• Minister Ahmed D Hussen, stop international student Jobandeep's deportation
    My name is Jobandeep Singh Sandhu. I came to Canada as an international student to study Mechanical engineering technician course on 26th August 2015. Like any International student, any migrant I had dreams when I came here. I dreamt of working as a Mechanical engineer, the dream didn’t seem impossible at first. But as I continued my studies and I wasn’t able to pay my fees and support my education. I had a choice either to stop studying or work harder to support my education and my dreams. I chose the latter. It was only two weeks before I was supposed to graduate. I was happy that I was going to achieve my dreams. On 13th December 2017, when I was driving back from Montreal to Toronto on a commercial truck, I was arrested for working more than 20 hours. And now I am being deported for working hard. What is happening to me is happening to a lot of people. International students don’t get the same labour rights that everyone else gets. There is a broader structural issue in our laws that limit these rights to only a few. In my last attempt to stay in this country and work hard for myself and the society, I have applied for a Temporary Resident Permit. But it has been on hold. I have to leave this country by June 15th (update: the removal date has now been pushed to June 15 from May 31). Help me so I can stay in this country. Help me in calling on Canada so International students don’t get deported for working hard, so they get the equal labour rights and permanent status on arrival! Background * International student arrested, facing deportation for working too many hours: https://globalnews.ca/news/5269138/international-student-arrested-facing-deportation-work-permit/ ------------------ If you are an international student facing any problems, contact Migrant Workers Alliance for support at [email protected]
    52,926 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Jobandeep Singh Sandhu
  • Save the Grace
    The plans now underway to cut services at the Grace, threaten patient safety. Serious illnesses need urgent care. The Grace is the only hospital in Scarborough north of the 401. Taking away key services will force vulnerable people to travel long distances to get care, in some cases seriously threatening their lives. Over 200 Doctors have petitioned the hospital because they know these changes are unsafe. Surgeons have said they will not operate if these changes are made. These changes will eventually lead to the shut down of the emergency room, and then the whole hospital. We need the province to step in and end this risky plan.
    1,226 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save the Grace
  • Reverse Cuts to Legal Aid Ontario Funding: MPP Christine Hogarth
    The Government of Ontario has cut funding for Legal Aid Ontario by almost 1/3, including a complete cut of ALL funding for the immigration and refugee law program at Legal Aid Ontario. Access to Legal Aid is essential for low-income Ontarians who are facing legal proceedings, not just immigration but also criminal, family, mental health, poverty law and child protection cases. Without legal aid, vulnerable people will be left to represent themselves in a complex and already overburdened legal system, facing jail or deportation if they lose their case. It's unjust and unfair to expect people to navigate the complex legal system without support, and these cuts will only add further to delays and chaos throughout the justice system.
    7 of 100 Signatures
  • Reverse Cuts to Legal Aid Ontario Funding
    On April 11, with the release of the Budget, the Government of Ontario made a significant cut of approximately one third of all legal aid funding, which will jeopardize the rights of those who need legal representation the most. Many refugee claimants arrive in Canada with almost nothing. Many are dealing with the aftermath of extreme personal trauma and struggle with PTSD, depression or other mental health issues as a result of the events that caused them to leave their homes and countries of origin. Often with little to no English, and even less legal knowledge, they are required to file legal forms, collect evidence, and appear in a hearing to test their claim. They are not equipped to represent themselves in Canada’s refugee determination system, a highly specialized legal field. This is why Legal Aid funding is so essential to protect the rights of such a vulnerable population and to ensure that their full story is heard by a refugee decision-maker through providing access to legal representation. Access to Legal Aid is also essential to low-income Ontarians who are facing legal proceedings such as in criminal, family, mental health, poverty law and child protection cases. These Ontarians will struggle to navigate these legally complex, high-stakes proceedings without legal assistance or resources. The impact of these cuts is huge. Vulnerable populations like refugees are left to represent themselves in a complex and already overburdened legal system, where a negative decision leads to deportation to countries where lives may be at risk. The cuts will lead to backlogs and delays throughout the justice system, causing chaos in the courts and costing taxpayers more, not less. URGENT! Sign your name to the petition now – let the Government of Ontario know that you care about funding to Legal Aid and are concerned about how it will impact the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our society, including refugees and immigrants in Ontario.
    15,395 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Erin Simpson
  • Stop Doug Ford's cuts to psychotherapy
    The proposal to limit availability of OHIP covered psychotherapy to 24 sessions per year will profoundly harm the most vulnerable among us. Psychotherapy is the most effective treatment for many disorders [see reference below] and the withdrawal of this service will endanger those who suffer from such debilitating mental health problems as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depression, crippling Anxiety Disorders, Borderline Personality difficulties, Eating disorders and those who suffer Addiction. Those who battle suicide will be especially affected and all of these afflictions can affect children and senior citizens. To turn our backs on the suffering of our fellow citizens, neighbours and family members is beyond unconscionable. The science is clear, psychotherapy is a first line treatment. Drugs certainly don't solve everyone's problems. This proposal is cruel, wrong headed and must be stopped in it's tracks! https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-in-ontario-a-battle-for-the-soul-of-psychiatry/
    1,379 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by leo murphy
  • PM: Deliver immediate mercury justice for Grassy Narrows people
    In the 1960s an upstream paper mill dumped 9 tonnes of mercury into the Wabigoon River, poisoning the fish and the people of Grassy Narrows. Three generations later the people continue to suffer from intense health impacts and a loss of their way of life and economy. Shockingly, the government of PM Trudeau has done almost nothing to improve the lives of Grassy Narrows people. In November of 2017, then Minister Philpott committed to build a home and treatment center for mercury survivors in Grassy Narrows so that sick loved ones can be cared for with dignity. Almost 500 days later, not one brick has been laid and only 1% of the cost has been provided. The Federal government is clearly stalling. With the federal elections on the horizon, this could become yet another broken promise on reconciliation. The people of Grassy Narrows are an inspiration throughout the world for their perseverance, their resilience, and their strength. The survivors of this ongoing disaster deserve Canada’s respect and the best possible care. See FreeGrassy.net for more ways to support the community.
    21,453 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by FreeGrassy .
  • Please Stop The Closing Of Pain Care Clinics in Ontario !!!!
    Just from my own experience I felt like I was going to die from my brain being so used to taking 2 pills every 4 hours along with 1 diazepam every 6 hours for panic attacks and sleeping medication at night so the pain would not wake me up every four hours from the back pain that I suffer from.Then he had his prescribing privilege taken away and I was forced by Him to quit taking all my pain and nerve medications cold turkey and I speak from experience Your brain does get used to taking these medications and if and when your suddenly forced to stop taking these prescriptions all of a sudden people will get deathly sick some having strokes and heart attacks through no fault of their own but from the Ford Conservative Provincial Party closing or limiting the amount of times that Pain Patients can access this Strictly Monitored Pain Care Clinic in St.Catharines ,Ontario. So if these Pain Care Clinics. are closed there will be some patients forced to buy these drugs or stronger ones (morphine) ( heroine) (fenthenayl) on the Street which will lead to many more people overdosing on illegal street drugs and not from their own fault but from the closing of the Pain Care Clinics where the Physicians closely monitor Their Patients all the time .This will ultimately cost the Ford Government more money to treat the overdoses that do not perish. So for the treatment of Patients Pain these clinic have become a last resort for the safe treatment of their Pain. I know it has been for me!!!
    687 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Don Smith
  • Ford Government Eroding Social Justice
    The government of Ontario oversees many social justice agencies in Ontario including the Human Rights Tribunal and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. If the government seeks to distance and shield itself from legal liability where it's actions are concerned, what recourse will residents of Ontario have in response to damages caused by the government? How might changes to the Act influence the efficacy of other social justice agencies operated by the province?
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Downie
  • Keep Tillicum Annex!
    Tillicum is a unique designated inner city school; part of a support network families depend on. Closure would disproportionately impact families in need. NEED: The school population reflects our diverse surrounding community with approximately 34% English Language Learners, 23% Special Needs Students and 21% Indigenous Students. Many families do not have cars and travelling up to 5km more to school each day would be a real challenge. FN students receive culturally appropriate support in a welcoming environment where they are well-represented. Tillicum offers Reading Recovery – Early Literacy (Reading) Intervention and we are a model of SEL (Social Emotional Learning) with Mind Up and Jump Start, and Ready Bodies Learning Minds (K/1). A higher % of families than usual are involved with Social Services - our Youth and Family Worker has years-long relationships with these children and families. The school's size allows the worker to work with all classes weekly to teach self-regulation and inclusion skills. SHARED USE: A well-attended Strong Start program in a Tillicum classroom prepares local children for school and supports parents in parenting and service referrals. Tillicum shares a city block with Kiwassa Neighbourhood House, a lifeline for many vulnerable families for whom cost and convenience are major factors: A large percentage of children at Tillicum are food-insecure or "at risk”. Kiwassa services include: free student/family breakfasts school days, low cost after-school and school break child care, drop-in Family Place, food banks and food programs, immigrant and translation services, and supportive housing. Kiwassa programs use the Tillicum gym for after-school programs regularly. DEMAND: In June 2018 though enough students had registered to have 2 kindergarten classes (20% expansion) VSB denied a 2nd class and these students were shifted to other farther schools.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carly Haddon
  • OSAP Changes
    Although we understand that the previous model of OSAP may have been unsustainable in terms of funding, we ask that you consider some changes to the new model released, specifically Under the calculator currently on your website, low income students are receiving almost half of what they would have received in the previous model. These are families who need this funding in order to make post-secondary education a reality for them. Making even the smallest increases to these values can make their lives easier. Education is a fundamental human right, and individuals should not be denied it based on their income. For new graduates, any grace period means the opportunity to break into the workforce and gain experience without loans looming over their heads. In today's society, work experience is essential, and any grace period would make those opportunities feasible.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Dee
  • Create a dedicated year round facility for inclusive wheeled sports in Vancouver! #nowheretorollyvr
    - Rollerskate sports are a female-dominated area of sport known for body-positive, gender-inclusive, and LGBTQ/2S-friendly culture. - A rollersport facility will support underserved youth in sport in Vancouver, including girls and non-binary youth. There are not many sports where youth can fit in without having to identify to a specific gender, and women and girls are traditionally a lower priority for public sports facilities. - Rollerskate sports are a growing community that generate economic revenue for Vancouver through businesses, events and tourism. Vancouver Junior Roller Derby has been working hard to find a reliable location that serves the needs of our growing community, but due to the priority of other sports and programs, we can’t find an appropriate and receptive year-round space for kids to play the sport they love in Vancouver. City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Parks Board can recognize the positive impact of this growing, inclusive youth sport and help all roller sports thrive by providing an adequate, year-round, permanent space!
    837 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Vancouver Junior Roller Derby Picture
  • Free access to Public Transportation
    This would allow people to better their own lives. The poor and students and seniors - low income or not - would be able to go to libraries and YMCA programmes, and wherever else there are programs and food banks .. to be able to travel to the edge of our Great Lakes to walk or picnic or just think about life .. to go to free concerts, and just generally be exposed to the wonders of our beautiful province. It would lift their spirits and raise their hopes and dreams. The increased use of public transportation would help reduce traffic issues and lower green house gasses. Obviously this is important. This would have all sorts of positive social aspects as well. More people using public transportation means safer friendlier communities. I see this as enabling people to improve their own lives. When students can get to school without the stress of high expense they will do better. When seniors can get to places freely they will go and enjoy their lives. When the poor can access all that our province has to offer, they will improve their ow lives. Joyfully.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Sutcliffe