• Demande d’audiences publiques pour le projet Authier à La Motte
    Le projet Authier est un projet de mine de lithium à ciel ouvert développé par la compagnie australienne Sayona Mining à La Motte, en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. La fosse prévue par le projet, qui ferait plus d’un kilomètre de longueur, serait située à moins de 500 mètres de l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry, source d’une eau potable d’une pureté à la réputation internationale. De par sa proximité avec l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry, le projet développé par la minière Sayona soulève des inquiétudes dans la région. Compte tenu de la décision de Sayona Mining de n’exploiter que 1900 tonnes et non 2000 par jour, ce qui la soustrait à l’obligation de se soumettre à la procédure d’évaluation et d’examen des impacts sur l’environnement, nous désirons nous assurer que les citoyens puissent juger du projet au terme d’un processus transparent et indépendant. Nous demandons ainsi à ce que le projet Authier soit soumis à une enquête et des audiences publiques du Bureau d’Audience Publique sur l’Environnement. De plus, nous demandons à ce que des études indépendantes sur le projet Authier soient réalisées dans les plus brefs délais. *** Le Comité Citoyen de Protection de l’Esker a été fondé au printemps 2018 par des citoyen-ne-s de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue préoccupées par le projet de mine de lithium Authier à La Motte, de la compagnie australienne Sayona Mining, dont la fosse serait située à 500 mètres de l’esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry.
    32,072 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Comité citoyen de protection de l'esker Picture
  • Loblaws: Pay your workers a living wage
    Loblaw Companies Ltd owns hundreds of grocery stores across the country: their stores include Loblaws Market, Real Canadian Superstore, No Frills, Shoppers Drugmart, Loblaws Market, Joe Fresh and more. Last year Loblaws enjoyed $11 Billion in revenue and gave $19 Million to their shareholders in the last quarter alone. [1] In 2016 CEO Galen Weston took home $7.5 Million. [2] It takes Galen Weston just one day to earn the annual salary of a starting cashier at one if his stores, while the the people who work for Loblaws are struggling to make ends meet making minimum wage, and are often only given part time work. [3] Vancity Investment Management Ltd. submitted a shareholder proposal at Loblaw’s annual general meeting of shareholders on Thursday asking them to review the feasibility, cost and benefits of implementing a living wage policy for their employees -- but CEO Galen Weston and Loblaw’s board of directors told shareholders to vote against it and the proposal was rejected. [4] Loblaws touts their high level of social responsibility with their President's Choice Children's Charity that gives "support to children with disabilities [and ensures] hungry tummies are filled with nutritious food" but their own employees' children are suffering. [5] Loblaws should be a leader. Canadians should not stand for this and protest with their dollars until they turn their greedy ship around. Sign the petition now if you think Loblaws should pay the people who work for them a living wage. Sources: [1]https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/loblaw-reports-2017-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-year-ended-december-30-2017-results1-674813803.html [2]https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National%20Office/2018/01/Climbing%20Up%20and%20Kicking%20Down.pdf) [3]https://ca.indeed.com/cmp/Loblaw/jobs/Cashier-59274c43308a7674?vjs=3 [4]https://www.thestar.com/business/2018/05/03/loblaw-shareholders-reject-proposal-on-living-wage-for-employees.html [5] http://www.presidentschoice.ca/en_CA/community/pccc/do-it-all-again.html
    15,651 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Erin Kastner
  • I support the University of Alberta's right to award David Suzuki an Honorary Degree
    The University of Alberta has awarded David Suzuki an honorary degree in celebration of his impressive contribution to environmental awareness and literacy in Canada. Now, the institution is facing politically-inspired backlash from faculty, alumni, and conservative politicians. This backlash began with an overblown message from the University of Alberta Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Fraser Forbes, who called the honorary degree a “betrayal” and the “worst crisis… that we’ve faced in more than three decades.”[1] Forbes’ message inspired a number of conservative politicians including Jason Kenney and Matt Jeneroux to publicly protest the honorary degree, and even prompted a law firm to revoke its funding to the U of A. [2] In reality, offering Dr. Suzuki an honorary degree does not represent a betrayal by the university, but rather the banal recognition of a long-time academic, environmentalist, and media figure in Canada. Dr. Suzuki is a respected academic and broadcaster whose career spans over 40 years (his broadcast career began at the University of Alberta, where, as a professor, he appeared in science segments on campus television). Dr. Suzuki has published 52 books, and is the recipient of a number of major awards, including the Order of Canada. Dr. Suzuki has been awarded honorary degrees from dozens of universities and colleges, including the University of Calgary, Queen’s University, and many other Canadian post-secondary institutions. Critics like Forbes, Kenney, and others are protesting the University of Alberta’s decision for no other reason that he disagrees with them on the state and future of oil and gas activity in the province. They have not only relied on hyperbole to exaggerate the significance of awarding Dr. Suzuki an honorary degree, but are using their positions of influence and money to stifle opinions they disagree with. These actions reveal what these individuals — which includes a current dean at the University of Alberta — believe the university should be: a reflection of themselves in both appearance and intellectual thought. Sign the petition now if you agree that the U of A has the right to award an honorary degree to Dr. Suzuki for his historical links with the university and significant contribution to Canadian society. - Richie Assaly, Avnish Nanda, and Amy Sanderson [1] University defends its decision to award honorary degree to David Suzuki https://twitter.com/i/moments/988887038500966417 [2] Message from Fraser Forbes: https://www.ualberta.ca/engineering/news/2018/april/message-from-fraser-forbes
    2,091 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Richie A.
  • Ontario: provide funding to rebuild the municipality of Leamington
    Leamington was just hit by the worst storm in decades. Unprecedented flooding swept away roads, 14-foot-high waves knocked over trees, gutted homes and caused record damage. [1] Our community is reeling. Residents are facing tens of thousands of dollars in property damage and the city will need to fix its infrastructure. We need financial support from the provincial government to rebuild, prevent future destruction and keep us safe from fallout when the next storm hits. The mayor of Leamington is already asking for funding from Ontario, but a huge petition teeming with signatures backing him up could push decision makers over the edge and get them to provide funding. Especially now in this election cycle, when the Liberals are more susceptible to public pressure. All signs are pointing to more and more extreme weather systems, and Leamington needs to ready. Add your name to demand the provincial government provide funding to the municipality of Leamington as well as the residents affected by the storm to fix and prevent damage to our roads, homes and public spaces, and keep us safe, before another storm hits. Source: [1] http://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/leamington-residents-clean-up-after-extensive-flood-damage
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Nelems
  • Humber: Don't expel students for needing a payment plan
    Humber College rejected my proposal to use a payment plan to allow me to pay for my tuition in monthly installments, instead of in a one lump sum. This is because of a rule they have just put in place which allows them to expel anyone who can’t pay outright. In 2017, Humber posted a net revenue of $23 million. [1] They can afford to allow students struggling financially, in an economy set up for them to fail, to use a payment plan to finish their accreditation. The semester ends this month. We need to seize this moment while students are still in school to add pressure to the college to reverse this unfair rule. Will you add your name to demand Humber reverse unfair rules allowing them to expel students who need payment extensions? College is a place where people go to make their lives better, so they can compete in an ever-more demanding workforce. But rising costs of living and tuition are squeezing students out. Humber is a leading Canadian college, and they should be setting an example by helping to solve these problems, not making them worse. They have more than enough money to support students who need it. Will you add your name now so we can turn up the heat to reverse these unfair rules before the semester ends this month? Source: [1] https://humber.ca/about-humber/corporate-info/publications/files/humber-annual-report-16-17.pdf
    251 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Madalene Arias
  • Save the Cobalt
    It is a cultural icon of this city that is being destroyed by rampant gentrification and the lack of any will by the city to stop it.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Jastrzembska
  • Canadians Call for Official Recognition of the Roma Genocide
    Canada has still not officially recognized the Genocide of Roma and Sinti (‘Porrajmos’) which occurred during Nazi occupation of Europe in World War II. In addition to committing genocide against the Jews, the Nazis committed genocide against the Roma and Sinti. On August 2nd 1944, the remaining 2897 Roma and Sinti men, women, elderly and children imprisoned in the Zigeunerlager (“Gypsy Camp”) were murdered in the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. According to the most recent estimates, between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Roma and Sinti were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators. For this reason, the international Roma community has designated August 2 as the day to commemorate the Roma and Sinti Porrajmos. Despite this history, the Porrajmos, which is often referred to as the “Forgotten Holocaust”, remains widely unrecognized by governments around the world. After the war, scant political and academic attention was paid to the fate suffered by the Roma and Sinti. During the Nuremberg trials, there was seldom mention of the mass murders of Roma and Sinti, and Roma witnesses were not invited to testify. Only in April 2015 did the European Parliament finally adopt a resolution recognizing the historical fact of the Porrajmos. The resolution declared “that a European day should be dedicated to commemorating the victims of the genocide of the Roma during World War II”. It states, furthermore, “the need to combat Antigypsyism at every level and by every means, and stresses that this phenomenon is an especially persistent, violent, recurrent and commonplace form of racism”. Romanipe invites the Canadian government to follow the example of the European Parliament and to formally recognise the Porrajmos. This recognition would grant legal and moral legitimacy to the Roma and Sinti, allowing them to be rightfully integrated into the history of the Holocaust and included in all official ceremonies, commemorations and events that honour the victims of World War II. Our inability to recognise the Roma Genocide continues to normalize hate and discrimination against these peoples today. In 2016, a monument dedicated to the Roma and Sinti victims was tragically vandalized in Berlin. Events like these signal the need to change perceptions and attitudes toward Roma and Sinti, in order to build a culture of understanding and acceptance rather than one of hate. In his note left in the book of remembrance at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in 2017, Justin Trudeau mentioned the importance of remembering this painful part of our history, and our commitment to never again allow such darkness to prevail. The lack of indignation at the recent killings of Roma by far-right extremists speaks to the very real dangers and consequences of forgetting the past. This is why we ask the Canadian government to respect its commitment to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and its aim of recognizing the Genocide of the Roma. . Officially recognising August 2 as the day of memory dedicated to the Porrajmos ensures that the right to remembrance of Roma communities is respected and that the untold stories of Roma and Sinti victims and survivors are honoured. Such recognition also serves to delegitimize current hate and violence, and acknowledges the fact that Roma and Sinti communities still suffer from discrimination and persecution. Will you write to the Prime Minister to support this initiative?
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Quintin Bart
  • Ban plastic bags in Vancouver
    Right now, Canadians are using over 9 BILLION plastic bags every year - that's enough bags to circle the Earth more than 55 times. [1] We need to ban plastic bags now! Plastic in our oceans is having devastating effects on marine life, and plastic bags that break down into microplastics are making their way into the fish and shellfish that we eat, and the water that we drink. [2][3][4] Canadian cities like Montreal and Victoria have already passed bylaws to prevent stores from selling single-use plastic bags -- it's time for cities and towns across Canada to do the same. [5] [6] If we don't take action to cut down our plastic waste, by 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish.[7] Sign the petition now, and demand that plastic bags be banned. _____________________________________________________________________ [1]https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/victoria-ban-on-single-use-plastic-shopping-bags-to-begin-in-july-1.3726946 [2]http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/microplastics-fish-shellfish-1.3954947 [3] http://nationalpost.com/health/global-study-finds-microplastics-in-93-of-bottled-water-but-little-known-about-effect-on-humans [4]http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/09/06/world-tap-water-plastic_a_23199390/ [5] https://globalnews.ca/news/3940536/no-more-plastic-bags-in-montreal-first-major-canadian-city-to-implement-ban/ [6] http://www.victoria.ca/EN/main/residents/climate-change/single-use-plastic-bags.html [7] http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_The_New_Plastics_Economy.pdf
    521 of 600 Signatures
  • Ban plastic bags in Toronto
    Right now, Canadians are using over 9 BILLION plastic bags every year - that's enough bags to circle the Earth more than 55 times. [1] We need to ban plastic bags now! Plastic in our oceans is having devastating effects on marine life, and plastic bags that break down into microplastics are making their way into the fish and shellfish that we eat, and the water that we drink. [2][3][4] Canadian cities like Montreal and Victoria have already passed bylaws to prevent stores from selling single-use plastic bags -- it's time for Toronto to do the same. [5] [6] If we don't take action to cut down our plastic waste, by 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish.[7] Sign the petition now, and demand that plastic bags be banned. _____________________________________________________________________ [1]https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/victoria-ban-on-single-use-plastic-shopping-bags-to-begin-in-july-1.3726946 [2]http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/microplastics-fish-shellfish-1.3954947 [3] http://nationalpost.com/health/global-study-finds-microplastics-in-93-of-bottled-water-but-little-known-about-effect-on-humans [4]http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/09/06/world-tap-water-plastic_a_23199390/ [5] https://globalnews.ca/news/3940536/no-more-plastic-bags-in-montreal-first-major-canadian-city-to-implement-ban/ [6] http://www.victoria.ca/EN/main/residents/climate-change/single-use-plastic-bags.html [7] http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_The_New_Plastics_Economy.pdf
    1,464 of 2,000 Signatures
  • I will never vote for Doug Ford
    Doug Ford is a multi-millionaire heir to a family fortune who pretends to care about working class people while echoing the far-right talking points of his extreme social conservative base. He is an imposter who cares only about his own wealth and power. He has vowed to suppress wages for minimum wage workers and shovel more money into the pockets of his rich corporate shareholder friends. He wants to restrict access to abortion at the request of friends like his endorser Charles McVety - a man so openly homophobic that his show was kicked off of Christian television. And Doug Ford is keen to ignore climate change in favour of extracting still more profits for the wealthy elites that support him, all at the expense of our children's future. We must come together to reject Doug Ford's PCs. Sign the pledge!
    374 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Tim Ellis
  • Canadian Tire: Stop selling products made by guns manufacturer Vista Outdoor
    Vista Outdoor is a United States based corporation that owns Savage Arms - one of the largest producers of semi-automatic weapons in the country. [1] They're heavily involved in the gun lobby, and have ties to the National Rifle Association (NRA). [2] Canadian Tire is currently supporting Vista Outdoors by stocking products from their other brands like -- Raskullz, Bushnell, Weaver, Simmons, Tasco, Butler Creek. [3] In light of the ongoing mass shootings south of the border, many companies are withdrawing their support from manufacturers of assault type weapons. Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC) has just stopped orders for all products from Vista. [4] We call on Canadian Tire to follow suit. Sources: [1] https://www.outsideonline.com/2282941/should-our-morals-determine-our-gear-purchases [2] https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/06/fully-loaded-ten-biggest-gun-manufacturers-america/ [3] https://vistaoutdoor.com/brands/ [4] http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/mec-vista-outdoor-1.4557071
    2,038 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jim Mason
  • Reform Canadian Peremptory Challenges in Jury Selection
    On February 9, 2018, an all-white jury found Gerald Stanley, a white man, not guilty of murder in the shooting of Colten Boushie, a 22 year old Indigenous man. In Canada, lawyers are able to challenge potential jury members without having to explain their reasoning (aka peremptory challenges). As we have just seen in the trail of Gerald Stanley for the murder of Colten Bousie. The jury was entirely white, after the defense challenged every person who appeared to be Indigenous. The under-representation of Indigenous people in Canada is yet another example of system racism. We need to urge for a reform of the system that allows lawyers to racially profile during jury selection. If Canadians are hopeful for reconciliation, this is an important step that must be taken.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Lepp