• Stop the Changes to the CCEYA
    The proposed policy changes negatively affect the quality of care. The proposed changes to age groups are particularly concerning. Current Preschool age groups include children 30 months-6 years old. Under the proposed changes, Preschool age groups would include children aged 24 months - 5years old. Current Kindergarten age groups include children 44-68 months old. Under the proposed changes, Kindergarten age groups would shift to children aged 44 months - 7 years old. Mixing children of these young ages (24 months) with those who are older is not developmentally appropriate. When children are grouped by their developmental proximity, educators can better meet the needs of all children in the room. It is difficult to plan programing for and to equally support groups of children that are so different developmentally. Under the proposed changes, the staffing ratios for each age group appear to remain constant. The staffing ratio for each named age group remains constant, but the age of the children included in these groups has changed. 24 month old children were previously in maximum groupings of 15 children, with a 1:5 staff to child ratio. Under the changes, 24 month old children are now consider preschoolers, and would be in maximum groupings of 24 children, with 1:6 staff to child support. These changes put children safety at risk. There is less supervision of younger, more vulnerable groups, putting children's well-being at risk.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hillary Anne
  • Infertility Funding - Canada Needs a National Plan
    Roughly 16% of couples in Canada experience infertility. This number has doubled since the 1980s. Furthermore, the costs of fertility treatments can be prohibitively expensive. For example, fertility treatment for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can cost between $15,000 to $23,000 (plus $2,000-$7,000 for medications). Currently, the majority of Canadian provinces do NOT offer funding for fertility treatments. And without funding, treatments become impossible to afford for many Canadians. Thus, we are leaving them with the unfortunate reality of never getting to become parents. ... MORE INFORMATION “In a country where about one in six Canadian couples experiences infertility, this poses a financial barrier for many.” - CBC “Canada is often lauded for its universal health-care system. But no comprehensive coverage exists for assisted fertility treatments, such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF).” - CBC “Roughly 16% (or 1 in 6) couples in Canada experience infertility. This number has doubled since the 1980s.” - Public Health Agency of Canada “IVF can cost between $15,000 to $23,000 (excluding costs of medications) depending on the level of intervention necessary. Medications are not covered by OHIP.” - Hannam Fertility Clinic “... infertility treatment causes high stress and puts a large burden on people's emotions and relationships.” - CBC “... it can cause severe emotional distress and affect someone's long-term well-being. “"Some people perceive suffering from infertility as like having cancer," he said, adding it's important to have networks of support.”” - CBC “Treatment coverage currently exists in only four provinces and varies significantly. Ontario provides funding to cover the first round of IVF. Manitoba offers a tax credit and New Brunswick has a grant to help cover partial costs. Quebec previously covered three rounds of IVF, but rolled back its coverage in November 2015 to a refundable tax credit. The remaining nine provinces and territories have no coverage.” - CBC “‘Fortunately we had the resources to do that,’ said Montgomery, ‘That also kind of felt unfair because I felt, well okay, that's great for us, but what about all those other couples out there that don't have equity to leverage to do this or investments that they can cash out on?’ - CBC “..."That's what I can afford. I'm not willing to go into debt for this process.” - CBC “...having a standard, publicly funded system across provinces would improve the safety and quality of IVF services and lower health-care costs in the long run.” "I think that one of the fundamental benefits of having something that is uniform, that is national, is that every individual Canadian and IVF patient is going to be treated similarly and have access to the same kind of treatment," - CBC “Canada does not have universal coverage for assisted fertility treatments such as in-vitro fertilization...” - CBC “Dr. Anthony Cheung, a Vancouver-based fertility specialist, said fertility needs to be more integrated in the public health system, adding that treatments are covered in Australia and many European countries.” - CBC Ottawa Fertility Clinic the costs for treatments are - example
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GENTTA GENTTA Picture
  • Renew Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) For 2021
    “With classes ending and Canada in the midst of a deadly third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, students are facing a dismal job market and high unemployment as they move into the summer. Unless the CESB is renewed, students will continue to struggle to recover from the setbacks of the COVID-19 pandemic for years to come. For many students, summer is when they earn money to support their studies. Without those summer jobs, and without the CESB, debt will grow, and racial and social inequities amongst students will only deepen. Students without other support systems will fall through the cracks. The Green Party is calling on the Government to ensure all those eligible for the CESB receive $2,000 per month – the same amount as the Canada Recovery Benefit – and not last year’s figure of $1,250. The benefit should also cover both international and recently graduated students. “In 2020, the government justified offering students a discounted emergency benefit based on the promise of summer jobs,” said Ms. Paul. “Those jobs never materialized; the summer student unemployment rate was 40 per cent and many students were driven into further debt. We cannot make that mistake again. “Reinstating the Canada Emergency Student Benefit must be a critical part of Budget 2021. Supporting our students is one the best investments we can make in our future.” -quote taken from the Green Party of Canada https://www.greenparty.ca/en/media-release/2021-04-13/green-party-leader-annamie-paul-calls-prime-minister-and-federal-government
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura R
  • Make Doug Ford use Fair COVID postal codes
    This government is politicizing the distribution of vaccines to low-income and needy people. They are using it to gain votes in the next election. This is wrong.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Harvey
  • Make Dollar Store goods for sale for all
    Many low-income people use Dollar stores and budget stores that have been left off a list of "essential" goods during COVID in favor of rich area stores. This is discriminatory and will make more people get sick and die - especially in areas hard hit by COVID 19.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Harvey
  • Kingston Banks - Stop Funding Climate Chaos!
    You do business in our community. It is on you to invest in the future of our community, and of our planet, not profit from its destruction. This November, the COP26 UN climate conference in Glasgow will see governments up their ambition on climate action, and the institutions in their respective countries must do the same. Long-term commitments to zero out emissions are vital, but so are the short- and medium-term actions necessary to keep warming under 1.5°C. As one of the world's biggest bankers of climate chaos, you have an outsize responsibility to take immediate action.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Milloy
  • Close International Air Ports In Canada
    Covid 19 will eventually stop spreading. As seen in Australia. Australia has minimal cases. This is important because it will save lives as well and allow us to get back to life. It will prevent variants from coming into Canada and allow us time to Eliminate the Present Pandemic.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela F
  • Get daycare workers immunized
    These front-line workers are caring for the children of other front-line workers but are all but forgotten. Emergency daycares are open and these workers were rly with children, staff and parents and need to be prioritized for the vaccine.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Huddleston
  • Withdraw all Grassy Territory from mining and mineral exploration now!
    A mining company is applying to drill for Gold in Grassy Narrows Territory against Grassy Narrows’ will. This could lead to a dangerous gold mine that would compound the harm that mercury, clearcut logging, hydro dams and residential schools have already done to Grassy Narrows’ lives, lands, and way of life. This violation of Grassy Narrows’ Land Declaration is an important threat to Grassy Narrows’ self-determination, rights and culture. Tell Minister Rickford to deny Trillium Gold’s permit to drill at the Leo Project, and withdraw Grassy Narrows Territory from mining activity. Sign our petition calling on Minister Rickford to withdraw all Grassy Territory form mining and mineral exploration now!
    7,807 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Free Grassy
  • Extend tax filing deadline
    It will help low income citizens comply with the tax filing laws and get their benefits.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erik Koudstaal
  • Sauvons le versant de Sainte-Julie du mont Saint-Bruno – Déboisement imminent
    Plus que jamais la destruction de ce milieu est un non-sens pour plusieurs raisons : · Parce que le site visé par ce développement abrite au moins une espèce protégée par la Loi sur les espèces menacées et vulnérables. · Parce que malgré des demandes de citoyens visant à s’assurer que le projet soit basé sur des études récentes, à notre connaissance, les dernières études environnementales effectuées datent de 2012 ; · Parce que ce boisé situé en bordure d’une réserve naturelle agit comme zone tampon du Mont Saint-Bruno. Ce parc de la SEPAQ est sous pression, avec plus d’un million de visiteurs par année. Il est reconnu qu’une plus grande surface de conservation contribuera à sa santé à long terme ; · Pour éviter de créer une cicatrice permanente entre 3 zones protégées : 1) Une Réserve Naturelle au Sud ; 2) Un terrain fédéral qui est l’habitat d’espèces animales en péril, dont la rainette faux-grillon à l’Est et 3) Une zone de conservation appartenant à la ville de Sainte-Julie et menant à l’entrée du parc de la SEPAQ à l’Ouest ; · Par cohérence avec la Politique de l’arbre de la Ville de Sainte-Julie qui mentionne la participation au développement des corridors forestiers ; · Parce que la conception du projet implique la construction d’un deuxième accès pour les services d’urgence, ce qui représente encore plus de déboisement et de destruction de milieux naturels riches en biodiversité ; · Parce que ce projet implique du dynamitage dans le roc, une activité hautement intrusive et destructrice ; · Parce que près de la moitié des quinze (15) résidences de prestige se retrouveraient à moins de 600 mètres de la carrière ce qui ne respecte pas la distance minimale exigée lors de l’installation de nouvelles carrières. · Parce que la ville reconnaît que les coûts sont un défi pour ce projet de quinze (15) maisons, d’un seul côté de rue, qui pourrait s’échelonner sur des décennies pour se réaliser pleinement ; · Pour protéger la santé et le bien-être de nos communautés au lieu de quinze (15) futures résidences de prestige. Pourquoi faut-il agir maintenant ? Depuis trop longtemps, l'aménagement des villes en Montérégie a été planifié de manière non durable, c’est-à-dire au détriment des milieux naturels qui sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus reconnus comme des infrastructures vertes qui rendent d’importants services écosystémiques. Chaque signature recueillie ajoute du poids à nos démarches et démontre la volonté des citoyens pour une préservation saine et nécessaire de nos espaces verts, et plus spécifiquement celui du versant Sainte-Julie du mont Saint-Bruno. En signant, vous ajoutez votre voix pour la préservation, pour la conservation et pour la protection de la nature. Parce que la nature n’a pas de voix si nous ne la défendons pas.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sauvons le versant de Sainte-Julie du mont Saint-Bruno – Comité citoyen
  • Get Toronto Metrolinx to Replace Ecosystems they Demolish
    Metrolinx is currently building a fourth GO Train track which is threatening the Williamson Park Ravine in Toronto’s East End. The construction will result in a loss of 300 trees, many of which are over 100 years old. Biodiversity in Toronto is becoming scarce and we cannot allow Metrolinx to destroy what little we have left. Going forward, Metrolinx should consider planting new trees in public spaces throughout Toronto to replace the ones they've destroyed and are currently destroying. Although Metrolinx has claimed they will be replanting for destroying the Williamson Park Ravine, let’s make sure they continue to replant for every environment they ruin in the future.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alicia Rout Picture