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To: House of Commons petition e-3867 Simcoe North Conservative Caucus Ontario

Purest Water Known to Science!

Federal intervention is urgently needed to protect this exceptional water from quarry operations that are wanting to remove vegetation, topsoil, sand and aggregate, thus threatening this natural filtration system.

The Simcoe Uplands, near Waverly in Simcoe County, has the most pristine water in the world - water that has been tested for three decades and has been found to be the purest known to science. Petition e-3867 on the House of Commons website, being brought forward by our MP Adam Chambers, is currently at 1817 signatures. The petition closes on June 30th.

Details of the petition are as follows:

• Ancient deposits under the Simcoe Uplands in Ontario’s Tiny, Springwater, Oro-Medonte and Tay townships contain pristine groundwater;

• First Nations have long used this water in what is now the territory of Beausoleil First Nation of the Ogemawahj Tribal Council and Williams Treaties First Nations;

• This water is the gold standard for water worldwide, a national and global treasure;

• A gravel pit in Concession 1 of Tiny Township in the Simcoe Uplands is licensed to take 600,000 tonnes of aggregate annually and 6.6 million litres of water daily for 210 days and wants to expand;

• Two adjacent pits have licences to take gravel and have applied for 10-year permits to take 1.6 million litres of water daily for washing gravel for 180 days yearly;

• Ontario legislation applies minimum water quality standards;

• Federal intervention is urgently needed to protect this exceptional water;

• Removing vegetation, topsoil, sand and aggregate threatens this natural filtration system;

• Leading Canadian experts propose a five-year study into how this purity is created and maintained; and

• Research could help identify exceptional water worldwide and isolate natural features useful in purification systems.

Can you sign and share the petition?

Why is this important?

As mentioned on the Canadian Museum of Water website:

"Water is the essence of humanity, it is something that links every nation, society, race, gender, generation, and culture. Every human being shares a relationship with water”

“The history of humanity is - in part - the history of water, from the earliest settlements, to the industrial era, to the search for life in outer space. Water is a vehicle with which we can tell a story of humankind.”

“Water encapsulates key social, stewardship, conservation, advocacy and economic goals of the project translates them into relevant and compelling visitor experiences.”

For many years our indigenous friends have stridently led the way. After all, we all drink water, and will always need to drink water.


2023-05-06 14:58:37 -0400

10 signatures reached