To: Government of Canada, Minister of National Security, CRA

Play by the same rules.

Draft procedures for interactions between CRA staff and private enterpise that would avoid any inference of 'favours' being offered, or accepted.

Apply the letter of the law, rigorously, to corporate entities, as it is so often applied to individuals. Tighten-up any legal agreement of security or confidentiality, that would prevent CRA staff from taking employment with private entities with which they have interacted professionally, outside the parameters set for government workers or politicians becoming paid lobbyists.

Why is this important?

CRA is the primary source of funding for the Canadian Government. The CRA is to act as an honest broker in gathering this funding.

Our tax laws are enacted to provide that Canadians - individuals and corporations - are treated equitably and fairly in reference to their share of the costs of Government. Transferring this cost, by striking special reductions in special cases, imposes an unfair burden on those who don't receive special consideration.

Making, or taking, a gift or gratuity in this regard, is abhorrent to the notion of fairness. The practice should be condemned and those doing it dismissed from the service.
