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To: Mayor Olivia Chow and Members of City Council

Petition Mayor Olivia Chow & Members of City Council to vote against KingSett Development

Dear Mayor Chow and Members of City Council,

I am a resident in the City of Toronto and I ask that you vote against the redevelopment and rezoning application from KingSett Capital for 214-230 Sherbourne street (item TE16.5). This site is in the heart of a neighbourhood inhabited by some of the most vulnerable people in the city, people who need deeply affordable and supportive housing now.

In 2019, a City report stated the strategic importance of this site and that it should be acquired. In March 2021, City Council directed staff to seek funding for the acquisition or expropriation of this property to build deeply affordable and supportive housing. In 2022, a report reaffirmed the importance of this site for the Dan Harrison and Housing Now objectives.

On September 25th 2024, the Toronto East York Community Council (TEYCC) deferred the decision to approve or reject item TE16.5 to the City Council. There are too many questions that need to be answered, such as:
  1. Why would city staff recommend rezoning (increasing the land value) before negotiating the purchase of the land? Why would the City give more money to a private developer when that money can be used towards building deeply affordable housing?
  2. 214-230 Sherbourne were a part of the City’s plan. Why is it no longer the case?
  3. Why is the City ignoring the reports from 2019, 2021, and 2022?

Please, reject the application and proposal by KingSett Capital and instead work towards purchasing or expropriating 214-230 Sherbourne street to build deeply affordable housing that will serve the community. We must prioritise the long-term well-being of the people of Toronto over corporate profits.


Why is this important?

At the last Toronto and East York Community Council meeting members of the committee voted unanimously to send staff’s report, which recommends the approval of KingSett Capital’s application for 214-230 Sherbourne, to council without recommendations. This means that there will be a discussion at the next City Council meeting which is scheduled for three days starting on Wednesday October 9.

We are asking the community to insist that Mayor Olivia Chow and the Toronto City Council vote against KingSett's development plans and instead take a stand against corporate developers that are profiting off of housing. 

Please sign our petition to add your voice to to this fight. 


2024-10-10 19:01:58 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-10-08 10:36:16 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-10-07 18:15:17 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-10-07 15:03:21 -0400

10 signatures reached