• Tofino for Ceasefire Now
    Since October 7, the loss of innocent lives has reached alarming numbers. We continue to watch with profound grief as the death toll steadily climbs: over 18,000 lives have been claimed to date in Gaza, over 1,200 lives have been claimed to date in Israel, and over 260 lives have been claimed to date in the West Bank. Within our own country, we have witnessed an upsurge in hate crimes and violent attacks targeting Jewish and Muslim individuals. Neither a humanitarian pause nor a 4-day truce is enough to stop more innocent loss of life. It is unequivocally clear that an immediate and permanent ceasefire is needed. Canada has demonstrated efforts towards acknowledging past injustices, seeking truth, and fostering reconciliation through its recognition of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In a similar vein, our advocacy for a ceasefire in Gaza exemplifies our commitment to justice, peace, and the protection of innocent lives, irrespective of geopolitical boundaries. The Canadian federal government has not supported the international call for a ceasefire. It falls upon Canadian municipalities, both large and small, to add their voices to this critical matter. Already, some municipalities have called on the Canadian government to support a permanent ceasefire. The more decision-makers who add their voices, the greater the pressure on the federal government. Tofino is a renowned tourist destination that attracts over 600,000 visitors annually from across Canada and the world. As such, Tofino holds significant recognition both domestically and internationally. Our voice as a municipality carries weight in shaping public opinion and can encourage other municipalities and representatives to follow suit in urging the federal government to take decisive action.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sully Rogalski
  • Federal Leaders: Declare a State of Emergency for Indigenous Housing
    The Federal Government needs to act now by declaring a State of Emergency and transferring adequate funding to Indigenous communities and Indigenous housing and service providers to address the housing crisis.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Reject Hindu Supremacist "Hinduphobia" Petition in Canada
    This is a critical time. India’s autocratic government seemingly murdered a Canadian Sikh leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in Canada [1]. This same Hindu nationalist government is violently attacking Muslims, Sikhs, caste-oppressed people, Indigenous people, Christians, and occupied Kashmiris on a daily basis [2]. Hindu nationalists also have an extensive network in Canada [3]. One of the ways these right-wing Hindu nationalist (Hindutva) forces stifle any criticism of the Indian government and Hindu supremacist ideology is to label such criticism as “Hinduphobic.” They have launched a seemingly virtuous petition to ask the House of Common to specifically recognize “Hinduphobia'' as a form of discrimination. But, “Hinduphobia” is a devious political tool designed to hoodwink people of goodwill and make them complicit in advancing a Hindu nationalist and supremacist agenda in Canada. Anti-racism and anti-discrimination measures should hold systems of power to account. But the “Hinduphobia” petition does no such thing [4]. It weakens accountability for Hindu nationalists, a clear and present danger for all in Canada. Any parliamentary recognition of “Hinduphobia” will have a chilling effect on the rights of religious minorities and caste-oppressed South Asian Canadians, as well as all academics, artists, and human rights defenders in Canada [5]. Sign this petition now and resist the reproduction of Hindu supremacist politics in Canada. [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sikh-nijjar-india-canada-trudeau-modi-1.6974607 [2] https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/south-asia/india/report-india/ [3] https://www.nccm.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RSS-Report-2023.pdf; https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7z947/how-far-right-hindu-supremacy-went-global [4] https://www.baaznews.org/p/hinduphobia-hindu-nationalist-rhetoric [5] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d41KjHGfrnJlbM0fLLMJlGADOku4sOu_/view?usp=sharing
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by CERAS & SADAN
  • Approve Funding for The Spot Safe Consumption Site: Protect Sudbury or Lose Lives
    Sudbury is facing an overdose crisis: Since 2018 there has been a 346% increase in opioid overdose deaths in Sudbury compared to 60% in Ontario. 112 Sudbury and Manitoulin residents died from an opioid-related overdose in 2022, that’s an average of 9 people a month. The Spot saves lives: In 2023, Minoogawbi, La Place, The Spot had almost 1,000 visits and reversed all 15 overdoses that happened on site, saving lives. Drug checking services for substances like fentanyl were used dozens of times in 2023 alone, preventing the risk of overdose. But the organization is handcuffed, not able to operate a downtown location and having restrictive hours. With funding it could see upwards of 50 people a day and ultimately save more lives. We can’t wait: We have been waiting years and have heard nothing. Unless action is taken now, this essential organization will close its doors December 31st, 2023 or sooner. Sign the petition to save the Spot and save lives… before it’s too late.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Max Monahan-Ellison
  • Rejeter la pétition "Hindouphobie" des suprémacistes hindous au Canada
    Nous sommes à un moment critique. Le gouvernement autocratique de l'Inde a apparemment assassiné un dirigeant sikh canadien, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, au Canada [1]. Ce même gouvernement nationaliste hindou s'en prend violemment et quotidiennement aux musulmans, aux sikhs, aux groupes opprimés dans le système de caste, aux groupes autochtones, aux chrétiens et aux groupes habitants du Cachemire occupé [2]. Les nationalistes hindous disposent également d'un vaste réseau au Canada [3]. L'un des moyens utilisés par ces forces nationalistes hindoues de droite (Hindutva) pour étouffer toute critique du gouvernement indien et de l'idéologie suprématiste hindoue consiste à qualifier ces critiques d'"hindouphobes". Ces groupes ont lancé une pétition, faussement vertueuse sous couvert de droits de la personne, pour demander à la Chambre des Communes de reconnaître spécifiquement l'"hindouphobie" comme une forme de discrimination. Mais l'"hindouphobie" est un outil politique sournois conçu pour tromper les personnes de bonne volonté et les rendre complices de l'avancement d'un programme nationaliste et suprématiste hindou au Canada. Les mesures antiracistes et antidiscriminatoires devraient obliger les systèmes de pouvoir à rendre des comptes. Or, la pétition "Hindouphobie" ne fait rien de tel [4]. Elle sert à affaiblir et camoufler la responsabilité des nationalistes hindous, un danger clair et présent pour tout le monde au Canada. Toute reconnaissance parlementaire de l'"hindouphobie" aura un effet dissuasif sur les droits des minorités religieuses et des Canadiens et Canadiennes d'Asie du Sud opprimé.es par la caste, ainsi que sur tous les universitaires, artistes et militant.es des droits de la personne au Canada [5]. Signez cette pétition maintenant et résistez à la reproduction des politiques suprémacistes hindoues au Canada. [1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sikh-nijjar-india-canada-trudeau-modi-1.6974607 [2] https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/south-asia/india/report-india/ [3] https://www.lapresse.ca/debats/opinions/2022-11-09/drapeau-hindou-devant-le-parlement/des-nuances-pour-ce-symbole-politiquement-charge.php# https://www.nccm.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RSS-Report-2023.pdf; https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7z947/how-far-right-hindu-supremacy-went-global [4] https://www.baaznews.org/p/hinduphobia-hindu-nationalist-rhetoric [5] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d41KjHGfrnJlbM0fLLMJlGADOku4sOu_/view?usp=sharing
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CERAS & SADAN
  • Fully decriminalize sex work in Canada
    “There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation” ... Quote by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. No politician or government official should have the right to interfere in the private sexual lives of consenting adults who choose to participate in and partake in sex work.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Al Smart
  • Call on Premier Ford to Resign
    The stench of corruption surrounds the process by which Premier Ford broke his promise not to open up the Green Belt. The report of Provincial auditor general Bonnie Lysyk, August 9, makes it clear that developers were the drivers of what areas of the Green Belt were to be opened. Lysyk describes how developers at an industry dinner slipped “packages” with their proposals for land that should be removed from the protection of the Greenbelt to the housing minister’s chief of staff, Ryan Amato. Amato was directing the process for choosing which land would be opened up. Of the 15 parcels that were, 14 were proposed by Amato, not non-partisan provincial staff tasked with the work. Of those, 12 were brought to Amato by the developers themselves. “Altogether, those who had access to the chief of staff at the September BILD event ended up with land removals that accounted for 6,784 acres, or 92 per cent of the 7,412.64 acres ultimately removed from the Greenbelt in December 2022,” Lysyk wrote. The main beneficiaries of this rich giveaway include prominent Tory connected developers Silvio De Gasperis and Michael Rice. Lysyk wrote in her report that she “found that how the land sites were selected was not transparent, fair, objective or fully informed.” Lysyk’s report comes at the same time as an ongoing investigation into the Greenbelt deals by Integrity Commissioner J. David Wake, the province’s ethics watchdog. Whether or not the RCMP Rackets squad is called in, the buck stops with our Premier, his broken trust and handover of vitally important protected land to vested private interests.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Pat Michener
  • Police accountability
    If the police are above the law we are all dammed.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Loten
  • Protect Public Healthcare: Eric Vandewall
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    355 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Marion Brunton
  • Tell your hospital CEO: Protect Public Healthcare: Patrick Gaskin
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Fountain
  • Protect Public Health Care
    Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Walton
  • Tell your hospital CEO: Protect Public Healthcare: Dr. Andrew Falconer
    Why is this important? Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lyndee Wolf