• Allow voting at age 16
    WHEREAS the Election Act of British Columbia presently prohibits individuals under 18 from participating in the electoral process; WHEREAS early engagement in civic affairs is believed to lead to the establishment of a pattern of engagement that endures throughout life; WHEREAS the 2011 report of the Chief Electoral Officer of BC recognized that "The lowest voter registration rates are for young voters 18-24 years of age"; WHEREAS by the age of 15, BC residents are legally permitted to be employed on a full-time basis in accordance with the Employment Standards Act; WHEREAS by the age of 16, BC residents may apply for a license to operate a motor vehicle on a public highway; BE IT RESOLVED that the residents of British Columbia call upon the governing party to adopt as a policy that the age of eligibility to be an elector in future provincial elections be lowered from (18) to sixteen (16) years.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nic Waller Picture
  • Restore local, democratic control of our school board
    For years, Christy Clark’s government has been slashing education funding and delaying much-needed seismic upgrades. As a parent, it felt like the Vancouver School Board were the only elected representatives who were on our side and willing to fight for safe, fully-funded schools. The Vancouver School Board was planning to finally pass a balanced budget in a meeting tonight, in order to secure essential funding for seismic upgrades -- but incredibly, the Education Minister fired them before their meeting.[3] Now, the Vancouver School Board is essentially being run out of the Premier’s office, by an unelected political appointee. This could become a major scandal that will follow the BC government all the way to the ballot box in May’s provincial election, and they know it. It starts with a huge petition calling on Education Minister Mike Bernier to reverse this terrible decision. If you agree that firing the elected VSB trustees is an outrage, sign the urgent petition to Education Minister Mike Bernier now. Sources: [1] Vancouver School Board fired by B.C. education minister (CBC) http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vancouver-school-board-fired-1.3808674 [2] Former Vancouver School Board chair Mike Lombardi calls firing ‘outrageous’ http://globalnews.ca/news/3007688/b-c-education-minister-mike-bernier-set-to-address-vancouver-school-board-situation/ [3] Vancouver School Board to approve budget after months of delay, controversy (CBC) http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vancouver-school-board-intend-budget-approval-1.3808204
    7,156 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Katie R.
  • Tell Ottawa: Stop the political-activity audits of environmental groups.
    A strong democracy requires freedom of expression. That's why the blunting of the ability of civil society to advocate and to engage in that most fundamental democratic right – debate and, occasionally, dissent – should concern us all. But that's what's happening today in Canada. You see, CRA rules permit Canadian charities to devote up to 10% of their organizational resources to "political activities." And charities report annually what they're up to to show how they're complying with this rule. Back in 2012, the Harper government decided to spend millions auditing environmental groups, and later anti-poverty and human-rights charities, to see if they were doing too much "political work." Interestingly, right-wing charities, like the Fraser Institute, reported zero political activity and didn't catch the attention of CRA.[3] Earlier this year, National Revenue Minister Dianne Lebouthillier announced CRA would begin "winding down" these audits, but later reversed course and announced 24 political activity audits launched during Harper's time in power would continue as planned (but no new audits would be launched). One of the charities, Canada Without Poverty, has now launched a constitutional challenge to stop the CRA from stripping its tax-exempt status on the grounds that it's too politically active. The group says its constitutional right to free expression is being violated unreasonably. "They’re not wrong," The Globe and Mail argues in a recent editorial.[4] "The case is a vestige of the former Conservative government’s 2012 decision to pour millions into targeted CRA audits of charity groups – something many in the charitable sector denounced as a witch hunt. The Liberals halted all new audits this past January, but allowed 24 probes to continue. "As a concept, charity has its roots in 17th-century English law. But the more appropriate modern definition might be: whatever the Canada Revenue Agency and its political masters say it is." It's time for the political masters to step in and do the right: end the political-activity audits of 24 charities that just happened to disagree with policies of the Harper government. Sources: 1. As Harper's CRA audits continue, right-wing charities report zero 'political activity' again: https://www.pressprogress.ca/as_harper_cra_audits_continue_right_wing_charities_report_zero_political_activity_again 2. Liberal platform: https://www.liberal.ca/files/2015/10/New-plan-for-a-strong-middle-class.pdf 3. Stephen Harper's CRA: Selective Audits, "Political" Activity, and Right-leaning charities: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/broadbent/pages/16/attachments/original/1430005311/Stephen_Harper's_CRA.pdf?1430005311 4. Like unions and political parties, charities deserve freedom of speech: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/like-unions-and-political-parties-charities-deserve-freedom-of-speech/article31728320/
    1,066 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Broadbent Institute Broadbent Institute
  • #MOREINCOMMON - A Celebration of the life of Jo Cox
    Jo believed that there is more that unites us than divides us, and she was killed for those beliefs. She believed in a love that is fierce, brave and humble. Her death has devastated a family, and attacked the ideals that we as a nation most cherish. But we will not be divided. We will rise up together to carry Jo's message forward. We will meet hate with love. On the day Jo would have been 42, we are asking everyone, everywhere to love like Jo loved. Jo's legacy is a direct challenge to everyone here, to take part, speak up and be a voice for the voiceless, to treat everyone with tolerance and genuine respect, even those with whom disagree. We cannot let the intolerance and violence of a single individual rob us of her life's potential. It is up to us all to carry forward her message and to make her mission our own.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Baillargeon Picture
  • Make every vote count by instituting a proportional representation system by 2019.
    Currently, votes cast in our federal elections do not match the seats parties gain in Parliament. Consequently, we cannot ensure fair representation. We can and should reform our electoral system to make our democracy better for all Canadians.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Ball
  • Save CRAB Park
    A huge multinational company is threatening CRAB Park Dubai Ports World, operators of the Centerm container terminal beside much-loved CRAB Park, plans to extend its terminal westward with 7 acres of infill in the ocean right in front of the Park. CRAB Park is the only green space for the vast majority of Downtown Eastside residents, almost all of whom live in SROs or small apartments. It is home to the monument in memory of Downtown Eastside missing and murdered women. Downtown Eastsiders and their allies have struggled successfully for 33 years for CRAB Park, to create it, to ensure disabled access, to stop a casino funded by big Vegas money, and most recently to prevent a massive soccer stadium/entertainment venue from planting itself beside the park Now Centerm’s expansion threatens to transform CRAB’s natural setting into a heavy industry zone with its attendant air, water and noise pollution. It will bring in more hazardous cargo to a heavily populated neighbourhood that already endured a huge chemical fire from Centerm’s terminal in March 2015. The Port of Vancouver is not accountable to any level of government. It alone has the power to stop this expansion. Let’s show the Port how important CRAB Park is to us. Sign the petition to convince them to rethink their development plan.
    4,691 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Four Sisters Housing Coop
  • Omnibus bills too diverse
    By compiling education and environment, financial and business, there are too many ignorant, undisciplined to understand the scope of ALL aspects of the bill. Could a politician trained in banking truly understand the importance of educational content for children. By appending major documents under one construct, not only does this repeal Constitutional documents, it clutters and buries smaller arguments under a complicated process that may thwart forward progress to assure the "greater" argument gets traction.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Josh King
  • Get Manufacturing and high paying jobs back to Canada, end all outsourcing
    This creates high paying jobs for hundreds of thousands of Canadians and helps build the middle class back to the strength is deserves.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Statham
  • Say no to the proposed land agreement between Six Nations and Empire Homes
    This is important because all 530 acres of land belonging to Six Nations will be used for the Empire Homes housing development and a park. As it stands now we would lose 330 acres of this land and receive 200 acres elsewhere. Six Nations people want land for their children and grandchildren so they can build homes in the future. This proposed deal is not a fair deal for us. We can no longer afford to accept" it's better than nothing"
    494 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Elvera Garlow
  • Canadian Pensions
    Currently, Canadians pay more into CPP than the average monthly amount for an RRSP, which would later pay out a significant sum. There is no reason this should be the case. The government holds this money in a pension fund, where they could instead allow it to accrue value. The Poverty level has remained unchanged for a significant amount of time that I am aware of, not having heard of it changing in my lifetime. As I recall, it is currently $12000 CDN/year; where the average pension from CPP amounts to not musch more than $6000 CDN/year. Not only is it unrealistic, but it does nothing to reward the hard working Canadians who have spent their lives working and paying taxes, as well as paying into this fund. Instead, they can be expected to use up their savings, and spend the remainder of their days below poverty. I live in a complex where a number of pensioners reside, and some of the pensioners here I have spoken with are living on frozen vegetables and macaroni and cheese. This is unhealthy, lacks reasonable or even decent nutrition, and is common among seniors and pensioners. I work in an industry where I see a number of them fairly often, and in fact work alongside one who cannot afford to retire, and wouldn't know what to do with himself if he did. The pensionable age keeps increasing, and somewhat ironically, has increased beyond the average life expectancy; especially among individuals who work in industry, service jobs, or similar occupations, who tend to have lower than average life expectancies. These people pay the taxes this Country operates on. It may seem a Corporation lends a big sum in taxes, but they also get significant write offs, and much of the taxes they pay are collected from their consumers, and other taxation that eventually trickles down, (generally immediately), to the consumer, or impacts the employees wage caps. One way or another, it always falls on the shoulders of people who need and can claim pensions. Poverty is common in Canada, and it really starts to reflect on value and quality of life before you drop below $30000/year. At this level, you can expect not to pay for a home in your lifetime, and to continuously be paying into vehicles, credit cards, and other lending systems. This is part of the economic system we have, and directly attributed to how it functions. A part of the design. There are plenty of other things I would like to see addressed, but this would be a good start. Next up might be health and dental care, and making that more affordable and available, across Canada.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Morley
  • Referendum on the Senate
    There is no place in a Democracy for non-elected rule. We rightly protest all countries where Democracies don’t have the final say over enacting laws and governance. How is our Senate any different? To be a model Democracy and Country we must be able to prove the people are capable of choosing who speaks for them.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Guest
  • No Short Term Rentals beside my house
    Short Term Rentals (STR's) will bring down my property values, interfere with my right to a peaceful and quiet life that I paid a premium to acquire here. Had I wanted to live next door to a motel I would have chosen so, instead I chose to live in a residential area, not a commercial one. I do not want you to change my zoning nor approved usage of property within that residential zone.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Al Pastars