• People living with HIV deserve just treatment: Stop the Unjust Prosecutions
    Canadians living with HIV are vulnerable to prosecution based on the current law concerning HIV non-disclosure. Indeed, people living with HIV are being unjustly prosecuted for aggravated sexual assault even when there is almost no risk of transmitting the virus, for example, when a condom is used properly or when a person has an undetectable viral load. We call on Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice, to take the steps necessary to bring a halt to such prosecutions. Among the options we suggest be considered are: -in co-operation with the appropriate provincial attorneys-general, issuing a simple directive to Crown prosecutors across the country to cease such prosecutions; -sponsoring as Government business a motion in the House of Commons declaring the House never intended – and is opposed to – the use of the relevant sections of the Criminal Code regarding sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault in cases arising from HIV non-disclosure; -sponsoring amendments to the Criminal Code’s sections 265, 271 and 273 that would preclude such prosecutions on the basis of HIV non-disclosure; or, -such other measures as the Minister believes would result in the ending of such prosecutions. Act with us in support of Canadians living with HIV. Join our call to the Minister of Justice to amend Canada’s Criminal Code and bring a halt to prosecutions for sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault based on HIV-non-disclosure.
    179 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Adam Reibin
  • Demand an inquiry into violence against Aboriginal women
    Aboriginal women are 3 times more likely to experience violence than white women. Current data on violence against Aboriginal women only includes cases under the jurisdiction of the RCMP (eg. missing and murdered women) and ignores women who experience violence but live. This data also doesn't distinguish between Inuit, First Nations, and Metis women. A fully transparent public inquiry is necessary to define the scope of this violence, and is the first step in implementing policy to make the world safer for these women. This inquiry will be the first step in making Canada a safer place for all women.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sally Mathews
    The construction of a private residence at Grace Islet in Ganges Harbour off Salt Spring Island is resulting in the desecration of a First Nations burial ground; archaeological evidence confirms the presence of rock cairns and human remains at the site, consistent with the oral testimony of elders of the W̱SÁNEĆ and Hul'qumi'num Nations, and; the Government of British Columbia through its Minister has the authority under the Heritage Conservation Act, Section 20 (1) (a) to acquire property to protect First Nations heritage sites;
    1,375 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lori Waters
  • Infinito Gold-Canadá ¡Abandone la descabellada demanda (CIADI) en contra de Costa Rica!
    La minera Infinito Gold de Calgary, Canadá le está planteando una demanda por más de mil millones de dólares al gobierno de Costa Rica debido a que este país rechazó el plan de Infinito de construir una mina de oro a cielo abierto en una selva tropical. A Infinito Gold (hasta la fecha) no le ha importado lo que piense la población costarricense. Sin embargo, visto que la empresa celebrará su junta general de accionistas el 21 de noviembre, se presenta una oportunidad para presionar a la gerencia a que admita ante sus accionistas el vergonzoso acoso en que se ha involucrado – una dosis masiva de presión pública obligará a la empresa a abandonar la demanda de una vez por todas. Más del 75 por ciento de la población costarricense se opone a la mina propuesta y, en 2011, Costa Rica prohibió toda actividad de minería de metales a cielo abierto en el país. [1,2] En vez de respetar la decisión democrática de Costa Rica de rechazar el proyecto, Infinito está sirviéndose de demandas e intimidaciones para salirse con la suya. Ya intentó recusar a uno de los magistrados que puede no estar a favor del proyecto, y demandó a dos profesores universitarios costarricenses por sus críticas del proyecto. [5] Ahora Infinito intenta demandar a Costa Rica en cortes secretas. [3] John Morgan, presidente de la empresa, esperaba que la mina estuviera en pleno funcionamiento para el 2009. Sin embargo, en tres oportunidades distintas, la Corte Suprema de Costa Rica le indicó claramente “no” a Infinito, negándole el permiso para avanzar con su proyecto. [3,6] Pero, en vez de aceptar la ley y respetar la voluntad del pueblo de Costa Rica, los abogados de Infinito buscan que Costa Rica les otorgue más de mil millones de dólares mediante el arbitraje entre inversionista-estado bajo el Tratado de Inversión Bilateral Canadá-Costa Rica. La población costarricense quiere que Infinito haga las reparaciones por daños ambientales ilícitos [4]. Las y los costarricenses se manifiestan en contra de una empresa canadiense porque no los/as respeta, ni respeta sus esfuerzos en la protección del medioambiente, ni sus tribunales. Firma ya mismo la petición exigiendo que Infinito Gold respete la voluntad de la gran mayoría de costarricenses, que ponga alto a la intimidación ilícita de la gente y del gobierno de Costa Rica, que respete los consecutivos fallos de la Corte Suprema en contra de la mina Crucitas y que inmediatamente abandone la demanda. Y esta vez las firmas de costarricenses [y de ciudadanos(as) de otros países] se sumaran a las más de 1250 firmas ya recolectadas en la versión de esta campaña ya existente en ingles. Al unir nuestras fuerzas, podemos lograr metas admirables. Suma tu voz al decirle a Infinito que abandone su descabellada demanda de inmediato. Materiales de referencia: 1. Canadian mining company Infinito seeks to extort $1 billion from Costa Rica. Mining Watch. 10 de octubre de 2013. http://www.miningwatch.ca/news/canadian-mining-company-infinito-gold-seeks-extort-1-billion-costa-rica Calgary-based mining company suing Costa Rica for more than $1 billion.Global News, 4 de octubre de 2013. http://globalnews.ca/news/883756/calgary-based-mining-company-suing-costa-rica-for-more-than-1-billion/ 2. Canadian mining company Infinito seeks to extort $1 billion from Costa Rica. Mining Watch. 10 de octubre de 2013. http://www.miningwatch.ca/news/canadian-mining-company-infinito-gold-seeks-extort-1-billion-costa-rica 3. Groups warn Infinito Gold re: continued threats against Costa Rica over Crucitas gold project. Mining Watch. 16 de abril de 2013. http://www.miningwatch.ca/news/groups-warn-infinito-gold-re-continued-threats-against-costa-rica-over-crucitas-gold-project 4. Letter to Infinito re: arbitration against Costa Rica. 16 de abril de 2013. 5. All that Glitters. Corporate Knights. 3 de octubre de 2013. http://www.corporateknights.com/article/all-glitters?page=5 6. Infinite Possibilities in Costa Rica. Metals News. 16 de octubre de 2008. http://www.metalsnews.com/Metals+News/MetalsNews/Dr.+Allen+Alper+and+Jill+Cueni-Cohen/FEATURED48296/John+R+Morgan+President+CEO++Director+Infinito+Gold.htm
    691 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Rick Arnold
  • Tell the RCMP: Don’t violently intervene in peaceful First Nations protests
    Today, large numbers of heavily armed RCMP officers used pepper spray, tear gas, dogs and rubber bullets on a peaceful Mi’kmaq blockade in New Brunswick. [1][2] The blockade was set up to protest an unpopular shale gas fracking plan that threatens the region’s water supply.[3] The RCMP’s intervention tipped the protest into chaos with dozens arrested and several RCMP vehicles burnt. Elsipogtog Chief Arren Sock was in talks with New Brunswick Premier David Alward to find a resolution before the RCMP intervened this morning. People across Canada are losing faith in our democratic process, and deeply concerned about the way our governments are refusing to negotiate in good faith and on a nation-to-nation basis with First Nations. At this crucial moment in our country’s history, violent RCMP interventions in peaceful First Nations protests could set us back by decades. Please sign this petition calling on RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson to commit that the RCMP will not use violence and excessive force against peaceful First Nations protests. P.S. Solidarity actions are taking place in 45 communities across Canada - see here for details: http://www.wearepowershift.ca/stand_with_elsipogtog_actions or http://www.idlenomore.ca/45_elsipogotg_anti_fracking_solidarity_actions Sources: [1] APTN report http://aptn.ca/pages/news/2013/10/17/crown-land-belongs-to-the-government-not-to-fcking-natives/ [2] RCMP clash with Mi’kmaq fracking protestors: Who provoked whom? http://commonsensecanadian.ca/rcmp-clash-mikmaq-fracking-protestors-provoked/ [3] Elsipogtog First Nation announces major land reclamation in ongoing anti-fracking struggle http://tworowtimes.com/news/national/frack-elsipogtog-first-nation-announces-major-land-reclamation-ongoing-anti-fracking-struggle/ [4] Photo credit: Ossie Michelin, APTN
    28,138 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Carroll
  • Costa Rica said "no" to this Canadian mining company 3 times. Let's make sure it listens this time.
    Right now, Calgary-based Infinito Gold is suing the Costa Rican government for over $1 billion because Costa Rica rejected Infinito’s plan to build an open-pit gold mine in a pristine tropical forest. Over 75 per cent of Costa Ricans are against the proposed mine, and in 2011, Costa Rica banned all open-pit metal mining in the country.[1,2] Instead of respecting Costa Rica's democratic decision to reject this project, Infinito is using lawsuits and intimidation to get its way. It already tried to get a judge dismissed who might not be favourable to the project, and sued two Costa Rican university professors for critical comments about the project.[5] Now Infinito is trying to sue Costa Rica in secret courts.[3] Infinito Gold doesn’t care what Costa Ricans think, but with its shareholder meeting just weeks away, we have a key opportunity now to force management to come clean about its shameful bullying to the company’s shareholders - a massive dose of public pressure will force Infinito to drop its lawsuit for good. Sign our petition now to Infinito Gold: Drop your billion dollar suit against Costa Rica! CEO John Morgan expected the mine would be fully operational by 2009, but on three separate occasions, the Supreme Court of Costa Rica has firmly said “no” to Infinito, denying permission to proceed with its project.[3,6] But instead of accepting the law and respecting the popular will of Costa Ricans, Infinito’s lawyers are seeking over $1-billion from Costa Rica through investor-state arbitration under the Canada-Costa Rica Bilateral Investment Treaty. Infinito has caused $10 million in damages to 300 hectares of pristine rainforest because it proceeded to clear-cut forests to build its mine without proper authorization. Costa Ricans want reparations from Infinito for unlawful environmental damages.[4] Infinito is a bully, plain and simple. And the behavior of Canadian companies abroad reflects on us. Costa Ricans are protesting a Canadian company for failing to respect them, their efforts at environmental protection and their courts. That’s why we are calling on Canadians to come together, ahead of Infinito’s shareholder meeting, to tell this Canadian company to do the right thing and back down. Sign our petition now demanding Infinito Gold respect the will of the vast majority of Costa Ricans, stop its legal intimidation of the people and government of Costa Rica, abide by consecutive Supreme Court rulings against the Crucitas mine and immediately drop its lawsuit. Over 100,000 members of the Leadnow.ca community have already come together to oppose the Canada-China FIPPA deal, which would allow China's companies to sue our government, just like Infinito is now suing Costa Rica. We are capable of amazing things when we come together. Join us in telling Infinito to drop its outrageous suit now. Sources: 1. Canadian mining company Infinito seeks to extort $1 billion from Costa Rica. Mining Watch. October 10, 2013. http://www.miningwatch.ca/news/canadian-mining-company-infinito-gold-seeks-extort-1-billion-costa-rica Calgary-based mining company suing Costa Rica for more than $1 billion. Global News, October 4, 2013. http://globalnews.ca/news/883756/calgary-based-mining-company-suing-costa-rica-for-more-than-1-billion/ 2. Canadian mining company Infinito seeks to extort $1 billion from Costa Rica. Mining Watch. October 10, 2013. http://www.miningwatch.ca/news/canadian-mining-company-infinito-gold-seeks-extort-1-billion-costa-rica 3. Groups warn Infinito Gold re: continued threats against Costa Rica over Crucitas gold project. Mining Watch. April 16, 2013. http://www.miningwatch.ca/news/groups-warn-infinito-gold-re-continued-threats-against-costa-rica-over-crucitas-gold-project 4. Letter to Infinito re: arbitration against Costa Rica. April 16, 2013. http://www.miningwatch.ca/sites/www.miningwatch.ca/files/letter_to_infinito_re_arbitration_threat_against_cr_2013-04-16.pdf 5. All that Glitters. Corporate Knights. October 3, 2013. http://www.corporateknights.com/article/all-glitters?page=5 6. Infinite Possibilities in Costa Rica. Metals News. October 16, 2008. http://www.metalsnews.com/Metals+News/MetalsNews/Dr.+Allen+Alper+and+Jill+Cueni-Cohen/FEATURED48296/John+R+Morgan+President+CEO++Director+Infinito+Gold.htm
    2,899 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Emma Pullman