• Fire the Opinions Editor at Vancouver Sun
    The Vancouver Sun has always been a right wing voice, but lately it's been ordered to "be more right wing". We've seen them pushing the boundaries of how far you can go making a case for anti-immigration and racism in polite conversation. If they continue this way, the Vancouver Sun will complete it's transformation into a mini-National Post unless we show them locals won't tolerate this kind of garbage.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Beuhler
  • Pollution sonore aérienne inacceptable
    Unissons-nous pour faire valoir nos droits. Pourquoi subir une pollution sonore quand nous pouvons agir dès maintenant! Demandons au Maire de St-Bruno-de-Montarville de nous représenter et d'assurer à tous les citoyens une vie paisible et sécuritaire!
    458 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Simard
  • Impose sanctions on the government officials in Hong Kong and China in violation of human rights
    The streets of Hong Kong are unrecognizable. Tear gas, police batons, pepper spray, intimidation and torture -- these are only some of the brutalities faced by Hong Kong citizens marching in defiance of one of the world’s most powerful dictatorships. In the past few months, I have watched this beautiful city in which I was born and raised, once free and vibrant, -- suffer under the iron grip of China’s continued and increasing encroachment onto Hong Kong’s autonomy. Since the 80s, the Chinese Communist Party has continued to steadily chip away at Hongkongers’ rights and freedoms, and Hong Kong citizens were pushed over the edge when an extradition amendment bill was proposed that would allow the extradition of anyone who is in Hong Kong to China, to be tried under the Chinese judiciary system instead. Their ‘judiciary system’ has a 99% conviction rate, and is infamous for torture, trumped up charges and forced confessions. If passed, this law would effectively end Hong Kong as we know it. And it’s why 2 million people took to the streets in protest. Hong Kong citizens are fighting for the same democratic freedoms that we have here in Canada. They are fighting to protect their civil liberties that we currently hold: the rights to vote, to gather in protest, and to speak out against injustice. But we’re not set apart from the fight on the front lines in Hong Kong. Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor are two Canadians currently being tortured, and detained with bogus charges in China. The protestors in Hong Kong facing police brutality are directly opposing the expansion of tyranny - not just for themselves, but for Kovrig and Spavor too. Their fight should be our fight. Their cause should be our cause. As Canadians, we have the power to speak up - not just for democracy or in defence of human rights - but for the 300,000 Canadians living in Hong Kong, the many Canadians who have business or family ties to Hong Kong, and the millions of Hong Kong-born Canadians living across this country we call true, north, strong and free. Let us uphold those values and not turn a blind eye. Sign the petition now to urge Minister Chrystia Freeland to impose sanctions on HK and Beijing government officials who have severely violated our human rights laws. --- more info below--- This encroachment on Hong Kong is a direct violation of the “one country, two systems” agreement established in the 80s -- when the Chinese Communist Party agreed to a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong. They promised Hong Kong citizens their own legal, social and financial systems until 2047, including universal suffrage for all citizens. I knew this promise was hollow even back then, so I left Hong Kong to ensure my own safety and freedom. And to my dismay, I was right: in 1989, the brutal massacre in Tiananmen Square saw the murder of thousands of peaceful protesters. This terrible blight on our history spurred a massive wave of immigration of horrified and disillusioned Hongkongers to Canada. Today, while I fear for Hong Kong citizens’ safety -- I feel incredibly proud as I stand in spirit with the millions of Hongkongers who are undeterred as they march for democracy and freedom. And there is something we can do: the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law) allows Canada to sanction, impose travel bans and hold accountable foreign nationals who are responsible for gross human rights violations and significant corruption. This law exists specifically for situations such as these - to hold rogue foreign government officials to account. Please join me in calling on our government to apply sanctions to those government officials and entrepreneurs, in both Hong Kong and China, who have participated in or are complicit in violating Hong Kong citizens’ human rights with our Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act. *** UPDATE *** On Sept. 4th, after months of protests and increasing international pressure, HK’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced that she would withdraw the Extradition Amendment Bill - but refused to establish an independent public inquiry to investigate police brutality. This is not enough. We must sanction the government officials who condoned gross human rights violations in Hong Kong. Hong Kong and Beijing government officials have allowed the police brutality on the streets of Hong Kong: There is horrific video evidence of officers entering train cabins at busy subway stations and attacking passengers with tear gas and batons. There are rumours of torture and sexual assaults of protesters in Hong Kong’s detention centres. Sign the petition to sanction the government officials implicit in these horrors.
    3,285 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ivy Li
  • Ask Chrystia Freeland to Condemn President Bolsonaro's Destruction of the Amazon
    The Amazon Rainforest stands to make "a significant contribution to pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Coe [Earth Systems Scientist] likens it not to a pair of lungs, but to a giant air conditioner that cools the planet—one of our most powerful in mitigating climate change, alongside other tropical forests in central Africa and Asia—some of which are also currently burning" (for a more accurate look at the role of the Amazon: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/why-amazon-doesnt-produce-20-percent-worlds-oxygen/). Its loss, together with our lack of political will to stop carbon emissions and the absence of means to capture carbon effectively are posing a severe threat to people worldwide. Importantly, about one million Indigenous people live in the Amazon. It is also home to three million species of plants and animals (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-49433437). These fires are material and deadly. And their frequency is spurred by Bolsonaro's policies, which have accelerated deforestation, up 88% (https://globalnews.ca/news/5794191/amazon-rainforest-fire-explained/), due to farming, logging, and drilling. "The National Institute for Space Research (INPE) has recorded more than 74,000 fires so far this year [in the Amazon] – an 84 per cent increase on the same period in 2018. It’s the highest number since records began in 2013." (https://globalnews.ca/news/5794191/amazon-rainforest-fire-explained/). Take a deep breath and imagine smoke filling your lungs on a darkened afternoon, just as residents of São Paulo did at 3 p.m. Monday, August 19.
    758 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Climate Pledge Collective Picture
  • Trashtalking people with mental illness is wrong.
    It is hurtful and discriminatory to call people with mental illness "animals", "nutcases", and "crazy crazy".
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Reville
  • Ban Autism "Conversion Therapy"
    LeadNow has a campaign to make gay "conversion therapy" illegal. That's great! But the original "conversion therapy" is the one that was invented to abuse autistic people, ABA. Gay "conversion therapy" was invented by the same man who invented ABA, Ivar Lovaas. Sadly, the mainstream thinks that ABA is helpful for autistic kids. That's horrifying. Why is ABA bad? ABA causes PTSD and zaps autistic people of their free will and decision making abilities. See: https://blog.theautismsite.greatergood.com/aba-therapy-controversy/ ABA is bad for the same reasons that "gay conversion therapy" is bad: "The strong and punitive aversives Lovaas suggested may not be as widely used today, but the reliance on rewards and punishment continues in other “therapies” and “interventions” that use the principles of ABA, which I’ll discuss in a future article. Some therapists argue that the more “modern” forms of ABA are more humane approaches, but they are nonetheless still based in the idea that autistic ways of being in the world are unacceptable and must be eradicated. So what’s the connection to gay conversion therapy? Well, Lovaas was also substantially involved in the Feminine Boy Project, which has strong connections to what is today known as gay conversion therapy. Psychologist George Rekers, a key figure in the world of conversion therapy (and co-founder of the notoriously anti-gay Family Research Council), used Lovaas’s techniques to treat so-called “deviant sex-role behaviors” in male children. And when you think about it, even if Lovaas had no connections at all to gay conversion therapy, ABA has enough similarities to gay conversion therapy that many autistics refer to it as 'autistic conversion therapy.'" See: https://nsadvocate.org/2018/07/11/treating-autism-as-a-problem-the-connection-between-gay-conversion-therapy-and-aba/
    161 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Crawley
  • Say NO to Ford: Education Cuts Hurt Kids!
    As a result of these cuts, several teachers across the board will lose their jobs. This will create a bigger discrepancy in the student to teacher ratio and fewer classes overall. Students in Mississauga have already noticed fewer course options and electives being cut (Chen). Thus, the courses students are interested in will be eliminated, preventing them from exploring a variety of interests. This will make it harder for them to gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. Furthermore, Diane Dewing, the president of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation, is worried about how school boards will explain certain courses moving forward (Chen). “We fear that art classes, which often have small numbers of students, will disappear because there simply won’t be the funding to have that teacher”(Dewing). Forcing teachers to take on a huge number of students whether in the classroom or via e-learning will also decrease the quality of education students are receiving. Not only does it reduce individual support for students, but also reduces the engagement of students in their classes. At a time where mental health issues are skyrocketing among young people and being acknowledged, these cuts will make it even more difficult to support these students (Durkacz). As a student myself with a post-secondary pathway in mind to eventually work in education. Being able to find a job is now a huge concern. Since it presents me with an uncertainty of whether or not I'll be able to find a stable job. This isn't only a problem that applies to me but is a problem for many young well-qualified teachers. So many educators have been waiting after many years of occasional work to get a permanent job, "only to see their hope turn to despair" (Durkacz). The purpose of improvements to the education system should be to improve the well-being and learning of Ontarians instead of doing the opposite, hurting them. If you care about the education for the youth of today, tomorrow, and the future. What are you waiting for? Sign our petition now!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Lam
  • Raise Assistance Rates For The Disabled In BC
    Peoples health and persons have been kept in a position of peril year after year and month after month. Some have developed PTSD because of these actions and there have been many suicides for loss of hope. This raise must be adjusted yearly to keep up with the cost of living, as all deserve a quality of life!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan de Lench
  • Canada must condemn the Trump Administration's treatment of minors at the southern border.
    The U.S.is operating a system of concentration camps; it is committing grievous human rights violations against the most vulnerable population imaginable: unaccompanied children.
    335 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michael Dudley
  • Reject Trump's White House Invitation
    The Raptors took the world by storm last night. Against all odds and every doubt, your team of underestimated players turned breakout stars defeated the Golden State Warriors. Canadians cheered you on every step of the way - and it is a journey that has united a broad spectrum of diverse communities in a deafening, excited, unapologetic roar of pride. But now your team faces the traditional invitation to a meet and greet that the winning team always has with the President of the United States in the White House. The only problem is that the current president is Donald Trump - and he represents everything that the Raptors aren’t: divisive, alienating, and selfish. If the Raptors refuse to meet for a splashy photo-op with Trump, you will send a clear message to the world that your team, and Canadians at large, do not condone President Trump’s blatant disregard for the well-being of Americans. Dear Raptors, please don't visit Trump. Sincerely, We The North --- MORE INFO --- President Trump has enacted laws to separate children from parents and placed them in cages [1]. He has called Neo-Nazis “very fine people” [2] and placed a travel ban on Muslims [3], all while tweeting a steady stream of offhand racist remarks [4]. On the other hand - your captain Kyle Lowry called Trump’s travel ban on Muslims “bullshit” [5], your team President Masai Ujiri paid a visit to a First Nations community to encourage youth to be proud of their identity [6], and your whole team represents (and has unified) the most diverse city in the world. The Raptors represent equality and diversity, and a visit with Trump threatens to tarnish those beliefs. If the Raptors refuse to attend the White House, you can vilify Trump’s actions and stand in unity with the broad coalition of Torontonians and Canadians who are cheering you on. [1] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44518942 [2] https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/04/trump-defends-claim-that-there-were-very-fine-people-on-both-sides-of-white-supremacist-rally/ [3] https://www.aljazeera.com/topics/spotlight/trump-muslims-ban.html [4] https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/atrocities-1-to-112 [5] https://www.cbc.ca/sports/basketball/nba/kyle-lowry-donald-trump-travel-ban-1.3958633 [6] https://www.thestar.com/sports/raptors/2017/01/12/with-help-from-raptors-giant-masai-ujiri-teens-from-la-loche-learn-to-dream-big-arthur.html
    395 of 400 Signatures
    Created by cherry tsoi
  • Develop a youth political party for next election
    Quite simply, the issues faced that are at a crisis point have been overlooked and ignored by the mainstream, corporate juggernaut; need the people without cynicism and broken,disillusioned hope that what we say is what we'll do...they are ready; look around the world, Quebec, Friday protests, use of social media...it needs to happen now
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryce Wilson
  • Return lands, waters and resources to First Nations, and address outstanding treaty obligations
    "The water crisis was created by Canada and has been maintained by Canada for decades, with devastating but predictable outcomes. This form of racism has real-life consequences for First Nations. It’s time to make all those land acknowledgements mean something. It’s time to start living by the spirit of the treaties: mutual respect, mutual protection and mutual benefit. It’s time to show a real sign of good faith and end the water crisis on reserves now. It’s a matter of life and death for First Nations." Source: https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/february-2019/first-nations-water-problems-crisis-canadas-making/ (Note: this petition was created by Yvonne Aburrow, quoting Pamela Palmater, Mi'kmaq lawyer, professor, activist and politician from Mi'kma'ki, New Brunswick, Canada.) Photo credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lake-huron-ipperwash-beach.jpg#/media/File:Lake-huron-ipperwash-beach.jpg
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Aburrow