To: Minister Bennett, Parliament of Canada, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions

Repeal M.A.I.D. for mental health patients. Suicide is not the answer!

Minister Bennett, it has come to the public's attention that the Government of Canada is now enacting MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) for those suffering from Mental Health issues such as PTSD. This is an affront to the beliefs of many who work to prevent the unnecessary suicide deaths of those suffering from such conditions as PTSD. I myself am recovering from PTSD and would not have the life I have now with my family if I had allowed myself to succumb to the temptation of suicide as a resolution. I understand that MAID will make it that those considering suicide may be more open to speaking with their doctor about these issues but without the proper tools and resources to refer patients to affordable mental health care ... suicide will look like the only option beyond more and more medications.

Please get the government to reconsider this decision to make MAID into law without having provided affordable alternatives!!

Why is this important?

This is an affront to the beliefs of many who work to prevent the unnecessary suicide deaths of those suffering from such conditions as PTSD. I myself am recovering from PTSD and would not have the life I have now with my family if I had allowed myself to succumb to the temptation of suicide as a resolution. I understand that MAID will make it that those considering suicide may be more open to speaking with their doctor about these issues but without the proper tools and resources to refer patients to affordable mental health care ... suicide will look like the only option beyond more and more medications.
