Respect First Nations Treaties for Community SurvivalThis grotesque, untimely and out of scale development might be have been possible 20 years ago, but now it is clearly destructive to the River and landscape which makes the area unique. It is disrespectful of First Nations eons of care for the land and waters. It disregards local settler communities and their heritage village. And it sets a precedent for development and pollution along the banks of the Grand to Lake Erie.47 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eimear O'Neill
Save the TTCSafe, accessible public transit is the backbone that keeps a big city like Toronto moving. It’s an essential part of our lives — enabling people who live and visit here to efficiently commute from home to work, to a doctor's appointment, or to pick up food at the grocery store Thousands of people rely on public transit every day in Toronto, especially those who are struggling the most to make ends meet and don’t have access to a car or taxi. But right now, the TTC is planning to slash services as soon as this month. [1] Imagine you’re a frontline worker. You rely on transit every day to get to work. Your daily commute usually takes you 30 minutes but lately it’s been taking you up to an hour to get to work. You have to wait in the freezing cold at a bus stop every day, because TTC services are being cut. This could be the reality for many of us if TTC service cuts go ahead. [2] A huge wave of public pressure could force the city, provincial and federal government to save the TTC — but only if we all speak out. Sign the petition now to stop the cuts and save the TTC. Sources [1] https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2021/10/27/ttc-plans-service-cuts-starting-in-november-because-of-workers-who-havent-complied-with-vaccine-mandate.html [2] https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2021/10/06/its-too-much-of-a-risk-riders-left-the-ttc-in-droves-over-covid-19-could-that-trigger-a-public-transit-death-spiral.html2,139 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Transit riders across Ontario
End Legislated Poverty In BCDemand those assistance receive a benefit that is indexed to inflation, demand an end to claw backs and allow people to embrace union with another without facing penalty for doing so!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dan de Lench
End all public financing for foreign fossil fuel projectsThis is big. As part of COP26, the global climate change conference, 19 countries are announcing a commitment to end all public financing for international fossil fuel projects by 2022. [1] Canada is one of the world’s biggest public financiers of fossil fuel projects at home and abroad. [2] But right now, the Canadian government is dragging their feet on joining this commitment. This isn’t climate leadership. Our sources have told us that fellow countries are pushing the Canadian government hard to join the commitment—and they’re wavering. This decision is going down to the wire. A big flood of public pressure as the government is deciding could show them that the world’s eyes are on them and that we need them to deliver. [1] https://www.reuters.com/business/cop/19-countries-plan-cop26-deal-end-financing-fossil-fuels-abroad-sources-2021-11-03/ [2] https://environmentaldefence.ca/2021/02/04/us-uk-eu-leadership-pressures-canada-end-fossil-finance/10,671 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Leadnow Canada
Allow mobility devices to use bike lanesNot all disabled people can operate a car, or afford to own one. And sidewalks are often too narrow, and/or uneven for mobility aids. The climate emergency requires that we give everyone the opportunity to travel using low-carbon modes of transportation. Bike lanes host many types of users, who move at different speeds - including some with disabilities. Many cycling advocates and other organizations support access to cycling facilities by people using electric mobility aids.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Thompson
Are you a member of Vancity? Act now to help stop banks funding fossil fuels!The Vancity Board are our friends. Vancity has committed to leadership in the financial services sector on climate. https://rethink.vancity.com/ The Board cares about what we have to say. We need to let them know this is important to us.57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by For Our Grandkids Victoria
Honour and Respect the Fallen Workers of the Kelowna Crane AccidentThe public needs to be reminded that there are many possibilities that could have led to this catastrophic event, and without a completed investigation, there is no way for Mission Group to assure public safety. BC Minister of Labour Harry Baines said himself when asked about increased regulations for developers and construction trades that it would be “inappropriate to comment until the investigation is complete.” We are asking: is it not equally inappropriate for construction to resume on the same site until that same investigation is complete in case there are recommendations that are necessary to ensure this doesn’t happen again. “There are so many painful layers to this experience so far. It is all still raw for everyone. We are just asking for a little time without being reminded of what those buildings took from our families. When the accident first happened I felt a connection to the site as it was where Cailen took his last breath. The memorial site now has construction all around it and the memorial looks to become insignificant in the big picture of the project and the site itself. This is going to be a long grieving process and the families need a place to go and remember their loved ones and not be reminded of the tragedy with all the surrounding construction. Our loved ones are not collateral damage, they mean more than deadlines and money.” -Chris Vilness Mission Group itself expresses one of their core values as “building it right,” and goes on to describe themselves as, “honest, transparent and committed to doing the right thing with uncompromising integrity. We know that what is right is not the same as what is easy, and while we may fall short at times, we always make it right. This is our foundation.” Given this commitment, we feel it should be a very easy decision to right this wrong. They either comply with these requests to pause, connect, and consult, or make it clear that these words on their website are nothing more than that- words that do nothing to honour five souls gone too soon in favour of profit over integrity.874 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Kristine Wickner
Premier John Horgan: create a provincial heat response plan nowDuring last summer’s heat wave, I was luckily able to spend $700 on an AC unit just in time to find some relief. While those 600 people were in an actual fatal emergency, my partner and their two cats were feeling very stressed and desperate in their hot 1950s building in south Vancouver. In the 1950s the buildings were made to store and hold heat because they had little clue the opposite was a more vital need. They didn’t expect the changes in the climate we’ve seen now. Luckily I could house my partner and their cats for a couple weeks, and we made it through with the AC. Not everyone was as lucky — but the most vulnerable in our communities shouldn’t have had to spend hundreds to survive. As British Columbians, we are currently living in fear of unnecessary deaths and climate hardship this summer and into the future. We need government action right now. Sources [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-heat-dome-coroners-report-1.6480026?utm_medium=email&utm_source=actionkit [2] see [1] [3] https://council.vancouver.ca/20210720/documents/b5.pdf [4] https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/10/05/canada-disastrous-impact-extreme-heat2,284 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Brenden MacDonald
Open letter: Ontario is united in solidarity with migrants — we reject Ford's divisive politicsThis week, Premier Doug Ford stood up in front of journalists, and spread harmful, well-worn stereotypes about migrants. [1][2] We need to show Ford that Ontarians are united with the migrant members of our community. If thousands of us sign the open letter in solidarity with migrants, it could nip the Premier’s harmful election strategy in the bud and send a clear message: Ontarians won’t let Ford divide us. Sign now. [1] https://www.thestar.com/politics/2021/10/18/ontario-opposition-leaders-call-on-ford-to-apologize-for-immigrant-remark.html [2] https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/2021/10/19/doug-ford-doubles-down-on-comments-about-hard-working-new-canadians.html6,629 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Claire Gallagher
Preserve our bees - eliminate the use of neonicotinoids in agricultureBees are critical to life on earth. They maintain the wellbeing of our ecosystems and pollinate a third of the crops we consume, providing pollination services valued at $2 billion to Canadian farmers every year. [1] Without them, Canada’s food system would collapse. Neonicotinoids were banned by the European Union two years ago because of their devastating impact on bee populations. [2] Neonicotinoids can kill insects on contact, interrupt their ability to navigate and reproduce [3] and threaten to poison our fish, our water, and the foods we eat. In 2018, the Ministry of Health promised to ban the use of neonicotinoids in Canada. But last year, they quietly walked back on their commitment — trading out a decisive neonicotinoid ban with half-measures that come nowhere close to meeting the scale of the problem. [4] It’s time for our government to follow the example of the European Union and ban the use of neonicotinoids. We need to stop the use of this chemical to preserve our environment and stop poisoning ourselves! Sources [1] https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/pollinators/documents/AgCanadaNativePollinators.pdf [2] https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/neonics-neonicotinoids-banned-european-union-protect-bees-pollinators-environment-science-spd [3] https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/05/31/news/bees-dying-toxic-chemicals-feds-wont-save-them [4] https://www.ctvnews.ca/climate-and-environment/canada-rejects-outright-ban-on-bee-killing-pesticides-1.537055623,590 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Andre Bartczak
Children with disabilities need immediate and equal access to child and youth careWe want inclusive, equitable, safe childcare for ALL children and youth in BC.2,206 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Eva Phillipson
Parce qu’on travaille, comme tout le mondeNous sommes musiciennes et musiciens, réalisatrices et réalisateurs, interprètes, comédiennes et comédiens, conceptrices et concepteurs, autrices et auteurs. Nous avons fait le choix de vivre de notre art. Ce choix implique son lot de sacrifices et d’abnégation : cadences effrénées des tournages, efforts pour maîtriser les caprices d’un violoncelle, la dureté d’un ballet sur nos corps, les heures interminables d’écriture dans la solitude… Mais à ces sacrifices s’ajoute le fait que, devant la loi québécoise, les dizaines de milliers d’artistes ayant perfectionné leur métier pour gagner leur vie doivent renoncer à de larges pans de droits en matière de travail – des droits fondamentaux, reconnus par nos chartes et pourtant accessibles à l’ensemble des Québécoises et des Québécois. Comment expliquer, en 2021, que les deux principales lois en matière de santé et de sécurité au travail ne s’appliquent pas automatiquement aux artistes ? Comment comprendre, en dépit de tout ce que le Québec a traversé au cours des dernières années, que les dispositions législatives pour contrer le harcèlement psychologique et sexuel en milieu de travail ne s’appliquent pas d’emblée au milieu artistique, qui n’a pourtant pas été épargné ? Comment justifier que les associations d’artistes dont nous sommes membres en soient réduites à quémander, lors de la négociation de nos ententes, des dispositions pourtant prévues par les lois du travail et auxquelles tous les employeurs du Québec doivent se conformer ? Le gouvernement de François Legault a promis de réformer les lois sur le statut de l’artiste au cours d’un premier mandat. Toutefois, le refus de son gouvernement la semaine dernière à l’Assemblée nationale de s’engager à déposer un projet de loi en ce sens nous apparaît des plus inquiétants, notamment en raison de l’échéance électorale de 2022. Colmater les brèches Il est ici opportun de rappeler – même si là n’est pas notre revendication – que les artistes n’ont jamais été couverts, ni par les normes, ni par le Code du travail. C’est en constatant ce vide juridique, mais aussi les conditions de pauvreté et de précarité qui prévalaient à l’époque, que l’Assemblée nationale avait adopté en 1987 les deux lois sur le statut de l’artiste. La première Loi (S-32.1) a permis aux artistes de négocier des ententes qui établissaient des conditions de travail de base. Le fait qu’une majorité de producteurs reconnaît et met en œuvre des ententes collectives négociées a amélioré, à plusieurs égards, nos conditions de travail et de vie. Il faut néanmoins souligner que ce droit à la négociation collective n’a jamais été conféré aux autrices et aux auteurs du Québec encadrés par la Loi S.32.01 dans les domaines du livre ou du théâtre, cette loi n’obligeant pas les éditeurs et les diffuseurs à négocier des conditions minimales de travail et de diffusion. La réforme annoncée des lois sur le statut de l’artiste doit donc corriger cette injustice en protégeant ces autrices et ces auteurs au même titre que leurs collègues d’autres disciplines comme le cinéma et la télévision. Sur d’autres plans, de nombreuses failles de la loi doivent également être corrigées : trop de producteurs trouvent encore le moyen de se déresponsabiliser de leurs obligations d’employeur en refusant de reconnaître les ententes pourtant appliquées par une large majorité d’entre eux. Ou encore, en étirant les négociations pendant parfois plus de 20 ans, rendant obsolètes les dispositions des ententes antérieures dans une industrie sans cesse en évolution. Cette pression à la baisse de nos conditions de travail n’est pas étrangère au fait que, plus de 30 ans plus tard, le revenu médian des artistes se situe toujours aujourd’hui sous le seuil de pauvreté. La réforme tant attendue des lois sur le statut de l’artiste doit pouvoir contraindre l’ensemble des producteurs à appliquer les conditions minimales de travail qu’on retrouve dans les ententes négociées par les associations d’artistes. Quand l’État finance en fermant les yeux… Comment peut-on aujourd’hui accepter que l’État et ses organismes publics puissent cautionner des producteurs qui refusent de se soumettre à l’esprit de la Loi ? En effet, les nombreux programmes de subventions et d’appuis financiers (sous forme de crédits d’impôt) du gouvernement à l’industrie culturelle sont alloués sans qu’aucune forme de vérification n’ait lieu quant au respect ou non d’une entente collective au cours de la production. Toute forme de financement de l’État doit impérativement être conditionnelle à l’application de conditions minimales de travail reconnues. Quand on sait à quel point l’aide publique est essentielle au secteur des arts et de la culture, il s’agit là d’une façon efficace de s’assurer que les droits du travail de tous les artistes soient respectés. Au gré du temps, nous avons l’habitude d’être qualifiés de bohèmes, de rêveurs, de boute-en-train, de fous du roi, voire de marginaux ou d’iconoclastes. Nous demandons aujourd’hui que la loi cesse de nous considérer comme une catégorie à part afin d’avoir les mêmes droits que tout le monde. Parce qu’on travaille, comme tout le monde.5,340 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Union des artistes