• Access to Covid 19 tests for everyone
    Join in my campaign for broader access to Covid 19 testing especially access to free rapid testing for all to stop tiered testing
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Muminah Muhammad
  • Make BC schools safe
    On Monday, after weeks of uncertainty amidst the rise of the Omicron variant, BC students finally returned to school. [1] But less than two days later, two schools shut down when students and staff fell sick. [2] Omicron has changed the game, but BC’s school reopening plan doesn’t reflect that. Many teachers have not received their COVID-19 booster shots, critical equipment like HEPA filters and N95 masks are in short supply, and from now on parents won’t even be notified if their child is exposed to the virus. [3-4] BC’s current plan takes for granted that huge numbers of teachers and students will contract the virus—but that’s not a sacrifice we’re willing to accept. [5] To make sure our schools are safe for our kids, we need the government to deliver: Safer Classrooms: N95 masks should be available, and better ventilation and HEPA filters installed in shared spaces. Protections for Staff: teachers should be prioritized for access to the COVID-19 booster, and plans should be in place so they can stay home if they get sick. Better reporting: rapid antigen tests should be widely available, and cases closely monitored and reported in schools. Options for online learning: online learning needs to be available to students who are sick or who can’t risk getting infected. These calls are coming from educators, unions, students and parents [6-8]. They have been on the frontlines of this pandemic for the past two years—and they know what they need to be safe. Will you sign the petition calling on Minister Whiteside to deliver a real plan that prioritizes the health and safety of students and staff? Sources [1] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-parents-in-bc-alberta-anxious-as-schools-set-to-reopen-amid-covid-19/ [2] see [1] [3] https://globalnews.ca/news/8495596/covid-bc-back-to-school-plan-friday-omicron/ [4] see [1][2] [5] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-dr-bonnie-henry-says-bc-schools-must-plan-for-the-likelihood-of/ [6] https://globalnews.ca/news/8501219/bc-medically-vulnerable-parents-teachers-school-covid/ [7] https://globalnews.ca/news/8499505/covid-omicron-back-to-school-worries/ [8] https://globalnews.ca/news/8480530/covid-b-c-teachers-delayed-back-to-school-plan-omicron/
    1,719 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
    Doing nothing is not an option when you see one individual undermining how democracy should work. Through Minister's Zoning Orders and furtive changes to existing legislation, Premier Ford has by-passed the usual process of debate in the House, consultation with affected communities and clarification of intention, with motives that are clearly suspect. The people of the Province of Ontario deserve principled, competent leadership in accordance with our democratic system and norms.
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Pat Michener
  • Make flood control Salmon Friendly
    Salmon are dying a death of a thousand cuts. Fish friendly infrastructure investments will allow desperately needed healthy habitat to return. These improvements will provide access to over 250 km of habitat currently impacted by pump stations and flood gates.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Campbell
  • Freeze Rents and Reinstate the Evictions Ban
    COVID cases are skyrocketing in Ontario. Our loved ones are getting sick, businesses are closing, and many Ontarians are finding themselves strapped for cash and without access to emergency benefits. [1-3] It’s winter and people are struggling to keep a roof over their heads — but instead of supporting those who need it, Premier Ford just rubber-stamped a new maximum rent increase. [4] This would allow landlords to hike rents that many are already struggling to afford. For many, this could mean the difference between keeping and losing a home. It doesn’t have to be this way. At the beginning of the pandemic, Ford instated a rent freeze and banned evictions to keep people from losing their homes. [5] Now, with COVID cases reaching record levels, a flood of public pressure could be enough to force him to do it again. Sign the petition calling on Premier Doug Ford and Housing Minister Steve Clark to freeze rents and reinstate the evictions ban. Sources [1] https://globalnews.ca/news/8483263/ontario-covid-cases-january-1-coronavirus/ [2] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/business-covid-measures-1.6302678 [3] https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/despite-new-covid-19-restrictions-no-one-is-eligible-for-the-new-federal-benefit-1.5716262 [4] https://globalnews.ca/news/6687167/coronavirus-ontario-eviction-enforcement/ [5] https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-introduces-residential-rent-freeze-for-2021-1.5109278
    11,187 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Free and Universal Access to At-home Rapid Covid-19 Tests in BC Now
    Millions of people across BC have stepped up and done their civic duty to protect themselves and their communities by wearing masks, limiting social interactions and getting vaccinated. It's unacceptable that the BC government will not roll out rapid testing before the holidays, especially with reinfections from Omicron on the rise. Rapid testing is a critical tool that would enable us all to continue to protect one another. In addition to universal vaccination and masking in public spaces, it is necessary that every BC resident have immediate access to free at-home rapid tests, as is the case in other provinces. Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario and Alberta have already taken decisive steps to provide free access to rapid testing to the public in time for the holiday season. [2] Imagine, before going to visit an elderly parent or grandparent, you took a test at home that told you whether you had the virus. It could help ensure the people you care about don’t get sick. Public health experts are clear: rapid testing is one important tool in our toolbox against COVID-19. It can help us keep ourselves, our co-workers, and our loved ones safe while the pandemic is ongoing. [3] The BC government has made half-hearted commitments and excuses about protecting the public against the new variant. [4] But with the holiday season approaching, free and universally accessible rapid testing is needed now—not just in the new year—so people can make safe decisions before spending time with their loved ones. [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/omicron-rapidly-escalate-canada-1.6284011 [2] https://globalnews.ca/news/8436042/bc-access-rapid-test-covid/ [3] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-rapid-tests-1.6281509 [4] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/free-rapid-tests-nova-scotia-libraries-1.6283621
    3,964 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Adriana Laurent
  • Stop environmental racism in Kanehsatà:ke!
    BIPOC folks bear a disproportionate share of the impacts of pollution in Canada, while being the least responsible for creating it. The dump site in Kanehstatà:ke, which is filled with toxic settler construction waste, is a clear example of what is known as 'environmental racism' and must be cleaned up as soon as possible! **For full disclosure of research and dump data, see the website listed further below on this petition page. This call to action is currently supported by the following organizations across Québec and Canada: 350 Canada 350 Montreal Action cancer du sein du Québec / Breast Cancer Action Quebec Action Environnement Basse Laurentides Amnesty International Canada (English Speaking) Amnistie internationale Canada (francophone) Association des étudiant.e.s diplômé.e.s du département d'histoire de l'Université de Montréal (AÉDDHUM) Association québécoise des médecins pour l'environnement (AQME) Black Environmental Initiative Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment/ Association canadienne des infirmières et infirmiers pour l'environnement (CANE-AIIE) Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment Canadian Coalition for Environmental and Climate Justice Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) - Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP) Centre justice et foi CFMS HEART Chrysaliid Design Ciel et Terre Climate Justice Laurier Climate Justice Montreal Climate Pledge Collective Coalition Alerte à l'enfouissement Rivière-du-Nord Coalition Verte / Green Coalition Collectif La ville que nous voulons Com'femme Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain-CSN Créat’heure Éducative David Suzuki Foundation / Fondation David Suzuki DAWN Canada Divest McGill Earth Action Inc. Eau Secours Eco-Art Workshop Program Environmental Defence ENvironnement JEUnesse Extinction Rebellion Québec Fondation Filles d'action / Girls Action Foundation Fridays for Future Toronto Front commun pour la transition énergétique Front commun québécois pour une gestion écologique des déchets (FCQGED) Gidimt'en Checkpoint GreenFaith Montreal Groundswell Projects Ilot centre de crise de laval Indigenous Climate Action Indigenous Land Defence Across Borders Intre-G Productions KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives L'R des centres de femmes La CEVES Le Collectif Soignons la justice sociale/The Caring for Social Justice Collective Les enjeux de l'insecticide Bti sur la biodiversité MARE (Mouvement d'action régional en environnement) Mères au front Mères au front Rosemère et les environs Mères au front de Rouyn-Noranda et leurs alié.e.s Mères au Front Vaudreuil Soulanges Montreal Quaker Meeting Mouvement d'éducation populaire autonome de Lanaudière (MÉPAL) Mouvement d'éducation populaire et d'action communautaire du Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean (MEPAC) Mudgirls Natural Building Collective Mutant Akademy / Revolt Motion Nature Canada Nature Hudson No More Silence Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace OPIRG Toronto Organisation of Urban Planning Students at McGill People's Health Movement Canada - Mouvement populaire pour la santé au Canada Planners Network-Montreal Chapter Pour le futur Montréal Pour Nos Enfants / For Our Kids Montréal Prevent Cancer Now Projet accompagnement solidarité Colombie Quit RBC / Lâche RBC Ralliement contre la pollution radioactive RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs) Raven Knits Design Recherche Indépendante de retraité.e.s en Écologie Regroupement d'éducation populaire en action communautaire des régions de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches Regroupement écocitoyen de Sainte-Marthe-sur-Le-Lac Relais-femmes Research for the Front Lines Réseau Alternatif et Communautaire des Organismes (RACOR) en santé mentale de l'île de Montréal Réseau d'action des femmes en santé et services sociaux Réseau des femmes des Laurentides Réseau des Tables régionales de groupes de femmes du Québec Réseau Québecois Action Santé Femmes (RQASF) Save Fairview Forest - Sauvons la Forêt Fairview Seniors For Climate Action Now! SCAN! Sierra Club Québec Small Change Fund SOS territoire Stand.Earth Table de concertation de Laval en condition féminine Table de concertation du mouvement des femmes de la Mauricie Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal Table régionale des organismes volontaires d'éducation populaire (TROVEP) de Montréal Table ronde des OVEP de l'Estrie (TROVEPE) The Environmental Noxiousness, Racial Inequities and Community Health Project True North Insight - Voie boréale Union paysanne Voix juives indépendantes - Montréal Women's Healthy Environments Network
    8,296 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Louis Ramirez
  • Free, Universal Access to At-home Rapid Covid-19 Tests in BC Now
    You’ve faithfully masked up, kept your distance, and gotten your jabs. Your family life, social life, work and mental health have all suffered. You may be facing housing and financial crises. You’ve likely not received much medical or dental care, either. By necessity, we have all ceded so much control over our lives to the pandemic. The pandemic isn’t over. The only way through it with our sanity intact is regain control over our ability to protect each other and stop the spread through informed choices. Rapid covid tests have their flaws, but the one thing that they do fairly well is let us know when we are infectious. Masks and vaccines are great and the new antivirals look very promising, but they don’t tell us what we need to know when we need to know it: before you cuddle your best friend’s newborn, or leave your elderly mother stranded at the ferry terminal because you felt a tickle in your throat at 2 am the night before. Free rapid tests are available universally in some provinces and are restricted to specific populations in others. Calls for the BC government to make these tests universally available have fallen on deaf ears for many, many months. We must redouble our efforts to put pressure on this government to do the right and infinitely doable thing. Please add your voice to others calling for free, universal access to at-home rapid Covid-19 tests NOW.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jemima Foxtrot
  • Stop Symptomatic COVID Testing at Ontario Pharmacies!
    Our local drug store is a key part of our daily lives - a place we trust and feel safe. Let's keep it that way! It's a place where your Mom and Dad or grandparents get their medications safely, where you shop for a card or cosmetics. It is NOT the place where anyone should be exposed to active cases of COVID-19. This is best accomplished in Health Unit organized stand-alone locations.
    8,106 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Anna B
  • Stop blocking $10/day child care for Ontario’s kids
    Conservative Alberta Premier Jason Kenney just inked a deal with the Federal Government for $10/day child care. [1] Ontario could also have more affordable child care if they work with the Federal Government — but surprise, surprise: Premier Doug Ford is a blocker. [2] Since Premier Kenney and Prime Minister Trudeau jointly announced an affordable child care plan for Alberta on Monday, the spotlight has been on Doug Ford. Parents are questioning why Ford’s holding out when Ontario has among the highest child care costs in Canada. [3] Eight provinces and one territory have already penned a deal for $10/day child care. Doug Ford’s case for not signing on is getting weaker by the day. [4,5] So let’s build a huge people-powered petition now, while the spotlight is still on him, to drive home the message: Ontarians want him to stop blocking $10/day childcare. Add your name now. Sources [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/ottawa-alberta-reach-child-care-deal-1.6248936 [2] https://ipolitics.ca/2021/11/10/ontarios-10-day-daycare-delay-based-on-wrong-numbers-ottawa/ [3] https://www.policyalternatives.ca/TheAlarm Page 8 [4] See [1] [5] See [2]
    7,697 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Claire Gallagher
  • Stop the GIS clawback: Support low-income seniors
    Almost 90,000 seniors will have their benefits slashed because of an administrative oversight. Seniors who accepted financial support to help them weather the pandemic are now having their benefits clawed back by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). [1] Seniors who receive the guaranteed income supplement (GIS) can earn less than $19,248. [2] But rather than support them when they need it more — the CRA is pulling the rug from under their feet. As winter approaches, more and more stories are emerging of seniors who are struggling to make ends meet and don’t know how they’ll get by as their income is cut. One senior in Edmonton has to keep the lights off and the heat so low that her home is freezing cold, because she can’t afford to pay the bills. [3] It’s unacceptable. After a pandemic that disproportionately affects older populations, it’s disheartening to see the government roll back support for seniors. But this isn’t going unnoticed. Several MPs and advocacy groups are already sounding the alarm. [4,5] Now we need a wave of public pressure to get this on the government’s radar. The more signatures we get, the harder it will be for Ministers Freeland and Khera to ignore. Sign this petition now to add your voice. Sources [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/cerb-cra-gis-payment-clawback-1.6237311 [2] See 1 [3] https://globalnews.ca/news/8347132/low-income-seniors-gis-struggle/ [4] See 1 [5] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-loss-of-gis-because-of-pandemic-benefits-is-creating-a-financial/
    18,191 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Adriana Laurent
  • CEO Jay-Ann Gilfoy: Commit to a fossil-free Meridian Credit Union
    In May of 2021, the International Energy Agency issued a bombshell report: if we're to avoid the worst-case climate crisis scenarios, fossil fuel expansion needs to stop immediately - not in 2030, not next year, but today. [1] Despite that, fossil fuel companies are continuing to expand - and financial institutions are giving them the money to do it. [2] As a credit union, Meridian is meant to deliver community-focused investments. But it remains invested in fossil fuels doing irreparable harm. [3] Prior to accepting a role as CEO of Meridian, Jay-Ann Gilfoy was an executive at VanCity Credit Union. Vancity is Canada's largest credit union, has fully divested from fossil fuel investments, and has pledged to net-zero emissions across its entire portfolio by 2040. [4] It's time for Gilfoy to bring that same commitment to sustainability to Meridian. CEO Gilfoy, match VanCity by commiting to rapid divestment from fossil fuel investments at Meridian and net-zero across all investments by 2040. References: 1: IEA Report: https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-by-2050 2: Fossil Fuel Financing in Canada report: https://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/press-release/49591/canadian-banks-defying-climate-science-by-increasing-fossil-fuel-finance/ 3: Credit unions on climate report: https://www.toronto350.org/choosing_a_climate_friendly_credit_union_in_toronto 4: VanCity's net-zero by 2040 commitment: https://www.bcbusiness.ca/Vancity-beats-other-Canadian-banks-and-credit-unions-to-net-zero-pledge
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Ellis Picture