• Rezone Richmond_Lansdowne to fully Rental
    Richmond’s lack of dense, affordable housing has created a world where there aren’t enough homes for everyone who needs one (read: everyone), and the ones that do get housed are paying ludicrous prices for a basic human right. A tight, rigid housing market means people will be locked out of our society, quite literally. With a more compact, affordable, and greener land, we can begin to correct these wrongs. People will be able to have more of a financial cushion for when things go wrong, workers won’t have to spend hours of their lives traveling to and from their jobs, and our next generation won’t have to move across oceans to find a home they can afford.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jiangyi He
  • Pesticide Free Powell River
    There is no greater time to protect our HEALTH and IMMUNITY by protecting our surrounding ecosystem! Our watersheds will be directly affected by pesticides residues and reduction of forest undergrowth. Their stated "safety practices" are anything but when you look at the bigger picture. We need to protect out forest, water and health! We won't get a second chance.
    1,293 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Marie Bhattacharya Picture
  • Stand up Against Anti-Asian Racism
    In mid-May, the VPD announced that they were investigating 29 Anti-Asian hate crimes since mid-March, an alarming spike. This does not even begin to touch on the increase in micro-aggressions experienced by targeted communities since Covid-19. According to Human Rights Watch, governments should take urgent steps to prevent racist and xenophobic violence and discrimination linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, people, more than ever, are turning to the government for leadership and information. We need our government to take a stand not just against Covid, but also against the rise in anti-Asian violence and discrimination.
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Cantelon
  • Premier Ford: Protect renters, put a stop to Bill 184
    With millions of Canadians out of work through no fault of their own, it's become impossible for many to keep up with rent, small business owners and residents alike. Premier Ford has stated that "greedy landlords" must work with their commercial tenants or face his wrath - and rightly so. [1] Yet when it comes to residential tenants, Ford calls a very different tune. Ford's government is in the process of ramming through Bill 184, a cruel measure that makes it easier for landlords to evict tenants and makes it harder - in some cases impossible - for tenants to defend themselves in eviction hearings. It also slashes protections against landlords raising rents without notice. Finally, it makes it so that renters can no longer raise persistent disrepair issues at Landlord and Tenant Board hearings. [3] Make no mistake - most landlords are not your friendly mom and pop operations. In fact, in Canada, "mom and pop" landlords make up just 3% of Canadian households. Many landlords are huge financial investment firms who pay a management company to deal with the logistics - the landlord is simply a faceless batch of investors. [4,5] And they're not struggling. According to the Toronto Star, "a top Canadian REIT earned $778 million in rental revenue last year. Its operating expenses (including property taxes and utilities) were about $270 million — leaving $508 million in net operating income, or profits." [6] Premier Ford, you should be ashamed of yourself. You ran on a platform of supporting the "little guy". Yet here we are in the midst of a pandemic, and you're handing power over to faceless and obscenely wealthy corporations to senselessly evict struggling people and take away their ability to defend themselves at the Landlord and Tenant Board. We deserve better, Premier. You named Bill 184 "Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing". Make it live up to its name - strike out the provisions that will turn more people out on the streets or force them to live in chronic disrepair in the name of investor profits. Citations: [1] https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/2020/05/20/premier-doug-ford-rails-against-greedy-landlords-for-not-being-fair-to-commercial-tenants.html [2] https://www.blogto.com/real-estate-toronto/2020/05/ontario-bill-184-evictions/ [3] https://www.nationalobserver.com/2020/05/27/news/ontario-pushing-through-changes-tenancy-law-crisis-looms [4] https://www.landlordsoftoronto.com/ [5] https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/n7jy8b/dont-worry-about-paying-your-landlord-rent-during-the-coronavirus-crisis [6] https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/thebigdebate/2020/04/28/the-big-debate-can-landlords-afford-to-forgive-rent-during-the-pandemic.html Photo credit: "Crossways Projects, Toronto" by Justin L Walsh (licensed under CC BY 2.0)
    128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Ellis Picture
  • Don't reduce social assistance payments due to CERB
    Due to price gauging and other expenses in Canada during COVID19 some people myself included couldn't get enough food we asked local food banks for help no one showed up we had 2 days of food left and 2 weeks before we got paid again we had no choice like many many Canadians out there why should we be consequed for needing to feed our families and pay our bills just like everyone else. Anyways got a letter in the mail today stating that next month i may get 200 for the whole month and this is going to be the reality of the 1.something million people who have applied for the Cerb that didnt qualify that just wanted to feed their families or buy new clothes for their kids and since second hand stores are closed people on assistance are being forced to spend money that they would normally save by buying used so in closing please help people on assistance not lose their whole income for months
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jocelynn McNeill
  • City of Kingston - No Forced Evictions at Belle Park
    Everyone deserves to have a say in their future, dignity, and a safe place to live. These are homeless people whose housing needs remain unmet by the city’s current shelter arrangements, which present high barriers for many people, including those who use alcohol or drugs, suffer from mental illness, or cannot manage the required two-week lockdown. The city needs to work with them so that they can live safely - forced evictions will not provide a real solution, but more displacement, harm, and turmoil in our community.
    975 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mutual Aid Katarokwi-Kingston
  • Save the Church and Wellesley Village
    Between the lockdown and the cancellation of Pride, the Church and Wellesley community, endangered even before COVID-19, may not recover. LGBTQ2S performers, artists, servers, creators and other workers have been particularly hard hit. If our stores, cafes, restaurants and bars close permanently, we will lose an essential, life-saving network for LGBTQ2S youths, now and in the future. When I was a struggling teenager, bullied in school and often lonely, knowing the community was there was a lifeline for me, even if I was too young to go to bars and had to settle on a Starbucks coffee. I was lucky. For me, "it got better." But LGBTQ2S young people are still struggling, and we've seen an increase in hate crimes during the pandemic. Canada and Toronto in particular are recognized as a beacon for LGBTQ2S rights. Toronto Pride is rightfully known around the world, contributing millions to the local economy. Prime Minister, we appreciate that you have marched in the parade and shown your support. But every year, the village shrinks, with queer-opened businesses and venues closing and our once-vibrant community fading. Now is the time for action, before our neighbourhood disappears forever. Please, we need a Rainbow Emergency Fund now.
    7,061 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Max Mosher
  • What?? Paramedics in BC are not considered essential service!?
    Paramedics in BC are not considered essential service. This is an outrage. Today PM Trudeau announced a wage increase. Please help our paramedics receive the support they deserve as they put their lives and loved ones on the line to perform daily an unrecognized essential service.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maia Seven Picture
  • Reinstate Environmental Monitoring for Alberta Oil-sands
    The oilsands have not stopped. Regulations for them should not stop. The Indigenous community has much of its water supply being put at risk. The Alberta Energy Regulator has relieved Imperial Oil, Syncrude, Suncor and Canadian Natural Resources of the responsibility to meet environmental monitoring conditions in their operating licences. This is devastating for the environment and for the people of Northern Alberta, especially the Indigenous community. There was no effort to consult the First Nations community is anyway. This is unacceptable.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nadia Perna
  • Rápido Proceso de Inmigración
    Es importante para el país porque se podría regularizar el tipo de vida de esas personas que no cuentan con un SIN y un seguro médico en este país, una vez las personas ya regularizadas podrían trabajar y pagar impuestos en este país ya que necesita mucho trabajo y necesita mucho apoyo cuando todo esto de COVID-19 acabe, por favor ayúdenos somos muchos y necesitamos estar estables en un país tan grande y de tantas oportunidades.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Manuel Martinez Acevedo
  • Instagram stop deleting sex positive accounts
    Instagram is deleting sex positive pages. There are also multiple reports of instagram automatically making people unfollow accounts that are “controversial” and teach body and sex positivity. They do this without either users consent or knowledge. Instagram is infringing on freedom of speech of the users to post things that are within guidelines. It is targeting accounts run by women that focus on sex positivity and education. Instagram is making users unfollow these accounts without their consent or knowledge.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brooke Martin
  • COVID Grant for new and unemployed Permanent Residents
    This vulnerable group moved from their foreign countries, most through the Federal Skilled Workers program, and have been surviving on finite savings to pay rent, buy food, afford transportation, medication, and other needs. Most were in the process of applying for jobs and attending job interviews when the pandemic occurred, and are now unable to find employment due to hiring freezes. They are unable to even return to their home countries consequent of border closures. The government to date has extended the CERB to include many, most recently 9Billion for students whose employment prospects have worsened.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Beharry