1,000 signatures reached
To: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
Mercury Justice for Grassy Narrows
Compensate Grassy Narrows fairly for their suffering from the mercury crisis and end all mining and logging on their territory
Why is this important?
Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Ford, I am writing to demand that you live up to your obligations to Grassy Narrows First Nation.
I demand that you:
- Compensate everyone in Grassy Narrows fairly for the mercury crisis,
- Respect the Grassy Narrows Indigenous Protected Area and end industrial threats to Grassy Narrows including mining,
- Shut down the Dryden mill that continues to worsen the mercury crisis,
- Say no to nuclear waste disposal in Grassy Narrows' headwaters,
Support Grassy Narrows in restoring their community and way of life from the damage that mercury has done.
Grassy Narrows has been fighting for justice for over 50 years, it is time to make things right. Grassy Narrows is demanding that Ontario and Canada stop the attacks on Grassy Narrows and work honourably to help Grassy Narrows regain the good life that they once had.
I look forward to your response on this important issue and call on you to do the right thing.