• Increase the Social Determinants of Health for First Nations
    First Nations communities need adequate housing, clean water, access to healthy food, access to health care, improved education and childhood development and reduced racism.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lloyd Bowers
  • Stop Trump's Muslim Ban
    Trump lacks decency and the understanding that all humans are equal and deserve the same human rights. Let's put this to an end. We may not be able to protest alongside many in the US but we can make our voices heard by signing this petition
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Deeba S
  • Stop sensationalizing violence against women
    - The very existence of this play is re-traumatizing the friends, families, and communities who were affected by this tragedy. - In response to the theatre company's comments that they respect our choice not to see the play – it is being publicized via various news and social media outlets, where many have been exposed to without their choosing – further traumatizing - CONSENT. The women we lost here did not consent to this. Nor did their families. - The company is arguing the play is intended to create awareness of the issue of violence against women. Yet, written by a male. Men telling stories of male violence does not help women. This is an amplification and exploitation of violent acts.
    2,202 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Terra Lynn
  • Build Accessible Low-cost Housing
    A single person on Persons with Disabilities Allowance in BC is paid $983.42. Considering that the cheapest studio or one bedroom apartment is at least $800 to $900 per month, this leaves no money to live on. In addition, if someone has special needs, like wheelchair accessibility, this limits the housing market even more. My niece has a spinal cord injury and cannot work, She has no other resources besides her PWD Allowance. She has been sharing with a friend who has been covering additional costs but her friend is now getting married and my niece has been given notice. She is desperate to find someplace to live that can accommodate her needs.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tricia Datené
  • Kitimat Terrace Clean Air Petition
    Since the Rio Tinto modernization, the province has given the Kitimat smelter permission to increase Sulphur Dioxide emissions from 27 tonnes per day up to 42 tonnes per day. The citizens of Kitimat and Terrace want the highest standard of air quality for human health and the environment. To achieve this, we need the commitment of the next Provincial Government to require Rio Tinto to install scrubbers. This technology is in many other aluminum smelters around the world and is environmentally safe.
    206 of 300 Signatures
  • Defend Our Airshed
    Message from a Kamloops Mom: Closing the door has cut the volume, but it doesn't mask each new chorus of chest-ripping coughs. I stand outside my daughter's bedroom, wincing and thinking about what can be done to shine a light on air pollution in the upcoming May 9th provincial election. I never thought I would find myself here. When my youngest was just 3 years old, every time she walked along a busy roadway for even 10 minutes, or was exposed to wood smoke in our neighbourhood, she would develop a persistent cough, lasting between 2 weeks and 2 months. It would always start the same way, with the sound of violent hacking over a number of restless nights. She was diagnosed with mild asthma. We wondered, “Is this something that she will grow out of? If we put her on a puffer, will she ever get off again?” During wildfire seasons and times of the year when people want to cozy-up next to their fireplace, I have become a parent who sniffs the air before letting my girls out to play. Now, more than ever, I am aware of how changes in our air quality affect our citizens' health and ultimately, our quality of life. Poor air quality can negatively affect pregnant moms and their developing babies, as well as children, the elderly and athletes. Particles in our air (small enough to have 30 of them fit across the tip of a hair) from things like exhaust and wood smoke, are actually small enough to move from our lungs into our bloodstream. When it comes to making decisions about what we put into the air, there are some things that we all can do. Our children will breathe whatever those decisions are. When we vote on May 9, 2017, the outcome will directly affect the next generation of citizens growing up in our airshed. I will be voting for a candidate who recognizes that our airshed is something worth defending, both for the quality of life of all citizens, but especially for children who depend on us and our decisions. I hope you'll join me in considering this as well, when you vote on May 9th.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kamloops Moms For Clean Air
  • We reject Kevin O'Leary's Trump-style politics
    Here are just a few of the things Mr O’Leary has said over the last few years: - He said the fact that 3.5 billion people are living in poverty is “fantastic news” [2] - He said he would have voted for Trump and that we should "Hail King Trump" [1, 3] - He told a business student that as long as you’re wealthy, you can have ‘many girlfriends’[4] - He said he has “grave concerns” about raising taxes on the wealthiest Canadians [5] - He wants to eliminate the carbon tax, build more pipelines and reduce regulations [6] - He has suggested selling seats in the Senate [7] - He called unions ‘evil’ and said that if he became Prime Minister he would make unions illegal and throw union members in jail [8] SOURCES: [1] Kevin O'Leary Continues To Lay On American Boosterism By Praising 'King Trump' (Huffington Post): http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/01/11/kevin-oleary-trump_n_14106226.html?utm_hp_ref=kevin-oleary [2] Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary says 3.5 billion people in comparative poverty is 'fantastic news' (The Independent): http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/shark-tanks-kevin-oleary-says-35-billion-people-in-poverty-is-fantastic-news-9077070.html [3] O'Leary says he would have voted for Trump (iPolitics): http://ipolitics.ca/2016/12/16/oleary-says-he-wouldve-voted-for-trump/ [4] Kevin O’Leary’s advice to students: if you're wealthy, you can have ‘many girlfriends’ (Press Progress): https://www.pressprogress.ca/kevin_oleary_advice_to_students_if_youre_wealthy_you_can_have_many_girlfriends [5] The Political Pearls of Kevin O’Leary (The Tyee): https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2017/01/18/Political-Pearls-Kevin-OLeary/ \ [6] Kevin O’Leary: ‘If I don’t deliver a majority mandate in 2019, fire me’ (Global): http://globalnews.ca/news/3188715/kevin-oleary-majority-beat-justin-trudeau-or-fire-me/?sf51556253=1 [7] Kevin O'Leary Suggests Selling Senate Seats (Huffington Post): http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/01/15/kevin-oleary-senate_n_14186154.html [8] Unions - Review from the Office of the Ombudsman. (CBC) http://www.ombudsman.cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/complaint-reviews/2011/unions/
    17,427 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Katelynn Northam
  • Doors open for the Homeless
    People die in the street when shelters are full. The homeless who have dogs often have no place to go because they will not abandon their best friend. Many shelters will not accept animals. It is cruelly cold outside. We need to do better for our citizens, and their furry companions. There is room at night in community centres. Why are they locked against those members of the community who are down on their luck? They are human beings. And their animal companions are part of their humanity. Make community space truly for the community, including those who need a hand up.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Norlaine Thomas
  • It’s time Canada ends fossil fuel subsidies
    Canada has to take action now to end its unfair and polluting subsidies to oil, gas, and coal companies. Canada's $3.3 billion in fossil fuel subsidies undermine the Paris Agreement’s climate change goals, and they even counteract attempts to put a price on carbon. Trying to put a price on carbon while still subsidizing fossil fuel production is like pouring water on the fire with one hand, while spraying gasoline on it with the other. It just doesn't make sense. The Trudeau government can act immediately with a commitment and a plan to get rid of these subsidies by 2020. Four years is more than enough time to wind down polluter handouts. Instead of subsidies that favour the wealthy, we need public investment that helps us move more quickly to sustainable solutions. Let’s put an end to fossil fuel subsidies.
    1,225 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alex Doukas Picture
  • Change bylaw! Toronto Parking tickets on Switch over Days
    I'm very curious about something and it has my mind boggled. Switch over parking from one side to the other and parking tickets. So today I get a ticket in my car at 9:10am as I am walking to my car. He is ticketing all cars that haven't moved to the other side. So I speak with him and say why would you be doing this when it is 9 in the morning and some people haven't even got up yet... Work schedules etc. He says don't ask me... Thy tell us to and then you can go down and get it cancelled. I'm confused at this point and he says yup. You have a valid parking tag in your windshield and if it's before noon you can have it canceled. So at this point I become increasingly angry (not at him) because basically what he is telling me is that they are pumping out these tickets at 50 bucks a pop and you only need to send it in or go there to have it cancelled. How many tax payer dollars are being wasted on this pathetic practice?! Let's see. There are thousands of cars being ticketed every switch over morning and hundreds or parking enforcement officers doing it and then the car owner can go get it cancelled so there is manpower there doing that side of it. He shook his head and said it makes no sense as bylaw says ticket and city says we will cancel it. What the actual heck??? This is insane to me that our tax dollars are being spent on staffing this. Absolutely nuts!!! It says right on the site that you can have a noon grace to have it cancelled. Doesn't anyone fine this infuriating?!?! Place a noon deadline bylaw and no forgiveness. The end!!! Unbelievable ... Millions of Tax dollars wasted! And we sit back and allow this to happen!! Outrageous!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendy O'Keefe
  • Unfair Parking Tickets!
    Every month when it's time to change your car over to the other side of the street, Parking Enforcement Officers start ticketing you after 9am. These same officers inform us that we can get the ticket cancelled if it's before noon by going downtown and fighting it as the City of Toronto has said that we have until noon as a grace period. This is ridiculous and a money grab as who on earth has time to fight an unfair ticket? They know it and we know it. It's unethical and mean spirited just to get their numbers up.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jackie O'Keefe
  • Protect the Heart of Vancouver's Chinatown!
    Chinatown is under siege. A proposed market rate development on 105 Keefer Street threatens the cultural and economic fabric of Chinatown. “Our Chinatown is being bought up by developers. What’s going to be left in Chinatown for people like me when the dust settles?” protested Ivy Su, a resident in the neighbourhood. Ms. Su’s concerns are real. Vancouver Chinatown was not-so-honoured to be designated a Top 10 Endangered Places List according to the National Trust for Canada. Intense market development pressure has pushed small businesses out and housing costs up. Chinatown is really under siege. And now, to add insult to injury, Beedie Group proposes desecrating the cultural heart of Vancouver Chinatown with a dominating luxury high rise development at 105 Keefer Street. How is the 105 Keefer site at the heart of Vancouver Chinatown? It is surrounded by the culturally significant Chinese-Canadian war veterans and railway workers monument, the Chinese Cultural Centre and the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. The site is close to the National Historic Site where important heritage buildings such as the Chinese Benevolent Association and the Chinese Freemasons are located. A luxury market development at this site would violate/disrespect Chinatown's distinct character as well as the livelihoods of the people living here. Gentrification is already severely overrunning the entire Downtown Eastside and the plan by the Beedie Group to build a complex at 105 Keefer will only worsen this problem, which we and groups dedicated to saving Chinatown have been battling against for the past few years. On the contrary, Chinatown residents and organizations are proposing the site be used for low-income seniors housing and an intergenerational community space. Ms. Su offers a brighter future: “We hope that the government will purchase the land to provide housing for us so that we are not without homes”. Ms. Su continues, “We’ve seen Chinatown change so much over the past years, but the changes are overwhelmingly for the higher income people moving in. We need more developments that meet our needs for affordable housing and for spaces to socialize with each other.” We can’t afford to lose more of our precious Chinatown! (Photo Credits: Christina Lee)
    2,852 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by 唐人街關注組 Chinatown Concern Group Picture