover the 3rd party "organic" labelling costs or just plain price-gouging. This 3rd party should be abolished and conventional farming practices should be converted to organic farming practices. Every person should be able to afford properly grown foods within their salary regardless of class or social rank. With increasing evidence supporting poor diet promotes depression, this would make the greater population happier and less dependant on toxic/deadly pharmaceuticals.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alex Chilton-Kessler
Demand Saskatchewan's Premier stop denying climate changeIn the throne speech on May 17, 2016, Premier Wall announced to the world that he disagrees with 97% of climate scientists and still believes climate change is a hoax. His words, given by the Lieutenant Governor through the Throne Speech: "It is troubling that today, there are some in this country who, given the opportunity, would shut down major parts of Saskatchewan’s economy and put thousands of hard-working Saskatchewan people out of work, all in the name of some misguided dogma that has no basis in reality. "There are those who are not comfortable with and even oppose much of what we produce in Saskatchewan and how we produce it. They would prefer that those sectors did not exist. They look at those jobs like they are somehow harming the country and the world." Unfortunately Mr. Wall, there is now a firm global consensus that fossil fuels are harming the world. When you say climate change is a "dogma" you are going against the Pentagon, the World Bank, the Pope, and the leaders of 177 countries around the world who recently signed the Paris climate agreement last month. It is time to join with the rest of the world, realize the limits of the fossil fuel economy while it slowly phases down, and start to invest in high quality, safe, clean energy jobs to ensure Saskatchewan has a strong, resilient and modern economy for the future.1,536 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jason Mogus