• Ensure that Disabled People and Support Workers In Ontario are PPE Secure
    I have already reached out to Toronto Public Health, Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Government Services, The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, all without a response or a plan to address this issue. Although there is a requirement for PPE for disabled people to receive personal support and assistance, no individuals should be paying for PPE out of pocket, and yet, this is happening. I have talked to many non-profits, that have shared the concern that there is no commitment or funding for PPE for disabled people who need access to it for their activities of daily living where physical distancing is not possible. This petition requests that all levels of government work together to ensure that Attendants, Nurturing Assistants and people with Disabilities in Ontario are PPE secure. It appears that the government has forgotten about disabled people and the folks that support us. This lack of action is unacceptable. This lack of action puts lives at risk. Regards, Terri-Lynn Langdon, MSW, RSW Ontario Institute for Studies In Education, Social Justice Education, University of Toronto
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Terri-Lynn Langdon
  • Expanding the role of Toronto's mental health crisis intervention teams
    Mental health calls are largely handled by untrained officers who don't have the skills to de-escalate crisis situations. This leads to unnecessary violence and killing of people in crisis, of which poor and IBPOC are largely overrepresented. In cities where mental health crisis teams are properly implemented, they provide clear benefits, including: - reducing carceral costs, - reducing the incidents of violence from the police, - reducing repeat calls for service, - reducing costly psychiatric hospitalizations, and - improving the use of officers’ time [1]. [1] https://www.prainc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RespondingtoBHCrisisviaCRModels.pdf
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Travis DeWolf
  • De-ratify the CC-FIPA
    In 2013, when the Hupacasath FN realized the negative impacts of the CC-FIPA, they launched legal action with the help of West Coast Environmental Law. They lost the case; now China has more economic power than all Cdn. First Nations put together. With the severe impacts of climate change, Canada has a global responsibility to save what is left of the ancient forests.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eartha Muirhead
  • Equal pay for Home Care Workers in Ontario as workers in Long-Term Care.
    From this article in the Toronto Star on July 31st 2020 - "We know that home care workers in Ontario are already paid considerably less than those in long-term care. This situation must be corrected, not made worse. To stabilize the entire health system, home care workers must be paid at parity with those in long-term care. Workers in both sectors deserve a raise for the critical support they provide to our seniors. Ontario’s seniors are relying on the government to protect them. Safe, reliable, and compassionate home care from well-trained and well-paid staff is key to improving overall care for seniors."
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Davison
  • Raising ontario works or freeze rent
    Government keeps us in poverty Which is not right. At 60yrs old you shouldnt have to starve To try and survive. Rent is way to High and you always have To live with someone To get rent paid. Housing takes forever.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marlene macdonald
  • Need for significant Toronto Police reform
    There is clear evidence and research that we must organize public safety very differently, especially for our Black, Indigenous and other marginalized communities.To do this we need a strong catalyst to ensure this happens in a timely manner. The reduction of the police budget and reallocation to a range of community services led by mental health and other community leaders can be this catalyst. Any attempts to reform within the police budget and led by the police, as evidenced by the last five years in Toronto, will not produce tangible, timely and necessary results. Mayors in New York, Los Angeles and Minneapolis have committed to this. As reported in the Globe and Mail June 18 the Mayor states "there is unprecedented consensus on confronting anti-Black racism". However he and the Board Chair are proposing changes within the current budget and under the purview of the Toronto Police. We are asking the Mayor and Board Chair to approve Councillor Matlow's motion to reduce the budget by 10%, restructure the police and hand over a number of the current duties to the appropriate community services and leaders. This is a small amount in a $1.22 billion budget. Many organizations are facing the challenge of managing reduced budgets/revenues of greater amounts with the current COVID virus. Surely the Toronto Police can do the same. Recent events, research and statements by many leaders are well documented in the media and confirm that there is systemic racism in our police forces against our Black, Indigenous and other marginalized communities. It is also well documented that significant, not incremental change is required. Approximately 25%+ of my property taxes goes to the police budget and a very small amount to community services. No one has asked me, a tax paying resident, if that is where I would like a large portion of my taxes allocated. I have also had a personal experience with Toronto police practices in that my son-in-law, an African American university educated social worker helping youth at risk in downtown Toronto was carded twice for no apparent reason within his first 6-12 months of moving to Toronto. I was deeply ashamed of our city. Many citizens, community leaders and research agree change is required and much of that change to strengthen public safety for our Black, Indigenous and other communities must include the removal of many duties from police and given to a range of community services. To leave the change in the hands of the police will result in slow, incremental change, if any.
    200 of 300 Signatures
    Created by kathleen christie
    I believe that it is important to have enough to survive,having to go without some foods or clothes because you have so little money.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Lever
  • Let's rename Coxwell Avenue
    Females and those who identify as females need to feel safe when they walk down the street. Not revictimized by the street name. The name of this street is highly rapacious and offensive and wrongly empowers men and for this reason we need to change it to something better.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by YAN JOANNE CHAN
  • Let's Rename Yonge Street
    The elderly built this country.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by YAN JOANNE CHAN
  • test
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saman Tabasinejad
  • Stand up Against Anti-Asian Racism
    In mid-May, the VPD announced that they were investigating 29 Anti-Asian hate crimes since mid-March, an alarming spike. This does not even begin to touch on the increase in micro-aggressions experienced by targeted communities since Covid-19. According to Human Rights Watch, governments should take urgent steps to prevent racist and xenophobic violence and discrimination linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, people, more than ever, are turning to the government for leadership and information. We need our government to take a stand not just against Covid, but also against the rise in anti-Asian violence and discrimination.
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Cantelon
  • Don't reduce social assistance payments due to CERB
    Due to price gauging and other expenses in Canada during COVID19 some people myself included couldn't get enough food we asked local food banks for help no one showed up we had 2 days of food left and 2 weeks before we got paid again we had no choice like many many Canadians out there why should we be consequed for needing to feed our families and pay our bills just like everyone else. Anyways got a letter in the mail today stating that next month i may get 200 for the whole month and this is going to be the reality of the 1.something million people who have applied for the Cerb that didnt qualify that just wanted to feed their families or buy new clothes for their kids and since second hand stores are closed people on assistance are being forced to spend money that they would normally save by buying used so in closing please help people on assistance not lose their whole income for months
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jocelynn McNeill