Remove Trump's Name from the Vancouver TowerFormer Vancouver cityplanner Brent Toderian has called on developers of the nearly completed Trump International Hotel & Tower in Vancouver — set to be one of the city’s tallest and most expensive — to immediately remove Trump’s name from the building and things associated with it. [1] We endorse this demand. Sign this petition now to rid Vancouver of Trump’s hateful brand. UPDATE: A local city councillor wants to see Donald Trump’s name taken off of Trump Tower in Toronto, too. [2] [1] Remove Trump name from Vancouver tower, says former city planner. CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/donald-trump-tower-vancouver-ban-twitter-1.3355241 [2] City councillor wants Donald Trump's name removed from Toronto's Trump Tower. CP24 http://www.cp24.com/news/city-councillor-wants-donald-trump-s-name-removed-from-toronto-s-trump-tower-1.26915344,548 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Richie A.
Canada, commit to zero emissions by 2050!The Paris Climate Conference is our last best chance to avoid runaway climate change. For the last ten years Canada has been actively derailing international climate talks, and now has a responsibility to the communities most vulnerable to climate change to take swift, bold action in an effort to mitigate the worst impacts of this catastrophe. With a new government, we can change Canada's course on climate action. As an affluent country, Canada has the resources and the technology to make a just transition to a 100% renewables-based economy that honours the Free Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous peoples. We want to see true climate leadership from the Canadian government. Time’s running out. We need more than aspirational statements -- we need real action. Preventing a global rise in temperature by 1.5 degrees celsius means reaching zero emissions by 2050 -- and we need a just transition to a clean energy economy to get there.1,107 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Atiya Jaffar
I support a lifetime ban for Donald Trump from entering Canada.American business tycoon and now Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for a complete, blanket ban to prevent any muslim from entering the US for any reason. His ban could prevent over a million Muslim Canadians from crossing the border. Trump's proposed policy is something you'd expect to find on the comments section of an ultra-right wing conspiracy site. Coming from an American presidential nominee, this level of xenophobia and hatred is nothing short of jaw dropping and incredibly dangerous. We've already seen increased violence against muslims in Canada as a result of the anti-Muslim hatred and fear stirred up by former Prime Minister Harper during his desperate re-election campaign. Trump's comments and fear mongering risk inciting widespread religious hatred and have no place in Canada. Ever. Canada's criminal code outlaws hate propaganda, and Canada should ban Donald Trump from entering Canada and spreading his hate-mongering. For life. Sources: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (New York Times) http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/12/07/donald-trump-calls-for-banning-muslims-from-entering-u-s/ Donald Trump calls for ‘complete shutdown’ of Muslims entering the U.S. (National Post) http://news.nationalpost.com/news/donald-trump-calls-for-complete-shutdown-of-muslims-entering-the-u-s22,029 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Carroll
Kill the Trans Pacific Partnership(TPP)Introduction: To get a quick fix on what the TPP is all about watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw7P0RGZQxQ Look under "Updates" below for articles and videos on the TPP Send your personal feedback to the Government of Canada at: [email protected]. ______________________________ I have been following politics in Canada for the past forty years and seen the loss of our sovereignty in various ways; the NAFTA, 9/11, Fortress North America. And of course, our very close proximity to the world’s singular super power drains away sovereignty and our ability to think for ourselves. One of the single greatest influences for our loss of sovereignty though is neoliberalism. We have not felt the full brute force of neoliberalism but many, many, other countries have; Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy… and the list goes on. Neoliberalism is the corporate dominated free market economy that has come to dominate globally over the last thirty years. Quite simply, it is where profits come before people, and where nation states and their sovereignty are erased in favor of corporate exploitation. The TPP is neoliberalism on steroids and a threat to every country so gullible as to ratify it. It is just one more "agreement" leading to the privatization of government. With the recent demise of the Harper regime I see a complacency set in that we are now back in “safe hands.” This is simply not so. Going back to the time of PE Trudeau, the Liberals like the Conservatives are Bay Street parties. Both parties are willing to sell out the public interest and the middle class. We have to decide if we are going to be governed by duly elected and responsible governments or global corporations and banks whose only loyalty is to their bottom line. Unless there is strong and very vocal public opposition to the TPP I believe it will be passed. This is not a decision that can be left to the vagaries of Parliament. The public interest must prevail. We must be the loudest voice to ensure this odious legislation is not ratified. This signing is going to take place in the next few months. I urge everybody to make it your top priority. It is up to us! Sincerely, Robert Billyard , Mission BC233 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Robert Billyard
Cancel Harper's 'Future' Patronage AppointmentsThese 'future' patronage appointments, unprecedented in Canadian history, will entrench within the new government the worst tendencies of the Conservative party — secrecy, hyper-partisanship, an incredible disregard for science and evidence-based policy, etc. — that voters so fiercely rejected. Take, for example, the case of the National Energy Board (NEB), which regulates the construction of pipelines and the import of oil and natural gas. Because of Harper’s future appointments, Prime Minister Trudeau will not be able to replace any temporary members of the NEB until 2018, or any permanent members until 2020. Given Harper’s record on the environment and his history of dismantling environmental protections, this move should be seen as nothing less than an attempt to undermine the Liberal promise to take action on climate change and reduce greenhouse emissions. This is a slimy move, even for Harper. Opposition parties and top government officials are calling on the Liberal government to cancel these future appointments immediately. [2][3] Let’s join them and let Harper know once and for all that Canada has moved on. --------- [1] Doomed Harper government made 49 “future” patronage appointments. iPolitics. http://ipolitics.ca/2015/11/23/doomed-harper-government-made-49-future-patronage-appointments/ [2] Cancel Harper’s “future appointments”: Boulerice. iPolitics. http://ipolitics.ca/2015/11/23/cancel-harpers-future-appointments-boulerice/ [3] Disband National Energy Board to deal with Harper’s appointments: Collenette. iPolitics. http://ipolitics.ca/2015/11/24/disband-national-energy-board-to-deal-with-harpers-appointments-collenette/8,530 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Richie A.
Statement of UnityAll members of Toronto City Council, Toronto District School Board Trustees, and Toronto Catholic District School Board Trustees have signed onto this statement and we are asking other politicians and residents to join in adding their name. If you would like more information contact: Toronto City Councillor Mike Layton [email protected] or (416) 392-4009. Elected Officials: Members of Toronto City Council Mayor John Tory, City of Toronto Paul Ainslie, Ward 43, Scarborough East Maria Augimeri, Ward 9, York Centre Ana Bailão, Ward 18, Davenport Michelle Berardinetti, Ward 35, Scarborough Southwest Jon Burnside, Ward 26, Don Valley West John Campbell, Ward 4, Etobicoke Centre Christin Carmichael Greb, Ward 16, Eglinton-Lawrence Shelley Carroll, Ward 33, Don Valley East Raymond Cho, Ward 42, Scarborough-Rouge River Josh Colle, Ward 15, Eglinton-Lawrence Gary Crawford, Ward 36, Scarborough Southwest Joe Cressy, Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina Vincent Crisanti, Ward 1, Etobicoke North Janet Davis, Ward 31, Beaches-East York Glenn De Baeremaeker, Ward 38, Scarborough Centre Justin Di Ciano, Ward 5, Etobicoke Lakeshore Frank Di Giorgio, Ward 12, York South-Weston Sarah Doucette, Ward 13, Parkdale-High Park John Filion, Ward 23, Willowdale Paula Fletcher, Ward 30, Toronto-Danforth Rob Ford, Ward 2, Etobicoke North Mary Fragedakis, Ward 29, Toronto-Danforth Mark Grimes, Ward 6, Etobicoke-Lakeshore Stephen Holyday, Ward 3, Etobicoke Centre Jim Karygiannis, Ward 39, Scarborough-Agincourt Norm Kelly, Ward 40, Scarborough-Agincourt Mike Layton, Ward 19, Trinity-Spadina Chin Lee, Ward 41, Scarborough-Rouge River Giorgio Mammoliti, Ward 7, York West Josh Matlow, Ward 22, St. Paul's Pam McConnell, Ward 28, Toronto Centre-Rosedale Mary-Margaret McMahon, Ward 32, Beaches-East York Joe Mihevc, Ward 21, St. Paul's Denzil Minnan-Wong, Ward 34, Don Valley East Ron Moeser, Ward 44, Scarborough East Frances Nunziata, Ward 11, York South-Weston Cesar Palacio, Ward 17, Davenport James Pasternak, Ward 10, York Centre Gord Perks, Ward 14, Parkdale-High Park Anthony Perruzza, Ward 8, York West Jaye Robinson, Ward 25, Don Valley West David Shiner, Ward 24, Willowdale Michael Thompson, Ward 37, Scarborough Centre Kristyn Wong-Tam, Ward 27, Toronto Centre-Rosedale Members of the Toronto District School Board Chair Robin Pilkey, Toronto District School Board Sammy Al Rubaie, Student Trustee Jennifer Arp, Ward 8, Eglinton-Lawrence Alexander Brown, Ward 12, Willowdale Sheila Cary-Meagher, Ward 16, Beaches-East York Jerry Chadwick, Ward 22, Scarborough-East Hamima Fattah, Student Trustee Michael Ford, Ward 1, Etobicoke North Tiffany Ford, Ward 4, York West Gerri Gershon, Ward 13, Don Valley West Chris Glover, Ward 2, Etobicoke Centre Pamela Gough, Ward 3, Etobicoke-Lakeshore Parthi Kandaval, Ward 18, Scarborough Southwest Howard Kaplan, Ward 5, York Centre Shelley Laskin, Ward 11, St. Paul's Ken Lister, Ward 17, Don Valley East Ausma Malik, Ward 10, Trinity-Spadina David Smith, Ward 19, Scarborough Centre Marit Stiles, Ward 9, Davenport Jennifer Story, Ward 15, Toronto-Danforth Chris Tonks, Ward 6, York South-Weston Sheila Ward, Ward 14, Toronto Centre-Rosedale Manna Wong, Ward 20, Scarborough-Agincourt Members of the Toronto Catholic District School Board Chair Michael Del Grande, Toronto Catholic District School Board Ann Andrachuk, Ward 2, Etobicoke Patrizia Bottoni, Ward 4, North York Nancy Crawford, Ward 12, Scarborough Frank D'Amico, Ward 6, York Jo-Ann Davis, Ward 9, Toronto Karina Dubrovskaya, Student Trustee Allison Gacad, Student Trustee Angela Kennedy, Ward 11, East York/Toronto Joseph Martino, Ward 1, Etobicoke Sal Piccininni, Ward 3, North York Barbara Poplawksi, Ward 10, Toronto Maria Rizzo, Ward 5, North York Gary Tanuan, Ward 8, Scarborough2,539 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by City Councillor Mike Layton
Canada needs a new Consumer price indexSeniors and all those Canadians dependant on indexed pensions are falling way behind. In the last 10 yrs the CPI is up 20.7% but wheat is up 33.3%, beef is up 55.9%, housing is up 81.2%.oil is up 41.5%(after the bubble burst) and copper is up 69.8%. (see chart in Bullion Buzz 2015-11-11). It hurts us and it hurts the economy because if we don't have the mpney we can't spend it.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Fast PhD
People living with HIV deserve just treatment: Stop the Unjust ProsecutionsCanadians living with HIV are vulnerable to prosecution based on the current law concerning HIV non-disclosure. Indeed, people living with HIV are being unjustly prosecuted for aggravated sexual assault even when there is almost no risk of transmitting the virus, for example, when a condom is used properly or when a person has an undetectable viral load. We call on Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice, to take the steps necessary to bring a halt to such prosecutions. Among the options we suggest be considered are: -in co-operation with the appropriate provincial attorneys-general, issuing a simple directive to Crown prosecutors across the country to cease such prosecutions; -sponsoring as Government business a motion in the House of Commons declaring the House never intended – and is opposed to – the use of the relevant sections of the Criminal Code regarding sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault in cases arising from HIV non-disclosure; -sponsoring amendments to the Criminal Code’s sections 265, 271 and 273 that would preclude such prosecutions on the basis of HIV non-disclosure; or, -such other measures as the Minister believes would result in the ending of such prosecutions. Act with us in support of Canadians living with HIV. Join our call to the Minister of Justice to amend Canada’s Criminal Code and bring a halt to prosecutions for sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault based on HIV-non-disclosure.179 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Adam Reibin
Justin: Take a Bold Stance at the Paris Climate SummitLimiting global warming to 2°C will require deep cuts in global emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. As a wealthy, industrialized nation, Canada has a special responsibility to lead in this area. But the window for action is closing, and the Paris Climate Change Summit this December ("COP21") may be the last chance for an international agreement in time to avert the crisis. Canada must lead the way.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Simon Zukowski
Call on Justin Trudeau to immediately restore the long-form census for 2016Statistics Canada is "on the cusp" of launching the 2016 census, but unless Justin Trudeau moves quickly, we could miss a vital chance to restore the Long Form Census and start to undo some of the damage done by Stephen Harper. The long-form census is a vital piece of Canada's ability to make decisions based on evidence, rather than ideology. It takes place only every 5 years, and is next scheduled for 2016. It’s an enormous logistical operation that takes many months of planning. Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper cancelled the long form census in 2010 as part of his wide-reaching attacks on science and evidence. Experts say there is time to reinstate it for 2016, but Justin Trudeau will have to move fast to make it possible and issue an immediate "order in council" once he takes office. Justin Trudeau can start to reverse the damage, but he has to act now: "Issuing an immediate order in council “is the only way to implement the long form in time for the census six months from now,” they said. “This must be one of the first moves made by the Liberal government of Mr. Trudeau. It would mark a clear break with the previous government and ensure that future social policies can be made on scientific grounds rather than ideological dogmatism.” [1] We missed one long-form census under Harper, let's not miss another. Please sign this petition today, to let Justin Trudeau know that Canadians believe in evidence based decision making, and that reinstating the long form census is essential! Thank you. [1] Globe and Mail: Long-form census could be reinstated for 2016, experts say http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/long-form-census-could-be-reinstated-for-2016-survey-experts-say/article26922071/2,120 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Carroll
End First-Past-The-Post Elections!The FPTP system is a hindrance to democracy. For example, a non-Conservative living in a very Conservative-leaning riding essentially has two options: don't vote (thus contributing to voter apathy, which weakens democracy) or move to a place where there are more like-minded people (thus encouraging a more divided society, as we see in the U.S.). With a Preferential Ballot system, as Trudeau proposed in his campaign, voters rank the candidates (ie: 1, 2, 3, 4) on their ballots, thus accurately reflecting their views. Strategic Voting is never necessary, and candidates are forced to appeal to ALL voters, not just their traditional support base (because it's not enough to just have many #1 votes, you also want to make sure you don't have too many #4s). The alienating 'wedge-tactics' used by Harper would be entirely ineffective in such a system.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joshua Bergmann
STOP TTPIt will give more rights to corporations than Canadians.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Imtiaz Popat