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To: To all members of the House of Commons in Ottawa, to members of provincial legislature and to municipal councilors

Petition Regarding Air Pollution Generated by Airplanes Near Major Canadian Cities

We, the undersigned, Canadian residents, pray the Government of Canada to act quickly so that :
• The affected populations undergo an epidemiological assessment;

• The airport authorities be subjected to comprehensive impact studies
(economic, environmental, health, social and urbanistic) and to public
hearings during major expansion works;

• An independent body, accountable to the Parliament, be created to
deal with nuisances arising from airport activities such as air pollution;

• The airport authorities be subjected to annual review by the Auditor
General of Canada;

• That the Canadian Parliament legislates to modernize airport activity
laws and regulations to ensure public health and environmental

Why is this important?

Considering that :

• Air pollution generated by air traffic has increased significantly above
major Canadian cities ;

• The quality of life and health of citizens are greatly impaired by

low-level flying aircrafts;

• Scientific evidence shows that air pollution generated by aircrafts
brings serious health concerns and has effects notably on the pulmonary and cardiac functions of humans;

• Inaction of Canadian airport authorities and their refusal to implement
concrete solutions to minimize the nuisance caused by aircraft flyovers
is obvious.


2019-07-22 18:15:22 -0400

25 signatures reached

2019-07-04 08:36:34 -0400

10 signatures reached