• I Invest in Housing
    Neither governments nor the private sector have been able to address the housing affordability crisis. We need to move away from the Financialization of Housing towards the Communitization of Housing.   An article in the Globe & Mail stated that: “We simply don’t have enough money to solve Canada’s housing crisis.”  I disagree for if we take this on as a community we do have enough money. Canadians have +$4 Trillion in RRSP and other savings instruments. If one percent those funds were put into five and ten year community bonds secured against land and property we would have the largest affordable housing fund in the world. Imagine transforming our cities and towns that are presently unaffordable to the ‘most affordable’ cities in North America. Please join us in helping us start ‘Building Solutions to the Housing Crisis’.  
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph MacLean
  • Demand that Indwell Provide Safe Housing
    Indwell Community Homes is a Christian charity that provides affordable, supportive housing. They have 28 buildings in operation in Southern Ontario, with buildings in Hamilton, Mississauga, London, the Region of Waterloo, Haldimand-Norfolk, St. Thomas, Oxford County, and Chatham-Kent. They have 9 more buildings in the pre-development or development stages. Indwell houses over 1200 tenants.    Indwell repeatedly fails to provide safe housing. Many tenants have complained about an absurd level of violence, including verbal and physical assaults by other Indwell tenants. In a March 2024 survey with 46 Indwell tenants, when asked if they feel safe living at Indwell, 67% replied: sometimes, rarely or never. Indwell keeps saying their buildings are safe and it is just a few disgruntled tenants. Thus they fail to address the safety issues in their buildings.    Life at Indwell includes murders, assaults, bodies left to decompose for days and rampant drug use. For instance, in 2018, at Indwell’s Parkdale Landing in Hamilton, a long-term “guest” strangled and hog-tied his roommate. In January 2024, at the Oaks in Hamilton, one Indwell tenant violently assaulted another tenant. The man was left crippled with brain injuries and he died shortly afterwards. Other tenants are saying this was a drug deal gone bad. Also in January 2024, at their St. Thomas building, there was a compressed gas explosion. The man was charged with arson and possession of a firearm or ammunition contrary to his probation order. It was not reported if the man was an Indwell tenant or a long-term “guest”. When Indwell tenants complain to Indwell that they do not feel safe, Indwell fails to take action.   Tenants should not live in fear. If housing is a human right, then safe housing should be a tenant right.   For more information contact: [email protected]
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Allin
  • Ethical Canada means decolonizing, decriminalizing, and democratizing the present state of Canada.
    • Ethical Canadians who have awakened to the criminal nature of the state of Canada, are growing in numbers through the TRR. They want a reset for Canda, and they're charging  mainstream press with historic fraud.  • The government needs to open itself to public scrutiny, and enforce transparency and all records to be reviewed without exclusion.  • A team of forensic accountants should be assigned to estimate the numbers of child victims, and their fates today. • According to Stats Canada, there about 3,500 Canadian veterans of foreign wars sleeping in Canadian streets every night. • 250,000 native child were abducted and forced to defend their native faith and tribal ways, and be forced to convert to Christianity was in fact forced to become a child soldier and fight in Macdonald's religious war for indigenous lands and resources.  In this child nightmare, about 6,000 child warriors were killed.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Staniek
  • Call for CFIB-FCEI to break up with Scotiabank
    Scotiabank is already under pressure to divest itself of Elbit shares; however to date they have not shown any interest in doing so.   We therefore need to use all avenues available to us to increase this pressure.  As the CFIB-FCEI is Canada's largest advocacy group of over 97,000 small businesses, we can make our voice heard, that supporting genocide is not acceptable to us as Canadians, and as Canadian small businesses.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean-Paul Thuot
  • Save our National Medical System
    Working together we can save this wonderful medical system that was once described as the crown jewel of medical systems. If we do nothing our medical system will slip away and become either a two tiered system or a system owned by the private sector. If we want to preserve our system we must act to preserve it
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garry Jollymore
  • Fair wages for Flight Attendants
    Did you know that flight attendants are only paid for the work they do while in the air? That means all the work they do preparing the plane, boarding and making passengers feel comfortable and offboarding the plane is on the clock, but off the paycheck. On average, flight attendants are doing up to 35 hours of unpaid work per week. That’s a week of full-time work for an average person — without any pay. It’s not right. Unions and MPs from multiple parties are now calling for the government to make changes to the labour code and crack down on unpaid work in the airline industry. A big showing of public support could help change the winds on flight attendants’ workplace rights — and get the government to ensure flight attendants are paid for all their work, not just their time in the sky. Sign the petition now calling for fair pay for fair work for flight attendants.
    8,130 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • The Right to Light
    There are many reasons to support adding the right to solar light to the Charter of Rights in Canada.  First, solar access is extremely valuable to the individuals who have it. The quality and amount of sunlight which reaches a structure’s interior, for example, affects three economic measures: the resale price of the structure, as buyers will pay premiums for naturally lit space; the productivity of the structure’s occupants, who work better with sunlight than artificial light; and the operating costs of heating, cooling, and lighting systems. Similarly, the use of sunlight in outdoor areas can have financial consequences: a property owner can grow garden vegetables, produce commercial crops for resale, or use sunlight instead of electricity to dry laundry − all of which save or generate income. Perhaps most importantly, solar collectors, for which sunlight is the primary and essential ingredient, almost always save owners more in energy costs than the purchase price, and rapid technological developments have rendered them increasingly more valuable and will continue to do so in years to come. The recognition that solar access has value to individuals must serve as the basis for any solar rights regime.  A chorus of commentators writing thirty years ago praised solar energy and solar collectors and called our failure to recognize solar rights “an impediment to widespread conversion to solar energy, “The single most important legal issue concerning solar energy, and “the major legal issue associated with solar energy.” Although the need for guaranteed property rights in solar access has grown more acute, we have failed to modify the law to provide them. It is a fundamental need for all humans, either directly or indirectly, no different than food and water.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by simon melrose
  • Petition Condemning York University Administration and Supporting Encamped Student Protestors
    1. Protecting Free Speech: The right to free speech is a cornerstone of democratic societies. When universities, which should be bastions of open discourse and critical thinking, suppress lawful protest, it threatens everyone's freedom to express their views. 2. Upholding Human Rights: The situation at York University highlights broader issues of human rights and justice. Supporting the protestors means standing up against the oppression and silencing of marginalized voices, particularly those advocating for the rights of Palestinians. 3. Academic Freedom: Universities should be places where ideas can be freely discussed and debated. Actions that punish students for their political views undermine academic freedom and the integrity of educational institutions. 4. Solidarity with Students: The students at York University are exercising their rights to peaceful protest and free expression. Showing solidarity with them reinforces the importance of these rights for all students and supports the next generation of activists and leaders. 5. Preventing Precedent: If York University's actions go unchallenged, it sets a dangerous precedent for other institutions to follow. It's crucial to push back against such measures to prevent a wider erosion of rights on campuses and beyond. 6. Moral Responsibility: Witnessing injustice and remaining silent contributes to the perpetuation of that injustice. By taking action, you help to create a more just and equitable society. 7. Global Impact: The issues raised by the protestors at York University resonate beyond Canada. They are part of a larger global struggle for human rights and against systemic oppression. Your support contributes to a worldwide movement for justice. 8. Empowering Change: Every voice and action counts in the fight for justice. By caring and taking a stand, you join a collective effort that can bring about meaningful change and hold those in power accountable. Caring about this issue means standing up for fundamental rights, supporting those who are fighting for justice, and contributing to a society where freedom of expression and human rights are respected and upheld.
    3,740 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Sonya Scott Picture
  • Cancel Testing Of Israeli Arms Tech Used On Palestinians in Alberta
    Those of us on Turtle Island/Canada are responsible to do what we can to end the genocide happening in Gaza. For seven months we have seen horrors that no one should experience. I hear the screams and see the fear in the children’s eyes, the suffering of parents who have lost their children and partners. The weapons and weapons manufacturers responsible for developing the murderous technology must not be welcomed by our government. We must demand that our government ends its complicity and cancels this event.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tam Mickel
  • Les mensonges de l’industrie pétrolière coûtent des vies – Soutenez le projet de loi C-372
    La combustion de combustibles fossiles contribue aux changements climatiques et fait monter en flèche les niveaux de pollution à un degré mortel. En effet, la pollution due aux combustibles fossiles est directement liée à 34 000 décès prématurés par an au Canada et à plus de 8 millions de décès dans le monde. Par ailleurs, les entreprises pétrolières et gazières induisent sciemment le public en erreur en ayant recours à des pratiques d’écoblanchiment. Par exemple, elles affirment faussement que le pétrole est un produit « à zéro émission nette » ou « carboneutre », ce qui empêche les consommateur(trice)s de prendre des décisions éclairées et retarde la transition vers des sources d’énergie plus sûres et plus propres. Les entreprises qui fabriquent des produits nocifs menaçant la santé publique ne devraient pas être autorisées à faire de la publicité. C’est dans cette optique que l’Association canadienne des médecins pour l’environnement a initié un appel à l'interdiction de la publicité pour l’industrie des combustibles fossiles, soutenu par plus de trois quarts de millions de professionnel(le)s de la santé. Le projet de loi C-372 représente une opportunité tangible de mettre en œuvre cette interdiction. Le projet de loi pourrait faire l’objet d’une deuxième lecture très prochainement et une grande vague de soutien en faveur de la pétition pourrait faire renverser la vapeur et mener à son adoption. Nous devons montrer aux parlementaires que de très nombreuses personnes en ont assez de la désinformation et des mensonges véhiculés par l’industrie pétrolière et gazière, et qu’elles n’arrêteront pas de se battre pour cette cause tant que le projet de loi C-372 n’aura pas été adopté. Signez la pétition dès maintenant pour soutenir cet important projet de loi et faire en sorte qu’il soit adopté rapidement.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Erin Baird
  • Big Oil’s Lies Cost Lives – Support Bill C-372
    Fossil fuels are driving climate change and causing skyrocketing levels of deadly pollution – Fossil-fuel pollution is directly linked to up to 34 000 premature deaths in Canada per year and over 8 million globally. Meanwhile, greenwashing by oil and gas companies knowingly misleads the public with false claims of “net zero” and “carbon neutral” oil impeding informed consumer decision-making and delaying the transition to safer, cleaner energy sources. Companies that create harmful products that threaten public health should not be allowed to advertise. For this reason, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment have been leading calls for a fossil fuel advertising ban, and three quarters of a million health professionals support such a ban. Now, with Bill C-372, we have the chance to make this a reality. The bill could come to second reading very soon and a giant wave of support and signatures on this petition could be critical in tipping the scales and getting this bill passed. We need to show Parliamentarians that there is a massive collective of people who are tired of the lies and disinformation from the oil and gas industry and who won’t stop until Bill C-372 is passed. Sign the petition now to support this important legislation and ensure its speedy passage into law.
    11,104 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Erin Baird
  • Inuit know who Inuit are.
    This is Nunatsiavut, Our Beautiful Land—the place where our roots run deep. This is about our land, our people, our history, our self-determination, and our rights. Labrador Inuit have lived on this land for millennia. As its original inhabitants, our footprints are everywhere. We have lived here in harmony with the land, ice and sea – where wildlife, fish and birds thrive. Canada knows there is only one Inuit collective in Labrador. We are not just protecting our physical boundaries, but also our way of life and our identity. Recognizing members of the NCC as Inuit is harmful and disrespectful. This is not reconciliation. Tell Canada to follow our lead. Listen to the unified voice of Inuit in Canada and reject the claims from the Nunatukavut Community Council that threaten our way of life.
    510 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nunatsiavut Government