• Demand an end to police violence & murder
    Police violence changes the lives of every parent who loses a child, child who loses a parent, family who loses kin, and community members who lose friends and comrades. They all deserve justice. Every level of government must assume responsibility for making changes, in recognition of the Indigenous and Black people whose lives have been lost due to police murder or whose lives are permanently changed due to police violence. We honour the names of those we have lost, and fight to end this violence. We call for a future where no one has to worry about their child being lost or harmed by police violence. Ending police violence protects Black & Indigenous youth and creates a future where they don’t fear for their lives. Endorse these demands and support all families grieving their loved ones, all of those killed by police! ABOUT CHANTEL MOORE On June 4, 2020, Chantel Moore a Nuu-chah-nulth woman and member of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation was killed during a police wellness check. Chantel was living in Edmunston, New Brunswick, where she had moved to be closer to her daughter, Gracie, and mother, Martha Martin. Shortly after making this move, Chantel lost her life during a police wellness check. The officer who shot and killed Chantel, Jeremy Son of the Edmundston Police Force, was not charged. In response to this injustice, the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council condemned this failure: "This reality is reflective of Canada’s persisting colonization and genocidal practices. No one deserves to be gunned down on a wellness check. We demand Canada to do more to end the violence and killing of our people, particularly our women and girls, who are grossly overrepresented as victims of violence. Canada states time and time again that reconciliation with First Nations and Indigenous peoples is a top priority and mandate yet when one of our own is gunned down and killed on a 'wellness check,' there is no accountability and Justice." ABOUT JARED LOWNDES On July 8, 2021 Jared Lowndes, Laksilyu of the Wit’suwit’en Nation, was shot & killed by the Campbell River RCMP. His family continues to fight for justice. In March 2022, Laura Holland, Laksilyu of the Wit’suwit’en Nation, mother to Jared Lowndes, organized the art show Honour Their Names, commemorating the lives of over 80 Indigenous people shot and killed by the police. Each month, more names are added, more beloved kin are killed.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Supporters of Martha Martin . Picture
  • Tell TDSB: Reinstate Universal Masking to Protect Children and Communities
    Omicron subvariant BA.2 is as contagious as measles. Even if its effects are mild most vaccinated children, this is not the case for every child – and indeed, we are already seeing a rise in pediatric hospitalizations. There are children, teachers, and school workers and in the community who are immunocompromised. There are also many children who are unvaccinated, whether because they are under 5 or for other reasons. Some children will go on to develop long Covid, regardless of pre-existing health conditions or vaccination status. And despite the fact that the pandemic has raged on for two years, we still don’t know what the long-term effects of the virus are. This is a time for courage and compassion – not for taking unnecessary risks. Universal masking is an effective and accessible safety measure for slowing the spread of BA.2.
    420 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Ben L.
  • Expand Democratic Fairness and Lower the Voting Age to 16
    Lowering the voting age could change everything. It would result in an electoral system change, while also supporting young people having a voice, increasing political engagement and advancing fairness in Canada's democratic system. [2] With a worsening climate crisis, growing economic inequality and the ongoing global pandemic, young people’s futures are at stake. They deserve to be at the table. The Bill already has the Bloc's support — as well as some Liberal MPs — but unless we show a lot of public support so that a critical mass of MPs vote for it, it won't get anywhere. If we can build public momentum in support of The Right to Vote at 16 Act, we can show the Liberals that people want a fairer, stronger democracy. Add your name to show your support. Sign now. [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/voting-age-canada-taylor-bachrach-1.6284418 [2] https://theconversation.com/why-lowering-the-voting-age-in-canada-is-such-a-good-idea-180108
    5,194 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Tell Doug Ford: Reinstate COVID Safety Measures to Save Lives
    We are in a crisis moment. Doctors, teachers, and opposition MPPs are urging the province to reinstate essential COVID safety measures to keep us and our loved ones safe. [1-3] But just a few weeks ago, Doug Ford backtracked on scrapping free rapid COVID testing after public blowback. While doctors and scientists are speaking out, a flood of public pressure calling out Ford’s inaction could force Ford to backtrack again and reinstate safety measures before more of us get sick. If we can get to 15,000 signatures by next week, we’ll deliver this petition right to Doug Ford. Sign the petition now calling for Premier Ford to reinstate COVID safety measures. [1] https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/04/06/toronto-covid19-symptoms-hospital-admissions/ [2] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-masks-parents-1.6383229 [3] https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-opposition-calls-for-masking-testing-access-to-be-reinstated-amid-sixth-wave-1.5852279
    15,045 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Repeal M.A.I.D. for mental health patients. Suicide is not the answer!
    This is an affront to the beliefs of many who work to prevent the unnecessary suicide deaths of those suffering from such conditions as PTSD. I myself am recovering from PTSD and would not have the life I have now with my family if I had allowed myself to succumb to the temptation of suicide as a resolution. I understand that MAID will make it that those considering suicide may be more open to speaking with their doctor about these issues but without the proper tools and resources to refer patients to affordable mental health care ... suicide will look like the only option beyond more and more medications.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronley Arnold
  • Sign Now: Dental care must be universal
    While we welcome the news of free dental care for low-income communities, we wish the Liberals and NDP had more ambition — to make dental care universal and accessible to everyone who needs it. Imagine you've had tooth pain for months now but you don't have private insurance or thousands of dollars to spare for treatment. The same bacteria that causes the toothache can travel through your body and lead to serious health conditions — like heart attacks. [3,4] If you agree everyone deserves to have access to good quality dental care regardless of how much they make, add your name to the petition now. Sources: [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeu-jagmeet-singh-deal-government-1.6393021 [2] https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/dental-care-life-threatening-conditions-1.6397395 [3] see [2] [4] https://bc.ctvnews.ca/this-is-amazing-vancouver-dentist-likes-new-federal-program-but-questions-remain-1.5830465
    9,616 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Don’t let the oil and gas industry destroy our chance of a liveable and fair future
    Right now, we have a key opportunity to change the reckless actions of the oil and gas industry. The federal government is currently looking at a new policy — called an “emissions cap” — that could totally shift the game. [1] If done right, it could actually force oil and gas companies to wind down oil and gas production urgently, in line with the science. But only if it's done right. The oil and gas lobby is already trying to water down the cap on emissions, knowing the threat it represents to their profits. [2] We cannot stay silent. Together, we can show the government that the public demands bold and necessary action to address this climate crisis—and that the era of big oil and gas is over. Sign our petition now. Sources: [1] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/04/its-over-for-fossil-fuels-ipcc-spells-out-whats-needed-to-avert-climate-disaster [2] https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/
    765 of 800 Signatures
  • Provide Mental Health Support for COVID-19 Survivors
    If you, yourself or if you know a friend or family member who had COVID and had suffered with the mild to moderate symptoms for weeks OR knew a friend or family member who went to the hospital and nearly died, perhaps they were mentally impacted by the experience and would value this level of support missing in the mental health system.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zain Rajani
  • Make sure the federal budget includes funding for the Canadian Disability Benefit.
    The cost of groceries, bills, and rent is skyrocketing. For the millions of Canadians with disabilities who are forced to rely on an inadequate fixed income, it means that making ends meet is a struggle. Putting more money in the pockets of people with disabilities is a crucial first step to ensuring everyone can meet their basic needs, put food on the table, and keep a roof over their heads. And in 2020, the federal government promised a new Canadian Disability Benefit [1] — but so far it’s failed to materialize. Here’s where you come in: On April 7, the federal government will release its budget: a crucial roadmap that determines where to spend money over the next year. [2] It’s the exact place where the government could turn their promise of the Canadian Disability Benefit into action, but so far they haven’t indicated whether there’ll be money in the budget for the new benefit or not. As the Finance Minister is getting ready to release the budget, a flood of emails from thousands of us could send a loud and clear message that Ontarians expect funding for the Canadian Disability Benefit in the budget. It could force her to think twice about releasing a budget without support for people with disabilities — but only if enough of us speak out. Send a message now. Sources [1] https://www.thespec.com/opinion/contributors/2022/03/07/disability-should-not-equal-poverty.html [2] https://financialpost.com/news/economy/federal-budget-to-be-delivered-on-april-7
    4,862 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow
  • Stop Heavy Industries from Accelerating the Climate Crisis!
    Climate change is destroying the world piece by piece and taking hundreds of lives with it. Vicious floods and hurricanes, lethal droughts and heat waves, dying coral reefs, horrendous wildfires; these are just a taste of what's in store for the planet and everyone on it if nothing is done. We are in a code red; if action is not taken, it will only get worse and soon be too late! It is critical that bold action is taken now to reverse this catastrophe and one vital step is the transition away from fossil fuels of all kinds. Right now, progress is being made at a snail's pace, with corporations and government not understanding the seriousness of the situation. That's not fast enough! It's time they pick up the pace! My hope is that this campaign will encourage one of the biggest carbon polluters, heavy industries, to jump start their efforts and make real change towards a brighter future. This planet is my home, our home, and I can't just stand by and watch it be destroyed and watch everyone suffer along the way.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gabrielle Schiller
  • Ban Fossil Fuel Promotion in BC Schools
    In over 2,000 classrooms province-wide, the FortisBC Energy Leaders curriculum is teaching children that natural gas is a “clean-burning fossil fuel” and a renewable alternative to coal and gas. FortisBC’s curriculum is certifiably false. Scientists consider natural gas a major driver of climate change. In fact, natural gas is on par with coal due to emissions that escape in its extraction process. And not only does FortisBC’s curriculum lie about the devastating climate impacts of natural gas; it also side-steps any discussion of viable energy alternatives like wind or solar, and skips over the devastating health impacts of fracking on communities in B.C. and abroad. The FortisBC curriculum is being peddled to overworked B.C. school teachers via work emails and trade shows, many of whom lack up-to-date educational resources on our province’s energy. This is a system failure. The climate crisis is here, and its impacts are undeniable: destructive flooding, deadly forest fires, and unprecedented heat waves. With the clock ticking down, our education system should be teaching our kids about ways to tackle the climate crisis—not make it worse. The fossil fuel industry has no place in B.C. classrooms. We join with CAPE (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment), who released an open letter this week signed by over 100 health, educator, student, environment and community organizations, to end fossil fuel promotion in the province’s schools. [3] The B.C. government is already feeling the heat—but a massive petition could ramp up the pressure and force them to permanently ban corporate-created curriculum. Sign the petition now! SOURCES [1] https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/sailing-nowhere-liquefied-natural-gas-report.pdf [2] https://cape.ca/action/ban-fossil-fuel-promotion-in-bc-schools/ [3] see [2]
    3,463 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Brooke
  • Drug Policies are Killing People!
    The poisoned drug supply has affected people and communities across Canada. No region or demographic group remains untouched. Many young people are being taken from us too early, but our legislators have the power to stop this! After Portugal decriminalized possession, deaths due to drug use dropped by 80%. We have the information, the expertise and the resources to stop these deaths. We just need our politicians to recognize the value of every life and change the policies that are killing people.
    11,422 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Diana Daghofer