• Energy justice for those most in need
    More than 4.5 million Canadians — often those who need it most — are left out of Canada’s federal energy efficiency programs. The federal government has strong public support for expanding low-income energy efficiency. According to polling conducted by Abacus Data for Efficiency Canada, 72% of Canadians either strongly support or support government funding toward energy efficiency for low-income housing. This support spans across rural and urban populations, owners and renters, all income groups, voters for all political parties and in all regions [1]. Canada will not meet its net-zero emissions goal without upgrading the buildings where low-income Canadians live. Without a national federal energy efficiency solution, low-income Canadians are vulnerable to rising energy costs due to inflation and carbon taxes. As Canada moves to net-zero emissions, higher income Canadians will be able to escape fossil fuels, leaving lower income Canadians with the burden of paying higher costs for fossil fuel distribution networks [2]. We have a chance to achieve this in the 2024 federal budget – but we must act quickly. Budget negotiations are happening right now. [1] https://www.efficiencycanada.org/polling-canadians-support-low-income-energy-efficiency/ [2] Efficiency Canada, Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the Upcoming Federal Budget, Sept 2022, https://www.efficiencycanada.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Efficiency-Canada-submission-to-Budget-2023-consultations.pdf
    6,669 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Emilie Grenier
  • Ban Fossil Fuel Ads on Transit
    Rapidly winding down emissions from fossil fuel extraction and burning is key to preventing climate collapse. Like cigarettes, fossil fuels are harmful products. If cigarette advertising isn't allowed on transit, why is fossil fuel advertising?
    3,813 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Gibbs
  • Emergency Support For Disabled Canadian's #DERB #CDB #C-22
    We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to create and implement a disability emergency relief benefit to provide immediate support to people with disabilities while awaiting the implementation of the Canada Disability Benefit.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey Salisbury
  • Save the Vancouver Island Corridor with a continuous multi-use trail
    The Island Corridor is an irreplaceable public asset. Unless a continuous transportation use is found for it, it could be broken up. Many people thought rail service was needed to keep the corridor intact but all over the world unused rail corridors like this one are being saved for public use by converting them to highly successful active transportation routes as multi use trails. Now that rail service has stopped on the Island Corridor for 11 years for safety reasons there is an opportunity to do a rail trail here as a safe local alternative transportation option and a world class low impact tourism attraction. Let's make it happen!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alastair Craighead
  • Lobby the federal government to mobilize Canada for the climate emergency
    We are in deeply uncertain times. Climate change disasters, including forest fires, flooding and drought, are touching the lives of virtually everyone. Canadians can ensure the federal government acts as though climate change is an existential threat, by using its constitutional powers to take charge. A new world cannot be born while the needed changes to our cultural and economic systems seem politically impossible. Quoting from Klein's A Good War: "Most of us know the battle for our lives must soon get underway, and most of our leaders are now talking tough on climate. But we're not quite sure how to begin in earnest." The time has come for those of us who are aware of the risks to study this book, raise awareness, and lobby the government on its duty to act, no matter the cost. As CD Howe, who established 28 Crown corporations and did detailed economic planning to ensure WWII production was where it needed to be, famously said, “If we lose the war, nothing will matter.” It's even more true now: nothing will matter if we don't beat climate change and biodiversity loss.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edelweiss D'Andrea
  • Ask our politicians to stop fossil fuel subsidies
    We need to recapture our politicians from the undue influence of fossil fuel companies who are even helping to write our government’s climate policies. Recently, for example, the government of Alberta granted 4.3 billion to fossil fuel companies at a time when people are unable to find a family doctor in this province, and at a time when at least two large companies stream-lined their operations by laying off workers. Meanwhile forest fires raged out of control all across the country, affecting peoples lives in several negative ways.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mildred Thill
  • Invest in Ontarians
    The Ford government is sitting on $22.6 billion of so-called “excess funds” – money stashed away from the public purse that they have no plan to spend any time soon. Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy claims the FAO’s report doesn’t reflect new government spending. [1] But if the province’s growing budget surpluses haven’t been allocated to any public programs, where is this money going? There are so many ways that $22.6 billion could make a difference. Ford and Bethlenfalvy could use it to: fund our public health care system, build more housing, increase disability support funding, support public transit infrastructure, or invest in our education system. And that's just to name a few. A massive petition from thousands of us across the province – demanding that Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy and Premier Ford stop stashing away billions of dollars and instead invest in public services for Ontarians – can ensure these “excess funds” are put to good use. Will you add your name today? [1] https://globalnews.ca/news/9762549/ontario-government-22-billion-excess-funds-fao/
    10,685 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Studying GLBI Scenarios changes Generations
    Many aspects of GLBI are not known, such as no example has been given about the Disability portion, and how the non-income tested portion will work. We're asking you Leah, to be detailed and precise for the PBO, all 3 scenarios include much higher earners with higher benefits for those with lower incomes as well, and because Canada deserves correct answers before it becomes a campaign promise again.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Vander Meer
  • Let's regain control over corporations
    1.  Allowing dividends is exactly parallel to allowing gamblers to collect winnings without cashing in chips.  Nobody in the world can collect his winnings without cashing in his chips.  Why allow shareholders to collect winnings without selling shares?  How are shareholders different from any other gambler? 2.  Allowing a company to own shares in another company means that a company is betting against itself.  It is a blatant conflict of interest when a company must make decisions which favour itself over the owned company.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doug Jacques
  • Schools
    Right now schools in downtown Toronto are way over capacity, there are is some schools 37 kids in the class, some of schools are driving school children 3-4 km away.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aleksandar Janicijevic
  • Federal Leaders: Declare a State of Emergency for Indigenous Housing
    The Federal Government needs to act now by declaring a State of Emergency and transferring adequate funding to Indigenous communities and Indigenous housing and service providers to address the housing crisis.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leadnow Canada
  • Fully decriminalize sex work in Canada
    “There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation” ... Quote by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. No politician or government official should have the right to interfere in the private sexual lives of consenting adults who choose to participate in and partake in sex work.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Al Smart